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A 16-year-old boy named Will attends a party where he is peer-pressured into drinking alcohol. Despite being nervous, he consumes multiple drinks and later gets into a car accident while intoxicated. Will survives with minor injuries but is sentenced to three years in juvie. The story emphasizes the importance of not pressuring teenagers into drinking alcohol. I once knew a smart, athletic, 16-year-old boy named Will, who was tall and skinny with brown hair. One day, a group of older kids invited Will to what seemed like a low-key party. Will was hesitant to agree to go, but after the older kids convinced him, he agreed. When Will arrived at the large, modern, off-white house where the party was supposed to take place, he was nervous. The inside of the house was incredibly loud and crowded with all kinds of people that Will did not recognize. Once Will spotted the boys over in the living room, he went to talk to them. The next thing Will saw was a lot of alcohol. One of the other boys threw Will some alcohol. Will put it on the counter and explained how he doesn't do that stuff. Then the boys said that Will needed to relax and just try it. Then they began peer-pressuring Will and eventually, he took a drink. Throughout the rest of the party, Will continued to have three more drinks. Will was nervous to drive home, but he still did. Because Will was obviously intoxicated, it was difficult for him to keep his focus on the road and he accidentally drifted into the other lane at 70 miles an hour and got into a head-on car crash. Somehow, Will miraculously survived with only a couple of scratches. Once the police showed up, Will told them the full truth and was detained. Will was sentenced to three years in juvie where he decided that he would never be peer-pressured into doing anything ever again. Overall, no teenagers in today's world should be pressured into consuming alcohol under any circumstances.