"Cabinet Number 10" is an intriguing audio piece that is heavily influenced by the elements of drum, bass, and field-recording. The audio begins with a low, rhythmic drum beat that seems to echo from a distance, producing a soft yet captivating bass that sets the tone for the entire piece. As the beat begins to build, there's an infusion of sounds that resemble the shutting and opening of a kitchen cabinet, pairing well with the title. These sounds, which seem to be field-recorded, contribute a layer of authenticity and rawness to the piece. The audio also incorporates the distinctive sound of a kick drum, which resonates in the background and complements the bass rhythm. The low tones of the audio piece create an atmosphere of depth and intensity, making the listener feel as though they are in a vast, echoing space, perhaps a large, empty kitchen with just the number 10 cabinet. Throughout the audio piece, the balance between the drum, bass,