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Just and Maya meet at a seminar and develop a connection. Just wants to meet again after the seminar, but Maya is hesitant to share sensitive information. Just remains determined to make a positive impact on the environment. Ovil, inspired by Just, plans to make his business more sustainable. Ovil discusses his ideas with Justin, who shares his enthusiasm. They work together to integrate sustainability into their marketing strategy. Maya works in a bustling newsroom, researching environmental sustainability and big business influence. Samuel calls Maya urgently, hinting at a big opportunity. Maya rushes to the office, excited to uncover a potential career-boosting story. Arriving at the center, Just found Maya already waiting for him, her face lit up with a warm smile as he approached. Together, they dove headfirst into their seminar, eagerly awaiting the break time so they could pick up their conversation right where they left off yesterday. As the hours flew by, Just found himself completely absorbed in the seminar, his curiosity driving him to ask question after question as he sought to deepen his understanding of the complex issues and concepts they were discussing. Eventually, the break time arrived, signaling the last break of the seminar. Just realized that he wouldn't be able to meet Maya like this every day anymore. She had made time for the seminar as part of her work, but she would soon be busy again. I'm really glad to have met you here, Just began, his tone earnest as he addressed Maya. I believe that our chance encounter in the seminar was not merely a coincidence, but fate. I think we should meet again after the seminar is over. I would love to learn more about the environment and also help you with the cases you're working on. Maya listened attentively, her expression thoughtful. She knew that Just's eagerness to help was genuine, but she also understood the risks involved in sharing sensitive information. It's not possible to share details about the cases I'm working on, Maya replied gently. They're confidential and could put you in danger if you knew too much. Despite Maya's concerns, Just remained undeterred. He was determined to make a difference, even if it meant facing challenges along the way. Maya admired his passion and resolve, recognizing the potential impact they could together have in raising awareness about environmental issues. Sure, we can meet again sometime, Maya finally said, her voice warm. We can discuss more about environmental issues and explore ways to make a positive impact. She deliberately avoided mentioning anything about the sensitive case, knowing that Just's enthusiasm could lead him to seek out more information on his own. As the workshop came to an end, Just felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through him. He knew that he had found not only a friend but also a mentor in Maya, a kindred spirit who shared his vision for a better world and was willing to fight alongside him to make it a reality. With a promise to meet again soon, Just and Maya bid each other farewell, their hearts filled with hope and determination. As they parted ways, Just couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the serendipitous encounter that had brought them together. He knew that with Maya by his side, he would be unstoppable in his quest to make a positive impact on the world. Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the town, Ovil sat in his office, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of his business world. Working on his computer, his mind wandered back to his recent conversation with Just. The young boy's passion for the environment had left a profound impression on Ovil, stirring something deep within him and reigniting his own sense of purpose. As he delved into the latest reports and figures, Ovil knew that he was in a good position to use his business as a force for good. Motivated by Just and a renewed sense of determination, Ovil set about devising strategies to align his business practices more closely with his environmental ideals, knowing that every step he took brought him closer to his goal of creating a more sustainable future. Despite the myriad challenges he faced in managing his various business ventures, Ovil was determined to stay true to his vision of building sustainable enterprise. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, there were operational inefficiencies to address, unexpected expenses to mitigate, and the ever-shifting landscape of industry trends to navigate. Aside from these problems, there were operational challenges that had to be addressed in existing processes and systems. This meant overhauling data collection methods and adapting processes to incorporate additional key performance indicators, KPIs, related to sustainability. Yet, beneath the surface complexities, Ovil remained steadfast in his commitment to creating businesses that made a positive impact on the world. Fueled by his newfound sense of purpose, Ovil made a firm decision to intensify his efforts in making his companies as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. He made a note to bring up this point in the next meeting with his general managers to address and identify all the areas that needed attention and take their advice to implement positive changes with innovation, dedication, and perseverance