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We'll let it right out. Here we go. Ready? Go. Here we go. The beat. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Baby, don't waste your time on me. I'm so damaged beyond repair. Like you shattered my hopes and my dreams. I'm a lost cause. Baby, don't waste your time on me. I'm so damaged beyond repair. Like you shattered my hopes and my dreams. What else? Captivating song. Baby, what up? 36 Mafia alumni. I love it. Man, this guy. This song was a little soulful. And man, it's captivating, man. Just the way it starts off with the get go. For real life struggles. To this song, man. You hear the pain. In his voice. Man, he's been through some shit, man. For sure. Everybody struggles, man. No matter his pain or your pain or my pain. It's something we can relate to. Because we've all been at that moment, right? And to be honest, we all want to be where he's at right now. For real. Was it shit that he said? Was it that the windshield was brighter than the rearview mirror? He's living the Rags to Riches fucking moment right now. For sure. He's eating this shit up. I get it. He's running that shit with them. He's right for it. We'll see what happens after that. Because it won't play for so long. I've never heard it before. I give it up to him. I'm just saying. This is on the gig. It's like Mace. What do you got after that? What else do you got? He can't be a one trick pony, nigga. That's what it comes down to. Are you going to suck a dick for the fucking Illuminati or not? That's what it comes down to, right? I mean. Did he survive Diddy? Did he survive Diddy? He better fucking survive Diddy. He's going to have to suck something. No, man. That's not the school. We got another one coming along. What are we talking about, though? We won't even remember his name, bro. Get it wrong? Give it a few years, bro. You ain't going to remember his name. I don't think we will. I do wrong. I do wrong. You want to make a three year bet? How much? I'm not a country guy, but this song is captivating. I love it. I feel that. The fact that he started off as a rapper and that was in his niche and switched his whole job. Hell no. Make it a style dim for him and got him a Grammy. He worked the system. He's smarter than most people are. That's what he did. He worked the system. Shout out to the motherfuckers that worked the system, too. That's an entrepreneur right there. Hell yeah. He figured that shit out, bro. And he got an hot ass girlfriend, too. He's not just smart. He needs charisma. He got charisma, too. He's doing it, bro. I fuck with him. I'm not here to deny his talent or nothing like that. I was just giving you a hard time because I know you like that motherfucker. For whatever reason, man. He respects it. I do, man. He's doing it, bro. The thing is this song, man. It's so captivating. It goes through every life struggle for every American, man. Homage to yourself big time. It really does. It's not that I'm a fan. I like the song. Pick and choose what song he likes. Edward, my bad, bro. I'm being a little bit too honest sometimes. Sorry. No, no. It's a combo. It's a combo. I feel that, man. I love that song. I'm glad that you love it, too. Hell yeah, man. One of my biggest idols was Rich, man. He's the one that put me in the car business. He's the one that put me on that song. I never heard it before. You were literally holding those fucking tears in front of me. Dude, because that song is fucking captivating. Yeah, yeah. I'm telling you. I know. The fucking Billy Idiot. They fucking turned me on to it. They know the playlist. Fucking 30 seconds or 15 seconds. He gave me his whole playlist. He was over there crying in front of me. I was like, dog, I got to listen now. I can't not listen. I can't not listen. I gave it a little bit of fucking... You can not tell people how to vibe. We turn to you, man. We emotionally turn to you. Yeah, yeah. It's kind of my cup of tea. You know what, though? I like the fucking vibe, man. That's what it is, man. It's all about the vibe. It's just having a good time, man. We're all just in the fucking middle class just trying to fucking make it happen. You know what I'm saying? That's how it really is. Let's just fucking have some fun. I'll be grateful, man. The most important thing is be grateful. Yeah, be grateful for everything, man. Everything. Everything. No matter what you're going through, just know there's somebody working up. If you have that kind of mindset, you got it, man. For sure. What's up, man? Yeah, man. Hey, yo, man. You got some beers with you or not? Yeah, yeah. We got some more beers right here. Let me get one of them real quick. You all