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Abide: Accept or act in accordance with (a, rule, decision, or recommendation) Obedient: Complying or willing to comply with orders or requests: submissive to another will. God has a purpose for each of us. You can learn to hear his voice and be obedient to him and fulfill his purpose. God will let you know what he wants you to do. It is not to harm you, but to prosper you. None of us are perfect, none of us will ever be. God knows this and wh My Bible references: Genisus Song: "Yet"

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The speaker starts by praying to God and asking for His guidance. She admits that she is not perfect and has struggled with starting a podcast. However, she believes that God has called her to spread His word and love. She encourages others to have faith in God and take a leap of faith when He speaks to them. She emphasizes the importance of pleasing God rather than seeking approval from others. She acknowledges that she is not an expert but is willing to learn and grow. She promises to master her podcast and invites listeners to join her on this journey. She ends with a prayer of gratitude to God and asks for His blessings for her listeners. Dear Lord, I come before you today. I praise you. I glorify you. I lift each and every person up to you. Lord, just like the song says, don't give up on us yet. I ask that you open every person's ears, every person's heart, and every person's mind as they listen to today's episode. In Jesus' name, amen. In today's episode, I'm going to be very raw and very clear. I am not a pro at anything, especially this podcast. I'm no pro at the Bible. I am absolutely no pro at being the best daughter of God. I sin each and every day, just like you. It has taken me a very long time to get here. And I have been pondering a podcast since 2018. I was scared. I was nervous. I didn't think I was good enough, but God kept pushing me. He told me to take a leap of faith and trust in Him. None of us are going to be perfect. None of us are going to be sin-free like Jesus. That's a given. Adam and Eve deceived God, and what they did in the Garden of Eden, we have been doomed for sin from that day forward, and why God sent His only Son to die for us. God loves us that much, and He gave us another chance. It's what we do with our sin and how we repent before God that actually counts. God knows your heart. If you continue to sin and ask for forgiveness and don't mean it, God knows it. That may not like me, may not agree with me. I'm not on here to get the glory or get fame, or to think I'm going to become this famous podcaster. That's absolutely not my intention. I am doing this and taking the leap of faith in God to be obedient to God, to spread His Word, to allow others to know His love, because there is no love on earth like God's love. I'm not doing this for likes. I'm not doing this to get noticed. I'm not doing this other than for God to praise Him, to glorify Him, to show you, you too can take a leap of faith and be obedient to Him. When He tells you to do something, do it! When He speaks to you, listen! Our God is an amazing God, and He does so many miracles right before our eyes. We don't even acknowledge Him, or that it was Him. The other day, I had a conversation, and we were talking about this exactly, about how many things come in your way, how many obstacles come before you to try to stop you to do exactly what God has planned for you, what His purpose is, what His will is. It breaks God's heart how many people miss His opportunity, how many people are afraid to do exactly what God tells them to do. Stop! Have faith in God and take that leap. God knows what He's doing. Allow Him to do it. We go through this life trying to please everyone around us, when all that matters is that we please God. I don't care who likes me. I don't care if people think I'm crazy. I don't care if people think what I am doing is stupid or dumb. I'm not going anywhere. And if they don't want to listen, they don't have to. But if in this leap of faith I have in God, I reach one person, and they can have the same type of love I receive from God, I have fulfilled my purpose. So come on this journey with me. Learn with me as I go, because like I said, I am no pro. I am not perfect. I don't know the Bible inside and out. I am not a prophetic prophecy. I am just an ordinary girl from a small town who God chose to spread His Word and use His talents He gave me and spread God's love to as many people as I can reach. I hope that you come along with me on this journey and grow together. I promise you one thing. I will master this podcast. That is one thing about me. If I don't know something, I will learn and figure it out and do my best through God to master it 110%. So if you have any questions, any suggestions, feel free to email me, or you can ask Q&As, and I will try to answer to the best of my ability and the wisdom that God gives me. Come Bible With Anna Podcast is still in the making, still in the learning, and it always will be. But hopefully I'll reach those who love God, those who need God, those who want to know God and have God in their life. This will always be a place of worship, a place of comfort, and a place of no judgment, a place where God will always bring us together through Him. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope that you can share it with someone else in need, because like I say every single time, we all need God. Thank you for listening. Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Thank you for using me as your disciple. I want to be obedient to you, and I hope others be obedient as well. I lift each and every person up to you, Lord. I ask that you bless them, you help them with whatever they are going through. Lord, I cannot say it enough. I love you, I glorify you, I praise you, in your mighty name, Amen. So until next time, until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and be obedient to God. I know I need to go, and I'm trying, don't leave me here alone.

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