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Prepare a meal with me

Prepare a meal with me

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Fear's got me living with the lights out Chained down like a prisoner in my own house Shame cycles like a deadly medication I try but I can't change my situation Cause that liar comes to rob my joy Yeah, I'm bruised but I'm not destroyed I'm rising like an army, pink on the inside I'm cold as the end of time I'm strong as the gates of hell Nothing's holding on my soul I'm taking back what the enemy stole I'm raising the battle cry I'm holding the banner high With the sound of the holy song I'm taking back what the enemy stole Father, I come before you and I lift up each and every person listening I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord I ask that you walk with them and you guide them in this season that they are going through Whatever it may be, I ask that you carry them through it all I want to thank you, I want to give you glory, and I want to give you praise Because without you, none of this would be possible In Jesus' name, Amen Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast In today's episode, I want to talk about food Yes, I'm going to bring it to food I know you're thinking, what the heck, how are you going to even apply this to the Bible? But, bear with me I ask you to give me a little bit of grace and a little bit of your time In doing so, I want to start in Matthew 18, verses 18 through 20 Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven And whatever you lose on earth will be lost in heaven Again, truly I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for It will be done for them by my Father in heaven For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them And this brings me to what I want to talk about today I want to start by saying, in preparing food for a meal Each ingredient you need to make a tasteful meal is very important Just like Jesus, at the Last Supper, he brought everyone together for one last meal Making a meal, whether it is for your family, a party, a get-together We too should be reminded, we are just like the ingredients needed for that meal Each of us play a crucial role in making it taste delicious And if one thing is off, it can ruin the entirety of the taste of that meal That's why each of us need God Each of us need his word to feed us Each of us needs the Holy Spirit to guide us Each of us need Jesus as an example to lead us Just like preparing food, and this is where my analogy comes in If you skip a step, your entire meal may be ruined It is the same thing in your walk of life It is the same thing with your walk with Jesus If you skip steps in this walk, you could be ruining your blessings Your purpose, your experiences You may not get what God truly fully has for you when you skip these steps Just like preparing a meal, you have to follow each step according to the recipe If you do not follow it, you may end up with a meal that does not taste very good Or it could be completely ruined When trying to follow Jesus and live a life in Christ It can be just like a recipe for a meal Each ingredient, each step in preparing this amazing meal Or used as an example of the steps you need to follow each and every day of your life In your walk with Christ But just like preparing a meal, you need to prepare before you actually start making this meal And in following Christ and living out a life in him This too will take some time getting used to Some adjustments, determination and dedication But believe me, you can do it The ingredients in making a beautiful amazing meal cause for good quality products as well Not having good quality sometimes can also ruin this meal And that goes with your walk with Christ as well If you are not putting fully your heart, your mind, your life into this Just like a meal, it can be ruined Just like sometimes when you try to cut corners or save money in making a meal This too applies to your walk with Jesus Christ If you cut corners and you aren't fully emerged in your walk with him Or you don't surrender your heart to him Or you don't take the time to read his word It can ruin your walk It can also apply to your walk in Christ If you don't surrender to him completely 100% And you only give 50% You can't expect to feel your life change 100% If you only give the parts of you that are easy to give You can't expect to fully see a change in your life If you don't put in good quality time with him You can't expect to understand knowledge or wisdom to bring you closer to him I use the example of preparing a meal because food is my love language I love creating meals I can share with others And enjoy beautiful company together I love bringing people around a table in communion God talks about food and sharing it with others over and over in the Bible And he gave me this understanding I feel to share with you Because we constantly think we can do life on our own And what is a better analogy than when people come together In a time of a meal Of having food together Filling our bellies together Feeling happy You enjoy others company And it goes along with what God says He fills us He gives us the food we need He gives us the sustainability of peace and love Just like food does for us He fills the voids He fills our heart That is what I'm talking about when I'm trying to compare this to preparing a meal God provides everything that we need You have to allow him in You have to allow him to do the work within you To allow you to be full from the meal If we continue to believe we can do it on our own Or we constantly think we are smarter at times than God Your walk is going to fail But the reality is If you do not follow the recipe And putting God first Spending time with him Learning his word Praying And sharing his word with others And the list can go on Your meal can turn out tasting terrible And maybe even be ruined If you don't follow steps of putting God first And coming to him first In everything Then you might just ruin your meal You might miss the best meal you ever had God loves each of us so deeply He wants each of us to come to him He wants to be your first love Your father Your best friend And so much more Are you going to make an amazing meal And share it with others To enjoy beautiful communion And company Do you want to taste the best meal you ever had Or are you going to sit back And just be stuck with the mundane tasting meal That we will be served Over and over Like you are living a robotic life Going through the motions type of life God did not create us for a life as that He created us for a life of more A life of happiness A life of blessings Grace Mercy Our God is a giving God Who loves to shower us with his love He loves to shower us with his blessings And his wisdom But we have to allow the ingredients In order to have all the above Or your meal is going to be ruined And will not turn out right I use the analogy of food and communion Because God wants so much more for us He wants us to be full He wants us to live off of his love He wants us to live off of his blessings He wants to give to us He wants us to have a meal That is so amazing That you share it with others He wants to give you a chance To spread his word He wants to give you his unconditional love Because that is who our God is He is a God who is so merciful So gracious And so willing To give us what we want As long as we come to him Put him first Show him That you want a relationship with him That you want to live a life in him That you want to be inspired to be just like Jesus God gives us that Allow him in Enjoy your meal Because you will be so full After you embrace this meal he wants to give you I want to say thank you Thank you for coming here each and every week And supporting this podcast I want to say thank you For taking a chance To listen to God's word I am not an expert But God gives me So much that I want to share with others And that is why I do what I do And I just want to say thank you Thank you for the support So until next episode Keep bibling Keep spreading God's word And make that amazing meal Open your heart to Jesus Let him in You will not regret it He will fill you He will make you full It will be the best meal you ever had Father I come before you And I just want to say thank you Thank you for the wisdom Thank you for the words That I get to share with others Thank you for the insight that you give me I just want to lift each and every person up to you Lord I want to give them The meal that they have been searching for Fill their bellies Lord Fill them So that they Understand And they can know What your love is It is so unconditional I don't know how to explain it to others Other than You feel the peace That you give us You fill us There is not a yearning For the earthly desires You give us the wisdom The understanding And I ask that you give it to those who are listening Fill their plates Fill their time Let them come in communion And gather And praise you Lord I glorify you And I give you all the praise Because without you None of it would be possible And I pray all of this In Jesus name Amen I just want to give you a reminder That I put Bible verses In the text of the body of each podcast So that you can go back to the Bible And see where I get my inspiration from Where God leads me To give you the wisdom And the understanding And the words that I share with you I want to just say thank you Go back to your Bibles God is talking to you He is speaking to you All you have to do is open your ears And allow him The ability to give you the understanding Thank you And until next time In your place now Jesus I'm calling the angels now I'm calling the gates of hell So that you will hear the Lord my song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm coming back with the holy song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm coming back with the enemy's song Come on we're done with all the mind games You try to play if it ain't clear Yet I want everything It's all for me In the name of the one who is peace The one who heals our disease The only reason that I am free That I've learned is Jesus I'm calling the angels now I'm calling the gates of hell So that you will hear the Lord my song I'm calling the gates of hell I'm calling the gates of hell I'm calling the angels now I'm calling the gates of hell So that you will hear the Lord my song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm raging the battle I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song I'm coming back with the enemy's song

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