right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. I don't know what you're... I don't know what you're up to. Dude. This is from Lily's party at your dad's crib, bro. They got leftover Budweiser right at the fridge, bro. I left that side. Right at the fridge. I left that side. Shit. I'll take one of these. It is a Bud Light, by the way. Anyways, how do you feel about our pitch, man? I think we're in the gold 5-0. I don't know. I don't know, bro. Y'all keep on going with the losers, right? No, no. There was a game, man. Oh, y'all were fucking... Y'all were against the Texans. Y'all want to go against the Texans. Just because it didn't sound right. Oh, the Broncos. That's the game. Fucking Broncos. Fuck the Broncos. As a matter of fact, I think I got a fucking thing for the Broncos. There's one guarantee in life that there are no guarantees. Yeah, that's a good one, too. One guarantee. Russell Williams said we are unlimited. We are unlimited. I think that was one of those. Anyways, man. What does that mean, though? You got a... Hold on, hold on. Let me just ask you real quick. Bring me up to game, man. Hold on, hold on. I'll tell you that. Are you going to... Are you going to... I'll figure it out, bro. Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes. I think you guys did a report with homeboy, right? What's up? You guys did a report with homeboy. Don't feel like you have to, bro. No, no, no, bro. That's our thing, but we'd love for you to be a part of it. That would be more than fucking... You know what I mean? I just don't want you to feel like that. No, no, no, no, no. Okay. I'm just being live, right? You know what I'm saying? We're just family. I fucking love this guy. You understand the love that I have forever. And likewise, so... Yeah, yeah. We're just having a little chit-chat here. And here we go, man. We're presenting from La Casa Santos. Yes, sir. If you're ever in town, I suggest you look elsewhere. Because my house is pretty full. A little full house, man. It's a hell of a drive. Check out my tattoo, man. I got a full house. I got two aces. No, I got two kings and I got two queens on my arm which means, symbolizes my three queens, my wife and daughter and I got two kings symbolizes my boys. I got a full house. Is that it? I think I have a button for that. I don't know. I can't do this for anyone. But, you know what? I love my nieces and nephews, for sure. But, I'm gonna... I can't even see the mark. It's all good. I love you, just know I love you. You got a hug. Yeah, yeah. It's all good, man. I get to be an asshole I guess it's sweet. Just because I got death. Death in my family. Use that one. But, I feel some type of way and I'm gonna also I'm gonna speak my mind on him because I feel like I deserve it to him because he was Although he But he's your role model? Yeah, so that's what I would say. I think he was my younger age like role model, right? And how I felt, that type of thing. And then, like obviously I got, you know love for all my uncles. Yeah, yeah. In their own way. Talk about that too. In their own privacy. But, as far as who I look up to when I first when I was little. You know. Yeah, we all have that uncle man. And not only that, he was my grandfather's name. I never met my grandfather. So, it had that little it was a good bond. So, there's something that you know, hits there. At the end of the day, man, I can sit there and act like a bitch, but it hurts more. It just hurts more. It just No, no, I know, I know. But at the end of the day, what I'm trying to say is that it hurts knowing that my dad and you know, my uncles and three it went from four to three. That's what it is. It's more of like a symbolic thing because I know that he's in a better place. But, I love what me and you have as a friendship so that I'm able to talk about it and not feel ashamed. You know what I mean? It's fun though, man. Motherfuckin' Bia. Hey, you got some Bud Light, bro. Bud Light, man. What you got? You got a new one or what? You got just a couple two? Nah, man. I got my drink full over here. I got my styrofoam. And you, man. One thing I want to share is that we went on a vacation this week. It was probably one of the best vacations of my life. Dude, what do you mean? I woke up every morning and I forgot how I went home. I'm with you. I had a great fuckin' time, bro. I had a great experience. The kids loved it. That's one thing that I want to say is you have to learn how to fuckin' have fun with your family. That's what you need to do. That's our whole purpose in life. Have fun with your family. Make memories. Make them remember what the fuck why you worked as hard as you fuckin' did. That's it. Let the kids know. Cause they're gonna be the ones