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TCA Wed19Jun24 - @myaltar 3 (How to draw power) - Apst J Sitrhole

TCA Wed19Jun24 - @myaltar 3 (How to draw power) - Apst J Sitrhole

Bethsaida Word Centre



"Drawing Power From the Altar for Success:" Joseph led a discussion focusing on the concept of "drawing power from the altar" for overall success. He emphasized that this approach involves influence from various spheres, including business and ministry, and requires dedication and commitment.


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hears me just hope somebody hears me we we worship at the highest altar of life the highest altar which is above all kingdoms that's where we worship but we become the weakest what is happening with us this morning as i was looking at the stage god just showed me god just showed me the plug next to my bed that charges my cell phones my ipad and he said to me if these things are not properly connected they won't draw power of electricity and they can charge you won't you could you are not able you won't be able to use your phone you won't be able to use even your your ipad so it is with you the availability of my power around you my power around you does not translate into you receiving it and charging and being effective ladies and gentlemen power is available but do we use it are we changing it's a big question power is available at the altar we said the altar is a place where heaven meets earth it means now there's a heavy presence at the altar heaven is there god is there at the altar but do we see visible change it's like i'm talking to myself but we'll but we'll get there we will get there we'll surely get there okay let's start here power is available amen efficiency 320 power is available efficiency 320 efficiency sorry for a minute okay fine let's go uh it the bible says uh he is able to do exceedingly abundantly what we think or ask who the hell that wake us in us so where is the power let's locate the power where is the power where is the power where is the power where is the power where is the power in us so where is the power let's locate the power where is the power it is in us can i repeat that again oh that power is not outside us it is within us the word of god says ye are the temple of the holy ghost and if i am a temple then the holy ghost resides in me that's what we call proof of residence amen and that you produce it wherever perhaps you making bank transactions transactions or you are taking debts you owe you owe people and you are taking their stuff to your home your finisher you must prove where you stay so that they may come and collect their stuff when they want it now this scripture is what i call the proof of residence Ephesians 3 20 the proof of residence of the power of god in the bible says in x 1 8 the bible says in x 1 8 you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses in jerusalem everywhere and they started demonstrating power wherever they went the the the this the apostles started demonstrating power wherever they went the book of x is a power packed book amen you can see the power of god being demonstrated but the power that resides in us is it helping us can i repeat it again the power that resides in us is it helping us not quite much there are two there are two locations that we are talking about now there is a physical altar and a mobile altar two locations physical altar is the church then you are the mobile altar yourself john 4 jesus says to the samaritan woman you worship what you do not know the time where the true worshippers will not worship here at at at at the altar the physical altar but they will worship in truth and in spirit no so let's look at the domiciliums it can be of power the residence of power you are an altar amen amen um you are the higher altar and also the physical altar it's important because when you are dead there is there is a presence am i talking to somebody many people testify when you know when you are at you get into that you get an encounter of power those who have been at that chalet can testify to this fact if you were there and you you you encountered the power of god just shout amen amen you know what i'm talking about the presence there at the physical altar and the presence in you of the power of god does it help you amen oh somebody's getting it now now um here it's another scripture we're trying to locate where power is okay we are located power let's locate power let's go to a place here hebrews the bible says in the book of hebrews uh it says uh the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword the word of god sharper than any two-edged sword i want us to read that verse now let's locate that verse should be somewhere or 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piecing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joint and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart amen watch this the word of god uh is quick that word quick means alive it is alive it is alive and it is powerful or full of power hmm so we are locating power here but rest this power is in the word it resides in the or at the altar in us and in the word this power day it is the same word that god used to create everything even ourselves he spoke things into being things were spoken into being why because there's a lot of in the word okay enough of this we have located power now there's power in the word there's power in us through the holy ghost there's power at the physical altars there's power all over amen but is this power helping us at my altar i draw power for all-round success we look at i draw power availability of power does it help us you can go to the bank put your card there check the balance and they say available three hundred thousand that's what is available the availability of money in your account does it help you oh no no it won't help you until you withdraw and and use amen the availability doesn't help us and availability never helped anybody it this is the problem of the church it is my problem and your problem it is my problem and who you are your problem and my problem we're traveling in a conference somewhere somewhere in in haute and we we just had a wonderful meeting and everything that we drive out and there is this grandchild at the back seat and jose is looking for a handbag she doesn't find a handbag because the ashes protocol misplaced it put it somewhere she doesn't know it's not in the car and then now we are busy looking at and now we tell only at the bank where you check check check there don't have a handbag and then she said that there's nothing here and so on and she said it is your problem it's not my problem and she was just happy about it and we are frustrated but you know it's your problem it's not my problem we had to make a u-turn go back to the conference venue looking for a handbag she's busy laughing about it it's your problem and it's not my problem this is my problem and your problem yeah power is available but are we able to draw now let's go the next few minutes we are going to have a meeting and we are going to have a meeting and we are going to have a meeting and we are going to have a meeting and we are going to have a meeting um the next few minutes and the days that will follow are critical how do i withdraw this power this power in me resides in my spirit but it's not in my mind it's not in my body it's not in my finances it's not in my family it's not in in the things it's just locked in my spirit how do i draw that