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BT 6.3.24

BT 6.3.24

Believe TogetherBelieve Together



Snow arrived!.... And disappeared... A quiz on snow... Songs for Mother's Day, Easter, anxiety, and ants! What is Lent? Send your musical dedications!

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From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea Creation's revealing your majesty From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring Every creature's unique in the song that it sings All exclaiming Indescribable, uncontainable You place the stars in the sky and you know that my name You are amazing God All-powerful, untamable Often we fall to your knees and we humbly proclaim That you are amazing God If forever lightning falls where it should go Or seen heavenly storehouses raven with snow Imagine the sun and get lost in its light You conceive it to bring us the coolness of life No, you can't fathom Indescribable, uncontainable You place the stars in the sky and you know that my name You are amazing God All-powerful, untamable Often we fall to your knees and we humbly proclaim That you are amazing God You are amazing God You are amazing God Indescribable, uncontainable You place the stars in the sky and you know that my name You are amazing God All-powerful, untamable Often we fall to your knees and we humbly proclaim That you are amazing God You are indescribable, uncontainable You place the stars in the sky and you know that my name You are amazing God Incomparable, untamable You see the depth of my heart and you love me the same You are amazing God You are amazing God You are amazing God It's good to be with you again. This is Peter here with Believe Together for the coming hour. The opening song today was indescribable but sung for us by Laura Storey. Now, yes, hello, I'm Jenny. It is indeed good to be with you for this hour, hopefully for the hour. Now if you live in the Keynsham and Salford area, you may just have noticed some sort of weather amazing phenomenon because we don't have it here very often, do we, recently, just for a few hours and it was mentioned in that song. What was that word? Hmm. So I thought for our Just for Fun quiz this week, we'd better use that word. So here it comes in the first question. In the Bible, whose body, or at least a part of it, turned white as snow? Ah. There may have been more than one person. Yes, I think there might have been. And now for the Thought for the Week for the Keynsham Talking Newspaper. Hello, my name's Caroline and I'm Parish Outreach Worker for St. Johnson's Parish in Keynsham and I'm really looking forward to spending the next few weeks just sharing a few of my thoughts and reflections with you. We are now in the first week of March and I think we can safely say that spring is here. We've left winter behind. The weather outside doesn't always reflect the change in season but there definitely is that change in the air. The change is so noticeable in the lightning of the evenings and the plants as they begin to grow and sprout leaves. And I feel with this change of season there is a sort of tangible change in people's moods and people's outlooks. I think during the winter we can tend to hide away and tend to go inwards really and not really necessarily reach out to other people or our wider community. But when spring comes there's always that sense of going outside, that sense of kind of a new awakening as we kind of step into this new season. And in the life of our church and the parishes we've also entered a new season. We are now in just entering the third week of Lent which is a very special time within the life of the church, a very special time for Christians. And it's often seen as a time of kind of penance and a kind of sombre time where we reflect on our lives. But it's also a great time of grace, a time where we can look at what we might like to change in our own lives. Everyone I'm sure will be familiar with this idea of us giving something up for Lent. And the reason we kind of give something up for Lent isn't sort of to punish ourselves it's really so we can look at our own lives and think, like you might look at a plant that needs pruning, it's a chance for us to look at our own lives and say actually what do we need to change so we can grow? What do we need to change so we can grow as a person? And what do we need to change so we can grow in faith and grow in our relationship with God? And I think it's so wonderful that the season of Lent falls in the season of spring when I think our minds naturally turn towards new beginnings. There's a hope in the air and I feel that that's as we journey towards Easter hopefully that we share in some of that feeling of hope and of new beginnings because it is a chance for us just to reflect on how we might grow in the coming year and what new ways might we grow in our own lives and how we might flourish in our faith. Baby, He's the apple of my eye He brings away the branches when the branches get too high He bears fruit in season and He loves them every day And that's why I'm gonna fall in love with Him Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes And that's why I'm gonna fall in love with Him Jesus is the Savior He's the one who gave His life He's the one who lights my life I'll never have to die He's the very reason every time He makes me cry And that's