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cover of Sacred Space Super Charge Meditaion
Sacred Space Super Charge Meditaion

Sacred Space Super Charge Meditaion

Andrea Cassidy



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This transcription is a guided meditation that encourages relaxation and positive energy. It instructs the listener to imagine drawing in loving and healing energies with each breath, and to release tension and negativity. The meditation also prompts visualizing a sacred sanctuary filled with healing energy, and extends the intention of positivity and peace to every room in the home. The meditation concludes with affirmations to infuse the sacred space with healing energies and uplift all who enter. As you settle into a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and center your awareness. With each inhale, imagine drawing in the pure, radiant energies of love, peace, nurturing, healing, and divine connection. Feel these energies filling your being, illuminating every cell with their gentle light. As you exhale, release any tension or negativity, allowing it to dissolve into a golden-pink ball of energy that awaits it, about two feet in front of your heart center. Imagine golden roots growing out of the bottom of the ball, pulling the ball down into the center of the earth, where these energies are cleaned up and sent back out into the universe. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more and more attuned to the energies of the universe, aligning yourself with their inherent goodness and grace. Now, visualize your sacred sanctuary, the space you have designated as a haven for peace and positivity. See it bathed in a soft, golden light, shimmering with the essence of love and tranquility. Picture every corner infused with the healing energy you have invoked, radiating warmth and serenity. Extend your intention beyond the boundaries of this space, encompassing every room in your home. Visualize each space aglow with the same divine energy, creating a harmonious atmosphere that permeates every nook and cranny. Now, imagine you greeting a loved one, friend, worker, guest at your door. As they step across the threshold, see them enveloped in a radiant aura of light and love. Notice their face soften with a sense of ease and contentment, their burdens lifted by the uplifting energy that surrounds them. With each passing moment, feel the ripple effect of your intention spreading outward, touching the lives of all who enter your home. See them leaving with a renewed sense of hope and optimism, carrying the warmth and love they have encountered within your sacred space out into the world. Know that by setting this intention, you are creating a powerful vortex of positive energy that has the potential to uplift and inspire all who come into contact with it. As you conclude this meditation, affirm once more, I now infuse my sacred sanctuary space with the energies of love, peace, nurturing, healing, and divine connection. I ask that every person who enters these spaces be instantaneously filled with healing energies and feels completely uplifted into new levels of love, light, and harmony. And so it is. Take a moment to bask in the glow of your intention, knowing that you have created a sanctuary of love and light that extends far beyond the physical container of your home. www.mooji.org

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