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Satisfy Me Early Oh Lord

Satisfy Me Early Oh Lord


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The speaker is addressing a crowd and praying for their prayer requests. They talk about the importance of starting with God and ask for satisfaction and joy in life. They mention the need for God's mercy and the promise of compensation for past afflictions. They also mention the beauty of God and the blessings it brings. yesterday one full week and today we have come to summarize all that we began doing until now behold your sons and daughter behold those that are still grappling up with it with the roadblocks to come I pray today that the spirit of the Lord will hasten them to be here the Lord of God all that we said I have to do tonight will be accepted by you every prayer request we are about to present to you today father Lord may you give attention to them and answer each and every one of them in the name of Jesus as I stand here tonight may I not speak my own words grant that I will speak the word of God that can give solution to man's problem as the word come tonight may you give answers to your sons and daughter may you all God increase their testimonies may you increase their faith in you I cover each and every one of them with the blood of Jesus and I ask that the Spirit of Most High God Lord would descend among us all God to announce your presence come as never ever before and have your way expressly in Jesus name we pray in Jesus name we pray all right the very first thing we're going to do tonight I'm going to pray for all your prayer requests all your prayer requests I have asked you to write three prayer requests yesterday if you are here with yours can you come and drop your prayer request inside this offering box I shall drop them believe that we serve a God that will answer them somebody say amen I have a good news for you I have a good news for you come sir I this prayer of course I did the vows for prayer of course prayer of course okay keep them there don't worry drop in the office by the grace of God we are about to enter into the month of July in the month of August from when from tomorrow I want you to know that this prayer request from tomorrow will no longer be prayer request I will stand to ask the Lord I represent this God and let us on Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday and today of course some of you that were here you discover that God is in this place so I wanted to drop all your prayer requests here and you will see our God in action praise the Lord okay only prayer request prayer request as well okay check what I did the prayer request if you are with your Bible I would like you to turn with me to the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 why the earth continue to exist planting time and harvest time cold and heat summer and winter in day and night will not cease if you are with your Bible turn with me again to the book of Psalms number 90 Psalm number 90 all our days make us glad according to the days wherein thou has afflicted us and the years wherein we have seen evil let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto thy children and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish thou the works of our hands upon us yeah the works of our hands establish thou it somebody say amen I want to share with you so briefly on the topic satisfy me early oh Lord I want to ask God today as we step into the month of August which is going to be the beginning of answers of this conference you are going to say to God tonight satisfy me early oh Lord I want you to know that among other things we start with God I want to satisfy all from the book of Psalms 90 Psalm 90 was the request of David the Psalmist and he made about five seven requests number one he said oh Lord satisfy us early with your mercy that means it is the will of God to satisfy us early somebody say satisfy me early oh Lord oh I like to hear your voice I like to hear your voice come on beat your chest and say Lord satisfy me early oh Lord what was the second request of the Psalmist he said make us to rejoice and be glad all our days among every other thing that God wants to do as we move and progress into the month of August number one God wants to satisfy us you don't know what I am talking about because in Josa yesterday the meeting finished so there is no preaching but I want you to listen to the key word that I am going to drop in this house among every other thing that God wants to do with those that are obedient to him number one is to satisfy them and he wants to satisfy us early somebody say what oh come on talk to me and say what early that implies when my mate build houses God want me to build a house with my mates when my mates marry at their time God want us to marry at our time can I talk to you our God work with time and system I lift up my hands over your life you shall not be waiting for your time while your mates shall be in front of you the Psalmist says satisfy us early with your mercy not that we are qualified but let your mercy qualify us can I pray for someone tonight the Lord shall satisfy you this year with his mercy the Lord shall satisfy your family with his mercy number two request the Psalmist make us glad and make us rejoice and be glad all our days the Psalmist was saying take away sorrow from me take away pain from me take away anguish take away take away devastation take away affliction