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A&A Speaks 2

A&A Speaks 2




Episode 2 of A & A Speaks Sharing advice for healthy foundations for any type of energy work or spiritual path. These recordings are weekly episodes from Empathic's Journey Discord server.

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A group of individuals are discussing the importance of foundations in their spiritual journey. They talk about energy manipulation, sensing energy, and the uniqueness of each person's approach. They also share their first experiences with energy and emphasize the need for validation and verification in their practices. The main foundation they highlight is the ability to sense and understand energy. Hopefully you get better soon. We'll chill out for a little bit before we officially start. And if it's just us, then it's just us, and that's okay. We have Craig. That's all that matters. It's going to be a meme at this point for us. Johnny, welcome. How's everybody doing today? Yeah, Sandy, I'm going to send you, like, lots of extra love and focus maybe on your throat to help soothe and heal weather changes, you know, that get us. How are you doing today, Johnny? We'll wait three or four more minutes and see if anybody joined. Oh, that's beautiful, Johnny. Absolutely beautiful. I pinged all members earlier. Wow. Actually, I think it did a everyone ping. So people are going to be like, what the heck? So people just got pinged at least twice. Okay. And it looks like Sketch dropped in several more questions for us. Excuse me. Johnny, you can put them here, or there's actually, you can put them there. Since we're here now, go ahead and just put them here. I have to ask Sandy, how was the cenote? Thank you for sharing the pictures, by the way. Absolutely stunning. And when you were at the pyramid, the step pyramid, did you feel anything different? Like, did you pick up on anything? I was just asking. Because the second photo, I was like, and I just kind of felt like I had to take a step back. But very sacred. Just incredible. All right. All right. Should we get started? Yeah, let's get started. All right. I am Adfang. And I am AK Lady. And this is ANA Speaks. This week we are going to focus on, oh, yeah, Grace, welcome. We are going to focus on foundations. Foundations as in kind of where we are beginning our spiritual journey and what things we need to focus on, be it energy work, our sensing capabilities, all of those before we delve into more advanced things. There were a few questions that we'll get to probably during the rest of our little session today. AK, do you want to start off? Yeah, of course. So we're talking about foundations. What does that mean exactly, right? So if we look at the analogy, like we're building a home or we're building a structure that's supported and balanced to withstand any of the rumbling or grumbling of earthquake or natural disasters, hurricanes, winds, all that kind of stuff, how do we translate the idea of foundations to our spiritual practices? So, again, you know, four corners, stability, where we try to develop those practices within and without that allow us to maintain our stability, to feel the support and allow us to grow exponentially from that point. There are a few things that we had talked about earlier in the week, Adfang and I. So we'll talk about the behaviors in your spiritual or metaphysical practices, energy manipulation, basic sensing energy, scanning, shielding for self-protection, and then how does it correlate with intentions, outcomes, possible consequences? And that's where we'd like to begin. Sweet. So let's go to the very beginning of why a lot of us are here, which is energy manipulation. So it's important for us to first understand what is energy. What I would define energy as is this nonphysical substance. People call it psi, chi, chi, whatever it is for you or other types of energy that we may encounter. We can use this energy and channel it to heal, channel it to make constructs, make shielding. There are tons of nonphysical and physical ways to use energy. The first thing that's important is learning how to sense energy. So there are numerous exercises that we could go through. We've had a couple sessions on sensing energy. If we have some, I think we have some sources that we can put in the chat at some point, either now or after the session, for specifically sensing energy. And yeah, so getting a sense of what energy feels like and how to use it is the most basic thing that we will do. And as far as foundationally, that's probably going to stay the same throughout many different paradigm shifts you may go through throughout your journey. I would definitely agree with that. It's how do we approach, understand, and explore that energy. And I will say I don't believe that there's necessarily any one particular right way or wrong way to do it. It is something that we explore and develop as we awaken our senses, and we can tie that into our clear sensibilities. We can tie that into how do we expose ourself or understand energy as it moves around us and through us. And everybody does not necessarily need to work energy in the way that someone may, if they're focusing more solely on their side, that may look a little different as opposed to someone who is looking to develop their clear energy, maybe healing aspect of energy. So there may be differences in how we approach it and how it looks to each of us. And the important thing for me to get across is that's what's important, is the uniqueness that we all approach it with. So I hope that that helps. Do we have any questions