Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The host of Faith Alive in 5, Dr. Faye, recently shared a message called "Don't Settle." Many people resonated with this message, realizing they were settling for less than what they truly desired. Whether it's in relationships or business, we often compromise our peace for external things that don't bring satisfaction. We need to recognize that true peace comes from within and that God is with us. We shouldn't be swayed by the trends and pressures of the world. This is a time of awakening and we must be aware of what pulls us away from our purpose and Christ-centeredness. We shouldn't settle for shiny things that turn out to be disappointing. We must come back to God and be centered on Him. Take a moment to breathe and acknowledge the presence of God within you. Remember, the choice is yours. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute Gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Recently I had the opportunity to share on our Sunday morning experience sponsored by the Happy Church International a message entitled, Don't Settle. Many people responded to that message because it resonated with them in a very positive way. Many women realized that they were settling for a man or an opportunity that was less than what they felt on the inside. Some women who walked down the aisle regretted that they made that decision. Some men who have stayed there at the altar regretted that they made that decision. Business opportunities that we thought were business opportunities that would really change our lives did not prove to be satisfactory after all. They became traps or snares to our destiny and our purpose. Perhaps you're in one of those marriages or one of those relationships that you're regretting right now that you said, I do. Whether it is a marriage or a partnership in business or whether it's a covenant relationship or friendship or whatever it was that you made an agreement with. I want to remind you today that God has called us to live a life of peace. And that peace begins from within. When we begin to compromise our peace for something on the outside, we think that that will satisfy us. And then we find out that there is no satisfaction in reaching for things on the external. That the greatest asset that we have and the greatest asset we can give ourselves is the knowledge and the awareness of God being God through us. Christ in us, the hope of glory. In Christ to us, all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And we are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. First John 4 and 4 says, greater is he who is in us than he, them, it, that is in the world. I see on the cover of magazines everywhere, newsstands, where they're pushing medicine or pushing a diet or pushing a look or pushing a trend. And the public at March is buying into the cover. Darling, you are not a cover. You are covered by the spirit of God. You are not the cover of a magazine. You are not that commercial. But yet we continue to buy into it because we're looking for the thing. The thing that will do what we feel we need done in our lives. We're looking for the person that will change our lives. We're looking for Mr. Right and Ms. Right. We're looking for that opportunity that will catapult us out of where we've been into where we think we've been called to. I want to caution you today as well as the earth has experienced a major rebirth. This is an awakening period, a post-pandemic awakening period for our earth and for our inner earth. The opportunities are grand. And we have to be aware of what is pulling us toward negativity, pulling us away from our purpose, pulling us away from our destiny, pulling us away from our Christ center. To be centered on the outside will lead us to disappointment. I've been there, the poster child for it, to tell you that the shiny thing is not shiny at all. It's full of rocks. It's full of heartaches. It's full of disappointments. It's dusty. It's nasty. It's muddy. It's not shiny after all. You see in Genesis 3 when the serpent beguiled both man and woman, humanity, and seduced them into thinking that they were not who they already were. There are things on the outside of us that are our serpents. They're seducing our minds, whether it's in front of us where we're watching it on the big screen or we're listening to it and allowing it in our ears or being in the presence of people who bring that toxic news our way. It is up to us to decide that we are not going to live from outside but come back home. Come back to God, the God center. And when I say come back to God, not only am I saying repent, turn your heart over to Jesus Christ, I'm also saying come back to the breath that's within you. That's God's breath you're breathing. Be centered and be aware of the presence of God within. I pray right now for every one of you who has listened to this five-minute gospel that you will stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and say thank you, God, for being God within me. I choose not to settle with the external, but I choose to be aware of Christ within me, the hope of glory. So glad you joined me today. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Fay would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.