that are gonna tell your story. Yeah. That's what I'm saying, man. That was some great shit. Great memories, man. Just to travel up there and then our first night just fuckin' Bourbon Street. That shit was fuckin' great, man. And, um, shout out to you and Pearl that looked it up on a Saturday. It's not kid-friendly, so we left the young ones at the hotel protected as well. But, um, yeah, we went out there and had a good time, man. I enjoyed, uh, just fuckin' walking there getting fucked up, shit-faced. It was a little scary with the ambulance and fire department who were approaching it about to start in there. We're like, what the fuck is going on? And there was a guy fuckin' just laying there all passed out and everybody just walking past. I was like, this shit is fuckin' crazy. It was nuts, man. But it's something that I expected, but not stepping into the fuckin' club. I mean, I know it's the street, but it felt like it was a club vibe all the way down. I wasn't impressed. Nah? Bro, I took my fuckin' pistol. I took my fuckin' ammo. You were ready for war. I was ready for war, bro, because the last time I went over there and I stopped at a gas station, I just felt like, I ain't gonna lie, I felt like a racist, man. I just felt a bunch of people just rolled up on me and they were black and the first thing was like, man, I'm uncomfortable. So, I ain't gonna lie, I did show up there like ready. Man, you were stereotyping. Man, I was stereotyping like a motherfucker. But they were friendly like a motherfucker. Like, I get it. I get it, because even I was having second thoughts about it. I'd rather be fuckin' sure than, you know, I don't know, bro. I don't know, bro, because the second I was gonna be to go to Colorado. Nah, nah. And you know how they look at it as well, bro. If you saw how I was that night, I was actually pretty chill. I had my little fuckin', uh, what is it, the fuckin', uh, Zen and Zan fuckin' yin and yang hat and I mean, it was cool. But, uh, Let me tell you. Let me ask you this. I'll tell you what, though. I was fishing for some fish. Our second option was to go to Colorado and kick it with Mormons. Would they take AKs to gatherings? I wouldn't be... I wouldn't be scared of either. I wouldn't be scared of either. If anything, what you're telling me is that that's the next trip that we're gonna do. And I'm down for Colorado, bro, because that's one thing we didn't get to do. Nah, nah, fuck that. We'll do this in Colorado. Y'all let me know when we're done, bro. If we wanna do this shit in fuckin' March, February, whatever, let me know. Let's figure this shit out. For sure. For sure, for sure! Hey, I had fun, though. Go to New Orleans, though. That cemetery trip? That ghost town? Man, I took my shoes off and everything. I was walkin' that bitch barefoot. I didn't give a fuck. He was like, man, you're spiritual. I was like, nah, I'm high. He thought he was looking at a tree, and I was barefoot. Goddamn, man, you released it on the dead. Release the crackin'. That's a motherfucker. I don't know what the fuck that was. Hey, um, nah, man, I enjoyed it. Um, the guy was a little dry with his tourists when we took that ghost adventure. Nah, dude. Dry? That's the word they're trying to use. It wasn't entertaining, so like, we were in Houston. It was like the real nigga fuckin' ghost tour. This nigga was like, he wasn't even a sheriff or anything, so he was like, dawg. Dude, I was just I'm just saying dry because we were in a city underneath, below sea level. That shit was wack, dawg. I wanted to walk away from there every single time. He's trying to walk away from this joke right now, too. Oh, my. I'm sorry. I'll listen to the joke. I swear to God. I won't listen to that guy, that fuckin' that tourist. The joke was that he was dry, but we were underneath a city below sea level. Oh, I get it. So you're worse than the motherfuckin' guy that drove us. Nah, man. That's a good point, dude. It's a good shit. I feel bad for the motherfucker that drove us, man. That was the worst. I'm sorry. My bad, my bad, my bad, dude. I didn't mean to fuckin' do it, dude. We're supposed to be positive. My bad, my bad. That shit was dry, and it's still dry as fuck right now. Nah, it's okay. We'll push it through. Yeah, nah, man. We're good. Nah, my man. What's exciting was y'all see those tombs that they show in the movies from New Orleans, man? You realize that that guy was explaining to us that those tombs above the ground underneath, there's 40 to 60 bodies stacked on top of each other, which is like a family tree. They dug well deep below sea level, and they're just stacking bodies on top of bodies, and then you got these tombs that are open, and he was saying