from anyone here in the group on that right now, or are we good? I'll pitch in while anyone says anything. Sensing between myself and AK and anyone else can be vastly different. The main thing is, through sensing, scanning, clear, whatever we're talking about, is that the end result is the same. So unfortunately, there's not necessarily a scientific way. I mean, there are some scientific ways to measure energy, but in the more woo or the more metaphysical ways that we would apply energy work, there's not like a standard where we can go off of, you know, this is X amount of energy or this energy does this. The main thing is our sensing should match up with each other in some way. So for instance, I may feel that this energy may be tingling. AK may sense it as like kind of a warm feeling. But what we do with the energy and what the end result is, is the same for both of us. And that kind of synchronicity is important for what we do. Most definitely. Johnny is asking, what were your first experiences with energy? And that's directed at you and at myself. So I'll let you answer that question to begin with. OK, so. I think we touched on this during the last podcast, but the very first time that I realized there was, you know, something metaphysical or some type of energy was noticing whenever I focused, I was able to make air or wind move. I didn't know what it was at the time. I didn't know that there was a name for it, but that is probably my very first experience with using or feeling energy. Excellent. For me, I would say I also felt like I touched on it last week in the podcast. It started with a pendulum and the manipulation there. And then after that, when I went home, I and it's funny because now I actually have seen some tutorials on how to create an energy ball where you take your right hand and your left hand and you kind of cup it and and manipulate and focus. On the energy in your palms and feel it kind of like you're creating a snowball. And I started doing that. And became aware that there was something beyond the physical that I could actually. Tangibly experience, even if it was not visible with the naked eye. So that would be kind of where I first started to begin to understand and explore energy. Great. So I think we're both in a consensus that sketches question is, what's the most important foundation for you in practice? That would be that ability to sense what's going on and to know what's happening. Because if we're just doing things or things are happening to us and we don't know what's happening, then what are we doing? How are we going to progress if we don't know how things are feeling or what's happening? It should be on some level, a sensory type experience or awareness. And that begins with trusting yourself and beginning to explore the unseen, the hidden, that which may not feel or appear to be as natural. And the more you kind of lean into it, the more natural it starts to become and feel. So to answer the other question, this does not differ how I would advise someone else to begin with their foundations. Sensing is going to be the first thing that I recommend someone to do. Or if I'm working with someone who's new, is ask them, how do you sense energy? Or have you any experience with sensing energy? And I'll walk them through some exercises. Grace is familiar with this, where I gave them something to follow to kind of get a very baseline of, how can I sense energy? And then we build on from there. And what does it look like for you? So to understand what you're experiencing, your perception, that's where an open communication is really beneficial. Because we do operate on different frequencies, and we have different abilities that we're starting with, that we bring to the forefront. And therefore, as we work together and communicate, we can kind of start to understand how someone's experience may differ a little bit. And we share, and then we can bring it together and understand and paint a more vivid picture. And that will help with the understanding. I hope that that helps and is not too out there for everyone. I think it's also important, if you are working with someone else, and both of you get vastly different results or vastly different sensing or whatever that you're doing, it's important to maybe get another person to give a look, if they can. Or try doing it, you know, again and seeing if there's still that difference. Because if you're seeing something different, it's possible maybe your experiment or whatever didn't go as intended, and you're both sensing something completely different. It also could be that your result, you're just sensing it differently, but it's the same. So it's always important for validation and verification, rather than, you know, just going on your own. Most definitely. And looking for and finding that common thread. So even if you may be perceiving things completely differently, what is the key component? Are there anything that kind of match up that are similar, even though we may be describing it in a different way? And not losing sight of trusting yourself and what you're receiving. Because I really want to hammer in on this one. It's very, very important to understand that we do, each and every one of us, operate differently. And this is a very unique and individualized scope that we are in. And so if we start to doubt because someone else is saying, no, I'm picking up that person's aura and I'm seeing yellow, and you're saying you see blue, that doesn't mean that you both are incorrect or that someone is more right than you are. It comes down to what does that resonate, what does