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writing assignment 10 audio

writing assignment 10 audio

bayram ayvazov



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Justin Rodriguez lists 10 things that scare him. He is scared of other people's blood, especially when they are bleeding. He is also scared of jobs that involve being deep underwater or high up in the air because they can be claustrophobic and dangerous. He has a fear of man-made creations underwater because it's unsettling to see objects that are normally above water. Reading books also scares him because it feels overwhelming. My name is Justin Rodriguez, and these are 10 things that scare me. Number one, other people's blood. Specifically, when it's other people bleeding and not me, it's kind of off-putting because, you know, it's sort of just like you're sort of comfortable with your own blood and yourself, but when somebody else is bleeding, it just sort of freaks me out. Number two, deep-sea underwater jobs and jobs that are high up in the air. If the job is in a plane or underwater, like, for instance, underwater welding, those jobs can just be very claustrophobic and in environments that are just, you know, can be dangerous. And so if I were to have one of those jobs, you know, that would freak me out. Number three, submicrophobia. Specifically, submicrophobia is the fear of man-made creations that are underwater. And it freaks me out only because it's just objects that you expect to be, you know, above water, like houses or statues or things like that. When seeing them underwater, it's very unsettling. It's sort of just like if you showed me, you know, Lake Lanier, it would probably freak me out. Number four, reading books. Specifically, not reading. I'm fine with reading maybe like an article or something, but if I were handed a whole book and I had to read all of it, I would probably just be too overwhelming for me to do. And so that's sort of why it freaks me out.

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