come on can I show you something in the Bible the Psalmist is saying to God make us rejoice ah ah the Bible says with a joyful heart do it good like Nixon when God calls you to rejoice you will no longer depend on Nigeria economy when God make you to rejoice why others are soloquizing why others are complaining why others are lamenting you are laughing as if you are not living in this world I lift up my hands over you you shall rejoice in this year if you want to shout then shout it louder somebody say I will rejoice this year Papa can I show you something I just want to open your eyes to something come come come come sir let me show you something look at this scripture look at this scripture it says satisfy us in the morning with your faithful love so that we may shout oh come on why do you change the scripture what you were using before you changed the translation it doesn't matter it doesn't matter go to verse 15 verse 15 they make us glad go to verse 14 again verse 14 again somebody can you read this with me once you go oh satisfy us early with thy mercy that we may rejoice to rejoice and to be glad are not the same somebody can be rejoicing without being glad then God is saying as long as you are faithful to me you are qualified for rejoicing this year you are qualified to be glad this year I lift up my right hand over you anything that will sour your mind is over right now oh lord satisfy us early ah Baba Baba blessed is a family that God satisfied early in life blessed is a pastor Papa can I talk to you the reason for multiple fights the reason for infighting among pastors is quest for position is quest for better environment is quest for financial enhancement the reason for all the fighting is for position then when God satisfy a man early you will not struggle why should I struggle why should I struggle the reason why people forcify their age is to catch up with time but if God has blessed you early in life oh come on come on come on you don't hear me you don't hear me I lift up my hands over this church may God satisfy you early in life to every parent that is here I prophesy for your children while other children shall rise up on time they shall rise up on time I prophesy to the men in the house I prophesy to our women in the house I prophesy to everyone today you shall rise up on time somebody say oh lord satisfy me early in life when you are messy when you are messy not by my struggle not by my nature not by what I want it is not about your occupation or professionalism but by you are messy take care about what you are about to hear look at this place look at this place when God satisfy you early the envy of men is inconsequential well I know they hear me when God satisfy you early whether they envy you or not it has no meaning when God satisfy you early whether they like you at first or not it has no meaning somebody say inna rwana oh come on speak the hausa language and say what inna rwana I lift up my hands over you from today the Lord will satisfy you early wherever you go wherever you go wherever you go you are going to say to God do not allow me to stand in the queue longer than necessary there are people that are standing on the queue in marriage they are on the queue in life they are in the queue including the ministers people are standing in the queue cannot make announcement to you as you cross over to the mount of across heaven shall satisfy you early in life he shall satisfy you with the message of God he said make us to rejoice and be glad number three he said make us glad according to the days we were afflicted the Bible is saying today God can compensate you for the days of your pain make us glad according to the days that we were afflicted cannot make announcement I don't know what you passed through last year I don't know what you passed through many years ago I have a message for you the Lord shall make you to rejoice the Lord shall make you glad according to the days you were afflicted you were afflicted many years ago the Lord shall compensate you come on let me say my father my father every day that I suffer in past may you bring other days to compensate me oh come on come on shout hallelujah number four oh come on I like this number four promise number four promise the Bible I used to compensate us for our days of sorrow and affliction compensate us for the days of our sorrow and affliction number five let the beauty of our God raise upon us everyone look at my eyes look at me when the promises I'm establishing in you in your life today come to pass nobody can look at you and despise you the Bible says let the beauty of our God raise upon us that means whosoever sees you has a reason to say I must pray for you from today the beauty of God shall raise upon you when the beauty of God raise upon a man ashes sorrow trouble are over I pray for somebody in this house the beauty of the Lord shall raise upon you some of us have carried ashes from the day we were born ashes of sorrow ashes of sickness ashes of trouble ashes of misfortune ashes of loss but the Lord says let the beauty of our God raise upon us where do you see ugliness in God he's full of I love my English God is full of supernatural replendedness the house is quiet all right sir replendent replendent replendent the word replendent means brightness so if you see gold this is my wedding ring for many years it has no effect it has a beauty it has replendent I prophesy over you to know no part of your life shall be full of