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TCA Tue25Jun24 - What makes people great - Apst J Sithole

TCA Tue25Jun24 - What makes people great - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Joseph led a series of discussions focused on the importance of developing one's soul, having a positive attitude of faith, and taking care of one's health for achieving success and greatness. He also emphasized the significance of personal responsibility, multitasking, and focusing on real success rather than artificial success in one's pursuits.


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Amen. Amen. Let us check our lives. Go to see what drives us and so on. Let us pray. Father in the name of Jesus, Lord we are in this world but not of this world. Lord, you gave us responsibilities when you brought us here on earth. We pray Lord in the name of Jesus of Jesus that things turn around in people's lives. Let there be a restoration. Let there be a revival. Let there be a change. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen and Amen. Amen. I sense the spirit of greatness. Amen. In this week's broadcast, the spirit of greatness involves a spirit of greatness. Spirit of greatness. Spirit of greatness. This talk that we have today and tomorrow and the following days, it is a spirit that produces champions. And from yesterday, I could feel that we are talking very serious things like peoples, like plans, like desires, like an attitude of faith making it in life. Amen. Amen. And this is the most important thing and I want to talk to you while you are in the comfort of your home and also because as we round up this week, this June month, we had the youth, which are in the majority, not overlooking the lives of the elderly people because we are a mixed audience. A mixed audience. I want us to focus on things that make people great. Amen. Let's focus on things that make people great. You find that you are born on the same date you go to the same school but at the same time somebody turns out to be a dropout in life. Somebody turns out to be a great person in life. What makes the difference? The difference is what we've been saying yesterday. Talking about having goals, having plans, having purpose, having a positive attitude of faith that I'm going to make it. But it goes beyond that. It goes beyond that. Let us read about the story of fish in Luke chapter 5, 1 to 11, if I'm not mistaken. Luke 5, 1 to 11 in James. And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret and saw two ships standing by the lake. But the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would fast out a little from the land. And he sat down and touched the people out of the ship. Now, when he had left speaking, he said to Simon, lounge out into the deep and let down your net for a drought. And Simon answering said unto him, master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, as I wait, I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net break. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees, saying, depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished, and all that were with him and the drought of the fishes, which they had taken. And so was also James and John, the sons of Silithi, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed him. Amen. Right. The Bible gives us some serious stories which become classic and we begin to learn around it. Let's look at the concept of fishing. On how to make people great. The Bible says, after catching a lot of fish, they forsook all and followed him. Other accounts says, Jesus said, follow me, I'll make you fishers of men. Follow me, I'll make you fishers of men. They forsook all and followed him. Here is the big question. At the height of their business success, at the height of their business success, Jesus calls them. They forsake their business and they begin to follow him. And he says, I will make you fishers of men. He gave them business success. And now, when they had business success, he takes them to the higher level. He says, now, I'm taking you to the higher level. You caught fish successfully. I made you catch fish successfully. Now, I'm taking you to the higher level. This is the level of greatness that I'm taking you on now. You are going to be fishers of men. That is a level of significance. That is the level of greatness. He says, I'll make you fishers of men. In other words, I'll make you succeed to be followed by fish. But now, I want you to be followed by men. And that is the level of significance. That is the level of importance. I hope I'm talking to somebody here. When you are now followed by men, it's a level of significance. Now, the level of significance is always achieved when somebody aligns his life with God's purpose in his life. If you answer the big why, why am I here on earth? And you follow your destiny. You open your destiny book. And you read all those things that are in that book. And then you start following through prophetic ways and so on. Because Jesus had a plan with them. That's why he came. He gave them natural success and he gave them significance, which is greatness. I want us to focus on this one of greatness. How do you make yourself great? How do you become a great person? Amen. The first thing about greatness is that take care of your soul and always check. Take care of your soul. Take care of your soul. The Bible says, beloved, I pray and I wish. Another translation says, I wish that you prosper in all things as much as your soul prospers. Let's read that one. Let's analyze that one. Amen. Amen. 3 John 1 verse 2. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. Amen. A prosperous soul determines success in all areas. If your soul is not prospering, you fail in many areas and also your health fails. Most of the people who think they are sick, they are not sick. It is their souls that are sick and then it affects their bodies. Most people who succeed in life or who fail, failure and success is determined by how, by the state of your soul. Amen. Amen. So, this is what we are taught here, that the state of our souls determines our success in everything. A scripture comes to mind that is not in my notes here, but it's coming to mind, Proverbs 17, 22. Proverbs 17, 22. Just put it in your notes. Proverbs 17, 22 says, A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Amen. This is an example. A merry heart, that word heart, means the soul. A happy heart, a happy heart affects your health, it dries the bones. Okay, let's read that one. Somebody's A happy heart brings health, but a unhappy heart dries the bones. Okay, thank you. Amen. You see, it is the state of soul, of your soul that determines your, your, your, your, your health. And the Bible says the state of the soul also determines prosperity in all things, in all things. In all things, you succeed, you prosper, in all things, because of the state of your soul. A man called Dwight Garner of New York Times said, this book will change the weather in your soul. Amen. Amen. He was talking about, he was introducing a book, and he said this book will change the weather in your soul. And when I looked at that, and I realized that now, the Word of God changes the weather in our soul. Amen. If there's a hurricane in your soul, your life is destroyed. Yeah. If there's a tornado in your soul, your life is destroyed. But if everything is fine, and it's a sunny day, there's a gentle breeze, that's nice. Now, that that affects every area of your life. Amen. How is the weather in your soul? Take care of your soul. One day, we read the scripture, I think that is Proverbs 23, it says, your thoughts determine, shape, your thoughts shapes your life. Take care of your soul, because your soul, your thoughts, shapes your life. That is the state of the heart. Now, greatness is not born from your surroundings. What happens outside you, who does what to you, whether somebody rapes you, abuses you, or your parents die early, and so on, does not really affect your soul. You must protect your soul. It is what happens in you. Amen. That shapes your life. Somebody says, well, my parents divorced when I was young, and that's why I turn out to be this. And somebody says, well, my parents died while I was young, that's why I turn out to be this. And then some say, well, I don't get motivation at home, you know, I'm not motivated. My husband doesn't motivate me. So, I don't get motivation at home. My husband doesn't motivate me. My wife is not, doesn't motivate, and then all those things, and so on. It's not what happens to you that makes you. It is what happens in you that makes you. It is how you react to life that makes you. So, the biggest task that you have, and you and I have on a daily basis throughout life, let us take care of our souls. Let us take care of how we think. Let us take care of our emotions. Let us take care of that. And once we take care of that, and we know that we are now shepherding, taking care of our souls, moving our souls to the right direction, we know we are going to have results. Amen. Amen. Serious results. Success results. Look at Peter. Some few hours, just spending a few hours with Jesus. One, he hits business success. And Jesus takes him to a three years journey. One, he hits significance. He becomes great. What happened? Jesus focused on the state of his soul, and went on the state of the soul. There were two women in the Bible, Mary and Martha. I always confuse them. There was this other one who was so busy with hospitality. When Jesus is in the house, she goes around, she wants to make Jesus have a nice lunch. That's Martha. But now, Mary sits at the feet of Jesus to listen to the Word, what Jesus is saying. And Martha complains that I'm busy with the hospitality ministry here. She's busy in the kitchen and making sure that I'm comfortable. Stand up and join us. These are the fights. When I was a kid, I used to sit at the feet of Jesus and pray for him to heal my soul. It was a fight. But now, Jesus says to them, all of them, he says to them, look, whether you are worried about many things, one thing is important. One thing is important. This one, Mary has chosen a portion that cannot be taken away from her, which is important to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to the Word of God. Ladies and gentlemen, what Jesus says to you, one word, if you take one word seriously and you begin to meditate on it, you milk it, you mutter, mutter