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A & A Speaks Energy Work 1

A & A Speaks Energy Work 1




On this episode of A & A Speaks Adfeng and Aklady discuss energy work, answer community questions and share perspectives from different understanding. Please join us in our Discord community Empathic's Journey to further explore your spiritual and metaphysical side with us. https://discord.gg/X2RnSje74T

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The speaker discusses the importance of developing new energy techniques based on personal needs and experimentation. They emphasize the value of working with others and receiving intuitive guidance. They express their preference for having more time rather than solitude for magical growth. They mention the significance of energy work and the use of flames as a focal point. They discuss the choice between Goetia and Enochian, leaning towards Enochian for its intensity. They affirm that energy healing can be performed on oneself and recommend it for maintaining a clean energy system. They discuss the limitations of magic depicted in movies and the potential divisiveness if everyone had magical abilities. They conclude the podcast, expressing gratitude and mentioning their upcoming schedule. There he is. He had left. He's back now. Weird. Okay. So yeah, so really developing any new energy technique is based off of needs that I may have and that I need to work on. So it's a lot of experimentation, and the other part of that is also working with other people and seeing how they do things, because the way that they do things may be different than the way I do things, which will make me kind of, you know, relook at whatever it is I'm doing and maybe try to improve it or change it, whatever is needed. Okay. That is a great response. For me, most of what I come up with is either based on intuition or it is information that I receive in the form of, like, a different direction or a gentle suggestion by members of my spirit team or, you know, other energies that I work with. So for me, it's very intuitive. Gotcha. Perfect. Okay. So Mr. Mage asks, if you could choose between more time or more solitude, which would you choose for the purpose of magical growth and why? So this is an interesting question, because I'm guessing he's asking the choice between if we could just have more time in general versus more solitude. And I think they're two different things whenever we look at them. So for instance, I would say more time, even if that meant I had to work with someone else. It's still that period of time, like, there's an amount of time you wouldn't have should you take, you know, more solitude. So definitely more time. And working with others is a great way to expand your horizons and kind of learn new things and understand in a different way. That is awesome. I thought that would be the direction that you would choose with that question. For me, it is the opposite. I take the solitude, because that is how in those moments is when I receive a lot of my inspiration, you see. And because I consider most of the energy work that I do is ritual-based, so I can have a longer time frame and window. So I don't need to, like, hurry up and collect everything and process and start the workings right then. I can slowly add and build on to it. Does that make sense? Yeah, I understand. Okay. Okay. So, Mr. Major's next question is, what is the average flight speed of the North American shoggoth if it's curing a coconut? Now, this is obviously a Monty Python reference. Right. It's the unladen swallow. Yeah. It's supposed to be unladen swallow, not North American shoggoth. Knee. Knee is the answer. Yeah. All right. Next question. What's the simplest or smallest piece of practice you wouldn't want to go without? That is a, I'm going to phrase it, what is the one thing that, like, if you had to give up everything else, what's the one thing that you have to do, that you would have to continue doing no matter what? Personally, I'm going to be a cop out and say energy work. For me, because I use so much candle or flame or some type of directionary item, I would say that I would be hard-pressed to either remove that focal point of the flame or it would be the connection that I use with the natural supplies that I use. But I would say that the flame would be really hard-pressed for me because it helps that not only set but direct the intention and then it allows, you know, an understanding as you are reading how the energies are flowing. There are so many aspects to something that is so very simple. Yeah, I may have misunderstood what he was asking, but I think my answer would fit both categories. Yeah, no, no, I think most definitely. Okay, so he asks, Goetia or Enochian and why? Okay, that was a really, he likes to throw the hard balls out there. And not something that I am particularly familiar with. I would say, I have an understanding that they both kind of came out of the Middle Ages. I know that they are high magic workings. I would lean a little more towards the Enochian aspect of it, not because I feel that it's light or dark or good or bad. You