that mean to you? Does blue mean strength? Does yellow mean strength to the other person? Or is it a happy color? Maybe there's just a subtle difference in your internal language, right? Your internal symbolism may be different, and that may give you a different lens that you're looking through. So I think that that's really, really important to appreciate the other person's perspective and point of view, but don't lose sight of your perspective and point of view. Because to really develop in a healthy and balanced way, there has to be trust. Trust of self, trust of spirit, and trust of what you're doing. Because there is a huge imbalance because we feel we're told that this is not the norm, air quotes, that we know not everybody experiences things, physical, metaphysical, energy, the same that we do. But that doesn't mean that someone else is more correct and you're incorrect. That, to me, is really important that everybody understands because a strong and healthy foundation begins with you. And it begins with your trust of self and your abilities and your positive desires to understand this in a healthy way. I hope that that is beneficial because, to me, that's a really important, huge piece of the puzzle as far as foundation work goes. Yep. I agree wholeheartedly. I look at things in a very logical way. So whenever I'm sensing things, I generally don't get color, shape. A lot of those I don't necessarily interpret unless they have a specific function. And that's just through my personal lens. So if you were to give me something to look at that's yellow or orange or whatever, I would look for what it does and then possibly look for a color afterwards, which doesn't make either of us wrong. It just means I have a way that I look at things. You have a way that you look at things. And that's really what matters. As long as those come out the same, then we're on the same page. So Sketch. All these questions are for Sketch now. So how can we consider ensuring people have a strong base without belittling, condescending, or coming across as we know more? I'm guessing that he's asking, like, how can we work with someone else and kind of get a feel for where they are as far as their foundations and their paradigm? And kind of comparing it, contrasting it against ours and seeing, you know, not really trying to have them, you know, not testing them per se, but just seeing where they are on their journey, I guess, would be a better way to put that. That's a really good and really important question. I feel it very deeply. And for me, it is very, very, very important that we don't come off as if I know more than you. Because I think that a lot of people would have a knee-jerk kind of reaction where we would then flip the tables and it would feel a little bit condescending. I personally like to approach everything in the format like I've already been discussing with you, is everybody perceives and understands things differently. And it is not my place to tell you what is right or wrong. My job is to help you explore and expand within your own frame of reference, your own paradigm, where you feel comfortable. It's not about me feeling comfortable. It's not being ego-driven where it's like, well, I know more than you because I don't. I am a forever learner. I will always explore and allow myself the space to listen and understand what somebody else is doing, what they have tried, and what is beneficial for them. Because I may not take all of it, but there might be that little nugget in there that it's like, oh, you know what, I was missing this piece. And Sandy is in here right now. And I'm going to actually refer to her because for me, as a great example, seeing how Sandy practices, embodies, and shares gratitude was a huge shift for me in my perspective. You know, I had a tendency to think of gratitude as just being like, okay, you know what, thank you. I'm grateful for your help or this, you know, however you want to phrase it. But seeing it in practice where we share and expand that gratitude with every living being was like, wow, there really is something more to gratitude instead of simply being a word. There is intention and meaning behind it. And for me, that really allowed a shift to a more heart-centered space. And I will say for me, it's allowed for a lot more expansion and understanding the energy and the world around me, nature. There's a lot more to it than just how we may initially perceive it. And so if I wouldn't have been open to listening to a different train of thought or a different way of being, I would have already excluded myself from a potential and an option for greater growth and development. Yeah, I think something that I really enjoy and something that I get out of working with people who are new or just restarting their practice is figuring out how they work and figuring out how they understand things and perceive things. Because it's not that anybody knows more. It's that we are coming together to experience what the other person is experiencing and trying to understand how they understand things. And I've probably went back to the drawing board for my paradigm and my understanding numerous times, multiple. I mean, I can't count how many times I've encountered something and went, well, this doesn't fit into my belief system. But it happened. So then you have to go back and go, it's like peeling an onion and going, well, there's this that relies on that and there's this that relies on that. So you get all the way back to your foundational beliefs and go, wow, this really wasn't that strong of a foundation because of this belief. And