it, you repeat it, and you confess it, it will take you very far. One word, one word from the mouth of Jesus, launch your death on the right side. The man is just an instant success by just one word. Now, the biggest sickness, things that will make you fail as early as yesterday, is not taking words seriously. You are given a word, and you don't take it seriously. It's so much obvious to me. I always look at people. There are people who are known to be very close to me, that I say things to them, and they are as ordinary like a tree that is planted here in the yard. And a person at a distance listens and hears one word or one sermon, it changes. What is the difference? The difference is the one closer that listens to you every Sunday and every Friday clock does not take what you say serious. And the one who is at a distance catches, and it makes a whole lot of difference. Ladies and gentlemen, let us consider. Jesus shows up. He tells Peter, push this boat there. Let me use your boat. The next thing, a sentence is released. Launch into the deep. Wham! There is instant success. This man follows Jesus for three years. He becomes a leader of a very, very, very successful movement that turned the world upside down. Peter became a very great man. Can't you follow that greatness? By just considering ways that are spoken to you, and you begin to do that, and God will change your life, and your life will never be the same again. As a first thing, I told you that take care of your soul. Take care of your soul. Make sure that your soul prospers, and it prospers by ways that are spoken to you, and those ways are important. The second aspect in the soul now, let's give you a word. Young people, how many young people do we have in the two? Or anybody under 40 here? It's only two. I bind the scuttlebill spirit. Also, now, here is the issue. Whether you are above 40 or under 40, here is the point. Maybe you can be at least 20. Also, now, here is the issue. Whether you are above 40 or under 40, here is the point. Maybe you can be at least 20. We didn't hear that. Matthew 8, verse 20. Thank you. Matthew 8, verse 20. And Jesus said unto him, The foxes have holes, and the bears of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head. Amen. Foxes have holes. Bears have what? Nests. Look at the plural there. Foxes have holes, okay? Bears have what? Nests. In other words, if we take lessons from the animal kingdom, Jesus used bears and he uses animals to teach us life lessons. Well, Matthew 6. He says, Consider the lily of the valley. Consider the fowls of the air. Take lessons from them. Now, bears do not have one nest. They have nests. Foxes do not have one hole. They have holes. In other words, you don't have to be a person that depends on one thing to make it in life. God has multi-talented you, multi-gifted you, so that you can exploit all these things to your own advantage and become great. Just don't lose focus on the main thing. But check the holes of survival, the holes of incomes, the holes of safety that are in your life. The young people, I always say to young people, look, have a foxy mentality. When you say foxy mentality, it means that, now, have a lot of things that you use to survive, to thrive, to move higher. Don't be a person of one thing. And when you are connected to your purpose and when you are connected to your abilities, you can move between these abilities and become a great person. I met a young girl in one of my talks, and I prophesied over her, gave her a prophetic word, gave her direction of purpose and everything. And this girl now, she's a powerhouse. She's now contesting to be Mrs. South Africa, to influence women. We played the video because she sent this clip and said, now, please let the body of Christ vote for me, and so on. And I don't know whether you are voting for Ralina. Yes. Now, it carries a number of things. Ladies and gentlemen, there is, you've got to multitask, but don't move your sight from the main thing. Amen. Amen. Because in your purpose, there's a main thing that all other gifts are supporting. And for you to survive in this post-industrial revolution, where now unemployment has taken levels, you've got to be a person of many skills so that you can be great. Amen. Multitask, multitask, and so on. Well, let me introduce you to some good books that I've read over the years. And these books are just very important. There is books that are written by Bush, Santal, Ilberry, and so on. They wrote a book. These people are called scenario planners. They wrote a book, The Mind of a Fox, and many other books around the fox. You can go into the system, go into the system and check The Mind of a Fox, the book, The Mind of a Fox. Get that one. You begin to read. In other words, a fox is a scenario planner. Know your scenario. Understand your scenario. Know your area. Understand your area. Read your area and understand your area. And move when you look at things. You blend according to the scenario. Align your life, plan your life according to the scenario. This is what we call scenario planning. A fox has many holes and it will always check the footprints of the predators or the enemies. This one now, moves the children from one hole to the