power to work for me there's a man who walked with moses moses could not preach moses could not teach and yet impacted nations and even us he wrote the five books the first by first five books of the bible we shall call the pentateuch genesis is right through the whole law of moses the whole creation account is written by this man is a powerhouse through him god liberated millions of of of israelites from egypt but these moses dies he is succeeded by joshua joshua must lead these millions into the promised land finish the vision that moses started a huge task it's a huge task and god realizes that this young man has seen power demonstrated by by moses this young man has been around the three miracles but he lacks the skill of drawing that power work for the nation and work for him he knows clearly well how powerful is god he has testimonies he has seen he has seen manna drop from heaven he has seen water gushing out of the rock he has seen the red sea open and he had seen god waking he had seen the egyptians drowning now he's given the task and god realizes that this boy must know how to draw the power he saw um all his life he gives him a formula and this is the big scripture in the bible it's a big scripture but we read it you know and we don't see the power of this scripture joshua one started from six to eight amen joshua one from six to eight says be strong and of good courage for unto his people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land which i swear unto their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous that thou might observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou may prosper with so ever thou goes the book this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to the to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and then thou shall have good success thou shall make your way prosperous and thou shall have good success success we say Esther get my altar that's where i draw power and to have all round success why are we not succeeding why do heathens look more prosperous than us is because we have we we mistake availability for effectiveness availability for effectiveness we cannot draw from this superior power God is saying to Joshua if you wanna prosper and have success in everything for a successful mission there are things you must do let's look at those things let's look at those things my time is now only a few minutes but i will i will try i will try and we will finish tomorrow or the three days because this topic is too too much okay a lot of things and how many times does the word strong appear from six to eight how many times does it appear because i know somebody and all those things how many times does the word strong appear let me help because i don't have time to wait on you twice he says be strong be strong anyone called strong is a person who has learned the art of drawing power into his system then this person becomes strong let's look at your body your body is weak if you don't eat the availability of food doesn't make your body strong doesn't give you energy so it is when you begin to prepare that food you see it and you begin to eat the food then you become strong yes now and you don't just become strong because of some junk food that you eat you become strong because you eat good quality food no it is quality food that makes you strong it fills you gives your body energy to work stay without eating you will be weak and therefore you become strong when you learn to use the five gates of ingestion amen there are five gates that we use to ingest to to to to to consume we use to ingest to to to to consume five gates for energy physical energy we use the mouth we take in things we drink in things then we become strong in the spiritual there are five gates that we use amen we use the mind the mouth the eyes the ears power is drawn on when we begin to use this the the mind the mouth let me draw it now God is saying to Joshua you shall meditate upon this word meditation um meditation so meditation is done through two things that will make you strong Joshua the mind and the mouth amen did you hear me the mind and the mouth let's go to to to efficiency 320 i think your your budget cannot jam now it is yes 320 now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us amen watch who you think that is the mind you ask that is the mouth Paul is simply saying to us you God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what you think or ask in other words he is saying to draw power that is able to do exceedingly abundantly you got to use your mind and your mouth to draw that power that is it amen amen amen in other words what do you think how you think draws ever will it is thoughts that draw power the power of the devil into your life and mess you up it is thoughts that shape your life your thoughts we read it last night but can we read that one again nlt 423 i'm about to close i'm out of time programs 320 423 sorry in the nlt in the nlt that yes got your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life amen amen it determines the course of your life let's look at the good news it determines the course of your life your heart what is your heart your heart that means your soul that means your mind good news say be careful how you think your life is shaped by your thoughts amen amen be careful how you think because your life is shaped by what so it is thoughts now now through my thoughts i draw power into my family i draw power into my finances i draw power into my body i draw power into all the areas where i want and i become successful and prosperous because through my thought life i draw power amen and god says to joshua you will meditate upon this word we said the word has power it is powerful god is pointing him to the power source he said this word is powerful it will make you strong amen it will make you strong you better connect to this way through meditation what is meditation meditation is to matter matter the word of god matter the word of god you think the word of god and after thinking the word of god you stop now repeating and chanting and speaking the word of god that is meditation that is meditation meditation is thinking and speaking is thinking and speaking the word of god is to matter matter the word of god to repeat the word and god's god is giving joshua the formula of create of miracles of god's power of god's glory that he saw in moses he said you will make your way prosperous and successful if you learn to do these things successfully and he shows him he said now the word is your power source and that power source you've got now to meditate and speak use your brain and use thoughts and use your ways and repeat these things matter matter thou shall meditate on this word then he says you don't matter matter ones you don't matter matter when you want to he says day and night get it the frequency of you taking in the word of god into your brain and after that speaking it out the frequency of eating puts a lot of strength and even to the point of making you obese sometimes frequency if you eat once you are a weak person but the frequency of your eating gets energy into your system man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god the life the life the life of god that is in the word it will flow into your system by you taking it through your thoughts and your way thank you jesus god i thank you again and give you the praise give you glory me let's take at my altar

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