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The Beauty of Seeds

The Beauty of Seeds


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The speaker begins by asking how the listener's day was and expresses the hope that tomorrow will be better. They encourage the listener to pray for someone else and ask God to have an impact on their lives. The speaker then leads the audience in singing and praises God. They thank God for the day and pray for His guidance. The speaker tells a story about a man who thought he was fulfilling his destiny, but someone else came and sang a better song and played better music. The man realized he was not living up to his potential and became ashamed. The unknown guest told him that he should have been the one singing and playing. The speaker encourages the audience to not let their potential go to waste and to let their star shine. They talk about the importance of not letting anything cloud their star and causing them to suffer loss. The speaker emphasizes that life is what you make of it and encourages the audience to write their own destiny. They express their belief in the audience's po Hallelujah. How was your day? Question, how was your day? Your tomorrow shall be better than your today. Your amen is making me to be angry. I write because the scripture tells us that the end of everything is better than the beginning. Every 24 hours is bringing you to the end of fulfillment. Glory to Jesus. I say glory to Jesus. Take somebody whom you will pray for and who will pray for you before we commence. Take somebody's right hand or take the person's two hands. Take a partner. I beg of you in the name of Jesus, pray for that my brother, pray for that my sister. You are going to ask God that let the ministration of the Holy Spirit through the world have effect in the life of my brother and the life of my sister. Shout in the name of Jesus once and begin that prayer. One, two, go. Open your mouth and pray for him. I beg of you, pray for him, pray for her. We thank you Father. We give you the glory, we give you the praise, we give you the honor, we exalt your majesty in heaven, on earth, below the earth. There is none like you and there will never be any like you. Blessed be your name. We thank you, we thank you, we thank you, we thank you, we thank you, we thank you. In Jesus' name we are praying. Lord, you are so good. Blessed be your name. Can I hear you sing it with me? Lord, you are so good. Blessed be your name. In heaven you are the Lord. On earth you reign forever. Oh Lord, how great thou art. Blessed be your name. Father, we thank you. We thank you for the blessedness of today. We thank you for taking us out to our various places of endeavor and in your good measures you brought us together in this house of worship. We have mingled our voices together in prayer and in praise and worship to your most holy name. And we thank you for that wonderful privilege. It's time, oh God, for you to speak to us and impact us. I pray that as we open your word, let your heavens be opened unto us. Let our hearts be opened unto you. Let the word be made alive to our spirit man, quicken us and impact us so that we will make an impact in our generation. We thank you, we bless you, we honor you. In Jesus' name we pray and all the people that are here say what? All right. Thank you. Thank you. Take your seat. Take your seat. Hallelujah. Yesterday, at the point of closing our service yesterday, I give you a story, a live story of a man who put on what he thought was his best in fulfilling his God's given destiny. By the account of that story, please, I do not want that movement, any ungodly movement, I forbid. He was assigned by God to compose songs, write songs, teach songs, play music, and the rest of it. And so he did what he thought was his best. I'm doing this because of those of you who were not here yesterday because I want to connect. And then retired in his good old age, but the Lord still kept him alive. And one of the nights when every family member had gone to bed, he felt like singing and enjoying one of his best songs. And so by the account of that very story, he had two keyboard instruments, one by this end of the sitting room or living room, the other one at the other end, and he sat in front of one of them and was playing what he thought was his best. And as he was playing his best, singing his best, an unknown guest walked into his apartment where he was singing his best, playing his best, through a closed door and sat on the other keyboard instrument. Somebody must be the mother or the father of this child. Take care of that child. Don't make me be angry. And this unknown guest began to sing and began to play. And what the unknown guest was singing and playing was mesmerizing, was far, far, far, far above what he was singing. He was caught by the music, by the song. And he walked up to this unknown guest, tapped his shoulder and asked him, how did you come about this music you are playing and the song you are singing? And this unknown guest ignored him and went on singing and went on playing. In shame, decided to walk back to his own keyboard. It's a repeat and it is good that we repeat. But he couldn't get to his keyboard. He was again drawn by the music and by the song. And he walked again, tapped his shoulder the second time and asked him, how did you come about the song you are singing and the music you are playing? And this unknown guest to him kept ignoring him again and kept on singing and kept on playing. And as he was walking back to his keyboard, he remembered that, but this is my house. And he walked back to him and just shouted at him, who are you? And the unknown guest stopped singing and stopped playing and looked straight into his eyes like you are looking at me. And with a prophetic finger said to him, I am the man you ought to be. And I am singing the song you ought to have sung. I am playing the music you ought to have played. It was all of that. I did not say what I want to say