why I'm gonna fall in love with Him Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes And that's why I'm gonna fall in love with Him Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes And that's why I'm gonna fall in love with Him Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes Glory, glory, when it comes That's why I'm gonna fall in love Well, thank you Caroline for your thoughts around gardening And thank you for Jules Riding bringing us that Bananas for the Lord song Which of course also talks about gardening Well, pruning our lives anyway But also leads very neatly into a couple of jokes from Arthur and Levi What kind of key opens a banana? What? I've no idea A mum's key Awww, see Why are pianos so hard to open? I don't know, why are they hard to open? Because the keys are in the inside Awww, what a joke Thank you again to Arthur and Levi Now, I think it's time to find out a bit more about what's going on locally in the next week or two Okay, well the Keynesham Forum have let us know that Puro's consultation on the Tin Taddle Close redevelopment Is now open and will run just until the 12th of March Now if you live in Keynesham, I expect you've heard of Tin Taddle Close and you'll know what we're talking about You can give them your views either online or in person at their public drop-in at the Queen's Road Centre That's in the Queen's Road Methodist Church, Queen's Road, Keynesham It's on Friday 8th March from 4 to 7pm If you'd like to give your views online There's further information on the scheme and the link to the online feedback form on their website Which is www.puro-group.co.uk Please do share this information with anyone that may have an interest Now, Saturday 9th March from 10 in the morning until 12 noon There's the monthly Keynesham Repair Cafe Which is held in the Keynesham Baptist Church in Keynesham High Street So you can take along any small items in need of repair And of course you can visit the cafe there While you wait for somebody to have a good old go at trying to repair your stuff Now also on that same morning, Saturday 9th March Do you have any old tools you could donate to Hope for Ukraine, Bristol? Because they'll be there at the Baptist Church as well Collecting working hand tools and power tools But please nothing rusty, nothing broken, nothing in poor condition And of course power tools must work Please drop tools off between 10am and 11.45am Now they'll also be very happy to consider very strong rucksack style bags Which can be used to transport the tools in the van to Ukraine And then used as a rucksack afterwards The people in Ukraine are looking to rebuild And anything they could use has been looted and stolen So they currently have nothing So the challenge to all of us is Check our sheds, toolboxes and even those junk drawers From hammers and saws to nuts, screws and bolts As long as they're not rusty and they're in good condition Hope for Ukraine, Bristol would love to take them off our hands So if you'd like to see what other items are currently being collected for Hope for Ukraine You can find out their list on their website HopeforUkraine.org.uk Now on Saturday 9th March again From 10am to 2pm There's something else, now where are you going to be? There's so much going on Well this is in the Coniger Hall, Timsbury It's called Seedy Saturday Now Timsbury is a lovely village south west of Bath and south east of Bristol What you need to do is bring seeds to swap Browse heritage and organic seeds Pick up growing tips Plus purchase local preserves, crafts, home grown and plant based products There'll be fun displays and activities for all the family You can find out about and get involved locally with groups about gardening, wildlife and sustainable lifestyles And of course visit their kitchen cafe Now Sunday 10th March, just the day after We expect many local churches will have Mothering Sunday services But we'll mention just one here now St Mary's Church in Salford are inviting people to share in a parish breakfast That's a continental style breakfast with tea and coffee From 8.45am in their church hall before the Mothering Sunday service at 9.30am The breakfast will be raising funds to support the Life Project Bath And to give information about this local charity which provides support for people with learning difficulties And that leads us very neatly into a little song about mothers Thinking about things a little bit differently See what you think of this We need your mother, love of God To keep and hold us tight We need your mother, love of God To lead us through the night We need your Holy Spirit To comfort and to guide May she give us courage To do what's right We need your mother, love of God To teach us how to live A love that never passes But draws because it gives May we reject the pride That thinks we are the best That we deserve much more While others can have less We need your mother, love of God To teach us to say no To all the ways of violence To all the ways of war So give us all the way we have To party to evil deeds Done in the name of our nation While we simply cannot be We need your mother, love of God To teach us to say yes To all the ways of beauty To all the ways of bliss To be gentle with creation And all God's creatures too To treat us with kindness To cherish and renew We need your mother, love of God To enumber with the