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Amber Brown



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Amber Brown, a student from California, took an entrepreneurial self-assessment test. Her motivation and aptitude scores were good, while her attitude score could be improved. Her needs for achievement and success, as well as power and control, were average. She scored higher in challenge and ambition, self-sufficiency and freedom, perseverance and determination, self-confidence and enthusiasm, and tolerance towards ambiguity and stress. She was also creative and believed in her ability to influence her destiny. However, she scored low in being action-oriented. Amber plans to open her own small business making jewelry, clothing for plus-size individuals, candles, and skincare products. She wants to be her own boss, support her family, and have fun in the process. Hi, everyone. My name is Amber Brown. I'm 33 years old. I do turn 34 in December. I live in the Golden State of California in a town called Fontana. I am currently just a student here at the University of Arizona Global Campus, as I did hurt my back around Christmas time, so I'm currently not working. However, before I quit my job, I was a mortuary transport assistant, so I did work with dead bodies. I live with my boyfriend, Eric. We've been together for almost four years. Our anniversary is July 6th. We have two kitties named Thomas and Dexter, who are brothers, and they're about five years old. I love pretty much anything to do with animals, family time, the beach, mountains, camping, playing pool, darts, swimming, fishing. Horror movies are my favorite, video games, anything outdoors and where I'm able to make some memories. Anyways, based on the results from the entrepreneurial self-assessment test that we took, it said my overall profile was 155. At first, I wasn't sure what that meant, but upon looking into the results, I definitely understand my score now. So, for motivation, it said my score is 57. The minimum score is 19, and the average score is 62. Therefore, I do think that I have really good motivators in becoming an entrepreneur for my future. For the aptitude, my score is 65. The minimum score is 20, and the average score is 67. So, I do think that I got really close to the average, which means that I gained some good skills and abilities along the way in my way to becoming an entrepreneur, and I can definitely use them for my future business. Attitude score is 31. The minimum score is 11, and the average score is 37. I definitely think I can improve a bit in this category. That just means that I need to change my judgments, my feelings, or my perceptions of things, because I may be looking at them in a wrong way. For my needs of achievement and success, my score was 17. The minimum score was 5, and the average was 17. So, I do think I scored pretty spot on in this category. I'm definitely on my way to success as long as I keep pushing myself forward and I keep moving in the right direction. For the lure of power and control, my score was 16. The minimum score was 5, and the average was 17. I definitely scored average on this, and I definitely want to be in control of my own future and the choices that I make for my business, which is definitely what I want. The needs for a challenge and ambition, I scored 13. The minimum is 5, and the average is 15. I scored higher than I thought, because I can always take on challenges, but I don't always succeed in completing them if I take them on. But I'm definitely always willing to work on whatever I have to in order to get through things, to get through a challenge that are thrown my way, you know? For self-sufficiency and freedom, I scored 11. The minimum score was 4, and the average was 12. I think I scored great in this category as well. I am very self-sufficient, and I do enjoy my freedom. For perseverance and the determination bracket, my score was 13. The minimum is 4, and the average is 14. I also scored pretty average in this area, and I am determined to start my own business, so this isn't really a surprise for me. For self-confidence and enthusiasm, I scored 14. The minimum score is 4, and the average is 13. I have always been very enthusiastic and confident in the choices that I make for my future, so this also comes as no surprise to me that I scored a bit higher than average. For tolerance towards ambiguity and resistance to stress, my score is 17. The minimum score is 6, and the average is 19. This is really good. I scored average because that just means that I'm adaptable, and I can manage stressors that are thrown my way. For the creativity and imagination score, my score is 21, and the minimum score is 6. The average is 21. Again, this is no surprise to me. I'm a very creative person. I like arts and crafts. I like doing things that involve using my hands and thinking, so I have a lot of ideas that I can throw out there. This just doesn't really surprise me, you know? For the belief in my ability to influence my destiny, my score is 19. The minimum is 6, and the average is 20. This is also not really a surprise to me because I definitely think that we create our own futures. Lastly, for action-oriented, my score is 13. The minimum is 5, and the average is 17. I do think this one is a little bit low, but that is because I don't think everything is action-oriented. I think you need to stop and think things out before just acting on them, but I do think I need a little bit of work in this section. The venture I have chosen is I want to open my own small business. I want to make my own jewelry. I eventually want to start my own clothing line for plus-size women and plus-size men eventually. I also want to make candles. I want to start a skincare line with body scrub, lip scrub, soaps, other items. The reason I have chosen this is because I definitely want to be my own boss to make my own schedule to be able to support my family and also have fun while doing it, and I think that this is such a fun way that I can be myself and see where things go for my future. Anyways, thank you for taking your time to listen to me, and I can't wait to get to know you guys. Have a great day!

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