now yesterday because of time factor and I must release you. May God not show you the person you ought to be you never became in Jesus name. Your amen is making me to be very angry. If you know the burden I have for you, before I left it, brother, to be here. May the Lord not show you the person you ought to be you never became. When you will not have chance for an amendment. And I am glad that I have these young ones with me yesterday and today. And yesterday I made you to understand that you are a star born to shine. And I pray for you and I want to pray again that any assigned agent from the pit of hell that want to be cloud, that star. Before I leave here this night, I silence their activities in Jesus name. Your amen is again making me to be very angry. I remind you again today that it was the star of Jesus that announced his arrival in the planet earth. The wise men from the east saw the star. When your star is be clouded, you suffer terrible loss. When we talk about destiny, hear me well today, you didn't get it. When your star is be clouded as a cloud covering your star, you suffer terrible loss. And I do not want you to suffer loss. I knew what I suffered because nobody was there to tell me why I was born when I was in your age. That's why I have the passion I have for you. I told you a little bit of the story yesterday and I am not going to repeat it today. Sir, you know as much as I know that the star of Jesus told the wise men, some of you they call it three wise men, the Bible never told us that there were three. The reason why they say there were three is because they gave three gifts. One person can give a hundred gifts and a hundred people can give one gift. So, wise men, look me for first. They followed the star because the star said the king is born. And followed all the way and the king that the star introduced to them was born at Bethlehem, Judea. Am I talking to somebody? But as they were entering into the city, somehow something made the star, something be clouded the star. I know they hear me. They didn't see the star anymore. That was what led them to the house of the king, Herod by name. They had no business going there. But because they did not see the star anymore, directing them where the star was, they now knew since he was the king, he must have an associate with the palace. And went and told somebody who is supposed not to hear or know what they knew. And as a result, that king Herod gave a decree that from that day, from one day old to two years, male child in the entire nation must be wiped away. And there was cry in all, every family where they have either a day or two year old boy. And I pray for you, may heaven never cry over your loss. May your parents never cry over your loss. May your generation never cry over your loss. And one of the reasons is when there are powers that be clouds your star. And that's one of the reasons why I come. Because God giving me a life. Fifteen years from today, I will see some of you shining brighter and brighter and brighter. That's why we are telling you these few things, that we are telling you in order to equip you and make you understand that life is not easy. Find a place where you don't write anything. I am not here to entertain you. Life is like a play sheet. You will only read out of it what you have written on it. Period. If you want to play away with your life, by the time you will need what life gives, it is what you have written on it that you will read out of it. May no one deceive you. I did not waste my time and come all the way to this place to come and make you to feel happy. I want to see whether you will understand that you are unique. And there is a giant killer living within you. There is a seed buried within you that must terminate and bear fruit and your generation be happy you are born into this generation. Are you hearing me? Why do I say so? Because the creation in your generation are grounding till this moment waiting for your manifestation. And may you never be a disappointment to your generation in the name of Jesus. You cannot be a disappointment to your generation when you are not a disappointment to yourself first. Before you can be a disappointment to any other person. Because that is who you are. You are a star. I am not looking at you today. I am seeing your tomorrow. Can I talk to you? Life is like life. Come help me bring this thing out here. Put it here. Life is like what you call trash can. If you go to where they have beautiful trash can. You will not call it trash can. Very beautiful. But they will call it trash can. Where you trash whatever. Now if this is a trash can. If you put into this place gold. You are not going to bring out trash because you placed it into what they call trash can. It is what you put into it that will bring out of it. But if you trash, if you put garbage into it. Because someone else who put gold in his own brought out gold. You are not going to bring out gold from yours. It will only bring out what you put in there. Garbage in, garbage out they say. And I pray for you in the name of Jesus anything that resembles garbage. That the devil will want to trash into your life. Today I command you to exit in Jesus name. You are born to shine. Arise and shine for your life is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Though darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness shall cover the people. But you are not exempt. But not you. The glory of the Lord will reflect through your life. Because the glory of the Lord have been deposited within you. Am I sound in the right place? I pray for you once again. I want to hear your voice in high places. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen If there is a way, that man would have winded the hand of the clock, but he couldn't. And then God showed him the person he ought to have been. He never became. And I counsel it for you. My friend, what are you doing with your phone? I counsel it for you. In the name of God the Father, you are so unique. I am not seeing your face like I've just used the trash can. No matter how dirty it is, but if you have put into it gold, the container will not prevent what is inside there not to be. Am I sure I am talking to the right person? The container will not prevent you from being gold because the container is bad. And so we are not talking about your physics. We are not talking about your family background like I told you yesterday. We are not talking about the mistakes you've made yesterday. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody who wants to achieve in life makes mistakes. Am I talking to the right person? The only person who does not make mistakes is the person who does nothing. And for doing nothing has made the worst mistake. Father, I pray for this my young ones. Pray for this generation next. In the name of Jesus, that everyone who hear me today will rise and shine as a star. That he or she is. In the name of God the Father. And empower any assigned agent from the pit of hell that wants to be clouded or star. I command their destruction. May your image show that we are together. I promised you that I will be sharing with you what I call the beauty of seeds. The beauty, keep it for me, I am not rejecting it, the beauty of seeds. So let me read from the book of Matthew chapter 13, verse 31 and verse 32 from the New King James Version. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. Which indeed is the least of all the seeds. Watch, the scenario is about to change. But when it is grown, say I hear you sir. It is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree. Process, I will read again, I will read again, I will read again, give me your ears. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. Which indeed is the least of all the seeds. But when it is grown, hello, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree. So that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches. I didn't hear you say amen. Now you are quiet because you have not dissected what I have before I came. Alright, what is a seed? A seed is a grain, in singular, of grains or ripened ovals of plants used for sowing. Mango seed, orange seed, beaver seed, okra seed, nail seed, bean seed. You know what I mean by seed. Am I talking to the right persons? I want you to respond. Do you know what I am saying? It is a grain in singular or grains in plural that is used for planting. Follow me. When you have this seed, mango seed, beaver seed, whatever seed in your hand, look here. What you have is the future. The representative of the future of whatever that seed is. I am not talking about orange fruit, beaver fruit. I am talking about seed. It is the seed that produces the fruit. You know, never. So when you have the seed in your hand, you are having the future. Are they hearing me? Now, if I have one seed of an orange, I can say to you that I have an orange plantation. You got it. I just pray that this young one understand me. That is the beauty of it. If you have one seed of kola nuts, of whatever seed, you could make boasts that you have a plantation. If you have a palm seed, coconut seed, you can say the same thing. Take one of those seeds, plant it. Every other thing being a palm, it breaks the soil. My problem is your time. It breaks the soil and grows, and it will not yield one. Like your coconut will not... Am I sure I am talking to the right person? By the time it reaches the fruit bearing period, you see, this place... And each could be up to about 10. Now, if you harvest them, like I have one in my compound in the village. I have a good house in the village. I have boys, quarter people are living. The young man, at a point, he said, he wants to bring them down. I said, if you pay for this, they are bosses now. How much will you pay for coconut? What will you bring down for me here? Now, he decided to... He said, all of them... I said, sell them now. That's it for people. It is a plantation already. And I am looking at you. I see the seed in you. That I have been trying to see it as a way we can awaken. And I pray for you before I leave here. May it not die uncharminated. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Because it is when that seed charminates... That it bears fruits. Alright? So, I am saying, every one of you that is here... You are the future of your parents. You are the next generation that we are respecting. When I know Him... All of you... Come here... I believe... No problem... I believe with God. Look at me, look at me. Look at me and ignore them. Every one of you... You are the next generation of your family. So, I repeat what I said here in the course of prayer. That the end of a thing is better than its beginning. Or rather you could again say that the glory of the letter. When I went through... That I gave you a little tip yesterday. One of my children is going through it. In the next few months... I will have from my family, my immediate... My second daughter will be PhD holder. In her field. My second son is planning to go for his Masters. And what he is doing... He did not learn in the school. You understand what I am saying? Just your computer. Your laptop. And your days are far better. He did what you call a... Leadership whatever in the school. Blah, blah, blah. Came up, no work. He picked the computer and then browsed into the thing. And he is doing interior and exterior decoration. And he is dealing with class... When I was talking to him about my... What we do is not for your kind of house. What we do is not for the kind of your house. And I pray for you. Because you should be far better than your parents. Because the glory of the letter... Must surpass that of the former. When I was talking with you yesterday... I prayed for you and I told you... That anyone you ever desire to be like... If you can find out the secret of what make them whom they are... And you add what God has placed within you... You will surpass that person. You will be greater. And every one of you that is