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The speaker is leading a religious gathering and encouraging the audience to express their excitement and gratitude to God. They declare that no power will stop their joy and that they will enter the new year with testimonies. The speaker also discusses changes to the choir's schedule and promises of financial support. They express appreciation for the Thanksgiving committee and extend a warm welcome to newcomers. The speaker reads from the Book of Psalms and emphasizes the importance of thanksgiving and gratitude. They encourage the audience to thank God for what they have and to start from where they are in their giving. The speaker highlights the importance of gratitude and states that ingratitude is a problem for humanity. If you are excited in the house of God, this money rise up to your feet and shout hallelujah. God bless you. No power will stop your joy. I stand as God servant this money to declare over your life that no power will stop your joy. The Lord has brought you thus far to the first day of December, you will cross over into the new year with testimonies. In the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I want to bless God for today and I want to appreciate God for this unique progressive choir. Let's appreciate them once again. Change is constant and Ejigu must change for good. From the last Sunday of this month, this is the way I want the choir to be. Every last Sunday of the month. Did you hear me? Every last Sunday. It may not be possible for us every Sunday, but every last Sunday of the month, where the teenagers join us for our combined program. This is the way I want the choir to look like. If you are in support say Amen now. And our sister has promised you 50,000. Then you will have your uniform. That means you will have your uniform this time around. Because 2023, we are present. We are present. We are present. We are present. And no retreat, no surrender. Let me also appreciate the Thanksgiving Committee who have put this program together. Some of you since Monday till now, you have not rested. You have been doing one thing or the other. The God whom you serve will reward you. The God whom you have come to serve will reward you. And every other person who has contributed or supported this committee to ensure that everything is working accordingly. God will bless you in Jesus name. And for those of you who are coming for the first time to worship with us here, we appreciate your presence. And our brother has made a declaration unto you that this Thanksgiving will be a Thanksgiving of progress for you. Will be a Thanksgiving of abundance. Will be a Thanksgiving of favor. And we join him to make that declaration over your life. And so shall it be in Jesus name. Okay. It is time to hear the word of God. Let's turn to the book of Psalms. Psalms. Where we start with Psalm number 92 please. The book of Psalms 92. Psalm 92 from verse 1 says, It is good to praise the Lord. It is good to praise the Lord. Okay let me read the Old King James. It is a good thing to give thanks unto whom? And to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High. Verse 2. To show for thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Verse 3. Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the substrate, upon the earth with a solemn sound. Verse 4. Verse 4 please. For thou, Lord, has made me glad through thy way. I will triumph in the works of thy hand. Everybody verse number 5 now. O Lord, how great are thy works, and thy thoughts are very deep. Okay. Psalm 107. Psalm 107. Verses 20 to 22. Psalm 107. We'll be reading 20 to 22. He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. 21. O the man who prays the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men. 22 now. And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and declare his works with rejoicing. I pray for somebody under the sound of my voice that you will rejoice. You will have no reason to sorrow. For now, let's turn to 2 Chronicles. 2 Chronicles 1. We'll be reading from verse 6. Just verse 6 because of our time. And Solomon went up to the prison altar before the Lord which was at the tabernacle of the congregation and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it. Let's write. I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. O Lord, I appreciate you. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. O Lord, I appreciate you. