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The speaker shares about a moment of despair and the comfort they find in calling on God for help. They talk about the inspiration they received from listening to an interview with Tom Brady, who emphasized the importance of discipline in achieving success. The speaker relates this idea to their relationship with God, highlighting the need for discipline in spending time with Him through prayer and studying His word. They encourage listeners to start small and gradually build a habit of daily devotion. The speaker believes that discipline in our relationship with God should be a top priority, just like in other areas of our lives. They challenge listeners to accept this challenge and experience the positive changes it can bring. The speaker expresses gratitude for the support and ends with a prayer for the listeners. When I'm at my end, tears pouring down, and I can't see past what's in front of me now. When it's all too much for this heart to take, there's one name I call, one prayer that I pray. God, help me now. Feels like there's no way out. But Jesus, you're faithful and able, and you never once let me down. You know, we get inspired by so many things that we may encounter in life. Things that touch us, things that we see. And that's exactly what happened with this episode I'm about to share. I just want to let you know that I do put Bible verses down in the description so that you can go back to the Bible and read them for yourself. I hope that this helps you, I hope that this episode touches you, and I hope that you share it with somebody else. Thank you for your support, thank you for listening, and thank you for always sharing. Lord, I lift each and every person up to you today. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds. Lord, I give you all the thanks, all the glory. Because without you, none of this would be possible. So thank you, in Jesus' name, amen. So in today's episode, I want to talk about an interview I listened to. I listened to Tom Brady's interview given by Patrick Bette David, which was a very interesting interview, and I highly recommend if you haven't listened or watched. As I was listening, God inspired me. He inspired me to share what he put upon my heart for this next episode. And as I was listening to Tom Brady, it's like a light bulb went off in my head. Like, come on, this is not rocket science. Tom Brady started explaining that discipline was key to his success. And honestly, come on, who does not want to be successful? Being successful can look different to each of us. But ultimately, to become successful, you seriously need to put in the hard work and the discipline. And I know most of us know what discipline means. But, you know, I just Googled and I wanted to know what the definition was. Google states that discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way, which involves obeying particular rules and standards. And in listening to Tom Brady, God gave me insight to his word, his wisdom. God made me realize, in order to be successful in relation to God, you need to be disciplined. Disciplined in making time to spend with him. Disciplined in studying his word. Disciplined in prayer. Just like we need food and water and oxygen to survive this life. You, too, should need God in the same way, to feed your spiritual need. And in the Bible, it talks about the spiritual need in Matthew and 1 Peter, that you need your daily bread and your pure milk to survive. If you become disciplined in your walk with God, you would never think about your don'ts. I don't have time to read the Bible. I don't have time to pray. I don't have time to sit with God, because I'm just too busy. I don't have enough time in my day. If you make time to be disciplined in God, you would have your absolute do's. I do have time to spend with God. I do have time to pray. I do have time to read the Bible, or just to sit with God, because you're disciplined in God and want to show him how disciplined you are. You love spending time with him, and it's not hard to do. I know you've probably heard, just like I've heard, if you do something for seven days, it gets easier. But if you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit. And I say, you can try this with all areas of your life. Food, exercise, why wouldn't you want to try this with God? So I want to challenge you. I want to challenge you to read daily for at least five minutes, and sit with God in prayer for a couple of minutes. Start small. Start small. It can be a couple of verses you try to understand or relate to your life, or some season you may be going through, or something that you may be going through. You can sit with God in silence. You don't have to pray or say anything. Just let him and his presence be around you. But you can pray for his guidance, his wisdom, his understanding to move you, or give God thanks for all he does for you, for all his blessings. It can be simple. It doesn't have to be difficult. God just wants you to come as you are. Let him in your heart. In Matthew 6, 5, it says, And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. They love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly, I tell you, they have received their reward in full. And this is saying you don't have to prove anything to anyone else other than to God. Pray with your heart. Allow him in. Allow him to hear your burdens, your joy, your love for him, your praise for him. He wants to know it all. So I challenge you, do this for seven days. And after you made it seven days, then try it for 14 days, and then 21 days. And after 21 days, it will become part of your daily routine, a habit you don't think twice about. Only you, and absolutely you, can do this for yourself. No one can do it for you. Just like when you try to lose weight, you want to exercise more. You can't have someone else do it for you. You can't expect to see the results or reap the benefits if you think that way. So I say, if you can't do it by yourself, do it with someone you trust. That will keep you absolutely accountable for each day. Accountable to study and accountable to pray. Or, ultimately, it is up to you to build upon that relationship with God. And only you. And I say this, we discipline ourselves in so many other platforms of our lives. As employees, money and success are motivation to be the best employee we can be. Or to move up that corporate ladder. As a spouse, you make the time because you want the relationship to last and be good. And you plan on living with them until you're old and gray. And that takes discipline. As a parent, the goal is for us to steer our children into being the best humans they can be. With the ability to someday live on their own. I can go on and on about different types of discipline. And I believe God inspired me while listening to Don Brady's interview. Because we all have dreams. We all dream of success in life. We all want more. We all strive for more. We all strive for the best. And in some way, can relate and be inspired by others of their dreams and success stories. Because it gives us hope. It gives us a chance. It motivates us to be and do better. So I challenge you and I say, start looking at your relationship with God the same way. The goal for us should be to want to spend eternal life with God in his promise of paradise and of heaven. In the land God describes in the Bible as milk and honey. You should want a deep relationship with the one who created you. Who created us. Discipline should be the number one priority you have to God. God is your creator. The one who gave you life. And in return, you should show him the love and respect and dedication God deserves. Just as we do with other top priorities in our lives. So accept this challenge and see your life, your mindset, and your heart change little by little. And see how much easier it gets over time if you stick with it. Because it does get easier. And it will be satisfying. And it will become a habit of your daily routine. You will feel successful. So give it a try. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting this podcast that is dedicated to God and my love for him. I'm so happy I can share it with you. So I'm going to say, until next episode, keep bibling. Keep spreading God's word. Get disciplined in God. And accept this challenge. If you could, please share this with someone else. You never know what people are going through and how you could help them by just a little jester. Thank you to all of you. I hope it's inspiring and it lifts you up. Lord, I thank you. I thank you for each and every person listening. I lift them up to you, Lord. I ask you, whatever they may be going through, whatever they may be feeling, Lord, fill them with your Holy Spirit. Hear their prayers. I ask, Lord, that they get disciplined in you and show you the love and respect that you deserve. I hope that they can one day, too, glorify you and praise you for all that you have done in their lives. Because without you, none of this is possible. And I just want to give you thanks and praise and glorify your name. In Jesus' name, amen. No matter the pain, my heart needs you. No one cuts too deep, for you know it's me. So when fear comes to find me and doubt starts to grow, I lift up my eyes. I know just where to go. Help me, help me. I didn't know a way out. But Jesus, you're faithful and able. And you never once let me down. God help me now.

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