Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker announces that they will finally reveal how they make their PFPs (profile pictures). They show two styles: their daily PFP and a red Ronaldo PFP. They answer some questions, including their favorite players, football inspiration, and when they started watching football. They explain how they got their name "Tracker" and why they keep the same PFP. They also discuss their interest in football edits, their goals on YouTube, and their favorite players. They answer more questions about their inspirations, why they started YouTube, and advice for young YouTubers. They mention playing Beat Saber and finishing with a tutorial. They decline a face reveal and mention starting football in second grade. They reveal that Saul is their favorite player for Liverpool. They deny being good at editing and express gratitude for the questions. Yes, as you read by the title, it's finally here. I finally did it after a year of being asked. It's been a long time. I will be revealing how I make my PFEs. Today I'll show two styles because I just kind of feel bad if I only did one after making you wait this long. So the first style, as promised, is my first PFE, the one that I use on a daily basis. I'll put a picture of it on the screen. And the second PFE is kind of like a red Ronaldo PFE. You can name that if you want. I really don't have a name for that. But before I start, I'd just like to answer some of your guys' questions. So, Alien underscore is the goat asks, who are my favorite players other than Ronaldo and Messi? Just to keep this short, there's a lot of good players, but Birmingham for me, I don't know, he just seems like a good player. And Mr. I-can't-shoot-from-3-meters-but-can-score-from-20, I kind of like him too. Even though he causes me lots of stress every Liverpool game. Only Liverpool fans know who I'm talking about. But before that gets any longer, I'll just answer the next question. Snail dot amp dot asks, who is your footballing inspiration? It's obviously Cristiano Ronaldo. He's literally all over my page. I mean, that one should be an easy question. I mean, you should answer to that. Now, for the next question, NotMessinaldo or Messinaldo10 underscore 7 asks, when did you start watching football? Now, here, it's kind of confusing, but I figured it, I watched my first match back in 2016. Then I just didn't really care until 2018, 2017 when Liverpool started doing good. And then I just didn't care again until, I think it was like 2021 or 2020 when Lewandowski, he won the Golden Boot. I remember that. That was when I really started to take it serious, probably like 2020. That's when I really started to watch. That was a good question. For the next question, Destructor FC asked, how did I get the name Tracker? Now, this is, I was expecting this one to be the most common question. And it's a very, it's very stupid how I got this name. So back in I think it was like 2017, somewhere, somewhere around there. I started a, it was a Call of Duty account. I named it like Cracker something. It goes into play, like why would you care what you named it in Call of Duty? Well, I tried to transfer that name to my Fortnite account back in, I don't even know. It was, I was, you know, I was an OG to the game. So it was around 2018, 2017. So basically I needed a name and Cracker Hacker wouldn't work. So I tried Cracker Tracker. It was like, I think it was like 34. I'm pretty sure it was like Cracker Tracker 34. I think the account's still up. I don't have it, but it's definitely still up. So you can search it up in Fortnite. Probably five-filed account there, but. I changed my name to that. And I actually used my, my YouTube channel name used to be Cracker Tracker. I stood like that until like I was at 22 subscribers. I changed it to Tracker VR. And I stood like that for only the, only the OGs of this channel know that my old name was, was actually Tracker VR back when I had like, until like I had 100 or 200 subs. But I changed it at like 300, I think. It was around 250, 300. I changed my name to Tracker. And I'm just stuck with the name Tracker. I don't know if I should change it, but, you know, that's, that's how I got the name. That was a very good question. This one was the best question asked so far. Amazing question. Now for the next question. It's asked by Who's Milo Farouk? And she asked, when did you get interested in football edits? And I started getting interested in it. Not because of like, I like the game. It was just simply because I'm a very competitive person. And my cousin, he, he, he started posting like edits on his channel. And as the competitive person I am, I always want to do better than everybody. So I started making edits. And little did I know, he actually faked his edits. So I was just, I was just getting better at edits. And the second he told me he faked them, I just didn't want to stop. Because I was already at like 400 subscribers. So like, why stop there? And I just stood with editing ever since. And that was like around 2023, I think. You can check back, actually, when my first edit was. It was around that time. But next question. I guess, and it's asked by UnknownEditsFootball. Asked, how are you? I'm doing pretty good. Thanks for asking. And WTHULookingAt asked, how are you so good at editing? I'm not good at editing. I can't tell you because I'm not good at editing. I have to learn so much about motion. And I'm going to be switching to After Effects soon. So I'm not good. I still have a lot to learn about editing. But thanks for the question. Ruben the Goat asks, why do you keep the same PFP for a long