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The mysteries of Christianity

The mysteries of Christianity

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



The mysteries of Christianity John 14:23, 17, 20; 17:23; Romans 8:10; 10:9-10; 12:2, Matthew 10:7-8

PodcastAMI BelgiumPastor PerezChristianityTrinityAMI

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The speaker talks about the mysteries of Christianity and emphasizes that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They explain that everything in creation needs to be connected to a source to survive, just like how Christians need to be connected to God. The speaker also highlights that Christians have the image of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit within them. They differentiate between religion, which focuses on what people do to impress God, and Christianity, which is about what God has done for us out of love. The speaker encourages listeners to position themselves to receive the blessings that Jesus has already accomplished for them. They emphasize the importance of love and obedience to Jesus' teachings. The message that I want to share with you today, it is a message that the Lord has spoken to me, and the message is titled, The Mysteries of Christianity. Amen, wow. The mystery of Christianity. Amen. The mystery of Christianity. Amen. Listen to me family, Christianity is so mysterious that if you miss the element of Christianity, you may be called Christian, but not operate as one. Amen. You may have the Bible, but not operate as one. You may know the word, but not apply the word. Because Christianity is bigger or greater than what you can see. Christianity is not a name. Christianity is not a level. Christianity is not a religion. I'm speaking to some people today. I want to disappoint you if you believe that Christianity was a religion. We are not in a religion. Amen. We are in a relationship. Amen. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship between man and God. Amen. Through the man called Jesus Christ. Are you with me? Amen. In the word Christianity, you will identify the word Christ. Christianity, in the word Christianity, you will identify the word Christ. Amen. Because Christianity is directly connected to Christ. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Because Christianity is directly connected to Christ. Look at your neighbor saying, never. Never. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is not a religion. Today, the world offers us many kinds of religion. Many kinds of religion. Everywhere you go, you will see religions ear in the ear. There are even religions that encourage us to self-exalt ourselves. To a place where you will see people are self-exalting themselves. You speak to them about God, they tell you, I do not need God. Who God is? I don't need God. I have everything. To the point, why? Because the world has taught them that you do not need God. I'm here to disappoint you. And I'm here to tell you that if you do not have God, you are a dead person. Why? You may be alive, but you are dead. Because dying does not mean only you closing your eyes and being buried six feet under. Dying meaning is that you are separated with God. Are you hearing me? Amen. You see, everything that God has created has a connection to survive. Everything. Amen. Everything God has created has His way to survive. They need to be connected to a source to survive. Amen. A tree to grow and bear fruit has to be connected to the soil. Yes. If the tree is not planted, a tree cannot grow. Are you with me? Amen. A fish to live has to be connected to the water. If you take the fish out of the water, give it a few seconds, the fish will die. I guarantee you that you can have the best house ever. You can have the beautiful car ever. If you take the fish out of its source and you put it in your house, I give you a few seconds, the fish will die. Why? Because the fish has been disconnected from the source. We all have a source. For you to actively be operating on earth, you have to be connected to the source. Amen. A tree has its source. The source of the tree is the soil. The fish has its source. The source of the fish is the water. I guarantee you that you will not walk here and see a lion going around. There is no lion in the city because the lion knows where it belongs. It belongs in the jungle. Are you with me? Because the territory of the lion is in the jungle. You take the lion out of the jungle, I guarantee you it will be like lost. Are you with me? Amen. I am speaking to some people where you say, but also in social media people are pecking a lion. A lion is not a pet. Because you can take a lion, believe me, one day if the lion says it's time for me to eat you, it will eat you. Because it's not a pet. A lion belongs to the jungle. Actually, when you are pecking him in your house or you are giving him time to contemplate you and to start deciding will he put you in pepper soup or will he put you in tomato sauce. Because the time will come when the lion decides that you are food, it will eat you. Are you connecting with me? Because you have taken the lion out of its source. Now, men also have the source because we were created by God. God says, Genesis 1, 26, let us create men according to our image and our resemblance. God was speaking to himself, but not only himself. I came to understand through the teaching of my father that that day God was speaking not only to himself. He was speaking to the Holy Spirit. He was also speaking to the Son. So the three of them were together and they were speaking to one another. And God says to the Son and the Holy Spirit that today we will create a man. But the man that we are creating, we are creating a man according to not only my resemblance but our resemblance. I'm here to tell you and I'm here to declare to you that in you, not only that you have the image of God the Father, you have the image of God the Son. You also have the image of God the Holy Spirit. The three of them have a mark on you. You do not only have God the Father, but you have the Trinity in