need Forgive our need to dominate For the poor and weak And men over women And race over race Forgive us for the sins That hide the human face We need your mother, love of God To keep our spirits true To the values of your kingdom To the attitude from you Blessed are the merciful Blessed are the meek Blessed are the humble Blessed are the weak We need your mother, love of God To keep and hold us tight We need your mother, love of God To lead us through the night We need your Holy Spirit To comfort and to guide May she give us courage To do what's right We need your mother, love of God To keep and hold us tight We need your mother, love of God To teach us how to live We need your mother, love of God To teach us to say no We need your mother, love of God To teach us to say yes We need your mother, love of God Well, that was a bit of an oldie from Garth Hewitt But the words remain true We do need your mother, love, oh God And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question two Now, is it really true that every snowflake is different from every other snowflake? What do you think? Yes or no? Well, that is an interesting question How many ways can you put together snow molecules? Well, yes Here is my leprosy mission calendar verse for March It's from Matthew 28 verse 6 and it says He is not here for he has risen, just like he said Well, let's hear that same verse put to music by Noel Richards Hey you, have you ever felt like listening to our sister programme on a Friday evening to kickstart your weekend early? Then prepare for the opposite of calm, it's the lighter show Hey, every Friday here at 4pm on KTCR FM Join us for the best possible way to start your weekend Remember folks, you're listening to The Lighter Show on KTCR FM Top tunes, unique radio features, guaranteed to leave you feeling lighter Leave feeling lighter or your money back That's us, The Lighter Show, Friday 4pm, we'll be seeing you You're listening to Believe Together A purchase together in Caterham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online Now, if anyone would like to contact the team here at Believe Together It could be answers to the quiz, it could be a birthday dedication Or you could be dedicating a track maybe to some other big moment in your life or another person's life It's all good, we'd love to hear from you Or you could just contact us about anything at all that's interesting I mean, that's what local radio is so much fun for, isn't it? Here's how you can get in touch We've got multiple ways, so get your pencil at the ready The first way is easy It's if you want to text message us or use the WhatsApp application on your mobile phone This is the number for WhatsApp or texting 07879402114 That's 07879402114 Now, if you prefer email, you can email bt.melted.com That's bt.melted.com Perhaps you prefer Facebook, not a problem We have a Facebook page where you can contact us as well And you can search in Facebook for Believe Together Radio And you'll find us on Facebook That's Believe Together Radio And finally, if you go to your place where you normally get your podcasts from There are many places But wherever that is for you, just search for Believe Together And you'll find us wherever you get your podcasts from We hope to hear from you soon Go on, get in touch Now here's my diary verse for the week This week it's from Matthew 6, verse 34 And it says Therefore do not worry about tomorrow For tomorrow will worry about itself Each day has enough trouble of its own So let's play this lovely song by the Martins family Birds Don't Worry And then there'll be another song Look at the birds in the bright blue sky The red cardinal and the black magpie Hear them chirp and sing every day It doesn't even matter what comes their way Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say They praise their creator and worship our king Birds don't worry they say Listen to the song of the chickadee Singing full of joy calling you and me See the mighty eagle soaring in the sky Spreading out his wings as they pass him by Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say They praise their creator and worship our king Birds don't worry they say Jesus sees and cares for each little bird He sees each child in this big wide world God knows your name and he loves you too He wants to guide and take care of you God knows your name and he loves you too He wants to guide and take care of you Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say Jesus cares for you in whatever you go through Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say Jesus cares for you in whatever you go through Birds don't worry they say Birds don't worry they say See the birds that are singing in the spring air They're giving everything they need They don't worry where their next meal will come from They don't worry about a thing So just look around you Try to listen to the song creation sings Don't you worry cause you're in the hands of the guy Who made everything See the flowers and their colorful beauty They're dressed better than a king They don't worry about what they should wear No, they don't worry about a thing So just look around you Try to listen to the song creation sings Don't you worry cause you're in the hands of the guy Who made everything Because you're not a bird and you're not a flower You don't have petals or wings But dear