then you have to adjust and rebuild from that. And that's okay. It's okay to go back to your original foundations and go, well, after I talked to Sandy or Grace or whoever and go, yeah, they showed me something that I have fundamentally wrong with my belief system and now I'm going to fix it. So, yeah, that's a really good question and something we all have to be aware of and not be afraid. Do not be afraid to start over. You can always start over. It is okay. Right, or you can look at it like putting an addition on. Oh, yeah. You can always add on. You can always add on and you can always take off. You can always rebuild. I don't advocate for any type of system that is you stick to this, this is the path, this is 100% how you have to do it. You can't go outside the lines. You should always be going outside the lines and challenging your beliefs and trying to see if you can break them. It's okay. Challenge what you know because if we don't challenge these things, then we stop learning and growing. Exactly. Exactly. And, you know, it's very beneficial. I am going to ask you a question or a way to explain, perhaps for a little deeper understanding for others at FANG, will you explain what GANing means and the practice of it, how it correlates for you? Sure. So it's kind of the same if someone is asking me to scan either a construct or scan themselves. I guess I'll go with if someone asks me to scan them, what I do is I try to get a sense of their energy system's health. Anything that I notice that's around them, any constructs such as shielding, other entities, other beings, anything that's noticeable and perceptible to me is what I look for. I then sometimes delve a little deeper depending on what I see. So if I see it looks like they have a little bit of maybe clogging or something with their energy system, I delve in and try to see, you know, well, was this caused by something malicious? Was this just, you know, general wear and tear, as I like to say, with people? And then, you know, if it's something they're going to probably be able to take care of, just point it out to them, let them know. Sometimes I delve a little deeper and go into what I would call our core with their permission and try to take a look and see how that person functions and get more of an understanding of them, of how they just function as an energetic person and how that correlates to who they are. If someone asks me to scan a construct, my main goal is to figure out what the construct does. I don't really care if it's a sphere, if it's a cube, if it's a prism of some sort, if it's a didecahedron, whatever. If it can be whatever shape, I just need to figure out, okay, this construct is, you know, generating something, taking energy from this location, and those constructs are doing this thing. So, that's my main goal, is just figuring out what is happening. Excellent. Thank you for sharing that. Does anyone have any questions about scanning, or do we feel comfortable with that? I think scanning also would be a good topic to kind of delve deeper on and maybe have some – we could do a – like another voice chat session and practice scanning one another and different constructs to kind of get people to have a sense of what they're looking at and understand that. I agree with that. Here's another question for you. What exactly do you mean when you refer to a construct? So, a construct is literally any type of energy that is put together to be – to stay together and has some form of intent. Kind of a basic definition. So, literally, you can call a cyball a construct because it is. It's energy that you have formed into something that is staying together and has the intent of something. In this case, the intent is making a ball of energy. It can be something that simple. It can be something much more complex. It can be some type of shield. It can be a ward. It can be anything, really. Beautiful. Thank you for that as well. Now, let's talk about shielding because I know that there has been, from time to time, concern within the server and within this space when we talk about constructing fields and then the kind of combative attempting to work through, find holes, break through someone's shielding. I would like to clarify because this has been, like, welcome, Ruby, a contentious topic because we have different schools of thought, different ways of being. I do want to say that constructing a shield, some form of external protection, energetic protection around you is very beneficial. Most of us have some kind of internal support system. The process of creating and then combating a little bit with shielding is actually, for the one-offs, I will say, depending on what school of thought that you kind of adhere to. If you're someone who is a little more into the arcane, more Psy-driven philosophies, you may come into contact with people that may test you a little more frequently as opposed to some of us who are more, I don't want to say more spiritually driven because that would be incorrect, but those that are more medium-driven, I will say that way, energetically driven, where we tend to get bombarded out in public. But without having your shielding, your borders, your boundaries tested, my question is always, how will you know if it's as strong as you think that it is, right? So on that one-off where you do encounter somebody who is just having a really bad day, it could be psychic attacks are thought-driven. It's not something that has to be malicious or intent-filled. It can just be you're kind of caught in the crossfire at certain times. But there are also those individuals, we don't