Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Let's get ready to rumble! Let's get ready to rumble! Y'all ready for this? Let's get ready to rumble! Hey! Well, good Monday morning and welcome to another coffee time with Blind United. Uh, it's April Fool's Day, y'all. So, happy April Fool's Day. Hopefully, everybody had a great Easter. So, we got, uh, Brittany, Carol, and Pedro on the stage with me today. Good morning, y'all. Good morning! Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. So, uh, uh, let me get in there. We got one interest group today. So, we only have, uh, I say only say only, but it's actually one of our most popular groups. We got a support group tonight with Dominic Martin. So, that is tonight at 6 p.m. Pacific time. So, if you ain't doing it, come on out and hang out with us and get your head right. So, uh, uh, anyway, Pedro's got some, uh, clips for us to go, uh, go through today. A lot of content of interest to our community. So, whenever he's ready. Morning. Happy Easter for those that were listening, too. Um, guys, I didn't get anything into this year. I had a, I ain't saying it's boring, but I just chilled back. I had a chill Easter, as you could say. I mean, uh, uh, again, I didn't do nothing myself, man. I mean, I just sat around the house. No, I just said I didn't do anything either, man. It was just a quiet weekend around the house. And, you know, I mean, it didn't, uh, I don't know. Maybe it's, things just ain't the same as they used to be for me. You know, but, uh, uh, I'm just grateful to be here. And, of course, it wasn't no, uh, nobody jumped up and put on their pastel suit and went to church. You know, uh, my wife, my wife was, my wife would have had, uh, would have got up and went to church. And then we came home to, uh, an Easter dinner. You know, ham and some other stuff and all that good stuff. But all those days are gone. Sounds good. Oh, and, uh, not yet, one day. But, uh, you, Carol, how was your, uh, Easter? My Easter was wonderful. You know, I did exactly like you all. I relaxed and, uh, just kind of made it a celebration. Just grateful to be alive. You know, and, um, got a chance to eat that good dinner like, you know, it was expressing the chicken and dressing and had some mustard greens. You know, mustard are my favorite. And, um, a little, you know, potato salad and a couple of slices of pie. So I really enjoyed it, you know. Was y'all talking to me? Yeah, Carol was telling you about her Easter. She had some really good food over there in Texas. Deep under Menlo Park, California, there is a three-mile-long machine operating in a tunnel that scientists are keeping colder than even some of the deepest reaches of space. Maintaining this patch at a temperature of minus 456 degrees Fahrenheit, around three degrees higher than absolute zero, the hypothetical temp at which all atomic movement stops allows scientists at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to operate the world's most powerful X-ray laser, the LINAC Coherent Light Source, LCLS-II. The LCLS-II laser produced its first high-energy radiation beams on September 12, 2023, ushering in an exciting new era of X-ray-based research. When at full power, LCLS-II will be able to pump out around a million X-ray pulses per second, about 8,000 times more than its predecessor. This means LCLS-II can create an X-ray beam 10,000 times brighter than the original LCLS, making it the most powerful X-ray laser ever devised. LCLS-II represents quite a significant adjustment or paradigm shift for science, says the laser's project director, Greg Hayes. Thousands of researchers are eager to conduct research with the experiment, but what exactly do scientists need such a powerful X-ray laser for? Shooting molecular movies and advancing quantum physics forward-slash-forward-slash the key to the unprecedented utility of LCLS-II is its ability to produce so many high-energy light pulses per second and to focus these on precise areas through X-ray's short wavelengths. This lets scientists capture snapshots of reactions happening on an atomic level on a scale from one billionth of one millionth of a second, centiseconds, to one billionth of one billionth of a second, attoseconds. LCLS-II will allow researchers to spot and record chemical events that happen on incredibly short timescales and create detailed molecular movies. For biology, this means being able to visualize photosynthesis and the action of proteins at speeds and scales never before possible. Thus, LCLS-II could potentially revolutionize scientists' understanding of the mechanisms that make life possible, which could in turn help pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs. The timescales at which LCLS-II operate are also on par with those at which electrons move through complex systems carrying energy. This means LCLS-II could assist in getting to the heart of wonder materials like graphene that display incredible and counterintuitive properties derived from quantum physics and, as such, will form the backbone of future ultra-fast quantum computers and secure quantum communications. Additionally, the powerful X-ray laser could provide information that would aid in creating more efficient energy-harvesting solar panels and even the development of more useful and less harmful fertilizers. Now back to the show. Okay. I mean, great, we got a more powerful X-ray laser, I guess, but one thing I didn't hear anything about, maybe I missed it, but one thing I know a lot of people care about