other. Because it checks the scenario. And you got to check the scenario of life. Check how things are made and you see what's happening and so on. And begin to read, design and design your life according to the scenario of life. Birds, they check seasons. The birds that do not like winter because winter kills them and so on. Cold temperatures really kills them. Then when those cold temperatures approach, they migrate to areas where it's sunny and warm. They migrate so they have nests somewhere where they survive and so on. So you must be sensitive to scenarios. Study scenarios. Understand scenarios. The next aspect, which is the third aspect, move away from artificial success. This is my prayer. Jesus says, I'll make you fishers of men. Now there are people who are trophy fishers. What is a trophy fisher? Fishermen. There are people who go into the sea. You see, it's entertainment, pleasure, leisure. What do they do? They do what you call trophy fishing. Trophy fishing is when you fish and you catch a big fish and they take photos. And after photos, you throw back the fish into the water. That's what you call trophy fishing. There's also trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is when people go out with guns and so on and get into the bush. You shoot a lion and kill a lion in the bush. And after that, take a picture next to that dead lion that you killed. After that, get rid of the carcass. The carcass can be given away to people who want to have a skin or and so on, want to use whatever and so on. Then they say, you are great. You killed a lion. You are great. Now, these are competitions. And then, this thing here, trophy hunting, trophy fishing, and so on. It's people who do sport. Rich people who do sport. They go to trophy hunting. They do trophy fishing. They take their expensive boats, get there, and they do those trophy things and so on. And they are great people. And that gives him some element of greatness. And then it moves on to trophy wife. Trophy wife, this powerful and rich man. Rich man. You know, they appear in certain parties. And then with this beautiful girl, a belly hunter with a good body. Trophy wife. Amen. So, what are the trophy fishes of man? And what are these trophy fishes? Now, Facebook gives you artificial success. 10,000 likes. 100,000 likes. Lately, in the political sphere, only trophy followers. Trophy. We spilled FNB. 80,000. We spilled all those things. Amen. The real life now. All these venues. Okay. Okay. Today. Okay. So, don't go for artificial success. Move away from spending time on Facebook. And TikTok and VodTok, whatever. Communicate with real people. And move with real success. Real success is in reading books. Real success is in doing real things and studying and equipping yourself, sharpening your skills. Amen. Amen. Amen. I hope you heard me. Amen. 10,000 likes. Your likes are 10,000. Are they bringing anything into your pocket? No. No. Some people say, okay, Pastor, we use this. Now I'm an influencer. And the companies are paying me for this artificial whatever and so on. I'm an influencer because I'm marketing and everything like that. Companies are gaining out of that. Let's move to real spaces of success. That's what I'm saying. Amen. I know celebrities that are poor. They have a big name. But they are poor. You have a big name in media. You have a big name in all those things. But now, does that translate to money? No. No. Move away from artificial success. Amen. My time. Oh, Jesus. Okay. I still have three minutes. Let me just try to wrap up. I'll make you pictures of men. Don't be a trophy feature. Be a feature that catches fish. Amen. There is this trophy fishing, again, in the kingdom of God. A person comes, rents a crowd, buffets, food parcels, and all those things to attend a meeting. 50,000 in attendance. They didn't come because the miracles were happening. They came because Barney wrote ready-to-eat food parcels for Lady Amba. Amen. In the name of Jesus, let me round up by saying you can rise by developing your faith. You can rise by developing your faith. Can I round up by saying that? You can rise by what? By developing your faith. Your faith. You've got to develop your faith. Am I talking to somebody here? You've got to develop the infrastructure of your faith. Right now, when I say faith, most people have no idea. Listen, if I want to be very fair with you, I'm a product of faith. I live by faith. I started living by faith at a very early age. And now I'm an old person who lives by faith. And therefore, I've seen people who live by faith. And developing faith every day is my game. Developing faith every day is my game. What does that mean? It simply means that now, for you to be successful, develop your soul by faith. And God bless you. If you have received something this morning, shout, Amen. Amen. Amen. And tomorrow morning, come with your pen and record and so on. You'll also get a recording from Mr. Mukumu. Let us talk about the infrastructure of your faith. How to develop your faith and give you some things that are very important in developing your faith. May the good Lord bless you and have a good, good, good day. Be a good fisherman.

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