goodness you're worth so much more To the guy who made everything Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo So when you worry about today or tomorrow And the storms that they might bring Try to remember that you're in the hands of the guy Who made every single thing Now just remember you're not a bird and you're not a flower You don't have petals or wings But there's good news cause you're worth so much more To the guy who made everything Thank you to Ellie Holcomb for that beautiful follow-up worship song called Do Not Worry Wow, we all need to hear that again and again Now I think it's time for some news headlines from around the world Pro-life students left terrified after being targeted by protesters at Manchester University Welby apologises for refusing to meet Palestinian Christian leader Pope Francis calls for studies into ugly gender theory YWAM co-founder speaks out as two remain in critical condition after bus crash A very popular song indeed Now listen carefully because there's going to be a quiz question on it afterwards Do Not Worry We're walking in the air With no vision of the moon and sky The people standing tall are sleeping as we fly I'm holding very tight I'm riding in the midnight blue I'm finding I can fly so high above with you Do Not Worry All across the world The television goes by like a dream The rivers and the hills The forest and the sea Children playing in the open ground Fading by for the night Nobody down below will hear We're floating in the air We're swimming across the sky We're drifting over icy mountains to the sky Do Not Worry Suddenly we belong on ocean deep Browsing over glaciers to the sky We're walking in the air We're dancing in the midnight sky And everyone with me is asleep as we fly We're walking in the air Walking in the air Walking in the air And now it's time for our Just For Fun quiz and time for question three So here comes that question in a few parts What was the song called? What was the film it came from? And who wrote the book on which it was based? Wow, three questions at once Yeah, three for the price of one Right, we'll get the answers to all of our Just For Fun quiz questions later on in this show And here's something completely different A message from a council recycling team Don't put in your recycling bin Greasy pizza boxes And don't put in your recycling bin Dirty tins and dirty plastic bottles If any of your recycling is dirty, greasy or wet your whole thing could be rejected So follow this golden rule Keep your recycling clean, dry and loose And remember Don't put in your recycling bin Greasy pizza boxes Now, we've got a quick report now on the Lent course from last week This was the second week of the five arranged in Lent by Churches Together in our area And this one was led by John Hayes the Methodist minister in Keynesham And he was talking about a way of life discipleship, a way of life And he used the Methodist way of life a set of notes which are used for their pastoral care visits What is in them? Well, four simple sections Worship, Learning and Caring Service and Evangelism And we all had the chance to sit down in little groups of four or five and chat about what we think Was this useful? Could we relate to these questions and answers? Do they ring true in our own experience of our own lives? Yes, I thought it was really good And you don't have to be a Methodist, of course to follow this way of life And as he said, there are plenty of other ways of life But if you go to the central Methodist website which I did afterwards you can print off loads of lovely stuff and use them as a checklist It's good for new Christians and also those of us who have been Christians for a long time to check that we're covering each area of our discipleship So, that's for individual Christians and even churches do have different emphases in different seasons If we think about all the churches in Keynesham and Salkwood and the surrounding villages they're all different and they may all have different emphases But, you know, they're all good So, thank you very much, John Hayes, for that I found that very useful Indeed Yes, we've got two more Tuesday evening events in the Lent course before the end of Lent as it were, before Easter comes They're Tuesday evenings in Keynesham Baptist Church 7 o'clock refreshments 7.30, sit down and start All are welcome indeed and that leads us neatly on into a song from the London Fox Choir suitably for this week coming from their album called Mother's 50 Favourite Hymns and this favourite hymn is Take My Life and Let It Be Take my life and let it be God's great grace have brought to thee Take my moment and my day Let them go in peace and grace Take my love and let them do Let me in to know my love Take my feet and let them be Sweet and beautiful for thee Take my voice and let it be Glory, glory for my King Take my lips and let them be Give me messages from thee Take my strength and my gold Love of my soul I withhold Take my fear and let them go Let me not falter or lose Take my will and let it die This shall be your London life Take my heart and give my love This shall be thy royal throne Take my love and let them go Love of my soul I withhold Take my fear and let them be Glory, glory for my King Glory, glory for my King We have a few more What's On's to share with you. Saturday the 16th of March. We told you