in the organization. Suddenly, Ovil heard a loud knock on the door. As Justin entered the office with an air of urgency, Ovil gestured for him to proceed. Justin, the marketing manager, exuded an air of excitement, his face illuminated with enthusiasm as he delivered his news. Ovil listened intently as Justin shared updates on the new marketing strategy, which had been meticulously crafted as per Ovil's directives. I have great news, Justin exclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence. It's done, just as you requested. Justin eagerly proceeded to outline the details of the strategy, emphasizing its thoroughness and the extensive market research that had been conducted to support it. Justin's assurance and thorough analysis convinced Ovil that this strategy had the potential for success. It was clear to Ovil that Justin shared his vision for the future of the company and knew that with him on board, they could achieve great things together. He could not help but be impressed by the young man's energy, dedication, and creativity. Ovil nodded approvingly at Justin's proposal. This is a great idea. We should definitely give it a try, he remarked, his tone brimming with enthusiasm. I would like to see a complete report on this by next week Friday. In fact, I have some additional points in mind that align perfectly with our goals for the future. These points will streamline our business to our goal of sustainability and giving back to the community. I would like to see you address these points in your report for next week. Excited to share his thoughts, Ovil continued, I'm planning to introduce a new sustainability focus plan for the business. It's a strategic move that not only benefits the environment but also enhances our brand image and long-term viability. I believe it's crucial for us to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of our operations, including our marketing strategy. Eager to hear Justin's perspective, Ovil leaned forward, his eyes shining with anticipation. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, he added, eager to engage in a collaborative discussion with Justin to explore how they could integrate sustainability initiatives into the new marketing strategy. Together, they began to brainstorm ideas for how they could bring their vision to life. They worked late into the night, their excitement fueling their creativity as they discussed and listed their passionate ideas on a whiteboard, forming a comprehensive mind map of possibilities. These points would become the base for discussions for the meeting with the general managers two weeks. As they neared the end of their discussion, Ovil advised Justin to add all these points in the report for next week. Simultaneously, he sent him an email listing all the points. I have sent you an email, you can study these points and let me know if you need further clarification on this. As the scene shifts to the next day, Maya's office provides a stark contrast to Ovil's sleek and corporate setting. Nestled within a bustling newsroom, Maya's workspace exudes a sense of communal energy and creativity. The open plan layout featured short, white wooden walls that divide individual office areas, allowing for both privacy and collaboration. Flower pots adorn the desks, adding a touch of greenery amidst the organized chaos. The office itself was a hive of activity, with the constant buzz of ringing phones and the rhythmic clacking of keyboards that filled the air. Despite the limited space, the atmosphere was vibrant and dynamic, reflecting the fast-paced nature of the news industry. Maya's corner table was strategically positioned near the hallway leading to Samuel's office, providing easy access to her colleague and mentor. As she sat at her desk, she was fully immersed in her latest assignment, researching and brainstorming ideas for her next story on environmental sustainability, its impact on societies, and how big businesses influence the environment for their profits. With a sense of purpose and determination, she delved into her work, fueled by the knowledge that her efforts could help shed light on important issues and inspire positive change. As she sifted through piles of documents and reports, her mind wandered back to her conversation with Samuel, a few days back. She was enjoying a coffee with her friend, and it was her day off, when suddenly her phone rang. On the phone, it was Samuel, and he sounded very anxious about something. As soon as she picked up the call, Samuel anxiously asked, Maya, can you come to the office right now? Something big has come up. The gravity of his words had sent a shiver down Maya's spine. She knew something serious was going on. This was the first time she had heard Samuel so anxious. Without hesitation, Maya rushed to the office, her mind buzzing with possibilities. Could this be the big break she had been waiting for? A chance to uncover a story that could propel her career to new heights. With each step, Maya felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins, eager to discover what awaited her. When she reached her office, it was already dark outside, and a storm was brewing. With lightning thunders breaking from the sky and heavy rain pouring all over the city, Maya exited the cab and rushed to the entrance of the large glass building. She did not have any umbrella, hence, she got drenched in the freezing