time? Now, this one, this is a story of its own. I never used to keep the same PFP. I used to change my profile picture a lot back when I had a little bit of subs because that's when I first started getting into profile picture making. So I used to just make a lot of PFPs for myself. And some kid told me, just commented on my channel. They meant no harm. I just took it seriously. I guess that someone asked, like someone said, why do you always change your profile picture? Like why do you always change it? I was like, I don't know. I just, I can't help myself. And ever since then, I just don't change my profile picture. I just keep it the same. And now I just, I'm just too lazy to change my profile picture now. Like if we were talking about a couple months ago, that was the reason. But now it's just like laziness. I don't know. I don't even address that issue. But that's just the best I could, the best way I could put it. Yas edits 95. Hopefully I said that right. Tell me in the comments if I didn't. Asks, who's an inspiration for you at editing? Now I have a couple, actually. If you're talking about attitude and how I want my community to be, it would definitely be the Football Kitty. But if you're talking about edits or a light motion, it would be Goatire. If you're talking about After Effects and overall editing, it would definitely be Slick7. He has very good edits. And I want my edits just like that. I watch his channel a lot. So that's my inspiration for editing. OCE Frosty, or underscore Frosty22, asks, name the top 10 best players who have ever played football in order and who do you think the GOAT is or who's your GOAT? Now I'm not going to name it in order or probably, you know, it's just going to take too long. But I'll just say who my GOAT is, and that's Cristiano Ronaldo. Messi, he's the greatest of all time. But for me, my personal opinion, I think Ronaldo is. He's my GOAT. And what a surprise, the person we mentioned earlier, the Football Kitty, she asks, why do you have started with YouTube? I think it's, why did you start YouTube? And I said, like I said earlier, it was definitely my cousin. And what are your goals on YouTube right now? I changed them. But my ultimate goal is 100K. My goal for now is 10K. Try to, I'm going to go 10K, 20K, yeah, it makes sense. And next question, what do your peers think about it? Now, I don't know. They just, they don't really. They're neutral. They're neutral about it. Because I actually, I get points in school to do this. I just have to, it's a computer class I take. All I have to do is just show them that I do it, and I get three points. So it actually helps me at school. But how did I come up with the name Tracker? I answered that earlier. Who are my inspirations? You're actually one of them, and I answered this earlier. But yeah, you actually, the way you're, you know, how you address your audience and how nice you are is just the way I want to be with my channel. Amazing questions. Thanks for this. Thanks for asking. Next question is asked by NotMrCR7. I think that's who it was. That's the guy that said your name. What inspired you to be, to never give, what inspired you to never give up? Nothing. If I want to quit, I'll quit. But I enjoy what I do, so probably because of enjoyment. But if I didn't enjoy what I did, I would not be doing it. And next question. What games do I play? ImRobot77 asked. Beat Saber. Lots. Lots of Beat Saber. That's it. Just Beat Saber. GoodUnderscore98350 asked. If you'd give advice to young YouTubers, what would you say? Good question. I'm not very good at this, so let's see. If you are young, 10, 11, 12, 13, advice. Probably to just don't let the negativity get to you, I guess, because when you're little, you get a lot of hate for wanting to start YouTube, so just don't give up with what you want to do. If you like doing YouTube, do YouTube. Just ask for help when you need it, and just keep getting better. That's it. I don't know. I'm not very good with advice. Why did you start YouTube? My cousin. Where are you from? Mars. I'm from Mars. And, yeah. That's it for that question. And the last question. Are you going to get a face reveal? No. No. No, you're not. When did you start playing football? Back when I was in second grade. That's when I can remember. It was probably even younger, but it was definitely around six or five, probably. That's what I remember, when I really started to play. Who's your favorite player for Liverpool? Yeah, you're right. It is Saul. I like him a lot. He's very good. How are you so good at editing? I'm not good at editing. I'm not good. Why do you guys keep saying that? I get you're trying to be nice, but it's not true. But, anyway, that's it for the questions. I have to get to the tutorial now. But thanks for everybody who asked the questions, and thank you for letting me include you in the video. Yeah, that's it for this part. Now, time for the actual reason why you came here. You probably don't care what I have to say. So, time to actually get started with the tutorial. So, before we start, some quick thing I need to mention, because there's going to be someone asking me in the comments, what app is this on? It should be obvious. It's on a Light Motion. That's all you need for this, because if you go into the description, you see the XML in the description. It's my Google Drive. It is not going to kill your computer with a virus. Or is it? It won't. It won't kill your computer with a virus. So, click on that. And for the first, we're going to start with the first PFP. So, download PFP1 material. That's all you need. It comes with a PNG, the backgrounds, everything.