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Surround Yourself

Surround Yourself

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The speaker begins by praying for understanding and discernment for the listeners, giving glory to God. They then discuss the importance of having relationships rooted in God and question the influence of the company we keep. They emphasize the saying that who we surround ourselves with reflects who we are. The speaker shares their own realization of the impact of relationships and how God has revealed the bad ones and provided guidance to move forward. They encourage seeking God's understanding, praying for guidance, and diving deep into His word. The speaker shares their experience of finding meaningful relationships through a Bible study group and emphasizes the importance of having friends who pray for and support each other. They highlight that God wants us to be happy and have relationships that benefit our lives. The speaker urges listeners to seek God and ask Him to reveal and remove unhealthy relationships, while also asking for godly relationships that prioritize Him. They em Father, I come before you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I ask that you open everyone who is listening's ears, their hearts, their minds, and that they would take your word and get understanding and discernment from you. I pray all of this and want to give you glory and praise because without you, none of this would be possible. And I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen. Hey there friends, it's Anna with God's Podcast and today I want to start in Psalms 1 verses 1-2. Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked, or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. And I start there because I have a few questions for you. Do you have friends, relationships, or a marriage that is rooted in God, that hold you accountable to live a life in Jesus Christ or like Jesus Christ? I ask these questions because it can change your trajectory of the way you live your life or the way that it may go. Have you heard the saying, who you surround yourself with and it will show you who you are, or you become who you surround yourself with? I bring up this saying because it is all too true. I am sure you have looked back at your life and thought of all the friendships and relationships you may have had. And you've questioned those friendships and relationships, just like I have, and making me realize I didn't ever think about the people that I let into my life or my circle. I just let it be because I either grew up with them, I was introduced to them, not thinking twice about it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not naive. I understand this saying 100%. And looking back, this was all too true. And as my relationship with God has become closer and closer, he reveals this to me time and time again, just like it states in 1 Corinthians 15, 33, do not be dismayed, bad company corrupts good character. This not only shows God is not lying about the company you keep, but what it also can do to you. As the years have gone by, and I have put God first in everything, he reveals the bad relationships in my life that are not good for me, or where he is taking me. He has closed those doors and has given me an understanding to move forward. He can do the same for you. Seek him and his understanding, pray for his guidance, ask for his strength, and dive deep into his word, and he will give you the relief. God wants you to have deep, meaningful relationships rooted in him. He will give you your people, ask and you will receive, believe, have faith, and you will see God move. Let me give you an example how God sends you your people. Recently I started a Bible study with a group of ladies who have become my sisters in Jesus Christ, who not only study God's word with me, but hold me accountable, and they do not judge me, they give me uplifting guidance, they root me on, they pray for me, talk with me, listen, and are always there for me. What a gift from God to have these ladies in my life. None of us are perfect, we are broken, defeated at times, but through God we lift each other up, and through God we are there for each other in our times of need. What better friend is a warrior in God who prays for you and truly means it? What better gift could you ask for? God wants us to be happy, he wants to give us relationships that are going to benefit our lives, fill us with love, fill us with his joy, fill us with his peace, God loves us that much. So if you are in a relationship that is not good for you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually, then seek God and ask him to reveal it, ask him to remove it, and ask him to send you godly relationships that are going to put him first and watch your life change through him. Watch the light come back into your life, and watch how your light will shine so others can see. Listen, friends, don't let Satan distract you with these relationships that do not give you what you deserve. God's unconditional love, God wants you to be happy and living your best life. Satan comes to steal, destroy, and make havoc of your life, so I ask you and plead with you to seek God, and he will give you the people that you need, the relationships that are built in him, the ones that will uplift you, not judge you, and give you a meaningful understanding of how God's love works. He will send you those people in Christ, if you ask. He will surround you with the relationships, the friendships that will give you joy, love, peace, and all that you need from God. God sends us these people, these relationships, these friendships, so that we can live a life truly in God. So I ask you, my brothers and sisters, to seek the Lord for the relationships that you are in, so that he can reveal if they are good relationships or bad relationships, so that he can send you the relationships that you need. God is the answer. I will say it over and over in each episode. We have to live our lives in God each and every day, because if we don't, Satan will try to steal and destroy what we have. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I hope you share it with someone in need, because we all need God. We are imperfect, and we fail each and every day, but God gives us the glory, the ability to get up from that day and start anew. So thank him. Start your day with him, and give him the opportunity to work throughout your day and see how it will change. Find yourself with godly people who put God first, and you will see your relationships change for the better of your life. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and root your relationships in God. Seek him and ask him to send you your people, your godly people who put him first. Father, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I want to thank you for all that you do for each and every one of us, and Father, I come before you today and I ask and lift up each and every person listening, Lord. I ask that you give them the ability to seek you in all relationships, and that you may reveal to them who your people are, and remove all the bad relationships in their lives, Lord. Father, I thank you, I glorify you, and I praise you, because you are a God of mercy, you are a God of grace, you are a loving God who wants the best for us. And I pray all of this in Jesus' name, amen.

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