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. I appreciate your goodness. It is an act of a free will. An act of what? A free will to express our love and gratitude to God. You are not under compulsion. It is an act of your recognizing what God has done in your life, in appreciation of what God has done in your life. You see, I want to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanksgiving is also one of the kingdom convener practices that carry diffidence. The economic people, they will tell you much about this today. Thanksgiving is a practice, kingdom practice, that goes with a lot of diffidence. And since I came here five years ago, I taught us here, and I want to repeat, that whatever or however you want the incoming year to look like, you thank God ahead of time, a day like this. Because after this morning, there shall be an invocation of prayer upon your life, that takes you to 2023, and no power of the devil will withstand you. In the year 2022, we have had a lot of wars and problems in the air, but we bless the name of the Lord today, that he never reached any member of this church. Many of us have traveled by air, many of us have traveled by road, many of us have traveled with together or whatever means, but Jehovah Elohim has never remained there for us. And that is why this morning, we have gathered to say to him, Father do us thank you. One of the things you must know about Thanksgiving, is that Thanksgiving brings perfection and completion of what you are waiting for. Maybe there is something you have been praying about, and you have not got it yet. But this morning you are saying Lord, I believe that this thing that I am trusting you for, I will get it. I am thanking you ahead of time. Because you know that the God that you serve cannot lie, neither can he fail. And I want to assure somebody under the sound of my voice, this morning, that this Lord has ever remained faithful, and in your own time and my time, he will not change. In the mighty name of Jesus. Listen. It is not until you have a million before you can stand up. I will always tell us here when it comes to giving, that you start from where you are. Because these fingers are not worth equal. Start from where you are. Today it is only one thousand you can afford, start from there. Today it is ten thousand you can afford, start from there. And if you believe that God will take you to a million level, he will take you there. You know one of the problems of man is ingratitude. One of the problems of man generally is ingratitude. You have a room of your own, and you are complaining that you want to be in two rooms, instead of thanking God for what? For that one room. And I assure you there are people who are scoffing of your age. Older than you, they are still scoffing with somebody. I am not communicating. But if you eventually find yourself in a room, like I have always said, all you need to do is to just take over that room, and begin to give him praise. Thank him for that one room. Even when there is nothing, no chair, no television, no radio, thank him for giving you a room. Because God will give you that one room, and will provide what it takes to maintain the room. Hallelujah! And we can move from one room to two, from two to three, as you desire. We must understand this, and that is why, the Psalmist made us to understand, in Psalm 92, it says, it is good to do what? To give thanks unto who? Unto the Lord. Tell your neighbor it is good, to thank the Lord. For those of us who are just coming, and for those of us who are here, but you may not know what we are doing, but we are taking time one Sunday to explain it to us here. You will discover that every Sunday we give you two envelopes. And we ask you to package offerings in these two envelopes. We have seen over time some people will drop, this one we call church project offering. It's just because we don't want to waste money in printing cards. It is not all this, church project offering that is meant for church ward project. Every first Sunday of the month like today, it is regarded as Thanksgiving ward offering. An extra offering we give in this church, to appreciate the faithfulness of God for the whole month. I just want to establish that in your mind today. Because sometimes when they give some of us the envelopes, we will throw them away. We want to say Lord, for keeping me through the month, for watching over my family throughout the month, for making me to remain in my place of work throughout the month, I do what? I appreciate you. Many that work in the same office have been sacked. Not because you are the best professional, but because his message is still new every day. He says, when you thank the Lord, you will declare his faithful love in the morning, and his faithfulness in the night. I have heard over and over again from people, that many have passed on in the night. And we have seen people who slept heard, nothing was wrong with them before they go to bed. But when they wake up the following morning, they will wake up with one ailment or the other, and the family member will begin to run later scatter. But for you, and for myself, nothing of such has happened in the year 2022. Why not lift up your hands and say, Father, thank you. Say, let me hear you. One of the things you must learn this morning, that giving thanks is one of the fastest ways of touching heaven. Hello. Giving thanks is what? One of the fastest ways of touching heaven. You have prayed. You have fasted. You have sown seeds. You have done every manner of religious activities. And it seems as nothing is working around you. I want to challenge you this morning. It is the time to say to God, I appreciate you. Even in this condition that I find myself. Praise God. Some of us, I hear this morning, will be thinking, I don't have shoes to wear. But there are people who have shoes, but they don't have legs. There are people who have several shoes, but within