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The movie parlour ( for english )

The movie parlour ( for english )

Annabelle Nguyen



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In the first episode of the Maybe Power podcast, the host, Anna Manouane, discusses favorite genres like rom-coms and musicals. She also talks about the cost of going to the movies and whether it's better to watch at home or in theaters. Lastly, Anna and her guest, Isabel Nguyen, talk about the popularity of subtitles, especially among younger viewers. Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the Maybe Power, the podcast where we talk about maybes and old maybes. I'm your host, Anna Manouane, and this podcast comes out once a week. Today, we'll be discussing favorite genres, other maybes, too expensive, and subtitles. And today, we will also be having our guest, Isabel Nguyen, as she is my twin sister and also a Calgary student attending Portugal Sports High School, and she's going to share her favorite maybes and genres, so let's get to it. Woohoo! Okay, so, favorite genres. A huge factor around the world, as you can see. Cinephile approved. Okay, so, genres are like... There's like very... there's a variety of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's so much, man. There's so much. You could never imagine. Yeah. Okay, my favorite genres are rom-coms and... and musicals. Yeah, because, like, you know, it's... it's just nice. And also, you can see, like, the burning rage between the characters. What's yours? Yeah, so my one's definitely romance and action, because, you know, you see the atmosphere. You look up and see, like, very powerful, aggressive, you know? Yeah. Like, those type of moods, and then colors around, you know, the contrast of black and white. Yeah. Dark and bright, so yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so now we'll be heading on to the next genre. Are movies too expensive? I'm going to the movie is so expensive now. As you know, it's pretty much post-COVID in a way. So, like, it really depends whether or not we stay at home and watch movies on, like, illegal websites. Or streaming services. Or streaming services. Yay. Or watch it at home, because... or, like, go to the actual theater and watch it. But, yeah, and, like, inflation is so bad these days. Yeah, it's, like, really bad. Yeah, so if I was afraid to watch it at home, then the theater's pretty bad. But in the theaters, you can just, you know, see a big screen. Yeah. Have popcorn. Yeah, and have your own eyes. Yeah. See it. So, yeah, those would be pretty, pretty cool. Yeah. Like, that's so much fun. Like, I mean... But if we're staying at home, most of the time we're lazy as hell, we might as well just watch it on our devices and all that. Yeah. So, yeah. Alright, so... What do you think? Do you think movies are too expensive? Going to the movies or theaters itself? Well, I mean, it really depends on the cost, you know. Like, it's, like, really a huge impact in a way. But, like, yeah. It really depends whether or not I watch it at home or in the cinemas. Yeah. Now, on to the last topic. Thug Life. And, like, you know, it's, like, hugely acquired from, like, you know, like, TV shows, movies, you know. And, like, I'm, like, kind of taught off to hear dialogue in movies and TV shows. You agree? Because, I mean, our age, like, you know, like, you know, 18 to, like, 25, they love subtitles as well as me. I love, love, love subtitles. Like, even, like, a language that they don't even understand, we can just translate it to English because it's more... And read it off. It is so much fun. It's easy. Yeah. And, yeah, it gives me more entertainment and I get to, you know, read it word for word and I say, yes, it's better. So... Even though the older generation, they use it, they use the movies, but they don't have subtitles. They're not, like, they're not used to the subtitles. Old fashioned. Like, they're old fashioned, in a way. But, like, but, like, with our generation... Even though she started at a young age and had it brought up. Oh my god. So, that's a huge hint. Yeah, that's a huge hint. So, we'll see you guys in the next episode. Bye! Bye!

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