encounter them all the time, but there is always a possibility to come into someone, their scope or their area of view, and they just may feel like you're a target. So how do you create a shield without making yourself a target? That's not about not being in the light or walking in a positive frame of reference, just sometimes there may be a one-off. So I just would like that clarification, and I would like Adfang to kind of start sharing what shielding benefits are and what they may look like for him who's been practicing for a very long time. Okay, that was a lot. Let me backtrack first to any concerns that shielding may make you a target. I would say 99.9% of the time, if you have a shield, it is not going to make you any more likely to be attacked than someone that doesn't have a shield. Some people have this idea that if they see a shield that looks more sturdy or is more intricate, that a bad actor will choose that person because they would be more interested in it. And the fact is, from all of my experiences, those bad actors are equal opportunities. They don't care whether or not you have a shield. They will pick and choose whoever, and honestly, it's usually the easier ones that they can manipulate and do things to. It is kind of a misnomer, I guess, because people may think, well, I don't need to have a shield because I don't have anything that would need protecting, when in reality, not having a shield can introduce you to external energies and external things that you don't want to run into that you wouldn't if you did have a shield. So what was the question you were asking me? Because I had to backtrack there. No worries. So how would you describe shielding and creating, constructing shielding for a beginner? Okay, so we can look at a shield just like we do a construct. A shield is nothing more than, at a bare bones level, a sidewall that you've made to the size of your body or a sphere around you. But the only difference is you have some intent that it's going to protect you from psychic harm or from negative energies from influencing you. For some, it sounds more complicated because it's bigger than just what you can hold in your hands, basically. But in reality, it's the same exact way we would make a sidewall. We visualize the shield around us. We have the intent of having protection from something. And then we work with the energy to create that shield. And that's pretty much it for creating a shield as a beginner. That also would require someone to have that basic energy manipulating capability, which would be, if we're backtracking further, which would be the next foundational step is manipulating energy. That would be the next key into pretty much everything else. Once you learn how to sense energy, learning how to manipulate it would be the next step. And Edfang, how would you go about explaining manipulating energy? So I guess you could say that there are multiple different schools of thoughts. Some people, I guess if you're using magic, doing whatever spell or ritual you have is a way of manipulating energy. For myself, I tend to use something more along the lines of what I call conceptual-based programming, which is, let's say I have a concept of how I want to make a shield. So it would involve protection against someone thinking bad thoughts or sending bad energies to me, perhaps preventing unwanted entities from entering my area. It could be a number of things. And with all of these ideas and concepts in mind, I then use energy to create this with those concepts. What you'll find is the energy will adjust and do its own thing as long as you give it that intent. Sometimes you have to be more precise and you'll get a better result. Sometimes being a little vague lets energy kind of do what you want it to do, but you don't have to worry about, you know, saying so much more. Like in a literal programming sense, you don't need to have 5,000 lines of code whenever you can do something with 100. You know, thinking of it in more of a computer-based way versus practicality. But for a beginning, keeping concepts very direct, very specific, and putting that intent into the energy will be your best result for creating a shield. Beautiful. So examples of that, basic examples of shielding would be a white bubble shield around you. A lot of times we will hear talk of a mirrored shield, right, so that's reflecting things back outwards. And it's just kind of the concept or the idea behind it is imagining yourself, your being, inside of one of these bubbles. Now, it can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose to create it to be, but the intention is to protect you, especially if you're more sensitive to other people's emotion and energy, right, when you're out and about in public. It can be just something like the programming piece would be pushing everything out so that nothing negative is going to come and be directed towards me. It's not going to stay within my energetic field. And so we're kind of working to push it back out. What would be another example that you could give a little more elaborate example of a shield, that thing? A good one to start out with would be defining what I would call maybe your area of influence. So what we would want to do with that is create your normal shield, what we call a bubble shield, just a thin layer of energy around you. And your intent for this is going to be to only allow things to happen inside your shielding that you are specifically giving the capability to happen to and only allowing things to connect to you that you want to connect. That's a little more conceptual, but that