the year, they had an accident, and it led to amputation of the leg. Is it not a man that has a leg that will wear shoes? But for you, you have had an accident, you have had one challenge after the other, and you are still healthy. You are still complete. Rise to your feet. I say, Father, thank you. I say, rise to your feet. I say, Father, thank you. Somebody shout hallelujah. The book of Psalms says, I will enter into his gate with what? With thanksgiving. Listen. If you want to open doors of blessings upon your life, you must cultivate. Let me use that word. You must cultivate the idea of thanking God for every minute, for every second. That is the key to unlock the blessings of God upon your life. Listen. Until we learn to be thankful to God, in every situation, we will never have true peace, joy, and contentment in our life. In every situation, we will never have true peace, joy, and contentment in our life. In every situation, we will never have true peace, joy, and contentment in our life. In every situation, we will never have true peace, joy, and contentment in our life. Are you saying when I have no food to eat, I can still sing that song? Are you saying when I don't have clothes to put on, I can still sing that song? Are you saying when it seems as if every effort I have made for the year has not produced anything, can I still sing that song? The Bible says in Ephesians, give thanks in every day and in every world situation. Listen to me. In that hard condition, as you lift up your voice to appreciate the faithfulness of God, God will stand in his own majesty and manifest himself in your life. Many have done it in the past, and we have seen results. Am I talking to somebody here? You must cultivate it. You must learn to be thankful to God in every world situation. I have some witnesses here of people who never know when the next meal will come to their table. And the children are troubling them. I want to eat, mommy. I want to eat, daddy. And absolutely, there is nothing in the house. And the woman says, go and bring plates. It's going to be like the temptation of Abraham and Isaac. If your mother says, go and bring plates, when there is nothing in the house. And the question is that, where is the food to be dished into us, into the plates. But I think somebody can say like Isaac, like Abraham this morning, that the Lord will do all. And we have had a testimony of a family who did such, and while they were still praying, someone has knocked the door and brought food to them. This is life's story. Because their trust is not on that very plate. Their trust is in God, who is able to provide for our needs at every given day. I think many of us like to quote that scripture, My God shall supply all my world according to His riches in glory. Our God is blessed. And He will bless you, even today in the mighty name of Jesus. We read also from the scripture, that a man named Solomon, went to the altar and offered a sacrifice of a thousand. A sacrifice of a thousand. Go and read that scripture very well. Solomon never prayed, but he offered a sacrifice. And the scripture says, When Solomon has finished offering his sacrifice, heaven smiled on him. And heaven asked him, Solomon, what is that thing that you need? Praise God. After this year's Thanksgiving, heaven will smile on somebody here. If you are the one I'm talking about, let me hear you believe in Him. There was a church we passed off some years ago. And during Thanksgiving it was as if nothing is going to happen. And a brother on his own took it up. He took it up to ensure that that year's Thanksgiving was a success. And today, a singing, a song of words, testimony. There is no man, hear me and hear me clearly. There is no man or woman that doesn't have something to sacrifice on the altar of God. I repeat, there is no man, no woman, no boy, no girl that doesn't have anything to sacrifice on this altar today. And the first thing you must sacrifice is selfishness. Do you hear me? Many believers today are selfish. When God has blessed us and has opened doors after all our prayers, when it is time to touch heaven, it is then we come out with complaints and excuses. What you need to offer here as a sacrifice, first and foremost is what? Selfishness. Tell your neighbor, offer your selfishness. Say it, let me hear you now. Praise God. Because in order for you to make a sacrifice, something must be offered. Am I correct? Am I correct? In order to make sacrifice, something must be what? Must be slaughtered. And that thing is what? Selfishness. Now listen, those who know how to thank God moves away from the physical realm into a supernatural realm that enables heaven to release its blessings upon them. Those who know how to thank God, I don't know whether you have had that experience at any given time, where you just make up your mind to just what? To just thank God. There is a way you thank God, you move into a new realm, you move into a new revelation, you move into a new manifestation of God. And that is what we are talking about. When you are able to do your thanksgiving in such a way, God's blessing will be what? Will be released upon your life and around you. And that is going to