rain trying to run to the entrance. Breathless and soaked to the bone, Maya finally arrived at the entrance of the imposing glass building. Shaking off the water droplets clinging to her clothes, she climbed the floors of the building in a lift. Her journalist mind raced with all the possibilities that could have made Samuel so anxious. The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within her, each clap of thunder echoing the pounding of her heart. On her office floor, she stepped out of the lift and reached the narrow alleyway that led to Samuel's office. She could hear a tapping noise. It was like Samuel was clicking his pen. Samuel had a habit of constantly clicking his pen when engrossed in deep thoughts. No one could hear it during the daytime because of all the commotion in the office. But now it was clearly audible. Approaching closer to the office, the clicking sound grew louder, echoing off the walls of the hallway. She stood in front of the office door, with the name tag editor-in-chief Dr. Samuel Westwood. She knocked on the door before stepping inside. It was a spacious office, and everything was organized except for the scattered files strewn across Samuel's desk. When Maya entered the office, she could see Samuel's back as he stared outside of the large window behind his desk, admiring the rain and lightning. Sir, you called me. Startled out of his reverie from Maya's voice, Samuel broke out of his deep thoughts and turned his chair to face her. He was an old man in his sixties, holding his pen in one hand and his pipe in the other. His face bore the marks of years of experience and wisdom, and his eyes held a hint of intensity that spoke of a mind constantly at work. Maya, you made it. Great, have a seat. Samuel threw the pen in his hand on the files placed in front of him. I'm sorry for calling you urgently at this hour. I know you'd rather be home enjoying your day off, Samuel continued, his voice soft and deep. Maya couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity about the reason for the urgent call. She knew she wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here, in this moment, eager to uncover what Samuel had to share. Okay, I thought it would be best if we discussed this matter today. I don't want anything related to this case leaving this room until the full investigation is complete. If even a slight hint of what we're about to do reaches the outside world, it could be very dangerous. Even the walls have ears. So, I made sure no one could hear us discussing this today, Samuel explained, his tone grave and serious. Maya's curiosity peaked even further as she listened intently, realizing the gravity of the situation. You are one of my best, Samuel continued, his voice steady but laden with concern. When this information came across my table, I could only think of you. Only you can get to the bottom of this. Maya felt a surge of responsibility wash over her with Samuel's words. She knew she had been entrusted with a task of immense importance, and she was determined to rise to the challenge. Maya's emotions were a tumultuous mix of happiness and fear upon hearing Samuel's words. She felt a surge of gratitude for his trust in her abilities, yet a sense of trepidation at the weight of the responsibility placed upon her shoulders. Unsure of how to react, Maya's face betrayed her inner turmoil, a blend of excitement and apprehension. Observing Maya's conflicted expression, Samuel reached across the desk and gently pushed the file with a brown cover towards her. Given the danger involved in this project, I won't force you to take on this challenge, he said, his tone understanding yet firm. But if you decide to accept, you will have my full support and next in line to become assistant editor-in-chief. Maya took a deep breath, her mind racing with the implications of Samuel's offer. The opportunity was both daunting and exhilarating, and she knew it was time to decide. With determination glinting in her eyes, Maya nodded, silently accepting the challenge before her, Maya's hands trembled as she reached for the file, her mind swirling with uncertainty. Should she open it and delve into the depths of this potentially dangerous investigation, or should she walk away and spare herself the risk? Despite her apprehension, Maya's curiosity got the better of her, and she began to leaf through the pages. With each passing moment, Maya's eyes widened in shock and realization. The contents of the file were more serious than she had anticipated, and the implications far-reaching. This is serious, and to think that there will be so many parties involved. Maya muttered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. Despite the gravity of the situation, Maya understood why Samuel had entrusted her with this assignment. As an expert in her field, she was uniquely qualified to grasp the severity of the circumstances. After a moment of contemplation, Maya made her decision. With a steely resolve, she silently accepted the challenge before her, determined to uncover the truth and pursue justice, no matter the risks involved. Lost in her thought, Maya barely noticed when her colleague, Lily Evans, approached her desk. Lily was an enthusiastic environmental activist who shared Maya's commitment to uncovering the truth and fighting for justice. Over the years, they had formed a formidable partnership, working together on