will just get the job done for something a little more complex. You may run into issues where some people are still able to do it, and that could be due to a variety of reasons. It could be maybe willpower. They may be able to basically brute force and go through your shielding and get around it. I don't really want to get into all the ways that we can go around it because there's some quite advanced concepts that I don't want to get into, but there are ways that people can meander their way around or through or even ignore the shield altogether. And those things all would be addressed either by modifying the shield or perhaps creating an additional layer to deal with that specific issue. Beautiful. And by area of influence, it doesn't just need to be around ourselves and our body specifically. We can adjust our area of influence to, say, our homes and like your front door, almost like setting an intention that only positive things are going to come through. There are ways to use shielding within your private or more sacred spaces. If you do that, I always recommend that we're doing it from a point of view of love instead of pushing something out because I don't want it to get in. Less negativity-based, more positivity-based. Sandy did ask, by manipulation, you mean working with energy? I responded to that question with a yes. Yes, because we all look at manipulating energy differently, and so that may be a difference in the wording or the verbiage. I hope that helps, Sandy. Yes, for instance, I personally have a shield that encompasses my land where I live. I have a shield also specifically for my house, and then I have a shield around me that goes everywhere I go, no matter where it is. So once I leave my property, I'm still shielded and protected. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. Let's talk about different practices that may help develop or they can be even more practical. Do you have any suggestions? Well, for practicality, something that people want is to see that energy manipulation is real through a physical means. So we can use energy manipulation to move physical objects, to manipulate air, like I have air or water or fire. I would classify those abilities as psychokinesis, which means movement of the mind, or telekinesis. Whichever term you want to use, it's the same thing. And using psychokinesis to manipulate perhaps a piece of hay floating in a bowl of water, or manipulating a candle flame to move to the left or to the right, or making a little side wheel. And if you Google side wheel, you'll see a picture of one. It's basically a folded up piece of paper that's sitting on top of a needle. And, you know, lessening the variables that could affect it. That is, you can put like a glass bowl over it to prevent air fluctuation and pushing on it to prevent outside influence, so you know what's happening is actually from you. So that would be probably the go-to, what I would say people look for, is some type of way to physically validate that it's real. Thank you for that. I would say one of the most helpful and beneficial practices in developing any of your foundations and any of your kind of understandings for me personally, it has been meditation. There are many, many, many types of meditation, whether it's an active walking meditation, whether it is clearing your mind, whether it is practicing some form of martial arts combined with movement. So, like, we know that Tai Chi, there's a definite mind and body connection within that, different yogic practices. To me, those are very, very, very important in understanding because it allows you to kind of go inwards and explore exactly what's going on. Exactly what your consciousness is. It kind of helps you to understand your baseline a little bit. And it also opens, it's supposed to open your consciousness. So the more we can expand, instead of being focused on being in body or just active, you know, we've got an active mind that's going a million miles an hour, where we are, in essence, stepping outside of ourselves and exploring that which is beyond, you know, what there's any kind of label for or really good descriptors for, you'll have to forgive me. But then that practice can then lead to other practices. So where we're focusing on training our brains and our consciousness, where we can explore beyond. So we're going to talk about, not today, of course, we're going to talk about astral projection. We're going to talk about, you know, by location, how even remote viewing, these can all be achieved with a strong understanding of self and meditative practices. So I hope that that is helpful for everyone. It's been very, very beneficial to me. Do we have any questions? While we wait for questions, I do want to make sure, and AK and I talked about this earlier, for meditation, make sure that you are, you may want to meditate to help clear your head and, you know, focus. Make sure, if you do, go with meditation. Make sure you're utilizing that time to actually get something done or have a goal in mind, not just, you know, meditating to meditate, basically. And I hope that's not offensive to people, but what I have seen is some people will say that all that they do is just meditate, and they don't really have anywhere they're progressing to or going to, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of, you know, why we're here and what we're doing. If you decide you just want to meditate and that's what you want to do, then, you know, that can be for you. But for progressing and getting deeper into different kinds of practices, it's definitely something to keep in mind is