be your testimony this year in the mighty name of Jesus. Many people are being held down in life because of life of complaint. You are just there complaining. In January you complain. In February you complain. In March you complain. In April you complain. In May you complain. There is no day to just say God, do what? Do what? Do what? Thank you. No. We must learn to appreciate God from the depth of our words, of our heart. When we are appreciating Him in such a manner, we will see His faithfulness all around us in Jesus name. What am I thanking God for? Thank God for your salvation. Praise God. Are you saved? And are you happy that you are a child of God? Are you saved? And are you still in the faith? If you are saved and you are still in the faith, you need to do what? You need to thank God because some other faces are back there. Hello. Oh, you don't know that your faith has cost him something. Your salvation has cost God something. You must continually do what? Appreciate God on a daily basis for your words. Salvation. Thank you Jesus. You must thank God for what you expect. You must thank God. What are you expecting? What is that thing you are expecting God to do in your life? Begin to thank God ahead of time for that thing. Are you expecting a baby? Thank God for that baby. Are you expecting to have a car? Thank God for that. Are you expecting to travel out of the country? Thank God for that. Are you expecting to park into your own house? Thank God for that. You say, but I've not got any land and property. What does it take a man to buy land and build? Huh? It doesn't take God anything. When the money is there. You can buy land today and in the next 2-3 months you park into the house. Am I communicating? It doesn't take 20 years to build. And if there is anybody here who have been building for 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 10 years only one house. Today that house shall be broken. I said today that house shall be broken. Thank God. Maybe you have laid foundation in your village and the foundation colour the colour of the block has turned to green because it has stayed here for 2 years. Too many years at one point. That is a way you will thank God for this and God will release His financial blessing upon your life and in a good way. There are many Yahoo boys that are built within a month. A child of God blessed by God with an open door can build within a month and God is raising such men here. If you are the one I am talking about, let me hear you. I believe in Him. Thank God for what you expect. I don't know what you are expecting. I don't know what you are expecting. But that is what you are expecting God for. Let's go for it. Can we read Matthew chapter 8 please? Matthew chapter 8 from verse 1 Matthew chapter 8 from verse number 1 When He was come down from the mountain great multitude followed Him. Verse 2 And behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou can make me walk clean. And Jesus put forth His hand and did what? Touched him, saying, I will be Thou walk clean. And immediately what happened? His leprosy was cleansed. Verse number 4 now And Jesus said to him, See Thou shall not tell no man, but go Thy way, show Thyself to the priests, and do what? And do what? And offer the gift that Moses was commanded for what? A testimony unto them. Every thanksgiving required a gift. Did you hear me or not? It was Jesus Himself because I know there are theologians here who will tell you that you don't need anything to give in appreciation but it was Jesus Himself who told this man Go and offer up a gift as prescribed by Moses in the commandment. I don't know what you have made up your mind to offer this money but what I know is somebody has something to do what? To offer. And when your offering becomes acceptable heaven releases what? Blessings upon your life. And that is going to be your portion in the mighty name of Jesus. Daniel Thank God. Daniel chapter 2 verse 23 please give it to me. Daniel 2 23 and get ready for Daniel 6. Daniel 2 23 say I thank thee and praise thee O thou God of my own father who has given me wisdom and mind and has made known unto me now what we desire of thee for thou has now made known unto us the things matter. You know what happened? When the king had an issue and he was looking for what? Interpretation. And it was Daniel that gathered all the people and said let's pray and God gave them an answer and Daniel asked to do what? Asked to thank God for giving him what? Wisdom. If you don't have anything to thank God for for giving you wisdom to manage your business, for giving you wisdom to manage your husband, for giving you wisdom to manage your wife, for giving you wisdom to manage your children, you need to do what? Give him thanks. Chapter 6 verse 10 of the same Daniel 6 10 please Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, you know the writing that was signed? You know the writing that was signed? He went to his house and his window being open in his house at Jerusalem he knelt upon his knees three times a day and did what? And did what? And gave thanks before his who? His God as he did four times as he did four times He gave thanks even when he knows