Bible (ASV) NT 03: Luke

The "Bible (ASV) NT 03: Luke" is a book that belongs to the New Testament of the Bible and is written in the American Standard Version. It is one of the four Gospels, specifically the third and longest one. The Gospel of Luke tells the story of the life of Jesus, focusing on his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. It also includes an account of his ascension to heaven. The author of this Gospel shows a particular interest in social ethics, highlighting the importance of caring for the poor, women, and other oppressed groups. Some well-known stories like the prodigal son and the good Samaritan are only found in this Gospel. Additionally, Luke emphasizes the significance of prayer, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the experience of joyfulness. Overall, this Gospel provides a deep impression of the personality and teachings of Jesus, leaving the reader with a sense of awe and admiration.
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