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cover of Female: Bathroom Break
Female: Bathroom Break

Female: Bathroom Break


In this audio titled "Female: Bathroom Break," a woman is the central character. The narrative begins as she is deeply engrossed in a live Twitch streaming session. Suddenly, she realizes the pressing need for a bathroom break, an interruption that she must attend to urgently. It's clear that she has been sitting for quite a while, likely because of the engrossing content or the sheer enjoyment of the streaming session. She hastily asks her audience for a brief pause, indicating her need for a break. The sound of a flushing toilet follows, signifying that she is in the restroom. Amid the hustle, the woman also manages to express her longing for a coffee break, hinting at her exhaustion and need for a quick pick-me-up. The audio ends with her returning to the streaming session, refreshed and ready to continue, demonstrating the importance of timely breaks in maintaining one's focus and energy.

Sound Effectsdowomanpeetoiletbreakinterruptionstreamingtwitchmustcoffee break

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