The audio file titled "Wristband" commences with the soft rustling sound of a plastic object, which is identified as a bracelet, a wristband to be precise. The material of the wristband is a resilient, flexible plastic, as the sound suggests. The audio then shifts to an abrupt, sharp noise, a jolt, that resonates through the wristband, the sound a clear indication of the sudden movement it experiences. Following this, a rhythmic hum of vibrations can be heard, pulsating at regular intervals. This sound paints a vivid image of the wristband vibrating, possibly due to an inbuilt mechanism or external trigger. The combination of these sounds creates a layered sensory experience, immersing the listener in the audial journey of this wristband. The audio concludes leaving a lingering sense of having touched and felt the wristband solely through the power of sound.