keep your goal in mind while you're meditating or have that goal. Right. Exploration should be a big part of developing your meditative practice. There should also be, there are ways in which you can set and understand, like Adfang said, set a goal. So setting intention can be really important before heading into a meditation. So it could be as simple as, you know, I think I'm ready to start astral projecting. And then when you set that intention and kind of allow for your higher self, your higher mind to kind of step in as our overactive, you know, monkey brain gets out of the way, you may start to see a shift or like a lot of people when it starts to happen, your body may feel like it's vibrating. You may feel like you're levitating. You may have some really different experiences and that's kind of the door opening for you. And so don't lose sight of what can expand from. And a lot of us do need just that kind of clear mind-body connection, but we also need to activate and engage our higher consciousness. Adfang, do you see that Silo has a question here directed to you? I did not. I was looking at the other questions. Silo says, what's a good visualization for someone new to meditation? What are some tips to calm the monkey brain? Wow. So it depends on what you're trying to get done for your meditation. I like to call any time that I meditate more like micro-meditations or like hyper-focusing. So if, for instance, I'm going to scan someone, I don't meditate beforehand. I go ahead and I jump right into focusing on that person and starting to scan them. I don't usually need a warm-up period. It depends on, you know, how the day is going. Sometimes I do need to kind of get in the zone, so to speak, before I can fully focus. But most of the things that I do, it's an immediate, I start doing it right then, a complete hyper-focus, working on that one thing. And that's generally how I approach things. If, for calming, if you have lots of thoughts, I tend to look towards some type of void meditation. That is kind of clearing everything out. I think it was the Monroe Institute that came up with a meditation where you look at this box, you visualize this box, and you open it, and then you physically represent these items. Like have an item. Go ahead. It's the energy conversion box. Okay. Yeah, maintenance. Okay. But you, you know, take the things that you're worried about, put them in a physical form, and then put them in the box, and do that until you've gotten everything out. And then you close the box, and you turn away, and then you continue to walk with all that gone, and once you're finished, you come back, you can open the box and retrieve all that you put in there. So that's probably one of my favorite ways to meditate, if I have a lot of things on my mind. Grace, just to mention, I don't mean void as in the void. I mean void as in nothing is there. Hopefully that's, yeah, just to make that clarification. The void and void space and anything dealing with the void, completely different topic, probably more advanced for what we're looking for during foundations, but I'm glad to have that. I'm glad you mentioned that so we could clarify. Beautiful. I'm going to piggyback on what Adifang said, Silo. A good visualization is to find a space. It's about kind of that Zen space within, whether it's a meadow for you, whether it's sitting beside the ocean, and feel free to use some type of sound wave, sound therapy to kind of help focus on, to a pretty low, right? So we're focusing on the sound, and then what you're going to do is relax. And when I say relax, I mean really allowing your body to relax. So you'll start to feel maybe a little bit drowsy, a little heavy, a little more dense. And instead of fighting the thought, the action that's going on, what you're going to do is just kind of allow it to bubble up and then let it go. You're going to just kind of visualize it like a balloon. So it's kind of up and disappearing. You're just going to let that thought go. And then the next one or the next three or the next 15, and you're just going to pretty much kind of acknowledge it, like turn, look at it, give it a nod of the head, and then let it go. Because you can revisit it when you're done with meditation. There's this philosophy that you have to completely empty out your mind and let everything go, which is great, right? But not everybody can do that right away. It takes time. It's developing a good habit. And so it's just allowing it to exist and then not holding attachment to it, just letting it drift off. Also, it's really helpful when you start to use a guided meditation. There's nothing wrong with that. But what I do say is not to get focused necessarily on everything that they're telling you that you should be visualizing. It's just kind of something to focus your mind on that you're not necessarily focused on the thought and the hamster cage that's running 1,000 miles an hour. So it's kind of, in essence, it's training yourself to tune in and yet also be able to tune out at the same time. I hope that that helps, because I had a very, very overactive brain, thoughts, and it took me a very long time to understand that that's what worked for me to be able to get to a much deeper, a much more prolonged, a much more expansive meditative process. Hopefully that helps. I see a question. I'm going to jump through the questions. But there's a question asking, when is it time to move on from foundations? That's a good question. I feel that foundations, you can, when you feel that it's right to step away, but I also really feel that it's important to consistently