Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Mom, Dad, to inquire about scholarship program suggestions, I just called Katharine, saying to her parents, Sharmona. Well, let me take a guess. In response to the wonderful news, Mr. Fry stated, the man guessed... It's her, isn't it? Yes, 100% accurate, Dad, hee hee hee. In response, Sharmona chuckled at her father's opinion. Well, I guessed it, didn't I? There she was, the man asked. And you already proved it, Mona, by calling Katharine, Mr. Fry said, making fun of his daughter. Yes, Dad, Sharmona replied. Woo, God is to be praised, Sharmona's mom said. That's fantastic, said her mom. Okay, I'll thank Tom by calling him. To Sharmona and his wife, Mr. Fry said, Yes, many thanks, Dad, Sharmona responded. You are correct, I believe Mr. Blair dispatched Katharine based on that advice. Sure that. Mr. Blair, a famous billionaire, may simply suggest that for you, dear, said her father. After all, Dad, he's been your best friend forever, right? Sharmona made a remark. Sure, Mr. Fry concurred. Yes, Mona, from an early age, your father and Thomas were the best of friends, said her mom. Sure, they both launched a shipping company together, right? Sharmona gasped, her father echoed this. Exactly, baby. Since many years ago, the two of us have overseen more than thirty international shipping ports distributed across several nations, stated by the man. Then, Mona, what is Katharine's next plan? Mother inquired. Stop, I'll take a guess, the man stated. You must have received a second invitation from Katharine, right? Asked Mr. Fry to Sharmona while beaming broadly. Daddy! Sharmona rushed to give her dad a bare embrace. You're right, hee hee hee hee hee hee. To her father, Sharmona said, Please let me join Katharine, Dad. Why not? My little princess, you're an adult now, aren't you? On the forehead, Mr. Fry kissed his daughter. You understand me the best, Dad, so thanks for that, Sharmona exclaimed. Sure, the man said. Thank you so much, Dad, and I'm so grateful for your permission. Her father got a lip kiss from Sharmona's voice. Baby, take your time, the man answered. Yes, Mom will let you, too, my love, her mother said. Oh, Mama, I'm so happy. Sharmona gave her mother a kiss on the lips. Another passionate kiss followed. Okay, I'll prepare my scholarship before leaving for Dun City later this month, right? Said the stunning woman. A good girl. And before you depart, you'll assist your mother with her stall, right? The man re-asked. Sharmona cheerfully retorted, With my pleasure, Daddy. Thank you, darling, I've really appreciated your assistance over the past two months. She addressed her daughter. Sharmona embraced her parents and stated, Oh, God, the most generous. I always appreciate you always keep my parents, who I love dearly, in good health and comfort.