about the Repair Cafe in Keynsham, didn't we? Well, there's another Repair Cafe very close to us in Saltford, the village between Keynsham and Bath. It's held in the Saltford Hall, Wedmore Road, from 11am until 1pm. This is on Saturday the 16th of March. It's in conjunction with Share and Repair, who are a charity based in Bath and North East Somerset. Their aim is to help local people save money, and the planet, through reduce, repair and reuse. And they say this, please pop down with your item needing a helping hand, or simply come along and say hello. As well as being able to get your broken items looked at, we will also be running our community cafe alongside, offering our legendary Newton Farm Bacon Rolls, mmm, yum! As well as other rolls, homemade cakes, mmm, yum! And fair trade tea and coffee. So, if you're looking for something to do with your Saturdays, why not volunteer with us? We are always looking for repairers to give a hand at our Repair Cafes. That sounds good. Now let's move over to Bitton, St Mary's Church. They're going to present The Road to Calvary, the story from Palm Sunday to the Crucifixion, in music by the Magpies, including their own Owen Cole. On Saturday the 23rd of March, at 2.30pm. There'll be tea and cakes involved, and there'll be a collection for church funds. That sounds lovely. And now let's move over to another St Mary's Church, this time in the village of Timsbury. Sunday the 24th of March, at 3 in the afternoon. So it's an afternoon special service. The Reverend Julian Davies is inviting people to a very special Easter celebration. As in recent years, there will be a special Easter celebration with Easter Egg Hunt, for special needs children and young people, and their families. As before, it will be a relaxed service, where our young people can move around as much as they need, and parents and carers do not need to worry if their young people are unable to be quiet. In fact, the more noise the better. There will be light refreshments afterwards. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone you think would like to come along and join in. Yes, our family's been there two years running. It's really good. Yes. So that's Sunday the 24th of March, 3pm, St Mary's Church, Timsbury. Now, if you live in the Keynsham area, please note we don't have time in Believe Together to tell you about everything going on in the area. I'm sure there are plenty of other things happening in which you'd be interested. So why not listen to the Good Morning Show on KTCR FM. It's on every morning, Monday to Saturday, from 8 till 9am, and then it's repeated from 9 to 10am. So why not listen in and find out what's going on in the area. And I will just add that if there's any special event that you would like us to include in our What's On's in Believe Together, please tell us and we'll be delighted to try to include them. Right, now let's get back to snow. Here's a song from Watchman Network's Whiter Than Snow. Watchman Network's Whiter Than Snow Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole I want Thee forever to live in my soul Without every idol, without every foe Now more she and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Now more she and I shall be whiter than snow Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole I want Thee forever to live in my soul Break down every idol, cast out every foe Now more she and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Now more she and I shall be whiter than snow Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the sky And help me to make a complete sacrifice I give up myself and what I know Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Lord Jesus, let not the unholy remain Of my right and wrong, I strive every day To get this blessed mercy I often forgo Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly am pleased I will bless the Lord as I crucify, please By faith for my cleansing I see Thy love flow Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Through the pool of glory shall never be full Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz Now, sorry if some of the answers to this week's quiz are a bit long But snow is fascinating, isn't it? And I'm sure you're really looking forward to hearing the answers Well, question number one In the Bible, whose body, or at least a part of it, turned white as snow? And there may have been more than one person Well, here are the answers to that bit The first such instance was when God made the hand of Moses leprous as snow But then quickly restored it Secondly, Moses' sister Miriam became leprous white as snow When she and Aaron spoke against Moses Though in fact it's very rare for someone with leprosy to turn as white as snow White skin is more associated with Raynaud's disease Where fingers or toes become very white when in the cold Right, number two Is it really true that every snowflake is different from every other snowflake? What do you think? Well, this is a tricky one, isn't it? Of course it can't be proved But most scientists seem to believe that it is so Now, this is what it says on my search engine So, ready for this Snowflakes are one of the most recognisable symbols of winter weather Every snowflake is unique And there is an infinite number of possible shapes they can form Although snowflakes are all the same on an atomic level It's almost