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FAF wk 5 It Is Time To Go In The House 63024

FAF wk 5 It Is Time To Go In The House 63024

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The host talks about how sometimes it's difficult to understand scripture, but God is faithful and will help us through temptations and trials. They discuss the importance of managing time and embracing God's timing. They emphasize that God is always with us and inside of us. They encourage listeners to focus on their inner connection with God and not be distracted by doubt or fear. They urge everyone to be spiritually ready and make a positive impact in the world. They mention two parables about finding something valuable within oneself. They conclude by saying that the choice to embrace God's calling is up to each individual. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. I don't know about you, but there are some times I read scripture and I don't really understand exactly what the intention was in that particular text. But one of the things I do know is that God is faithful and that he will not allow us to be tempted above that which we are able, but he will, with the temptation, make a way out that we can be able to bear it. Bottom line, stuff happens. Life happens. Trouble comes. Temptations, trials, suffering is everywhere. But it's not that we're not aware of it. It's just that we still don't know how to manage it in time. In time. Time can be our friend or time can be an enemy. When we began to look through the lenses of this teaching of embracing God's timing this week, and this is week 5, and our wrap-up talk, I suppose, for this message on embracing God's timing, I want to leave you with this inspirational, motivational, and encouraging word that God has heard your prayers. How could he not? He moved inside of you. The moment you were born again, God was in the house and he's still in the house. I love what Jesus said that me and my father, we're going to pack up, we're going to come and we're going to make our abode in you. We're going to live inside of you and never leave you and never forsake you. Can you highlight never? That's like never. That's what that means. The definition of never, it means never leave you, never forsake you. I'm with you always. No matter where you go, there I already am. There's no place that you can go where God is not. Job said God dwells in the darkness. God dwells everywhere. He's omnipresent. He's everywhere. Literally everywhere because he's inside of you. He's everywhere and he is speaking from the inside out. I know traditionally we've been taught that God is out there somewhere looking down on us. No, he's not. He's inside of you wanting you to come in the house. I'm teaching people, especially women, professionals and leaders, how to move in the house and get things in order in the house because when it's in order in the house, the outside will take on a reflection, an image of what's going on on the inside. When you allow doubt and fear and unbelief to come in, those are distractions to keep you away from God's divine purpose for your life. We need every able-bodied man and woman, and I don't mean just able-bodied physically, but I mean spiritually ready, ready to stand up and be voices of reasoning in the madness of the seasons that we have around us. We can talk all day about politics. I won't. We can talk all day about religion. I won't. We can talk all day about what's in the news. I won't. But what I can tell you is that when you talk to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord and begin to meditate upon what Jesus has done for you, it changes your vibrations. It raises your vibrations, your energy, your spirit. You become a new species of being all over again that never existed before. You know that you're feeling differently because you're listening from within. You're hearing the voice of God from within. You're not looking out there. Jesus said, why are you standing looking up? The angels told us of the apostles. You need to look inside. There's something happening from the inside out, and I want you to pay attention from within. And I've used these parables so many times, they've become a platform for me for Kingdom Women Are Rising, which by the way, my next event is already posted, KingdomWomenAreRising.com. But these two passages, these two parables that Jesus talked about is the woman who lost the corn in the house, and when she found it, she rejoiced. She threw a party. Why? Because she was looking for something within. Oh my God, that she knew she had, but she had to rediscover it. The merchant that went and sold all that he had for the pearl of great price. It's worth the search, folks. Get in there. Get in the house and find out what God has placed inside of you. It's himself. Yes, yes, and yes. Listen, thank you so much for being a part of this series, Embracing God's Timing. I look forward to sharing more with you next time. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. And I look forward to hearing your testimonies. Go ahead, email me and let me know how you're doing. God bless you. Bye-bye. God bless you.

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