here... You will be greater than your parents. I am not belittling your parents... Because every parent will want the student to be better. Because you are the next generation. And that's why I come to you... With the passion I came. I didn't come to entertain you. I did not carry salmon noodles. Put your head on the pillow... And begin to tell yourself... I am the next generation of my family. And I cannot afford to waste my time. I cannot afford to disappoint myself... And disappoint my parents... And disappoint my generation... And disappoint God... Who has planted this seed... That must germinate and grow and bear fruit in me. I want to hear your Amen. Is that understood? So I said that I am talking about the beauty of seeds. I have given you a definition of what a seed is. You can go and Google it and find more things. Your days are far better than mine. Beauty. Beauty is the quality of being pleasing or pleasant... And attractive. Especially to look at. Did you remember our team? And they glorified God in me. Look me. And I told you how that very statement came from Apostle Paul. And he was telling us that a good number of these persons... Who were glorifying God in him... Do not know him physically. Are you here with me Mama? They did not know him physically. They have not met with him. I pronounce that the way I want to do it. They did not know him personally. But they were hearing things about him... Though they have not seen him... But they were glorifying God in the life of Apostle Paul. Look at me. May people see God in you and give him glory. And that was why we measured on the light and on the salt yesterday. Alright. So, beauty is attractive. Beauty is attractive. And I am not just talking about decoration. I am not talking about this thing I am going to wear. Sometimes I don't know what I am going to call a masculine. I am going to call a human being. I am going to call a red color and green color and all that. That is not the beauty we are talking about. We are talking about attractiveness. That adds value to other people's life. You know here... I am not going to disturb you tomorrow. I am not going to come tomorrow. I am not going to come here and preach tomorrow. The better preachers will come tomorrow. I am talking about attractiveness that will impact other people to seek your God and ask, How come you are like this? Then they will glorify God in you. It has nothing to do with age. Is there anyone... Did you hear about one Jackson? Jackson. Alright, you didn't. The way you are looking at me, your body language says no. Okay. Jackson. I happen to be... I opened a service of God's church at Alakberry. Okay. Alakberry. Alakberry is on your gate 2. Go inside. Alright. Look me. I was the pastor there. And there was this young child. Lose your hand. Fine there. Alright. Okay. Okay. Jackson. He started preaching at the age of 5. 5 years old. The time First Faith Gospel Church gate 2. Okay. Invited Jackson. He was 6 years old. So it has nothing to do with age. He was 6 years old. And he came to have a revival meeting for First Faith Gospel Church. The entire church room. And the noise everywhere. Noise everywhere. 6 years old. And I didn't go within the week. Since he will be closing his program Sunday evening. My wife, myself and my small boy. Who is now married with children. I carry all my children to go to... Jackson. Let's go and see this Jackson. And by the time I came. I happen to be a pastor. I have pastor friends with First Faith. So they let me through the back door. And brought me where the ministers were seated. By the time I came. The whole church hall was packed full. They put television screen outside. Chairs outside. It was during dry season. You need to tell me. 6 years. I don't come. I go see this masquerade. I go see this one. Today. Now. This God word. I said. Honored me. I sat. Now they gave me seat. Osua. The host pastor was sitting the other side. They put me here. I was sitting next to Jackson's father. And then Jackson's mother. And I saw the preacher Jackson. Wearing three piece male colored suit. When I came. I prayed and I sat down. And by the way the whole thing was. I knew that this must be the preacher. And the preacher I came to listen to. Was playing with the lap of his mother. You didn't hear what I said. A 6 years old boy must be 6 years old boy. And when they were doing every other thing. He was just playing with the lap of his brother. I said. What a disgrace. And I encouraged myself. Because he has been here. If he has been disgracing them. Therefore stop him. And I was watching. I was very keen. I was. My curiosity was high. But when the choir was singing. And about to round up their song. The whole church choir. Who practiced. Because when Jackson was coming. I saw when the mother tapped him. Immediately the mother tapped him. I saw a completely different person. Jackson. The signs of. He saw the Bible. We slept together. He saw the Bible. The signs of my Bible. He managed to carry it. Managed to read it and drop it big. And when that young boy. 6 years old. Began to speak. I asked myself. Are you sure you are calling to ministry? So it has nothing to do with age. It has to do with realizing. That there is something in you. Planted. Which is a seed. That is meant to germinate. And bless your generation. When that young boy. He was doing what was stronger than his lungs. Because his father from time to time. Would give him water to drink. Was giving him signs. Because he was doing what was stronger. And at that point. Look. Crowder. He said. Do you think I am in your age? I mean talking. He said. Do you think. Every devil way. They disturb you today. And they will give that command. Line up people for healing. Line up people for that. Looking for the fruit of the womb. And I was there. Said Yahweh. You mean I am cold? When you talk about exposition. When you talk about. Are you not aware. That the law. That governs preparation. And presentation. Of the homiletics. Excellent. And it has