that those are rentals, so fuckin' you only get that tomb right there for a couple of years before they, I don't know what the fuck to do with the body after two years, but it's some crazy shit going on, man. Yeah, man, that was some crazy shit that he was saying, and what I would say to that is I mean, the damn crocodile tortoise we went to today. That was more exciting? No, what Homeboy was saying I was trying to catch his vibe. I don't know if you heard my voice, I was trying to catch his vibe. I asked him, I said, where did the dead bodies go? He said, oh, we used to hear them all the time. They would just pop, pop, pop. You didn't say nothing to them, you just waved hi to them. They'd fiddle to the gators over a fuckin' salt flat road. Yeah, so I think that's probably been the best way to go about it. If I had to, you ask me, man, if I had to, then I'd rather get the motherfuckin' gators. One thing that wowed me was the last time a fuckin' actual gator ate a fuckin' human was 1945. I'm like, really? I think she was more gangster. You got me on this goddamn tour, and the last time a motherfuckin' ate a gator was back when fuckin' I didn't even know my grandfather was here. I was like, what the fuck? That's what blew my mind. I was like, why am I in this? What am I doing? I wanted to swim back. Fuckin' gators. No, these gators ain't gonna fuckin' fuck with me, dude. Man, that little baby gator, man, get the fuck outta here with that motherfucker. No, what? No. I don't know, man. I don't even believe the fuckin' gators that were there in the beginning that we took a picture of with the kids were even fuckin' real themselves. I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna throw that shit out there, man. Fuck that. But it's cool. I'll take it. I'm not super upset. I'm gonna be a player. That shit was amazing. That was a good show. I love the tour. I love both tours. It was better than fuckin' wasting money. Yeah, we had to do something. I'm not gonna sit there. Last time, I regretted being in New Orleans and didn't even fuckin' be able to brag about it. Now I can say, y'all, I did this. You wanna go back, though? Yeah. Wait till I lap some other cities. I'll do something else, man. I wanna go to Chicago. I wanna go to New York. I wanna go to Seattle, Vegas. There's so many places I'd rather go, but I'll tell you what, though. I loved my experience in there. It's a good fuckin' cool city, so I love it. I'm fat. I gained five pounds, so I'm good. If I'm gaining pounds, it means I'm happy. Damn, you're lookin' like Kirby over here, motherfucker. I'm happy like a motherfucker, man. I'm floatin' like a bitch. I'm high as fuck, bitch, too. Anyway, love you. Shout out to my uncle. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I'm sorry. Nah, you can't be sayin' nothin', bro. He, uh... It took a while. I'm glad it happened, though. I love you. Nah, man, but yeah. Next vacation, definitely, man. We gotta plan it out wisely, cuz I... No, no, no, no, plan it out wisely, man. Because we actually had a goal in mind to fuckin' go on... Not be so fuckin' awkward. No, no, just fuckin', like, we never done family trips where we plan out where we're gonna go see a trip or... And I learned that from y'all, from fuckin' going to Vegas and watching the Michael Jackson show previous, last occasion, and then this year was family vacation, and fuckin', uh, the fact that we planned it out and seen what we wanted to do and take the whole kids, and we actually fuckin' did everything that was on the list. And, uh, it was a memorable vacation, so I fuckin' love that. Oh, yeah, man, I love you, too. We literally checked out all the boxes that we had in mind. Like, if somebody goes to Louisiana or New York, I say, I'm like, oh, yeah, I did that. I mean, I'm good. It was a good vibe, and it was much needed, and I'm glad that everybody had fun. I don't think anybody could say that they had a bad time there, so, you know, that was just a healthy experience. If you know what I mean, that's the best way I could experience. But even the other trips, like, I guess it's just the company you keep, right? Um, fuckin', it's, as long as we continue to just be there for good vibes. At the end of the day, man, the best gift that God can give you is time. So, spend your fuckin' time, bro. Like, it don't matter who makes the most money, or who fuckin' got the best this, that, or whatever. Like, all that shit is literally what, you know, Africans in the country don't even fuckin' give a fuck about. It's all about how you perceive. You know, I don't know how to explain that. Yeah, that shit went dark real quick. I'm all bad now. Damn, man. Starting out for good. Oh, shit, man. Hey, shout