numerous investigations. Lily's presence snapped Maya back to the present moment. Lily, what brings you here? Maya asked, looking up from the file she was staring at. I've got some new information on one of the companies we're looking into, Lily replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I think you're going to want to see this. Lily leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. I stumbled upon some documents that shed light on the company's questionable practices regarding waste disposal, she explained, a hint of urgency in her tone. It looks like they've been cutting corners and endangering the environment for years. Maya's interest was piqued. She knew that Lily had a talent for finding leads that others might overlook, and she trusted her instincts implicitly. Lily reached into her bag to retrieve a folder. I made copies of everything, she said, placing the folder on Maya's desk. Let's go through them together and figure out our next steps. As they were discussing the contents, Maya noticed that there were some records of personal conversations and testimonies of one of the businesses involved. Did you confront Ovil regarding this directly? She asked, her voice a mix of worry and caution. They had agreed not to confront anyone directly until they had gathered enough evidence to support their claims. Maya knew that accusing someone as respected as Ovil without concrete proof could have serious repercussions. Apparently, one of the companies that was under investigation was owned by none other than Ovil. He was a well-respected man in the city and a first-generation businessperson from his family. People in the city often gave examples of his work ethics and passion. Even Maya admired Ovil's work and had never suspected him of engaging in unethical practices. She also knew out of the bunch of people under investigation, he was probably the easiest one to talk to. If Lily's confrontation did not cause any ruckus so far, the situation was still under control. You will not do anything like this again. This was reckless, she scolded, her tone firm and stern. Despite her frustration, Maya knew they couldn't afford to act impulsively, especially when dealing with someone as influential as Ovil. Lily's expression remained unchanged, her confidence unwavering. I understand your concern, Maya, but sometimes we need to take risks to get to the truth, she countered, her voice steady. We can't always play it safe, especially when there's so much at stake. Maya sighed, realizing that Lily's passion and determination were both assets and liabilities in their line of work. I appreciate your dedication, Lily, but we need to be cautious, she replied, her tone softer but no less serious. Let's focus on gathering evidence and approaching the situation strategically. We can't afford to make any more mistakes. Lily nodded at Maya's comment on her reckless behavior and tried to de-escalate the situation, he neither denied nor confirmed the allegations. But talking to him I did find some leads. We can check their backgrounds and investigate if Ovil's justifications are true. Okay that is fine, but you will keep me in loop on all further actions that you take. We are a team. Let's not mess it up. Maya was still angry at Lily for confronting Ovil. This could blow up their investigation. But she thought it's best not to inform Samuel about this. It will only create complexities when they are so close to finding out the truth. Later in the day, just sat in his room, surrounded by stacks of books and papers. He was fully immersed in his latest project, a model of a futuristic city he had been painstakingly crafting for weeks. With each meticulous arrangement of miniature buildings and roads, his excitement grew, fueled by his boundless imagination and vision for the future. Lost in his thoughts, Just was interrupted by his mother's voice calling him out for dinner. With a sigh, he reluctantly set aside his project, leaving behind the intricate model of the futuristic city. As he made his way outside, his mind continued to buzz with ideas and possibilities for the future city, eager to return to his project once the meal was over. As he sat at the dinner table with Bella, Just listened absently as she shared stories of her day. Bella talked about her interactions with the cafe patrons, the delicious pastries she had baked, and the challenges she faced running the business and dealing with customers. Though his mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of his futuristic city project, Just nodded along, offering occasional words of encouragement and support. But despite the warmth and familiarity of his mother's company, Just couldn't shake the feeling of discontent that gnawed at him from within. He longed for something more, something that would challenge him and push him to grow beyond the confines of their small-town existence. But little did he know, his chance for adventure was just around the corner, waiting to sweep him up in a whirlwind of excitement and opportunity. Bella couldn't contain her excitement as she revealed that Ovil was coming over for dinner the next day. Just's heart leapt with joy at the news. In his mind, he recognized this as the opportunity he had been eagerly awaiting, a chance to learn more about business straight from the man himself. Next day as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the quiet streets