The audio titled "Third Edition of Coathangers" begins with an intriguing fusion of percussion sounds, setting a rhythmic pace that is both captivating and unusual. Each beat is distinct, produced by the unconventional use of coathangers. The coathangers, primarily made of metal, bring a unique clang to the composition. Each strike against another coathanger resonates with a metallic echo that bounces around the room. This creates an immersive soundscape, enveloping you in the unique auditory experience. You can hear the creative artistry behind the arrangement as the metallic clangs are woven together into a rhythmic pattern. The coathangers' distinct metallic sound is not just a noise; it is music with a pulse that you can feel. As the audio progresses, the complexity of the percussion increases, showcasing the versatility of the coathangers as musical instruments. The metallic beats are layered, creating a symphony of sounds that are both harmonious and pleasantly discordant.