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God's Blessings, stop being jealous and envious of other's. Instead be happy and up lifting of other's blessings God gives them. You are blessed each and every day with God's grace and mercy. Take time to stop and thank God for his blessings. Stop and think about how he blesses you. *Here are my verse I chose for this episode. God's Plan Jeremiah 29:11 Blessed Psalms 40:40 Psalms 144:15 One Body Romans 12 3-8 Jealousy and Envy Titus 3:1-8 Job 5:2

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In this podcast episode, Anna talks about blessings, envy, and jealousy. She emphasizes that God blesses us according to His will and timing, and we shouldn't be envious of others' blessings. Anna shares her own experience of having a different plan than what she had originally wanted and how God has blessed her along the way. She encourages listeners to focus on their own blessings and to trust in God's plan. She also talks about her daughter's diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and how they found strength and purpose through their faith. Anna reminds listeners to appreciate the little things in life and to be grateful for God's love and the promise of eternal life. She ends the episode by thanking God and praying for His blessings for the listeners. Hey there, it's Anna with God's podcast. Lord. I thank you for today I thank you for everyone who is listening and I lift them up to you Lord I ask that you open their ears Their hearts their mind so that they can take your word and bring it back to you and get discernment from you Lord I thank you. I praise you and I give you all the glory and your mighty name. Amen in today's episode I'd like to talk about blessings and with blessings comes envy and jealousy. We all been there We've all felt it we all look at other people and we think about their lives rather than looking at our own lives and Looking at the things that God has blessed us with and get jealous of their blessings But God blesses us according to his will his purpose his timing don't ever forget that So when you look at social media and you look at other people's lives and their blessings The jealousy and envy needs to stop God does not want envy or jealousy He does not want you to be unhappy. He is not not giving you blessings That is the devil The devil is at work when you feel jealousy and envy of somebody else and in those times you need to pray and ask for God's forgiveness ask him to give you a heart that is filled with joy and happiness for those that get their blessings never be Envious or jealous of somebody else's blessings because you need to look at your own life and realize God blesses you every Single day we are lucky to have a God that is so good we are lucky to have a God who blesses us and gives us grace and mercy each and every day because we are sinful people and Without his mercy and grace and his forgiveness. Where would we be? We would continue to keep sinning We would continue to live a life of evilness. We would continue to live a life of sinfulness Why would you want that for yourself? Don't give in to that devil. Don't be jealous or envious of others I'm gonna give you a little background about myself I'm not exactly where I'm supposed to be or where I thought I was supposed to be Let's say that God has a different plan. I grew up. I knew what I wanted to do I had everything planned to a tee. I Wanted to be a lawyer. That was my plan went to college got a criminal justice degree here I am age 44 and I am NOT a lawyer God had a different plan. I have been very blessed along the way I have gone through some dark times along the way as well, but God has gotten me through and blessed me I have a house over my head. I have food on my table. I'm healthy. My kids are healthy. My husband's healthy I've been married for going on 21 years and I can say God has truly blessed us He has blessed us in so many ways There were times that I wanted to give up there were times that I just wanted to throw in the tile towel Nothing was going my way and even today I can say the same I'm not where I thought I was supposed to be but what one thing I have done is gave it over to God I put my trust in him for his plan his purpose his timing Because he knows what he's doing and he's never going to harm me There was a very dark time in my life where my daughter got sick She was diagnosed at the age of 13 with multiple sclerosis. I didn't know what I was gonna do when I heard the news I Was shocked I was stunned I can say that night as she was sleeping and everything Sinking I was in the bathroom at the hospital and got on my knees and was crying out to God Asking him why why her why not me but God has a purpose her and I Probably a couple of weeks or a month later Not quite sure had a conversation and she said to me because I cried to her and told her I wish I could take it away from her and she said God chose me. He chose me for a reason I knew this was something like this was going to happen but it's okay because I have God on my side and here she is age 17 and Doing well her MS has not gone away because it will never go away, but she is healthy She is active and she is living a life of a 17 year old and I am thankful God Bless me. It wasn't looking at somebody else's life It was looking at my life and realizing the blessings that I do have the blessings that surround me each and every day So I ask you stop looking at other people's lives and look at your own life and all the blessings God brings your way stop and look at the little things. I've noticed lately. I see nature I see animals and I just thank God that I'm alive I have breath in my lungs that I'm healthy and that he loves me and that his promise one day of eternal life Will come and that in itself is a blessing. So I thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed today's episode I ask you and I pray for you Lord. Thank you for giving me this opportunity Thank you for those that have listened. I thank you for those that are here and are taking your word I ask that you give them the opportunity to share it with somebody else that needs you Lord because we all need you I thank you for the multitude of blessings that you give me each and every day and I ask that you bless those Around us those that are listening. I lift them up to you Lord, whatever they may be going through I ask that you heal them you help them and you guide them. I give you all the glory I give you all the praise because you are the one who makes it possible. Thank you and your mighty name. Amen Until next episode keep bibling keep spreading that word. Have a wonderful day

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