with X-rays is the radiation. I'm just thinking if this is more powerful, maybe it has more radiation to it? Yeah. Yeah, it's going to create some radiation. That's what it's going to do. I know, like, what they were saying, and for the explanation I got, instead of taking a snapshot, they could have a small movie of this quantum actions happening with our chemicals and, you know, proteins and energy, the way they move, but you're corrected. And I think it's out somewhere in California, I think in the desert, you know. But for them, they're looking at what industries this could change, like the drugs, even fertilizer and things like that. Also how electrons behave and protons and stuff like that. You could get an overall image. Instead of just an image, you could get a small video and then look at it. Well, your connection issues are right there. Oh, wow. What about now? No, you're good right now. Okay. We missed pretty much all of what you just said. What I was saying with how powerful it is and the pulses it could do, how many, like, million pulses per second makes a movie and a quantum movie and stuff to see what's happening in the quantum level, what's happening with these electrons, these protons, you know, and things like that. And able to map what they're doing and the process they go through instead of just taking one image and seeing it and not seeing the process that it goes through. Imagine a three-second clip instead of a one-millisecond picture, all the information you get from that, you know. And this could be a breakthrough in medicine, in the medical field. What else? It could be a breakthrough in making new technologies, better fertilizer, improving things, you know. And that about the quantum computing is another thing, is quantum computing is coming soon, guys, and it's getting closer to be produced and be able to use by, like, in public use. I was reading an article a few months back about a superconductor and how they were able to make it that the superconductor does not release heat, so it doesn't get hot. They don't have to keep it real cold under certain temperatures just to have the superconductor work. So superconductors, they just made the first one that is able to work on the surface and it doesn't get hot. So that's a game-changer. And then with this, there's going to be another game-changer for the quantum computing and in the communication they want to have later. Later they want to communicate from further distance in a second. They could probably also get snapshots and small, well, quantum videos is what I'm going to call them, quantum videos for quantum entanglement and how that kind of works. And for those who don't know, quantum entanglement is something new. It's when an electron affects another electron that's so, so far away in distance and it happens instantly. And they don't know how it happens, but it happens. So they communicate pretty quickly. They could be so far away and they communicate real instantly. But this is something that could benefit us as long as they take the right precautions. And you're right, it is going to produce radiation. It is. And again, don't get me wrong, I'm all for advancements in technology. If it helps with all of this other non-human stuff per se, like you said with the quantum computers and, you know, advancing in technology and other stuff like that. But my thing is just it may not be the thing that you would necessarily want to try to, you know, look inside a person's body because it may be emitting more radiation than a standard X-ray. So, I mean, I don't know. You know, that's just where my thoughts are. I don't want to bring any harm to people. But at the same time, I'm all for advancements in technology. Yeah, but this is not going to be for use on a pen. Later on they probably could get it under control and make a small one to get more detail. Video of what's happening in your body probably is the way it works. But at the time right now, it's not made for no human testing, nothing like that. It's just to observate what's happening in these small quantum, you know, quantum levels that they want to see the process and the things they do. So, it sounds promising. It sounds promising. Don't get me wrong. It sounds cool because I like science too. But yeah, the safeties and what powers it, you know, is what I want to know too. So, I haven't got into all those details, but I want to see what powers it. How does it make all these pulses so fast? Because I know the electron, the one over there in the eastern part of the world, what's it called? I'm blanking on the term. The collider, the collider that we have, that one uses so much energy just to power up and make these atoms and, you know, protons go around. And, oh my God, like they have, some stuff has came out of that laboratory that they have found out. So, this new one is basically what it is. It's going to get us a better view, you know, of the small science that they're still working on, that they still don't understand the quantum theories and all that. They don't understand quantum entanglement, the behavior of super small objects and how they could be in one place but be in another place in the same time. All this, like, it's not, it's kind of like magic, you could say. If you were in the 1800s and you talk about all this, they would think this was magic. No, they'd put you on a stake and burn your ass. But, again, I'm all for the advances in technology. I mean, quantum physics is actually relatively new. I think it just, they