that he was going to be arrested and be taken to lion's wall, lion's den for praying say father I give you thanks I just want to thank you because you are a prayer answerer answerer and that is why when the man went to lion's den, lion became his pillow, praise God somebody shout hallelujah I think there is one Daniel of Nigeria who went to UI to the zoo at UI and before you know it the man was wasted but this Daniel lifted up his hand unto God and gave what? And gave thanks you can read the book of Psalms and hear a loss that David has to say about giving what? Thanks when David look around look at the challenges what he went through in the hand of Saul what he went through from the hands of all the enemies David will always say I will enter his gate with a silver name in my heart I will enter his court we pray I will say this is the day that I will come to live I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I will rejoice I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice In the book of John chapter 6 chapter number 6 verse 11 the scripture says that Jesus took the loaves and after giving thanks he distributed them to those who were seated so also with the fish and as much as they wanted when they were full he told his disciples collect the leftover so that nothing is lost is wasted so they collected them and filled their basket with the pieces from the five valleys of water loaves that were left over by those who were there eating praise God thanksgiving multiplies hello thanksgiving does what? thanksgiving does what? you must learn to appreciate God when you thank God for what you have it will multiply and you will rejoice at the end, amen brethren you have grumbled and complained and nothing has changed around you did you hear me at all? you have grumbled you have complained you have murmured all over the years you have been here all over the years you have groaned and nothing has happened nothing has changed around you why not learn to thank God for where you are so that he can move you to the next level of your life are you aware here you have been looking for a husband thank God that somebody can even call you see is that not something I didn't know they call you at all can they call you now and you never answer thank God that at least you have what it takes for somebody to call you am I talking to somebody here is it reverend every time I am miscarried there are people who have never even miscarried anything am I talking to somebody they have never miscarried anything thank God at least that thing is there as we move into the new year there shall never be anything called miscarried in your life I said there shall never be anything called miscarried in your life but thank God you are not yet a landlord but you are eternal and I can pray without disturbing anybody rise to your feet you want to say father thank you are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here are you here on behalf of our women we thank you on behalf of our youth we thank you on behalf of our teenagers we say thank you on behalf of our children we say thank you from last year thanksgiving to today you have been so good you have been so great you have been so wonderful we have not we have not buried anybody we have not run we have not have any reason to say for people to say where is their God father we say thank you many of us have never gone to our neighbor to beg for food we have not gone to our enemy to say help me so that they can make more clear of us you have removed shame you have removed reproach you have removed disdain we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you we return our praise to you I am that I am unchangeable changer great I am the one that says yes and nobody says no you are the one that have fantasy over our life we say baba thank you baba we say thank you over our businessmen we say thank you over those that work in offices we say thank you over our pregnant mother we say thank you over those who are just delivered we say thank you those that married this year we say thank you those that gave birth this year we say thank you those that have been waiting for the fruit of the womb and you have visited them we say thank you the ancients of the day we say thank you there are many things that have happened to us but you are always there ever faithful God you are too faithful to fail me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me you are too faithful to disappoint me If we have gotten 10,000 tongues, they are not enough. If we have gotten a million tongues, they are not enough. If we have gotten a million tongues, they are not enough. There are many who are sick to the point of death There are many who are sick to the point of death but you reverted it by your divine power you brought them back to life and today they are with us appreciating and saying thank you and saying thank you Father we say thank you Father we say in awe let glory let honor let adoration be returned back unto you thank you blessed father even for our expectations for 2023 you shall bring them to pass and it shall be to your honor and praise for we pray in Jesus name

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