no note. And I pray for you. That that seed. That God had buried within you. Called the destiny. After I pray for you. Make it have root. Downwards. Make it germinate. Upwards. And your generation will come. To harvest. So when I am talking about beauty. I am not talking about decorating yourself. With whatever you decorate yourself of. I am talking about the beauty in you. That will attract other people. To have what you have. My small boy. My small boy. As we go to. He is a pastor. In his own category. Everything. We are there. In a microphone. He go. He will call. The elder sister. He will be. The leader today. Commando. Or command them. And when he go. Carry microphone. Now he go do his preaching. I said Jackson. Has just touched his life. And I pray for you. I am waiting for you. I am waiting for you. Emmanuel is my name. I am waiting for you. That great. That very great potential. That value. That quality. That God has placed within you. That you didn't know is there. I am going to ask God today. That it be awakened. Because in the name of Jesus. I will hear your voice. I will hear your voice. Yesterday one of the things that I have told you. Stop belittling yourself. One glory of the sun. See remember. One glory of the moon. Another one glory of the stars. And one star differ from another star. In glory. So let nobody brag and intimidate you. Look at what we read. It says the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God. Is like. A mustard seed. How many of you have seen mustard seed? Tiny thing. Tiny thing. If you bring it too close. Because you want to count it. The breadth of your nostril could blossom away. Tiny. That is what the Bible says. And whatever the Bible wants to teach you. You must learn. It is like the seed of am I talking to the right person. Because I am about to close your clock. That is what they tell me. It is like the seed of mustard. Which a man takes. And does what? Plants. And did what? Plants. I want to hear you. And did what? I don't hear you. Plants. What do you do when you plant? No. In order to plant. You release. The seed. As long as you want to hold to yourself. I am this. I am the other. You will never become the person God wants you to be. But when you release yourself. Into the hand of Yahweh. That is when we talk to you. About giving your life to Jesus. You think that somebody is disturbing you. From playing childishness. We are talking about your future. We are projecting you to tomorrow. We are doing this in order to bring out. That great thing that is in you. Am I talking to somebody? If you play in the day. You will plow at late hour. But if you plow early. You can rest. In the evening period. Which a man takes and plants. Because of my time. And I want to pray for you. I didn't have time to pray for you yesterday. Go to the book of Genesis chapter 2. And God planted. Hello. So God is good in agriculture. Agriculture. He uses the language of agriculture. He said. In John 15. Jesus said. I am the true vine. My father is the husband man. What is the meaning of the husband man? The agriculturalist. He is the husband man. Look me. Look me. I ask you. What do you do when you plant? You say the water. When the water you are cultivating. You are not planting. Watering is a part of cultivation. Weeding is a part of cultivation. The manuring. Am I talking to somebody? All of them are important. In order for you to be a maximum fruit. Maximum productivity. To sow. You have to dig a ground. And put one. And sow. Look me. Look me. Even at that. Mama I like you. Maybe I will put you here. Are you hearing me? Now. Even at that. There is difference between. Burying and sowing. Burying and planting. You have to get out of your seed. Welcome home. Two of them. Are not the same. But they go through the same process. That is why. People misunderstand. If you are to plant. You have to dig the soil. And then put the seed there. If you want to bury. You have to dig the soil. And put whatever you want to bury. Now when you want to bury. You are burying in order to dispose. Out of sight. Talk to me now. I believe that. I am not talking to grown up people. Who do not understand what I am saying. I am talking to young ones. So if you want to bury. You are removing whatever you are burying. Out of sight. If it is something that has a stinky odor. Offensive odor. You are burying in order to remove whatever. But when you are sowing. You are projecting it to the future. And then. When you are planting. You are projecting it to the future. And God planted a garden. His world of Eden. Say I am planted. I am planted. You did not say it confidently. I am planted. I am not burying. Because I am planted. My root will go down. Into God's soil. And by his grace. I will break the soil. I will grow. I will bear fruits. My fruits. Will bear witness. That God is in me. Can I hear you say Amen. Amen. That is what I am saying. That is what I am saying. Now let me give you this. Let me use this as an illustration. Take. A mango seed. Take. Coconut seed. Take. Coconut seed. And plant. Watch me. Because I am about to help you. I am not going to reach where I prepared this message for. Bury it. Ok did you hear I said bury it. But in this burial. In this burial. You are not disposing of. You are projecting it to the future. Are you hearing me. And then cover it now. Match the soil hard. Match it. Match it. Like somebody would have said. I know I would. Over my dead body will you be. Let him match the soil. You didn't hear me. Have you had people say over my dead body. They will not. Some of them will be bold enough to say to your face. Others will say it in front of you. I don't care. But as long as. If I have a mango seed. The skin may look dry. Talk to me. The bean seed in your house. It look dry. It look as though there is nothing. But there is. The life in it. Is there. Bury it. Match it. And plant it. Bury it. Match it. In the process of time. If there is moisture. If every other thing is still cold. My friend I am helping