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cover of Live by Faith - Apstle J Sithole - 23Jun2024
Live by Faith - Apstle J Sithole - 23Jun2024

Live by Faith - Apstle J Sithole - 23Jun2024

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Live by faith


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The sermon this morning focused on the importance of having faith in God and approaching everything in life with faith. The speaker emphasized the different generations and the challenges faced by the Millennials, such as high mortality rates and mental health issues. They encouraged young people to turn things around through Jesus Christ and offered solutions through a next generation platform. The speaker also discussed upcoming church events and emphasized the need to plan and act by faith. They highlighted the power of faith and its ability to make all things possible. Scriptures in our sermon this morning we're gonna be reading from Romans chapter 14 verse 23 it reads as follows but he who doubt is condemned if he eats because he does not eat from faith for whatever is not from faith it's seen may the Lord bless the reading of his holy way today ladies and gentlemen remain standing as you welcome the Apostle of this Commission and founder president of BWC churches in South Africa Apostle Joseph Sithole praise the Lord you may take your seats it's so amazing that these people grow so fast yesterday they were in Sunday school today they speak English greetings in Jesus name we came to see you and I know we're not around for some time and some people were busy negotiating now where are these people we were around and servicing other branches campuses amen and I was in an unfortunate situation Jose and the kids took my microphone some time and we'll fight for the mic praise the Lord hallelujah so she's also here just to see you amen hallelujah we thank God that we are blessed it is youth month for a good one for me I wish I could say I wish I could say happy youth month but I can't I'll only say it by faith naturally so the Bible says Jesus and David served the will of God in his own generation and he died every one of us we have our own generation we have six generations the silent generation baby boomers generation we have the generation X we have the gen the Gen Z's we have the millennial we have the alphas but the millennial are the ones that are that are the larger part of the population these are the ones who introduced me here and also ushered me from the car ones who are singing here the Millennials are from 1981 up to 2000 the alphas are the ones that are beyond 2000 they are the larger part of the population if I can say all people under 40 stand up here you will see that we who are the baby boomers we are at from 1948 to the 60s we are few we are a generation in the exit but don't write us off because the finishing line is 120 am I talking to somebody but now my problem is that the Millennials are many in America alone they formed 27 million in South Africa they are more than half of the population they form 50% of the population of 62 million it means now they are at 50 comma something million and these are the most troubled people but what's in a link would somebody calls them the unlucky generation they are a lucky generation because they are attacked with all things they have a high mortality rate almost a large share of the funerals you have attended this year when you are bearing the under 40s just we were in an area called Malamulele this area and that region were moving between Venda and Malamulele moving around back to back in conferences this weekend and you get the feel that now as we're going there we just had two funerals of young people who committed suicide we live with a death of a under 40 a guy who was a preacher when we proceed there then we need suicide because they become depressed and commit suicide they are known to be these people who drink most of them don't drink because they are naughty they drink because they want to escape mechanism they run into drugs thinking they'll find refuge then their destinies are cut their future is destroyed they move on commit suicide these are the unlucky generation their parents wish they they they did not have them anyway it's so quiet in here I have a friend in the Eastern Cape who never had an opportunity he could not have a baby even his wife they could never try and over the years will pray over them pray over them that God will help them tell them get a child but I finally adopted a baby girl and after adopting that baby girl during the teens and then she grew and she became this professional and when I met him after they've raised this girl she he said I'm blessed because I didn't have a child when I look at my brother who had five of them I'm glad I didn't have one remember the words of Jesus saying blessed is the bread they will say blessed is the breast let us turn things around through Jesus Christ things can turn around young people let's turn things around I'm inviting you to the next generation platform on Tuesdays tune in and get solutions do you understand me young people am I watch this today I'm here to tell you one thing we are going to do everything that we want to do this year this is what I'm saying we are going to do everything that we have proposed to do this year the next thing in the calendar is noble women noble women conference right then we continue we will now this year we are doing our vision conference outside the province it's in protégé protégé but whatever do you like I did she wanna those people are like orphans but we are taking all the international bazookas everything we are going to yeah we are going there then after protégé