of their neighborhood, Just and Bella hurried to prepare for their guest. Bella bustled in the kitchen, checking on the simmering pot of stew and setting the table with care, while Just straightened up the living room, ensuring everything was neat and tidy for Ovil's arrival. The anticipation in the air was palpable as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their esteemed guest, their hearts filled with excitement and curiosity about the evening ahead. Finally, there was a knock at the door, and Just's heart leapt with anticipation. With a quick glance at his reflection in the hallway mirror, he hurried to answer it, a wide grin spreading across his face as he swung the door open to reveal Ovil standing on the doorstep. Hey there, Just. How's my favorite aspiring entrepreneur? Ovil greeted him with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement, and his hand rubbing on his head, messing up his hairstyle. Just quickly stepped back to get out of Ovil's reach, in an attempt to save his hairstyle. I am good. Come on in, Just replied eagerly and lets Ovil enter. As Ovil stepped into the cozy warmth of their home, the scent of Bella's cooking wafted through the air, making his mouth water in anticipation. Bella greeted Ovil with a warm hug, her face lighting up with joy at seeing her dear friend. It's so good to see you, Ovil. Please, come in and make yourself at home, she said warmly, ushering him into the living room. As they settled around the dinner table, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared memories. Just listened intently as Ovil regaled them with tales of his latest business ventures and the challenges he had overcome along the way. With each story, Just's admiration for Ovil grew, and he couldn't help but feel inspired by the man's resilience and determination in the face of adversity. As the evening stretched on, Just couldn't help but feel a sense of inspiration stirring within him. In Ovil's presence, he felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination, as if anything were possible with the right mindset and determination. As he savored the warmth of Ovil's friendship and the comfort of his mother's love, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Just found himself engrossed in discussions with Ovil, exploring everything from business strategies to the latest advancements in technology. Ovil's passion for entrepreneurship was infectious, and Just hung on to his every word, eager to absorb every bit of knowledge and wisdom like a sponge. As the evening drew to a close, it was time for Ovil to bid them farewell. Ovil was curious about Just's plans now as his summer break had started. Just was already very motivated from listening to all the different stories that Ovil told them. He said, tomorrow is Wednesday, I will most likely go to the library to do some research. Ovil was impressed with Just, he could feel a sense of purpose coursing through his veins. People like these get their names written in the history with golden letters. Just did not want the night to end. Although Ovil could see that Bella was getting bored listening to their conversations. Seeing Just's enthusiasm, Ovil made a suggestion. How about we meet again on Thursday? If you don't have any plans for the day after tomorrow, I'll make time for you. We can continue our discussions and if you have any questions, I'll be all ears. Just jumped up with excitement at the proposal. In fact, he had wanted to ask Ovil something similar himself but had hesitated, thinking Ovil might be too busy. Just eagerly accepted the invitation to meet on Thursday, grateful for the opportunity to learn more from Ovil. Alright then we will meet at the cafe. I'll see you there at 11am. Don't be late. With these parting words, Ovil headed towards the main door. Bella followed him outside to bid him farewell, while Just stayed back to move all the dishes into the kitchen sink. His mind buzzed with various thoughts and emotions. Finally, there was something to look forward to. After finishing the chores, he returned to his room and marked Thursday on his calendar. The following morning, the memories of the dinner with Ovil lingered in his mind, filling him with excitement for the day ahead. He knew that today would be another opportunity to learn and grow, and he couldn't wait to dive into the studies at the local library. After a quick breakfast with Bella, Just left the house and made his way to the local library, eager to delve into books on business and entrepreneurship. He spent hours poring over books, taking notes, and absorbing everything he could about the world of business. From marketing strategies to financial management, he soaked up information like a sponge, eager to expand his understanding of the business landscape. As the day wore on, Just processed all the information and found himself lost in a world of ideas, imagination, and possibilities. His mind raced with thoughts of potential business ventures and innovative solutions. He scribbled down all his notes and ideas furiously, to revisit them later. Perhaps one of these ideas could become a reality in his first business venture. In his head, the ideas were clear, they portrayed a great strategy, a great product, and a great value for the customers. However, he was also skeptical because of his previous conversations with Steve, where he had always countered his ideas