out to everyone. Man, I went a little dark there, my bad. Hold up, let me, uh, fuckin' stretch that one. Let me try to stretch that. God dang. Well, let me see who the joke my son at. That one, I don't know, my fuckin' repertoire. Okay, anyway, man. Um, I'm... I'm, uh, happy that you invited me here. Uh, I don't think I had a choice either. Y'all didn't let me go. Uh, I tried to get a Uber, but, uh, I'm actually being like, I'm like, hey, P. Diddy, yeah, y'all being a P. Diddy, y'all got me fuckin' stranded over here. That's cool, though. So you think I'm P. Diddy, bro? Well, I... God dang, you said it well. I lost all my freedom. I lost all my freedom right about now. Bro, I apologize. What you talkin' about? I'm just playing, bro. Yeah, I know. I was like, this is fuckin' pretty creepy. It didn't wait. It didn't wait. It didn't wait. What we doin', Watto? Say, what we doin'? You guys seen the shots, man? No, no, man. No, I'm cool tonight, man. No, no. Like shots, shots, shots. Really, anything alcoholic during the week here at this house? Who's gone, bro? Edward, I love you, bro. Can I get a fuckin', uh, handshake? Can I get a who's all? Can I tell you that the best way of, uh, healing yourself is, uh, with, um, literally... I'm just traveling. No, meditate. Meditate. Edward, meditate. If I could tell you something and it means something, it's to meditate. Don't pray. Meditate. It's the same thing, though, but when I say meditate, you understand. True, true, true. I get that. I get that. Meditating doesn't mean that you're doing to your backs, that you're... No, because you're meditating to yourself and to your body, which, that's great, and I acknowledge it's a healthy way to keep you stable. It can keep you, uh, both, but maybe, like, doing both won't be so bad. Doing both, because I do both. Praying to the Lord. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And meditating. So, yeah, yeah, yeah. I realize I keep talking, but, yeah, man, I see your picture. I get it. Meditating, just to keep yourself strong-minded, but at the same time, just praying for the best. So, yeah, I like that shit. Yeah, for sure. I would definitely recommend both. Yeah, because it's, like, really, like, we both are talking here drunk as fuck, and we're bringing up some shit, spiritual shit, but what we really want to tell you is just fucking look into yourself. Look into yourself, look deep into yourself, and don't hold your flaws against anybody, but just be accountable to your flaws. Because when you do that, then you lose yourself. And then bring yourself back around there to the point that got you started, to where you were a little kid, and you had all these hopes and dreams. Man, it's hard work. So, just work on yourself, don't worry about anybody, pray to your God, whoever listens to you, and you'll see good results. And just be open-minded to the negativity that anybody brings to you, and understand that their world is not your world, but you're willing to understand. Hey, does that make some sense, man? Oh my God, man, God damn, man, I gotta write a letter to Stan. Um... Let's take a break. Let's just take a break after that. God damn, bro. What am I doing? Bro, I got spiritual, bro! You've been spiritual all the fucking show! I feel fucking spiritual, bro. You hit a whole fucking different spiritual. I'm gonna fucking bow down to your spiritual. God damn, dawg. Dawg, it's okay, bro. Nobody's listening. That's alright. Nobody is fucking listening. I can fucking edit that shit. You're good, bro. You wanna go ahead and continue, or do you want me to just take over? Nah, I'm done, bro. Alright, well, I'm not done. What time is it? We will get it recorded. It's 3-4-2-2. Yeah, I'm at your house, too. God damn, bro. How the fuck did it work out? I don't know, man, but it's been a fun time. I love this energy that you give, and especially any of your kids, and my sister, of course. I love being here. My wife is not here, but it's okay. We're not Ubering anywhere, so we're good. Edward, are we good? Yeah, I'm good, bro. I'm into some drum music. Yeah, I'll probably roll a joint or something, but just for myself, because I don't discriminate nobody, but just for myself, just to get high a little bit, just to chill, just drink a little bit. I don't remember what we're talking about, but all I know is that it's all authenticity to the max, so glad to have Edward back and be a team catcher. We're going to strive to the best. Strive to the best. That's kind of whack, but we'll work on that. No, man, we're striving to the best, man. We're striving to the best. Striving, striving, and diving. And that's a wrap!

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