only started maybe the last 10, 15 years, really becoming a main topic of discussion. Yeah, because it was theories and they called it spooky elements happening, I remember, like Einstein and then that's the name they put it back in the days. But there were some scientists trying to experiment and they were not able to create experiments to observe quantum things and what's happening. So, before it was theories and, you know, M-theory. We had so many theories about what's happening in the quantum levels, you know. And, yeah, you're right. It's new in the way that they're able to experiment now and they're able to observe. And instead of making it a theory, they could start already saying what is fact and what they know. And that's pretty dope. That's pretty dope. I get it. Yeah, that quantum physics stuff is a legend out there. Right, right, right, right. Well, again, I mean, you know, great, great, great, you know. I mean, I just think about it in my lifetime, all the technology that's come around in my lifetime. I mean, it's just, I mean, stuff that's going on now. When I was a little kid, man, that's some George Jetson stuff right there. You know what I'm saying? Now, here we are. We got it, you know. So, I remember going to Disneyland and seeing the video phone booths, you know, where you can sit in there and, you know, they do video calls or whatever. Now, everybody got video phones right on their phones, you know. Yeah. It's all, you know, the standard technology nowadays, you know. So, good stuff. I mean, when you get, you know, maybe another 50 years from now, all this will be elementary. They'll be doing a whole lot more different stuff there. Flying cars. Well, they're coming. They're coming. They're definitely coming. I'm happy I'm short. Okay. What does the shortness got to do with it, Carol? Well, you know, I'm closer to the ground, so I don't know how high up they're going to be. And, you know, I'm just thinking of somebody that, you know, may be a little under the influence, you know. So, the closer I am to the ground, I think the safer I am as far as not getting caught. Because I'm six feet, I'm going to get my head chopped off. I think you're going to be in trouble, Ed. I don't know, but, hey, it is what it is. Right, right. All right. Britt, you got anything on this x-ray stuff? Monica said good morning. So, good morning, Monica. Thank you for watching. I want to thank all the other people that watch. I think we do have some faithful watchers out there. So, thank you guys for supporting. Thank you very much. And, also, it's a good time to throw it in there. You know, please, please, please run over to YouTube. Hit that subscribe button, that notification bell. And, you know, we're trying to build an audience over there, get our subscribers up over there. So, if you don't mind, please run over there and do so. So, on that note, we're going in a quick commercial break, guys. You can visit our website, That website, again, is If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or would like to be added to our e-mail list, you can e-mail us at info at That e-mail address, again, is info at If you would like to reach us by phone, you can call us at 909-846-8825. That number, again, is 909-846-8825. You can follow us on Instagram at blindunitedinterestgroups. You can follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter, at blindunited22. You can follow us on our Facebook group, which is blindunitedinterestgroups. And you can also join our Facebook page, Blind United. Well, all right. Man, it's April. My goodness. Countdown is coming. I'll officially be 67 in, what, 20 more days. All right. I won the lottery for you, just to let you know, April Fool's. That's why I'm not going to check my tickets today. I'm going to wait until tomorrow. I've got to go get my tickets, honestly. I'm sorry, guys. Almost a billion dollars. It might be a billion dollars by Wednesday. A billion dollars? On the Powerball. Yeah, on the Powerball, it's 900 and some change. I'll take it. So, if you have some dollars loose, get to the local 7-Eleven, AM, PM, or that Circle K and get your tickets. Even that little out of the way spot that sells them in your neighborhood, sometimes those are the hit spots. That's right. That's right. That's right. Everybody's on that. I've seen the news earlier. Even the anchor was like, yeah, I've got my tickets in my pocket. Was it Blue Jays or Blue Bird, whatever it is down there in Inglewood? They'd be lined up down at that place, boy. Just a little out of the way look of stuff. Blue Bird. Yeah, it's Blue Bird, right? Mm-hmm, Blue Bird. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they've had more lottery winners than anybody in California, I believe. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. That's a popular place in California, then, huh? I mean, it might take you an hour to get up to the counter, kid, when they line up, especially on these big jackpots like this. Right. Oh, they'd be lined up all out the door. Oh, I couldn't imagine. And I don't think we have a spot like that down here in Dallas, Texas, but you never know. Yeah, but once it gets known and people are lined up, the more people are going to go into the store, the more chances it's going to hit one of those, you know? That's true, especially if it's a popular spot that hits quite often. Yeah. Or get the little piece of that as well, whoever wins. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so I have a question. We're talking about the – go ahead. Go ahead. I have a question. Okay. And this is a question, just a basic one. We could probably have a couple other ones, but what is one of the things you would spoil yourself if you won the lottery? One of the things that you might cop or do one of the first things you may want to do if you win the lottery, should I say, you know? So you're saying outside of the Blind United? Yeah, just outside, just like a personal thing, something that you enjoy. Probably a really, you know, nice home with, you know, pool and everything and, you know, a car, driver, all that stuff. Okay, okay. That's a good one, too, right there. I need a driver, too. Yeah. Housekeeper, cook, you know what I'm saying? Why not? Right. Make sure that they're specialized in junk food. A masseuse, you know, my tired arm after maneuvering my cane. Yeah. Right. I can just go hire the cook from Georgia's Burger and I'll be fine. Well, Ed, I was hearing about someone, I was seeing an interview, and this artist says the same thing you said. I just have a private, he says, I have a private cook, but he cooks my burgers, he cooks my chicken, he cooks everything. I don't eat healthy. He just cooks it for me, and I know that it's been cooked right, no preservatives, no extra, you know, things have been added. And no arguments. And no arguments. All right. All right. So you mean to tell me if your chef gave you a plate of broccoli along with whatever it was that you requested, that would be the chef's last name? Well, I mean, that would probably be another thing. I'd probably start my own farm, you know. Okay. I got you. You know, but I mean, again, that kind of money, you know, I think about that kind of stuff. I had that kind of money. I think one of the things I would really love to do is get a big, you know, ranch farm kind of airspace and raise my own cattle and all that stuff, all 100%, no steroids, none of that. You know, give me some natural things. I don't want them tired of eating steroids and growth hormones. Right. You know, that's why everybody's obese now. You know what I'm saying? Like my grandparents did, you know, country folks. Yeah, there is a brand that sometimes you can buy at a store, but you order it through the mail, and it's grass-fed beef. No hormones, no nothing. It's grass-fed. Everything is all natural. They say the beef tastes pretty good. I mean, again, that's the better way to go. I mean, that's a deep conversation because, again, in my opinion, it's my opinion that, you know, a lot of the illnesses and stuff that we go through now has, you know, a side show that comes from what we eat. Well, look at what you're putting in, what we eat. Right. You know, quit putting all that in there, and we won't have that problem no more. But, you know, because you want to grow a chicken from a chick all the way to a full-blood chicken in a week, you've got all these hormones you're giving that chicken so you can start laying eggs. You know, it just don't make sense to me. So, but, yeah, I mean, that was one of my things, you know. You know, technology, man, I was going to buy me a whole – I was going to buy a whole truckload of them tactile displays that we felt on down there, and I'd make sure it was one in every school that had blind children in it. You know, that kind of stuff. You know what I'm saying? Right. Yeah. Once I get my personal stuff and my driver and house, you know, I'm pretty much set from that moment on. You know, now it's all about how can I help others. Yeah, yeah, yeah, how can I give back and stuff like that. Yeah, that is true. And that's a lot of money right there. The whole point about it is the million dollars or the billion dollars, that's annuity. So you get that over a 30-year thing with Powerball. Hmm. So in order for us to take advantage of that, myself personally anyway, I would actually have to put that, you know, what they say, claim it, but then a trust, a living trust. Right. That way that money would come in after I'm gone. So. And tax deferred. That way you won't have any problems with, you know, the IRS. Well, I mean, they're going to get theirs regardless. They're going to get theirs off the top. Off the top. They're just going to get theirs off the top. So, you know, and then it's all about just making sure you've got the right EPAs and all that stuff to make sure that they're not embezzling from you. That's true. You know, so. With a lot of money comes a lot of responsibility and a lot of crooks. That's true. That's why you have a lawyer watching the other lawyer. Well, you got to watch the lawyer too. That's why you have two. That's why you have two accountants. And when you have that much money, you can't rely just on one. You know, then all of a sudden that girlfriend you had back in junior high school, pop up, talking about, look at your 30-year-old child. Wow. Right. Because everybody will pop up. You know, No, I mean, but it happens. It happens all the time. You know, whenever somebody finds out you got money. Oh, okay. Yeah. I remember him from elementary school or junior high, high school, whatever. How can I sink my claws in there? Imagine. You know. Here they go. They come off the woodwork. They come off the woodwork. They come off the woodwork. They just come from everywhere. Out of nowhere. So, but. No, but. I mean, it'd be great to have, you know, be able to do that. I mean, again, the first thing with. You know, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I 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