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cover of TCA Tue04June24 - Prospering In Hard Times #1 - Apst J Sithole
TCA Tue04June24 - Prospering In Hard Times #1 - Apst J Sithole

TCA Tue04June24 - Prospering In Hard Times #1 - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Joseph led a discussion on the importance of community self-determination, strong leadership, and the need for a holistic approach to tackle economic and social challenges in South Africa. He emphasized the significance of faith, obedience, and service in achieving prosperity and greatness, citing examples of individuals who have succeeded through these values.


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Канцлер Сафран Сафран Канцлер Сафран Сафран Канцлер Сафран Сафран Канцлер Сафран Сафран Канцлер Сафран Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Канцлер Сафран Prospering in hard times Prospering in hard times Prospering in hard times How to prosper in hard times We got to understand that we have been thrusted to a uncharted territory a place where South Africa needs to approach things in a different mindset We are now in what we call coalition government at the national level even at the local level, provincial level while in some areas the party has just become a rural party it is governing in rural South Africa but in the economic hub of the nation, that's now your Cape Town your KZN that's where a lot of economic activity is and that's where chaos is at national level, the center is not holding whichever way you look at it we are heading for chaos but the Lord spoke to me about this situation long before elections start no one will get the results that he wants in the government in these coming elections so that everybody must be taught a lesson everyone, the ruling party must be taught a lesson those who are the opposition also must be taught a lesson those who are independent candidates who are coming in for power, they must be taught a lesson in the midst of all this chaos where does it put the ordinary citizen? where are we going as ordinary citizens? first, the economy is in trouble what you call an economy is in trouble because you are going to have, whether you like it or not as the Honorable President puts it you like it or not, it is like that, it's chaos the chaos that you saw in local government, that chaos will be the honor of the day at national we are in times of weak leadership very weak leadership weak in a sense that when you have leadership that cannot produce and give the basics of the basics which is water, electricity, good roads it shows that we have weak leadership we have weakened the minds of the people the minds have gone weak and therefore it's just a mixture of weakness what will happen now, the economy is not growing it might not grow in the next three years chaos always makes investors move away you might have seen when the election result was announced the rent started dropping now there is uncertainty, the rent is still not happy, and finally there will be chaos there will be a little agreement here and there will be chaos again I keep on looking at it like that start bracing yourself for hard times, what are those hard times how do we answer to this, first let's have community self determination community self determination when I speak of community self determination I mean that we have communities that have been disabled by political minds suddenly we have communities that cannot even fix a porthole suddenly we have communities that cannot even build a school toilet suddenly we have communities that cannot even build a school for themselves if you look at apartheid days and other communities in other countries and so on there is what we call in apartheid days let me come to the context of South Africa in apartheid days communities used to pay their kings and build their schools, build their bridges and build their roads can I repeat this because we have been so polluted not to understand to really look at self determination in fact solving our own problems that is self determination ourselves in the church space since 1994 we have practiced what we call self determination as a church and when you look at the churches across the landscape we are a model of community self determination it is communities that rise and build their own churches it is communities that rise and provide themselves their own water it is communities that rise and do things for themselves my leadership from the inception of Bersaida Waste Center throughout they will always talk about what is government doing in this regard and I always being a self determined person I will say you the community you can come together and do things sites like UNIT P that is our initial site we did our own electricity we put our own water we did our storage as a community of the church the same self determination must spread throughout the community, the community can do things for themselves they can build schools for themselves they can do roads for themselves they can do water for themselves communities can do a lot for themselves where I am preaching from my pulpit somebody will say amen amen we bought our own farms and we made sure that there is water there are flushing toilets there is electricity ourselves the same spirit must go into communities self determination you may not know what I am talking about but those who lived throughout villages used to pay their own kings buy their own kings cars make sure their king is well taken care of they will collect money and build their own schools but since the dawn of this democracy we have been told we will do this for you we have become a community that cannot even put food on the table for themselves ladies and gentlemen when you look at cities like Pulguan you look around in what you call the former suburbs whites are no longer here where are they? they have moved out to outskirts plots, farms and right there they are doing their own schools they are doing their own thing take for instance a good example like Breads in the northwest they left that town and they are doing their own things but somebody's mind will say they have the money, they can afford that and they have become a teaching aid of poverty and lack of governance ladies and gentlemen collective self determination is key in these times we will talk more about that how to organize there is a township called Orania they are doing their own thing there we were talking one day with one of my sons he told me about in the outskirts of Victoria there is a whole community of white people that community is crime free and it is prosperous and they have their own way of dealing with criminals they even have a den where they keep crocodiles if they catch you stealing they take you to that den they take you to that den and you have fellowship with crocodiles and you have fellowship with crocodiles and you have fellowship with crocodiles and you have fellowship with crocodiles now that place they produce their own crime prevention or their own whatever and so on it is self determination even the poor, the very poorest they are in a community collectively if we work collectively even our poor x242 amen x242 and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common and sold their possessions and goods daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favor with all people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved to these people, the church they were not just a religious activity they were holistic in approach they were a community they moved from house to house you see if we have self groups that visit each other house to house we will never have poverty can I repeat that if we have 500 just 500 membership in the work room as we have over 500 people right there in the work room but the issue is those 500 people if they have a habit of visiting each other they discover even the poor among themselves because if you come to my house you will discover what I don't have and if your mind is in the right place you are not going to laugh at me you are going to make sure that what I don't have you assist if you spend an hour with me until lunch is finished you will realize I have no food but the Bible says they went house to house because they went house to house and they ate in common and the Bible says there was no one who was lacking among them ladies and gentlemen there was no government intervention here it was the people themselves the believers themselves they became a community they became what we call in Greek anonia a community but what have we become politicians have polluted our minds today I am struggling with a word since last night I have been struggling with this word I am struggling with it but I will say it anyway we have been castrated we have become mental eunuchs we cannot do anything for ourselves ladies and gentlemen we are a disabled community crime crime can be solved crime can be solved listen there is this media frenzy that is there when we are going to address police we are going to talk to police forum we are going to intensify it getting into communities the number of police in a community does not solve crime can I repeat this these issues of numbers in a community is not a solution to crime but you see it over television we have sent so many numbers what what we have sent so many numbers well good initiatives numbers don't solve problems the community outnumbers the soldiers and the police let me repeat it again it is a very ignorant idea of attacking crime with numbers of police it is a very ignorant idea for instance the whole of Skokulmi combined that is almost 2.7 million citizens and you cannot you cannot really police such a big community 2.7 million people Soweto alone they used to say it is 3 million but I don't believe it Soweto right now is so crowded 2.7 million people living there and you cannot police such a big community you know why crime is so prevalent the community has discovered that we outnumber the police and that is why they go even to the police station why? they have discovered the key they know we outnumber them how do you police a community? I will take you next door just here in Zimbabwe the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns the police in Zimbabwe, most of them don't carry guns you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community you police a community, you are a community fear now, fear now, the government, any policing agency must start doing things that brings fear upon the community must start doing things that brings fear upon the community we have structures like human rights we have structures like human rights we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have police we have 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