wrinkles the beauty of the Lord shall raise upon you look at number 6 request they did make they did say to God establish the works of our hand Jesus Christ Jesus Christ when God establishes a man's the works of a man's hand what do you say charcoal you can build upstairs no no hear me you can sell firewood and travel to London doctor can I talk to you sir can I talk to you sir when the Lord establishes a man's work you no longer rely on human strength you no longer rely on human ingenuity you no longer rely on human professionalism you no longer rely on how you did it before the Lord shall establish the works of your hands say to your two hands and say my father my helper I prophesy and I declare from today from today establish the works of my hands whatever my hands shall find in doing it shall be established it is not what you are doing it is what God is doing in what you are doing that matters the last promise the last prayer they did say to God make the works of my hands to prosper if you don't like prosperity you will soon die how many of you don't like prosperity you don't like prosperity I like prosperity I preach about prosperity and I'm seeing it make the works of our hands to prosper I stand here today to say from today on that continent scarcity and dry hand is over scarcity and dry hand is over may the Lord prosper the works of your hands do you know what it means that you have very many millionaires in this church if you have many millionaires in this church you will not have financial burden there are certain projects you want to do somebody will say to you man of God sir please sir can I talk to you the person will write a piece of paper and give to you and say I've taken care of it I stand here today to ask this God I represent may God raise prosperous members in this church members that can simple handedly sponsor a project sponsor a program sponsor the works of God many of you have gone for revival meeting in a church GROA BINI and mentioning name GROA BINI one referent is the pastor of the church before I came they came to April and picked me protocol and the referent he said to me man of God you are not going to raise offering you are not going to raise offering no offering no fund raise he said to me 7 people have given enough money for this program yeah I was just preaching my message preaching message not bother not praying about money at the last day Sunday and I said to the referent can I take a thanksgiving offering and the man said to me yes you can take a thanksgiving offering after preaching my message a thanksgiving offering one thanksgiving offering turned out to be four hundred and something thousand who don't like that kind of meeting I came to fetch that too I came to fetch that too if my friend Resolution BINI is hearing me if he is connecting to the cable he will hear what I say I preach in his church his annual program in the month of August my God he said to me the program organizer said to me no fund raise people have sponsored the meeting can I pray for you today that the works of your hands should prosper when the works of your hands prosper you have money to solve monitoring issues when the works of your hands prosper you have money to sponsor the problem of your life and the problem of God's family I pray for you today let the works of your hands prosper come on open your voice and pray and say Lord let the works of my hands prosper let the works of my hands prosper whatever you are doing for a living may God prosper you as a preacher prosper as an artisan prosper as a government worker prosper as a public servant prosper as a civil servant prosper as a leader of Jesus prosper let the works of my hands prosper look at this altar I want to give you one reason why you can prosper the God you serve says the heavens are mine the earth is my footstool the God you serve says sinful and God are mine look at this altar can I talk to you God can prosper you above your level when I know they hear me I am not comfortable about a church or about believers or pastors that when they go to God to pray to request for anything they ask God for a spoke of a bicycle why must you ask God for a spoke of a bicycle if you want to buy a car ask God for a car when you come out your course goes slow not a car I call chere cambia you carry people from time to time you tell them chere cambia you come out and enter under God promise satan poverty is a disease every time they push you before you go out I lift up my hands over your life I lift up my hands over this church as I kneel down in this altar I lay my hands on this altar from this altar that you receive the word of God the altar shall prosper the priest shall prosper men and girls shall prosper church boys shall prosper our men and women shall prosper our youth and boys shall prosper everybody that comes here the works of your hands shall prosper it is the work of God it is the will of God for us to have satisfaction in life do not go for anything less than satisfaction life is burdensome without satisfaction life is very unbearable life is a mirage without satisfaction I pray for satisfaction I don't want to manage to be a pastor how can I say there are men of God that are enduring to be pastors that is not the will of God for you the God that called you is not enough to provide even while you work in government they do not owe you why should God owe you? where in the Bible do you know that God is a debtor He does not owe He will not delay payment