impossible for two snowflakes to form complicated designs in exactly the same way But now, I've got a contradiction coming up However, in 1988, Nancy Knight in the USA A scientist at the National Centre for Atmosphere Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA Found two identical examples While studying snow crystals from a storm in Wisconsin Using a microscope Well, if that's true Oh, so maybe we still don't know then But apparently, every single snowflake has a speck of dirt in it Around which it's formed That's amazing OK, let's get on to number three Now, you listened to that song, didn't you? I'm sure you knew what it was What is it called? Of course, it's the lyrics of Walking in the Air And they symbolise the longing for freedom Both physically and emotionally And the desire to escape the constraints of everyday life They invite the listener to embark on a dreamlike journey And experience the wonders of the world from a high vantage point Of course, we can put a spiritual meaning to that As we can fly high with Jesus And see the world more from his perspective The bigger picture Now, what film did it come from? It came from The Snowman Which I think is on the TV every Christmas time It's so popular And what book is it based on? It's based on the book The Snowman Written by Raymond Briggs This version of Walking in the Air that we played Was by Alec Jones Now, I think we might put some pictures of snowmen After Keynsham's little flurry of snow Last Saturday during the night So, I wonder if there will be any more snow before next winter I doubt it down here But I'm sure there will be in other places It's time to say goodbye again How does it come by so quickly? Anyway, it's been lovely being with you for this time And I look forward to being with you again next week Today, we're going to play out With a special dedication for somebody's birthday Goodbye! Well, listeners You know we're waiting for a poem from any of you, don't you? But the only poems we seem to get are from Pat Rock Which are wonderful, of course Now, she's written another poem She said she only wrote it the other day in January Well, she's very prolific This one doesn't have a title But I think we'll soon find out what it's about So, here we go Thank you for the poem, Pat Now the sun is shining brightly And soon will come the spring Bringing with it leaves and blossom And little birds that sing I know of another springtime Coming in someone's soul When they take Jesus as saviour Making them truly whole God's light will come into their lives So that for Him they shine Shedding God's light all around them Saying, Jesus is mine When we have God's light in our lives We can stand firm and strong Growing closer to Him each day Shining all the day long That's lovely, Pat Thank you very much Come on, everyone Where's your poem? Yes, and it's goodbye from me too All that remains is for me to hand over to Des for the blessing And then to Blaze for our last song Well, it's time for our blessing today God of grace and compassion May we understand your love for each one of us And may you be enriched by your blessings as always Amen It's Alfie's birthday this week And he'll be turning two years old His mummy and daddy would like us to play for him The Ant Song by Ian Wyatt Which quotes from the book of Proverbs in the Bible Telling us to learn from the ants to work hard So here it comes Happy birthday, Alfie Happy birthday, Alfie Yes, happy birthday, Alfie He's running down the pavement as quickly as can be With a piece of honey sandwich that used to belong to me His legs are very tiny but look at how they go And if you try to stop him he might bite you on the toe Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants He's very, very busy He doesn't stop to slack And look at the size of the crumbs on his back I wonder where he's going He's climbing down a hole He's going to feed the baby ants Nesting down below Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants So if you're feeling lazy and won't get out of bed Remember the ways of a little ant's death He doesn't stop to grumble He's always full of them And that's why the Bible says that you should look to him Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants He's running down the pavement as quickly as can be With a piece of honey sandwich that used to belong to me His legs are very tiny But look at how they go And if you try to stop him he might bite you on the toe Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants He's very, very busy He doesn't stop to slack And look at the size of the crumbs on his back I wonder where he's going He's climbing down a hole He's going to feed the baby ants And nestle down below Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants So if you're feeling lazy and won't get out of bed Remember the ways of a little ant's death He doesn't stop to grumble He's always full of them And that's why the Bible says that we should look to him Yes, if you're feeling lazy and won't get out of bed Remember the ways of a little ant's death He doesn't stop to grumble He's always full of them And that's why the Bible says That's why the Bible says That's why the Bible says that we should look to him Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants Ants, ants, ants, ants Look at the ants

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