know, demonology versus angelic realms. There is just a little more fascinating piece with the more intense level that one has to focus with the Enochian, in my understanding. I mean, I have no preference. I don't think I've really worked with angels in any way. So it would not really, the question doesn't pertain to me specifically. Yeah, yeah, I kind of agree with you there. So Grace has asked if we can perform energy healing on ourselves. And Sandy has already replied in the chat in ANA Speaks questions, ANA Podcast questions, that yes, that you can. So I'm going to concur. And I do energetic healing on myself all the time. It's definitely something that you should try. It will help you with your practice and helping you keep a clean energy system. Yeah, for sure. I strongly agree with the both of you. I think it is a natural piece of practice. Anyone that is drawn to energy work that they do naturally, even and subtly, even without realizing what we are doing. You know, the simple act of, you know, if you have an ache or a pain, you generally place your palm over it. Right. It's a very natural way to do so. And I do believe that most people should start by practicing or attempting to understand their energy system by practicing and energetic healing on themselves and in subtle ways, even with, you know, your animals or companions as well. Great. So I think our last question for today is going to be from Grace, who is asking, what would you do if magic worked the way it does in the movies and how would your practice change? And would you prefer magic to work that way and why or not? If it is an all or nothing kind of deal, the way magic works in a lot of movies or fantasy novels is, it depends on what universe we're going into. So like Harry Potter, magic is going to act differently than, you know, some other novels. So personally, I think it would be cool to do things that you see in fantasy novels, but the problem then is it no longer becomes, you know, a special thing. You no longer have that element of, you know, fantasy and exploration if it just happens that way. Yeah, like, is it for show or is it for the power? And then, like, I see that Grace clarified and said, well, let's talk about Dungeons and Dragons. So if you look at it from that paradigm or that perspective, like, what do monks do? What do clerics do? Well, clerics are healers. Right. So we kind of some people kind of do practice along those lines. You know, we're not expecto patronum-ing everything, but there are people that see visions. It's just a matter of other people being able to perceive. But if you are in a community with other people who have abilities that may complement or expand on your own, you may get that. Right. So we could be in, like, Harry Potter or any of those type of magical working realms. So, yeah. And what typically happens with humans and specifically the human race is if someone has some special talent or some special ability or they're different in some way, you start to see enclaves forming and you'll have, like, just like in Harry Potter where you have the muggles versus the half-bloods versus, you know, full magicians or wizards. You see these cliques that form. And I think if that were to happen in real life, so, like, let's say everyone now can do magic or you're given a class of World of Warcraft. Like, you can pick the class you want. You'll start to see that us as humans are going to, you know, selectively be with people that we would like to be and possibly go to war against others. So, ideally, I think the way energy work is now is probably the best that we're going to get to being not divisive, if that makes sense. Total. Total sense to me. Especially, like you said, the division. And we even find that already in a lot of different groups. Like, oh, no, this type of healing is the proper type of healing or this path or this practice. These are things that people try to utilize to control others because someone has to be an expert, right, instead of everybody kind of being equilaterally unique and strong in their own abilities. So, six to one, half-dozen of the other. Yep. So, I think for now, we're going to conclude ANA Speaks. We will pick up again next week with at least one full session, possibly another to make up for some time. We both have things in real life we have to attend to. But thank you all for listening today. I am Adfang. And I am AK Lady. Thank you guys for being here with us today. And I will hang around for a moment to see what Sandy's response is. Okay. I'll see you guys later. Thank you, Adfang. Bye-bye. Yes, Sandy, that is exactly correct. Thank you all for being here with us today. And again, apologies for cutting this episode short. You see Adfang has some things to attend to, and I do as well. Thank you for your patience with me. I will say I would like to say when we're talking about energy work, right, we have to be patient with ourselves. And so thank you. I appreciate it. Everyone, thank you so much for hanging out with us for this short podcast. And we will speak with you soon. Ciao.

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