He owns everything I want God to say I can satisfy you I can satisfy you God wants to satisfy you in everything you do in life my God my God I say Lord I receive my early destiny I receive my blessing early in life I receive my destiny early in life I receive my fortune early in life I receive my faithful early in life I receive my blessing early in life my God somebody say Lord bless me early in life at the age of 40 and another man built the same story building at the age of 72 I tell you one thing you don't know this man that built upstairs 4 story building at the age of 40 will not find it difficult to climb the 4th floor to sleep but this man that built at the age of 72 all his ankle bone will be weak I have seen a rich man who built mansion for himself but he is not living there he has passed with his old wife to live in boys quarter that shall not be your portion your blessings shall not come in the night your blessings shall come early in your life where people shall shout amen like a thunder a man that buys the best Mercedes car or the best Prado Jeep at the age of 35 will drive it with confidence but imagine a man that they give him Prado car at the age of 80 he will suffer what we call optical obstruction his eye will not see that man will not see road to drive I lift up my hands lift up those hands and say to God satisfy me early oh Lord ah ah ah ah do not do not do not boast if your blessing arrives late do not boast that you are prosperous do not boast that you are a rich man if the blessing has come late I come tonight to make announcement the Lord shall satisfy you early in life early in life early in life early in life early in life early in life when you are made to build houses the Lord shall give you a house when you are made to have your car the Lord shall give you a car when you are made to marry the Lord shall give you wife or husband when you are made to go to school we shall go to school when you are made to become prominent in society we shall become prominent in society early satisfaction I am going to close now I am going to close and pray for you everyone look at me look at me look at me there is a price we need to pay before the promises of God are activated in our life number one thing we need to do is to be obedient to his word somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah number two thing we need to do is to fulfill the vows you have made the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 5 the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 5 come on media man can you give me Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verses 4,5 and 6 Ecclesiastes can you listen to me the Bible says when you made a vow to God do not delay in paying it if you are here in this church you have made a vow in your village you are here in this church you made a vow to somewhere you have not paid listen to me you are hindering prosperity and blessing of God you are hindering you are rising the Bible says when thou vowed a vow unto God defer not to pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools pay that which thou had vowed verse number 5 pay that which thou have vowed better is it that thou should not vow than that thou should not vow and not pay verse number 6 verse number 6 summon not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before an angel the angel that it was an error wherefore shall God be angry at thy voice and destroy the works of your hand and unpaid vow destroy the works of our hand and I am glad you are here to pay your vows I do not know who is not here to pay his vows but if you are here to pay your vows listen to me no power everything revolves around law the law of suing and reaping if you sue to God he will prosper you somebody say I hear somebody say I hear somebody say I hear somebody say I hear we must pay our vows on time do not ship it to some day do not go somewhere else God is a God of time and season time control life activity time determine our harvest time decide our vision time decide our season time enhance our productivity time facilitate our progress time control events time validate age and aging should I pray for you should I pray for you come to this altar please can you come to this altar Roche carry this and bring it here for me just stand there my friend stand there nobody should pass here they are going to come are you going to come I want to pray for you can I talk to you the Bible says sit down and harvest time shall not fail I am going to pray for you tonight and God will answer my prayer I said when I pray tonight he is going to answer the prayer Psalm 20 number 1 to 9 when I pray you are going to answer you are going to answer may the Lord answer you when you are in trouble may the God of Jacob make you to be secure may God send you help from his temple may God give you support from Zion may God take notice of your offerings and may God accept your born offerings may God grant your heart desire and may God bring your plan to pass everything you plan the Bible says God shall bring it to pass and when God do all these the Bible says there shall be a great shout of joy come on can you lift up your hand if you know what you wrote down in your prayer request tell God answer them now Ali O God answer my prayer request Ali O God I am about to get into prophetic please can you open your voice and say to God answer answer answer my request now answer this request now answer my request answer my request now let my