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Adon Olam: Starting the Day Right -   Episode 12

Adon Olam: Starting the Day Right - Episode 12

Baila YanivBaila Yaniv



Discover the power of starting your day with Adon Olam. Learn how its timeless words—Hashem’s Oneness, eternal dominion, and personal care—can simplify your focus, bring clarity, and ground your mornings in purpose. Join us for practical tips to make tefillah the foundation of your day.

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Starting the day without prayer is illogical and leaves us scattered. Prayer grounds us and aligns us with Hashem. Adon HaRam is a powerful prayer to set the foundation. Reflect on the verses and trust in Hashem's oneness, eternal dominion, and personal involvement as our Redeemer. Let go of distractions and simplify your focus. Trust in Hashem's plan and find peace. Connect with Hashem in prayer and share your heart. Starting the day with prayer impacts focus and changes the course of the day. Share your thoughts at info@tefillah today. May your mornings be purposeful and your connection to Hashem unshakable. Welcome to Tefila Today, where we explore the beauty and depth of Tefila as the foundation of our lives. Today, let's start with a question you may not have considered. What's your first instinct when you wake up in the morning? For most of us, the mind goes to e-mails, chores, or deadlines. It feels logical to jump straight into the day, tackling our responsibilities head on. But here's a twist. Because if that's actually the most illogical way to start the day, let me explain. Think about building a case in court. You begin with your opening statement. That's the foundation. Skipping that step would leave your argument scattered and the jury confused. In the same way, starting our day without Tefila is like skipping the opening statement of our lives. Tefila grounds us, aligns us, and gives us clarity. As Chaim Chanievsky once taught, that the most logical and effective way to begin the day is with Tefila, not e-mails, not errands, not prepping for the family as soon as you get up, getting up a few minutes earlier, and connecting to the One, Hashem, who gave us this day. And there's no better Tefila to set the foundations than Adon HaRam. Today we'll explore three verses, the first three stanzas, that guide us to realign our perspective and trust in Hashem, for who our heart, the En Chini, reminds us to simplify and focus on Hashem's Oneness. B'li Rishis, B'li Sachlis, invites us to trust Hashem's eternal dominion. V'hu Kehli V'chai Golali reassures us of Hashem's personal involvement as our Redeemer. Let's dive in. V'hu Echad V'En Chini, V'ham Shelo V'Hachbira, Hashem's Oneness, He is One, and there is no second to compare to Him, to be His equal. Let's reflect. We live in a world obsessed with competition and comparison, who's the best, who's the fastest, who's the most successful, but this verse challenges that mindset. Hashem is One, unparalleled, and beyond comparison. Nothing else comes close. If we internalize that truth, it simplifies everything. Finally, the daily distractions vying for our attention shrink in significance. A practical takeaway, tomorrow morning, pause when you recite this verse. Think about what feels overwhelming or distracting. Ask yourself, how can I simplify my focus today? Let the truth of Hashem's Oneness cut through the noise and bring clarity to your priorities. Hashem's Eternity, B'ri Reishith, B'ri Sachlis, V'locha Oz, V'ham Yisra, Hashem has no beginning and no end. He has the power of dominion. Let's reflect. This verse reminds us that Hashem's dominion is eternal. He was here before time began and will remain forever. In a world filled with uncertainty, this truth is grounding. Think about it logically. If Hashem's presence spans all of time, then we don't need to figure out everything ourselves. Our role is to align with Hashem's plan, trusting that He's always been, always is, and always will be in control. As you recite this verse, think of an area in your life when you are struggling to let go. Maybe a decision you're overtaking, or a problem you feel compelled to solve. And say to yourself, Hashem has guided the world since the beginning. I trust His plan, capital H, Hashem's plan, for me today, and let that trust bring you peace. V'hu keili v'chai goali, v'tzur chevli, v'eis tzara. This is Hashem as our Redeemer. Hashem is my Hashem, Hashem is my God, and my living Redeemer, the rock of my pain and times of distress. Chevli means pain, tzara means distress. Hashem keili v'chai goali, v'tzur chevli, is the rock, chevli, of my pain, v'eis tzara, and my distress. So reflect on this verse, it shifts from the cosmic to the personal. Hashem isn't just the creator of the universe, He's your, my, chai goali, my living Redeemer, intimately involved in my life. When you face challenges, Hashem is my v'tzur chevli, the unshakable rock that I, that you can lean on. So the practical takeaway is when you recite this verse, take a moment to talk to Hashem. Share what's on your heart, whether it's fear, uncertainty, or frustration. These moments of connection remind us that Hashem is not distant, He's right here, guiding and supporting us through life's challenges. Here's a question for you. Have you ever noticed how starting your day without tefillah impacts your focus? Or how grounding yourself in tefillah changes the course of your day? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Email me at info tefillah today at gmail.com. Let's build this case for mindful mornings together. Until next time, may your mornings be purposeful, your days inspired, and your connection to Hashem unshakable.

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