you. That very seed will begin to revolt with itself. Don't worry. I will carry and go somewhere. This is not my first time of preaching this message. I will take and wear the way they will take me serious. That seed. Because there is a life. Virtue within it. It begins to revolt with itself. And with the shell. In that revolting. It is telling the shell and itself. I am not meant to remain here. I carry capacity. That will not be left beneath the soil. And in the process of time. It breaks the shell. Why? I am not meant to remain here. My destiny is not for this place. My destiny is waiting for me out there. And I pray for you. That I will not be sleeping. Let the Lord take you to where your destiny will carry you to. It breaks the shell. And begins to revolt against the soil. That you have matched. The soil can't keep it. Why? There is power within me. There is capacity within me. That you cannot keep beneath here. And by the time you know it. It breaks the soil. And somebody who is stupid. Will go and take basket. Conqueror and take stone put. Naim will grow. Naim will take the basket and throw away. Why? I am going to a place of fulfillment. And I am praying for you today. My young children. My young sons and daughters. In the name of Jesus. You must break through everything that is keeping you below. Why? Because you are not meant for that place. You are meant for heights. I am meant for heights. You shall be the head and not the tail. You shall be the first and not the last. You are not meant to live an average life. And how I wish that somebody told me this when I was in your age. That is what I come to tell you. Again I repeat. I keep repeating. Your days are far better than mine. But I am glad I knew it when I knew. I am glad that I am already tapping from what is in your generation. Okay. Which a man takes and does what. And so. Let us look at it again. Which a man takes. Okay. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. Which a man took. And sowed in his field. Which indeed is small. I am coming to talk about that. At least of all the seeds. But when it grows. Okay. It is greater than the herbs. And becomes a tree. So that birds of the air come and nest in the branches. Say I hear you sir. Say I hear you sir. Now. The potency. The capacity. The potency. The capacity of seed. Is not in its size. And in the honor. I didn't come to entertain you. They say make I come talk to you. From whom I know that I am going to be talking to people of your age. The potency. The capacity. The potency. The capacity. The value of the seed. Is not in its size. Can you hear me? Did you hear me? Now. Whether the size in stature. Physics. Or the size of your family. Economic strength. Thank you. Somebody got it. Or whatever. The potency. The capacity of seed. I am talking about the beauty of seeds. Is not. Who being Papa? That's not what we are talking about. Who being Mama? Where did he come from? Has nothing to do with it. I was listening to Mata Shimulowo. Some time ago. He was trying to tell us that. Mama. That. He came from a place. That he was trying to see whether. His village. His town. There for the map of Nigeria. Did you hear him? He said you know see I am there. But Mata Shimulowo. Is not an international figure. Where is that village? Where is the map? Forgotten. That's why they look me. Whenever we want to incapacitate you. Grammar. Bind you. And tell you. You too. You too. If not me too. Who will be? Will it be? It mean you too. Have you heard somebody say you too? Are you too? When did they talk? You too go talk. Why shouldn't I talk too? The one way. Now you make him talk. How many life he get? I am not talking about who I am now. Sir. You know one of the reason when I am talking to people this way. Particularly you young ones with the passion. You know I don't know how I feel. With the passion I am talking to you. God want me. Years back. Because you know I have always stand on his behalf. To address his people. He said I should never again. Judge people by their present condition. Because your present condition now might be affliction. But you are a work in progress. You have not gotten to where you are going. I am evolving by the day. When I know the young me. Even in this my age. I am evolving by the day. Why? Because I still bring forth food in my old age. You think I am old. I am evolving by the day. So God told me not to judge you by what I see you today. Women may endure but for a night. Joy comes in the morning. And when joy comes in the morning. The steps of the righteous. Joy comes in the morning. The steps of the righteous. The joy is like a rising sun. That shines brighter and brighter and brighter. Unto. Say I hear you sir. I hear you sir. So what I am bringing out of this is that the potency. The capacity. Of what God has placed within you. Is not measured by your size. It is measured by the nature. The nature of the seed. Are you beginning to see the beauty of seed? It is not measured by the size. Look at what we read. It is one of the least plants. Seed. But when you plant it. It grows. Talk to me. And when it grows. It becomes like a herb. Grows beyond a herb. Becomes a tree. Where is my pastor? Where shall make I come? Come close. Come close. And he says. Not you. Not the pastor. And he says. It grows. Look at me. There is something I must tell you. I must give you the principle that will help you. Your life to be what I am trying to teach. Which I have not even entered into. The message I never entered. Sir. When it grows. Beds. Will come. To nest on its branches. Come. Follow me. Every one of you. I am the preacher. Young lady. I am the preacher. Now come. It is still there somewhere. Now it tells you that. When you. Begin to break forth. And come to. The next thing that I want to show you. Professionals. Will come to nest. On your branch. Professionals. Will say bring him. Bring her. Take me to him. Take me to her. My son that I was trying to help you to understand. He. Nobody taught him more. Once