prayer request not be delayed let my prayer request not be delayed let it not be delayed let it not be delayed let it not be delayed let it not be delayed Ali O God answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my 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prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now answer my prayer request now come sir when addiction box to overcome you have another addiction box leave this thing up two of you little sorry sir I want to praise symbolic prayer at this prayer request is lifted up he will come down with an answer i will enter into my covenant ministry now I do not kneel down every time but God has put a covenant in my life that say when was you kneel down before my people to pray God say I will stand up for them and God say if I stand up for you no man shall stand against you no man shall stand against you if your prayer request is just straight from your hands here and say to God I shall not repeat a process I will not repeat a process every prayer request in this box of covenant Father Lord attend to my own complaint attend to my prayer request attend to my needs open your voice and say to God I will not repeat a process I will not repeat a process I do not know what is your prayer request but it is a God that speaks in secret and answer in secret if you have written concerning your family the Lord shall answer if you have written concerning your life the Lord shall answer if you have written concerning the works of your hands the Lord shall answer if you have written concerning your spiritual life the Lord shall answer if you have written concerning the pains in your body the Lord shall answer if you have written because you are sick in the body the Lord shall answer if you have written because of your family name oh my God foreign my reference can you come closer to me me please can you listen to me very very carefully I have seen it before the Bible says the same yesterday today and forever God will give us a miracle now I said God will give us a miracle now there is somebody among us you are suffering from a shortage of breath you have asthma the person is here the person is there you are here the person is suffering from asthma from time to time you suffer shortage of breath if you have written it out there if it is inside here don't face the Lord asthma is over in your life lie down here I promise to lay hands on this people a few minutes I'm going to do that immediately Father Lord I lay hands on your daughter may the Lord clear up your system now every trace of asthma is over now is over now every difficulties in your breathing system is over now what is a curse upon me you are cursed for I carried for you I clean you up of every trace of asthma now in the name of Jesus Christ we'll sit in time healing right now never again never again never again Father Lord I lay my hands on this prayer request as many as there are as difficult as some of them are the Bible say is there anything too hard for me to do as I lay my hands there in agreement with these men the church leaders and your servant the host pastor in agreement of faith in confidence established by you that's a call upon me in the time of your trouble you say I will answer I will show you great and mighty things you have not known every prayer request right now may you answer them now may you answer them now may you answer them now may you answer them now every prayer request that concerns sickness may you heal the diseases and sicknesses now every prayer request that concerns our family may you attend to our family right now prayer request that concern the works of our hands may you answer the works of our hands right now prayer request that concern our families concerning our marriages concerning our future concerning the blockage of our life will be hindered we have stopped up we have brought Jesus out of our eyes high professor may you receive your miracle now may you receive your miracle now may you receive your miracle now may you receive your miracle now drop them sir I lift up my hands by faith as I lift up this prayer request from today they will no longer be prayer requests there are now answers of miracles I propose sir every request that brought tears upon the eyes of those that wrote I prophesy from today no more tears of sorrow no more tears of sorrow as I lay my hands on you may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now may God answer you right now faster may God answer you right now faster may God answer you right now receive an answer and testimony receive answer and testimony receive answer and testimony receive answer and testimony receive answers and testimonies receive answer and testimonies receive answers and testimonies receive answers and testimonies receive answers and testimonies receive answers and testimonies ah the peace of God is your portion peace of God is your portion peace of God is your portion peace of God is your portion long life is your portion peace of God is your portion long life is your portion multiple answers to request receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now receive it right now by this hand that has touched your head the hand of wickedness shall no longer raise on you the hand of sickness shall not raise on you every wicked hand targeting at your life which is cut short right now in the name of God the Father and of the soul and of the Holy Ghost

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