protégé and now we are doing well we are busy building a gen first we only have two Sundays here now this one touch a baby to be after two of us are in Yakima Kamara what is on that a baby we are no longer needed here we are doing well we have to step out and make sure that that place is ready we don't want to interchanging us away amen now when we talk about all these things somebody says is it possible that we do all these things is it possible that we do all these things already ready to check on one woman came up to me when we were people are tired but this statement resonates and I said to him people are God is not tired she looked at me and I said you watch you watch this whole budget of the crusade will be fulfilled because this God is able what am I saying hearing now whenever you approach the things of God don't approach them with your strength and with your mind approach the things of God by faith in God not in any man is a mortal not in any resources that you have the things of God by faith in God let's read this verse again Romans 14 verse 23 this is our text of the day but the man who has doubts misgivings and an easy conscience about eating and then it's perhaps because of you because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith for whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin and I'm sinning against myself and I'm sinning against the destiny and the purposes of God whatsoever is not of faith is sin and anyone when we sit down to plan Pastor Shongo when we sit down to plan and look at the church activity let us sit by faith and plan by faith you see whenever people have a meeting and they sit down they apply themselves they apply their brain they apply their mind but let us take it higher let us plan to do things by faith and now I came to announce I came to announce to all of you that by faith we conclude in that faith by faith in God by faith we do what? we spoke about canvas that covers the place and I realized I realized that now people are dragging because their faith is not blocked I took it to the higher level I don't go down I took it to the higher level I said remove the canvas put aluminium glasses down and now we take it higher because we take it to the pocket of God because God can afford am I talking to somebody that dining hall is going to be aluminium all of it by next week when you visit there you will be greeted by aluminium why? we don't want to sin against our destiny we don't want to sin against God and do mediocre things tell your neighbours and neighbours no mediocre things we are dealing with God things are done by faith and faith in God achieves faith am I talking to somebody? the Bible says the church shall live by faith so faith must be your lifestyle am I talking to somebody? faith must be what? your lifestyle sometimes when you live a lifestyle of faith most people think you are arrogant most people think you don't think most people think this person is troublesome because you are plugging in the higher power faith is a powerful force am I talking to somebody here? I say faith is a powerful force when you talk about faith we are not talking about a little thing when we talk about faith we talk about something that is potent full of power it's a strong force am I talking to somebody here? when you release your faith things begin to happen watch this I want us to look at scriptures Matthew 17, 20 and 21 Matthew 17, 20 to 21 He said to them because of the littleness of your faith that is, your lack of firmly relying trust for truly I say to you if you have faith that is living like a grain of mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to yonder place and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you the Bible says when you have faith nothing will be impossible for you the Bible says some things the Bible says it says nothing nothing nothing shall be impossible to you and Jesus said all things not some things all things are possible to him that believeth all things are possible to him that believeth am I talking to somebody? let me repeat it all things let the church say all things all things are possible to him that believeth it is possible for you to do everything it is possible to do all things all things are possible to him that believeth to have believers in the house to have believers in the house believers in the house hallelujah give God a big hand of praise there are three groups in life there are caretakers caretakers are these people who set a budget and they take care of the budget caretakers and there are those who are risk takers the late Pastor Musubi the late Pastor Musubi of the assemblies of God said some people call it faith I call it risk in other words people of faith step out with nothing people of faith they don't measure affordability according to their bank balance and their pocket but they measure affordability according to the God whom they match with hallelujah that's affordability affordability in our marriage I somebody it was a reception of Joseph somehow and somebody announced Baye Ngabaye Fusion I was taking my guest speaker to Fusion and somebody stood up Baye Ngabaye Fusion then the next thing we are sitting in Fusion five star hotel we are sitting in Fusion my good God the whole army came in who is the floor ground floor tables with food on top tables with food the whole army of relatives and I don't know I don't know who whispered whether it was Joseph but what is who is going to pay for these people I switched off to the pocket of God I said Lord pay for these people let them have a good time then I ordered the starter I ordered the starter and Joseph is not eating I ordered the starter she is frustrated now we don't have that