he carry his laptop enter his room. If I call him he is fine. Oma also. He is chill. I will tell my wife. At that time he wouldn't like distraction. And I understand. Now. The very first place. When they put the advert out there. They call him. And implore him. He went there for two months. He said he resigned. I said. Because he know. He know what that woman charges the people. Now he will do the work. And he knows blah blah blah blah blah. And register his own company. Blah blah blah. Register his company. So now he will get the. Contract. Now he will employ. In fact he employs people who do. Picture. Some other young ones like him. Who did that picture. He does that. Internal and external. They come. And there was one big project. And by the time he finish doing this thing. I said daddy come and see. It's amazing. He did for. Barrister Donald. His own. Finish doing it. If they live with this boy for house. Professionals. Beds. Will come looking for you. So when we are talking the way you are talking. Look me my PK. Don't use this time to play. This thing where your papa buy for you. Gives you. This thing where I see where you decorate. With that very little range of color. And what they have look for the food and all. This thing. This thing. Of. You. It is also. It can kill you quick. Can send you to destruction. Quick quick quick. And some like him they use and play. Others will go begin to look pornography. Others not finish. In the cross road they hang something for neck. They put block the two ears. No good no good so. But then there is the valuable aspect to it. Explore that. Come out. Am I talking to somebody? So you can be the person you are meant to be early enough. And God will bear me witness that I have passion for you. And my level of love. Over you. Must never be a waste. Professionals. Will come looking for you. Can I talk to you? May nobody deceive you. That a white man's brain. Is better than a black man's brain. There is no such thing. And look at the way they are looking for us. Our doctors. Our engineers. And those of them who study. Who are in the same classroom with the white. Come out to discover that they are. They are like. Some of them are dummy. God has given you brain. There is no such thing. There is nothing that says that the brain of a woman. Is less quality. Than that of a man. It is how you activate it. That it will work for you. I don't talk finish for today. I will carry my note to go. And in heaven will bear me witness. That I told you the truth. And nothing. But the truth. When it is planted. It goes beyond a tiny seed. Hello. And then becomes a herb. Goes beyond a herb. And becomes a tree. That have branches. And then during your productive period. The beauty of a seed. Is not in its seeds. Season. But in the productive season. And by your fruits. You shall be known. And by your fruits. You shall be rewarded. I have offended you. Would you want me to pray for you. I know we will go beyond this. Because I want to give you. The principle. That you can sit down sir. How many of you want me to give you the principle. That will activate it in your life. If you want me to give you the principle. You say amen like somebody who ate yesterday. If you ate yesterday and you have not eaten today. The one way you eat yesterday. Can still give you strength to say good amen. So let me hear you say good amen. Can they give me scriptures on the screen. Put for me on the screen. Mark. Chapter one. Mark. Chapter one. Let's look at it. Follow me. I will pray for you. Follow me. Mark. Chapter one. Give me verse nine. And then I will read verse nine. Verse ten and eleven. Please join me. Are you with me? Please can I have it in NIV. New international version. Thank you sir. I like it in this. Are you seeing it? At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee. And was baptized by John in Jordan. Say I hear you sir. I hear you sir. Next verse. As Jesus was coming up out of the water. Are you with me? He saw heaven being turned open. And the spirit of God descending on him. Like a dove. Give me the other. Alright. And a voice came from heaven. You are my son. Who my love. With you I am well pleased. Everybody here shout loudest of amen. Principle is like the rule. Or the key. Who are they here? I am not in a crusade. Principle is like the rule. That shows you the path. And you start to walk by that rule. You gain the benefit. The proceeds. The advantage of the rule. Am I talking to the game? Or the key? Alright. Whichever one you choose. Now I have a point of entry into Jesus ministry. Grammar. You understand what I mean? The time when Jesus want to enter into his earthly ministry. There were three things. By where we read. That he experienced. Remove your pillow from your head. Find gear. Thank you. Alright. Okay. Number one. The heaven opened unto him. Say it. The heaven opened unto him. Talk like somebody who is alive. The heaven opened unto him. I pray for you. I am not going to teach you that one today. May the Lord help your heaven to be opened. Amen. A man who lives and operates under an open heaven. Does not struggle over issues of life. Another word of heaven opening unto you. Is God placing favor upon your life. That was why I said. The seed when he takes it. You submit it. You surrender it. You put it into the soil. And when you surrender to God. And allow him to govern you. His grace, his favor. Will give you opportunity that others do not have. And I pray for you as I release you. May the heaven of God be opened unto you. Amen. Number two. The spirit of the Lord came upon him. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. With the Holy Ghost and with power. As a result of that anointing. He went about doing good. Everything he does results to goodness. Everything he does results to goodness. Even when they oppose him. It still results to goodness. And one more time. I pray for you. May you not be that stubborn. And the heady. And the self-centered. And not be willing to yield yourself to the spirit of God. Jackson that I have told you of. My name is Maniasah. I learnt by the testimony of his spirit. His father was a preacher. By the time Jackson started to preach. Nobody would call him Papa again. And now Jackson. Now he is a carry bag for Jackson. Now I was meant to understand. When they were giving us history of that young man. I started reading the Bible at the age of three. And the prayer didn't understand what was going on. He was just carrying the Bible. Carry on. Go one corner. Go for one corner. Just the tunnel. You go to the tunnel and they look. And nobody knew where he was going. And he was having an interaction with God. That Jackson preached at the age of six. Was not because he was the best of a person. That was an encounter with the spirit of God. And then you cannot encounter God in that dimension. As long as everybody is your friend. You want to work out with everybody. You want to be like everybody. Come on. Get out of that nonsense. I told you yesterday that you are unique. So be yourself. Don't want to be like everybody. Because you cannot be them. And they cannot be you. So why not be the person you are meant to be. And go to God who can shape your life. Look me here. The only person that can bring out that thing that is placed within you is God. Your body will not bring it out. Your mind cannot bring it out. Your academic careers cannot bring it out. It takes only God. Do you not see lawyers who are beggars? And we know there are medical doctors that are beggars. Why? Because they thought that it is the certificate that brings them and makes them who they are. But if you lack God in your life and you lack the spirit of God in your life you are nothing. The spirit of God came upon him. Number 3. Look here. This is the kokoro. Number 3. A voice came from heaven. Put for me verse 11 again. I know that they tell me stop talking. Let me go. And a voice came from heaven. Say what? You are my son. Did you say comma? Everybody look at me. Did you say comma? Number 2. Whom I love. Did you say it there? And what is the next one? With you I am well pleased. Three levels of relationships. Hey, hey, hey. Don't make me angry. I am talking to you too. Three levels of relationships. And good number of you particularly the generation of people we are having in the church today including the adults amongst them they stop at the entering point thou art my son and they stop there. When you talk with such people they challenge you. Pastor, have you not heard that am I not a child of God? Who is arguing with you? Who is arguing with you? Who is quarreling with you whether you are a child of God? Bible no talk say as many as receive him. To them give me power to become the sons of God. That word power there is not dunamis. It means authority. Legal right to become the sons of God. But there are sons that do not carry the potency of their father because of detachment. So, number one the one level there is a low level of relationship. I am a child of God. I am glad I am. I am covenantally connected with God. I am not teaching that one today. But I beg you I call you by your name that in the name of Jesus as I pray and release you from here today may you go beyond I am a child of God. Go to the next level. I am a child of God whom God loves. I am the beloved of the Lord. My brother and I enjoyed it today. The beloved is talking. So, every child we are my I have five lovely children. Lovely ones. But you see the relationship between us are not the same. And it is not because I am discriminatory. It is just that they look at me. You will soon grow up come to our age. It is a matter of relationship. There is a child that will just walk in front of your face. Just I am not a beginner. But another one comes in through the other place. You were talking to me the other time. You were smiling. Sir, I was looking at what he said. Somebody prayed in Psalm number four. Psalm number four. I think it should be by six or so. He said, Lift up the light of your countenance upon us. And I googled I googled to find out what does it mean for God to lift up the light of your countenance upon us. He said, What does it mean for God to lift up the light of his countenance? He said, It is like the love of a father who impresses his son by the word son that does not exclude the lovely girls. Just bring you close and he wants to do everything to see that you are at your best. Why? Love. Love. What is my pastor? You remember that when Jesus was to go to the cross he instated what we call the Lord's Supper. Talk to me because I know the Lord's Supper. And when they all sat down including the one that betrayed him Jesus made a statement One of you will betray me today. And they asked who? Lord who? He kept quiet. Lord who? Lord who? Lord who? He no talk. And Peter knew that he's not going to tell James this one and he's not going to tell Peter. And Peter told John because you are John the beloved. Because the beloved is with ah look at me when we go to the kitchen somebody is disturbing me I saw one woman named Madhu was crying came to my office and she said last night I'm going to bury you in the street. I said when will I play life? What? We are talking about destiny. We are talking about fulfillment. We are talking about somebody becoming an envy somebody that can impact others. All they are saying is when will you play life? Who is talking about playing life? Okay you go ahead and play life. A time is coming you will know that playing life without God will amount to destruction. In the name of Madhu James you go and bury him in the street. You want to play life? You want to play life? John did not. Now watch me. The moment Peter talked with Peter the sitting arrangement changed. Whoever was sitting at the right hand of Jesus got up because somebody who will get the secret must sit there. These are the secrets. These are the key. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. These are the keys. 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