revisit. It's putting in the consistent work that you can analyze, and just like with your home, you're going to check the foundation for any kind of cracks, anything that's coming up in the surface, especially if you have been experiencing fairly turbulent times, whether that's emotional, whether it's physically, there are a lot of things that can rock and perhaps shift your foundation a little bit. When you feel that you're established and you're like, yep, I'm ready to move forward, that's great. Trust yourself. But always come back and check your foundation, because there may be something that you want to add. There may be something that perhaps you've stepped away from in practice that you need to go back, cycle back, and begin again, right? Because beginning or restarting is not – there's nothing wrong in that. There's no harm in that. There's actually a lot of benefit, because it helps you make that foundation extra strong, because you have a greater understanding, because you've got more eyes, more hands on it. I'm going to say that, yes, whenever you feel like you have a good grasp on either scanning or sensing, I highly recommend learning how to scan and getting comfortable with that, because it's going to be invaluable. Once you're comfortable with sensing and doing energy manipulation, I think that's a good time to kind of start exploring other topics and kind of going a little further from there. But I also want to say you're never going to move on from foundations, or you shouldn't. You should, just like AK said, and what I've said before, you're always going to want to look at what you've learned and how that affects your current beliefs or your current foundations and how you view things. So it's always in constant review. It's not something that you should say, okay, I figured out how to do this stuff, time to move on, it's done. You should always be revisiting these things and seeing what you're experiencing, if that's going to add on or shift or change, because that's okay, normal, and it's going to happen. I've had my foundation rock so many times, I couldn't tell you how many. But it's important to know that start out with the very basics and then just branch out from there and continue shaping. Beautiful, very well said. Something else we'd like to touch base on is encouraging partnering during foundation building and encouraging working with others so it's not a solo practice or a solo exploration. I think Ashton has a little more he'd like to share with on that subject. Well, I'll give an example for myself. So there was probably around four or five years that I kind of hermited and I didn't talk to anyone and I kind of did my own thing. And when I came back and saw a lot of new people, some old friends, and saw that the way they're doing things is completely different than the tangent I went down, and that a lot of the stuff that I was doing may have potentially just been thinking that I was doing things, but I wasn't doing what I was actually setting out to do. It made me realize how important it is to have at least one person to check in with and to say, hey, I've been working on this or I've been experiencing this. Can you share a little bit of insight, you know, what you've experienced with this? Or if they haven't, you know, maybe they'll look into it and kind of tell you. It's so easy in metaphysics or the occult in general to fall down a rabbit hole. And if you don't have someone there, you know, kind of with a rope feeding it down to you so you can get back out, you could continue to go down this hole that leads to nowhere. And it's going to be time lost where you could have really been advancing. So never be afraid to ask and to reach out. You can reach out to myself and AK. Reach out to one another. Ask us if we've experienced something and see if it's something we can shed a little light on. I try not to give people the answer. I like to guide people towards it so they can work it out on their own. Because if I tell you the answer, then you're probably going to forget it. But if you have to work for it, and it may require some research, it may require some time, you're going to work through it. And not only are you going to know it, but you're going to have that experience to work on something else. So it's always a constant state of learning and growing and checking in every once in a while. Once a week. I mean, once a month. Whatever. Whatever fits your schedule and timeline. But please, my highest recommendation is do not work on your own for an extended period of time unless that's your only option. There are people who can talk to you and help you and, you know, just check in for a sanity check, essentially. It is what I'm experiencing real kind of deal. Because I've had that recently. I had to reach out to someone because I thought I was going crazy. And, in fact, I was not. I was given the, yeah, no, that's totally normal. And, you know, you either get reassured by the answer they say or you kind of have to back up and relook at what you're working on if someone kind of tells you, yeah, you might be going down the wrong path. Well, at least you know that and you can kind of backtrack and look at where things may have went off on the rails and then just get back on. I'd agree with that as well, especially developing your abilities, even trying something new. When you create a circle, an environment of others who are willing to work together and participate and understand, the growth opportunity is exponential because we all are tapped in to some level.

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