money and so on and I ordered the main course and I'm chatting with my guest and I'm eating my steak and I'm on the floor enjoying it I'm eating I'm eating and I'm busy relatives they are eating I said Lord thank you for blessing these people hallelujah ordered my favorite drink and I'm eating making calculations I said there is one who is initiating into the faith initiating into the school thank Jesus hallelujah after that I said dessert I said dessert and we ate waiters were busy bring the bill to me she wants to control these things see the damage because these people are now damaged what damage said you Jesus she says now how are we going to pay it's already paid it's already paid she said show me how I said you see you see that guy who let the bill and patello upstairs let the bill be paid upstairs okay fine let it go don't enter the bill enter patello upstairs it will be paid upstairs when I called the starters what was happening the first when I called the starters there was no payment not in which I mean cause there was no when I called the dessert dessert Italy payment came with payment because faith is a force faith is a force don't try the issue is you must be sure you are in faith you cannot try a fusion but if you are if you know faith tell your neighbor and say this is something I must do don't fix your life inside your salad fix it in God trust in God trust in God and and Joseph was hungry Joseph was hungry and she said to me I'll never I'll never again doubt your faith and then one day we were sharing and she said I will never doubt God again I said now now you are a graduate let us graduate from trusting our strength and trust God let us graduate from making pledges out of our our strength make that pledge by faith and see God move on your behalf am I talking to somebody here? take a step of faith and things will turn around I say take a step of faith things will turn around I say take a step of faith things will turn around live a life of faith and things will turn around the girls and the boys who sat under my ministry they are animals of faith that will shake so that now your faith is decreasing then I send that animal and in fact I didn't send I just called the wife for her to demotivate then that one the husband said I am going there the husband says he is coming on board and I said Pastor Chongwe sit down and watch those people because these are my children they were here with you they were here they were at call center they were living the life you are living until they got the message they stepped out by faith and now they can beat the offering of the whole church whatever you put whatever you put they can beat you because they were here with you they stepped out by faith to take their efforts to recognize I was with Joseph and us were together there in one of the conference a certain medical doctor came through he just came to greet and left after he left the doctor says this man loves you so much because your messages turned his life around wherever you preach he comes to listen I said what's happening with him he said this guy is running medical center he is developing medical center all over this guy is wealthy and everywhere he goes he tells them that I am a product of apostle Joseph he preached one message that turned my life around I am no longer an ordinary doctor who goes into the hospital and so on I have medical center he is developing estate the man who was driving us you see that estate belongs to that man you see that belongs to now this man one message turned his life around and he started following from a distance and he changed I said why you step out by faith and never be the same when you are a caretaker how many people want to live a life of faith faith is a force let us say faith is a force I mean it is a force I was I was looking at one man in Nigeria just one man who caught the revelation of faith one man Kenneth Copeland was preaching about faith and he got a revelation of this faith and he started telling things around I heard him clearly saying I have lost count of the high schools that our ministry have I don't know how much and I don't want to get in those numbers because we have high schools around the whole of Nigeria and he said now we have Calvary University now they have just built another university which is a agriculture university built by faith and he said they hangar they have their own hangar where they pack their jets of their own ministry they pack jets that belong to their ministry and he says by faith we achieve this faith in God watch this you are not called to support the work of God tell your neighbours and support who? you are not called to support the work of God you are called to plug in into the economy of God and fly away you can't support God tell your neighbours you can't support God you can't donate to God God is not a charity case am I talking to somebody God is not a charity case God is not a beggar am I talking to somebody you are here to plug into the economy of God and when you plug into the economy things will move I don't know what is standing in your way the way in your way with your millions the way with your billions the way with gold like that I don't know what is standing in your way whatever is standing in your way the Bible says if you are saved he will say to this mountain be lifted up if this mountain be lifted up hallelujah Christ has power this can lift up the mountain to lift up the mountain there is no forklift to lift up the mountain Christ can lift up the mountain can lift it up hallelujah not only lift it up he can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can lift it up Christ can 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