you. Oh, who am I speaking to? You do not only have the Son, but you have the Trinity. Amen. Ouch. Jesus. I used to talk and hear that way you say and you hear that revelation is progressive. Amen. I used to think that when God says that we only have the image of God, but I went in detail to understand that God was only not speaking to him. He was speaking to Jesus and he was speaking to the Holy Spirit. Amen. So, in you, you have not only Jesus, but you also have the Holy Spirit. Then you do not stop there. You have God the Father. Amen. So, the three of them are in you. I receive it. Amen. You didn't get it. Hear me. Religion is all about what people try to do to impress God or what people have to do to impress God. That is religion. Religion is about people telling you, oh, it's time to slaughter. You go get the big cows in your farm and say, oh, it's time for me to please God. Then you take a cow, you slaughter it to please God. That is religion. That is religion. Religion is about dogma and doctrine and things that only men do to please God. But you see, Christianity is not about it. Christianity is about what God has done for us because he loves us. Amen. Amen. Glory. The difference between religion and Christianity is that in religion you do. You have to do. In everything you have to do. But you see, in Christianity you have already done. Hallelujah. Because the Lord Christ has already done it for you. On the cross he says everything has been accomplished. Everything is finished because he paid the price for you. He didn't pay the price in potion. He didn't pay the price in labor. He paid the price in full. I'm declaring to somebody, you do not own the enemy anything. The enemy that is tormenting you. The devil that is coming against your family. The one that is coming against your children. You do not own the enemy anything. You owe the enemy nothing. Look at your neighbor and say, neighbor. I owe the enemy nothing. Say it again, neighbor. I owe the enemy nothing. Jesus paid it all. Jesus paid it all. Hallelujah. Religion want us to do. But Christianity do not need us to do enough. Because Jesus has already done it all. What we all only need to do. What we need to do is to position ourselves to receive. In Christianity all we need is the position to receive. You have to position yourself to receive. Because it's already done. I always tell you and I give you this anecdote or this story. It is like a mother who went to the market. Bought the best food that you like. Some of you probably will say I like fish or I like meat or I like chicken. Mother prepare chicken the way you like it. Put it on the table. And everything is fine. You are only two of you in the house. You and the mother. Mother put two plates on the table. And you come and you say to mommy I'm hungry. Mommy I'm hungry. I want food. But you went into the sitting room and you saw that mommy already put food on the table. Are you with me? What do you need to do? Mommy says go wash your hands. Position yourself. Wash your hands. Come on the table. Sit and serve yourself. Christianity is about you washing your hands. Positioning yourself on the table and serving yourself. I'm declaring to somebody in this season. You are about to serve the best plate ever. I say you are about to dish out the best blessing ever. Whatever you have been waiting for God. God has already accomplished it for you. Whatever you are waiting for God to do. It is only already on the table. It is on the table. Are you with me? It is on the table. Now. Christianity. What is Christianity? We say Christianity is all about Christ. Christianity is all about Christ. I want us to go quickly to the word of God. John chapter 14. John chapter 14. John chapter 14. We read from verse 23. Verse 23. I will take you to a series of verses. Because I want you to understand this topic. And I want you to take notes. Because today. You are coming out of it. I receive it. John 14 verse 23. At the count of 3. 1, 2, 3. Let's go. Jesus we pray. Anyone who loves me. Will obey my teaching. My father will love them. And we will come to them. And make our home with them. Jesus. Jesus. Anyone who loves me. Will obey me. Love always goes with obedience. There will never be love without obedience. You can never say I love you. When you do not obey the person. Love goes with obedience. Jesus said. Anyone who loves me. Will obey my command. So one of the ways to show Jesus. That we love him. Is not to go to the next shop. And buy the biggest bouquet of flowers. And come to Jesus. Jesus is the flowers. To show you that I love you. Jesus does not need your flowers. Jesus does not need your chocolate. Jesus is not a person of Valentine's day. No. What Jesus needs is your obedience. To his word. He says if you love me. You will obey my command. Now. When you obey my command. Meaning you accept me. Jesus says that my father. My father will do what? Will love you. Are you already seeing that today. There are two people. There are already two people. This is the word he is speaking. Jesus speaking. And he says that my father. Will love you. Now he continues by saying. That then me and my father. Will come to you. And will make our dwelling. Amen. Amen. Amen. Hear me. This is so deep. When you understand this. You will understand the mystery of Christianity. Amen. If there is anyone sleeping next to you. You know in this house we have a prophetic method. A prophetic blessing ability. Please wake them up. The way of Mary. Hallelujah. Now hear me. Jesus says. Me and the father. Will come and do our dwelling. In you. Dwelling means we are coming to stay. Amen. We are not visiting. We are coming to stay. In you. Now. Here is only Jesus and the father. Where is the Holy Spirit? Verse 17. Same chapter. Let's go to verse 17. John 14. Verse 17. Are you with me? Read. The spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him. The cause is made within him. No mercy. But you will know him. He lives with you. And will be glory. My God. Are you with me? Amen. Jesus. Spoke in verse 23. Saying that me and my father. Will come and dwell in you. Why? Because already in verse 17. The Holy Spirit. Is already been mentioned. That the Holy Spirit is in you. Amen. Hallelujah. Are you with me? The Holy Spirit is in you. Then if the Holy Spirit is in you. And you love Jesus. Obey his command. Now Jesus and the father. Will come dwell in you. Glory to the Holy Spirit. Glory to Jesus. Amen. Hear me. This is a secret. This is a secret. A powerful tool. To understand who you are. Are you with me? Verse 20 of the same chapter. Verse 23. Amen. On that day we will learn. That I am in my father. And you are in me. And I am in you. Jesus. I am in my father. And you are in me. And I am in you. Jesus. Some of you are saying. What's happening here? It's a little bit of. A game of word. No it's not a game of word. It is Jesus telling you. That the three of us. We are in you. Not only my father. But me. Because I am in my father. And you are in me. And I am in you. I am in you. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Now what is Christianity? What is Christianity? Because remember Christianity is about. When you give your life to Jesus. When you accept the Lord. Starts there. You accepting the Lord Jesus. As your Lord and Savior. When you accepting. Then you enter the door of Christianity. Are you with me? Amen. You enter the door of Christianity. In that moment. The Holy Spirit. Comes and dwell in you. Are you with me? Amen. The Holy Spirit comes and dwell in you. Now. When you follow the command. Meaning when you. Crawl in the Lord. When you move from. Being a child. With pampas. And powder. And baby cream. To a grown up. And you obey the command. Of the Lord. Jesus says that my father. Will love you. Amen. He didn't mention the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit is already in you. In salvation. Amen. Are you with me? Now. When you obey. The father. And the son. They come and dwell in you. Amen. Somebody. My God. My God. Hear me. Christianity is about. The father. The son. The Holy Spirit living in you. Amen. That is Christianity. Christianity is about. The father. The son. The Holy Spirit. Living in you. Amen. Listen to me. I can prove it to you. That you are a walking bomb. Wow. You do not know who you are. You are in the place where you cry. And you murmur. And run from your room. I am here to tell you. You are more than what you see. Amen. You are more than the reflection in your mirror. Your mirror gives you fact. But does not give you the truth. You are more than that. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. John 17 verse 23. Read with me. John 17 verse 23. At the count of three. If it is already there. Is it there? John 17 verse 23. Let's read. John 17 verse 23. Read it again from the beginning. Stop there. I in them. And you in me. Are you with me? What is Jesus saying? That I am in them. But you are in me. It means that if you are in me. And I am in them. It means you and I are in them. Glory. Glory. Wait. Wait. Wait. Romans 8 verse 10. You will see. The bible confirming what I am telling you. Amen. From here when you move here. You need to understand that you are not you. You are carrying the trinity in you. Amen. You are carrying the trinity. When you know and you say to yourself. I am a Christian. What you are saying is that. I am a walking house of the trinity. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Do you know what does that mean? I am a walking house of the trinity. Amen. Because hear me. I already told you at the beginning. Genesis 1 verse 26. Let us. Create men. According to our image. And our resemblance. It means. The father was speaking to the holy spirit. And the son. To say that what? That a portion of us. A reflection of us three. Need to be in the men. Amen. Glory. Hallelujah. Are you with me? Now Romans 8 verse 10. Let us read it. But if Christ is in you. Then even that your body. Is dead. Because of him. The spirit gives you life. Because of the. I declare. And I decree. Today. Under the anointing of my father. And the power of the holy ghost. That whatsoever is dead in your life. Today it is coming to life. In the name of. Jesus. You will not see dryness in your life. You will not meet dryness in your life. Because the spirit in you. Gives life to everything that is dead. In Jesus name I receive it. Amen. The spirit in you. Amen. The mysteries. Of Christianity. You thought. Christianity was about. A religion. Christianity is not a religion. Because when you. Carry the trinity in you. You are in relationship. With them. That is Christianity. Now hear me. I want you to notice. Christianity is about. Going back to the initial plan. Of God. The plan. Of us manifesting. By. Exercising. Dominion. Why. Jesus came. So we can have salvation. Then what? We are saved. Do you go to heaven now? Not yet. We are still here. It means that. The salvation. Is just the beginning. It is the entry door. Because the plan. Of God is not only. For you to be saved. It is you to be reconnected. To the initial plan. That he had. That you may carry. The trinity in you. Hallelujah. That you may carry the trinity in you. Because when you carry the trinity in you. You carry dominion. That is why. When God created man. He said. Let them have dominion. Amen. How do you have dominion? It is when you have the father. The son. And the holy spirit in you. I am declaring to somebody. Somebody is changing position today. You are changing position today. You have dominion. When you have the father. The son. The holy spirit in you. Because he said. Let them have dominion. So your dominion. Come after having the image. Of the father. The son. And the holy spirit. Now. When you have dominion. What do you do? That you may walk. Upon. The serpent and scorpion. You may control. You may subdue creation. That you may stand. And look at somebody who seeks. In the name of Jesus. I declare and I decree. Healing manifest. Yes. That you may stand. And speak the word. Boldly. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. 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Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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