giving excuses. He was smart enough to understand the need for research in his ideas and also talk to experts before implementing his plans. He should also be ready for the counter questions related to his ideas. After all only he can prove the value and maintain integrity of his ideas in the eyes of critics. As the sun began to set and the library prepared to close its doors, Just reluctantly gathered up his belongings and made his way home. But as he walked through the streets, his mind was still buzzing with excitement, fueled by the knowledge and inspiration he had gained throughout the day. The next morning, Just woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. Stretching his arms above his head, he looked forward to this day and his meeting with Ovil. He couldn't wait to share his newfound knowledge and ideas, he gained from studying at the library. Bella had prepared another amazing breakfast for him. Since it was her holiday, she planned to stay home and relax. Just took greetings from his mom to deliver to Ovil when he saw him later. With a quick goodbye to Bella, Just hurried out the door, eager to reach the cafe. Along the way, he observed the bustling city center, with hundreds of people walking by. As he took in the sights of various businesses, their marketing banners, and people shopping, he couldn't help but appreciate the significant role these businesses played in their lives. Just was able to appreciate these businesses and their efforts because of his fresh memories of all the knowledge that he gained by studying at the library. Most of these brands had outsourced their manufacturing to different suppliers. The shops were the front end of the business that interacted with the customers and facilitated the transaction of value. It was a simple concept but exceedingly difficult to execute. Many components of a business had to be planned in advance. Analyzing all this information, Just finally arrived at the cafe where they had agreed to meet. The cafe was not very busy. Hence, he was immediately able to spot Ovil sitting at a table near the window. As their gazes met Ovil and Just put on wide warm smiles on their faces. Good morning, Just. Ovil greeted him warmly as Just took a seat opposite him. Right on time. How was your study session yesterday at the library? Just noticed it was the same table where he had met the unknown journalist before. This table was undoubtedly the best seat in the entire cafe, offering a clear view of the bustling street outside and basking in ample sunlight. Just immediately settled into his seat. Trying to address Ovil's question replied, Library was great. There are so many books on business and guidelines for entrepreneurs at the library. Initially, I was confused which one I should pick. But then the librarian advised me to read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. Although, I was not able to complete the book. But there were many great insights in the book about starting a business. I thought this book was a great complement to the website that you suggested me Brilliant Supply Chain. Ovil's smile widened at Just's enthusiasm. I'm happy to hear that, he replied. I believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in business, as long as they're willing to put in the work and learn from their experiences. He was also pleased to hear that Just took his advice and went through the contents of the website. To emphasize this point further he explained, I find Brilliant Supply Chain very useful and use it for various projects in my business. Now, how I use it, I will tell you some other day. Everyone has their way of utilizing the information on that website. Continuing, he said. Let's get back to our discussion today. I know you were very excited to talk about business during the dinner. However, Bella was getting bored listening to our stories. Hence, we are here, if you have any questions you can ask me now. Their conversation delved into topics ranging from market research to product development. Just listened intently, absorbing Ovil's words like a sponge. With each piece of advice, he felt a sense of excitement building within him. He knew he was on the right path, and with Ovil's guidance, he felt more confident than ever in his ability to achieve his dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. As their conversation continued to flow, Just found himself captivated by Ovil's insights and wisdom. With each passing moment, he felt more inspired and determined. So, Just, Ovil began, leaning in slightly, tell me more about your ideas. What kind of business ventures are you interested in exploring? Just's eyes lit up at the question. This time he was well prepared to answer this question since he has been contemplating it from the time of his discussion with Steve. Well, he started, I've always been fascinated by technology and innovation. But I am also interested in the manufacturing business. I believe there is immense potential in the tech industry, and manufacturing businesses are the backbone of modern society. So, I'm considering a blend of both. Perhaps a venture that incorporates elements of technology and innovation into the manufacturing process. Ovil nodded thoughtfully, encouraging Just to continue. I've also been thinking about ways to incorporate sustainability into business practices, Just continued. I believe that businesses have a responsibility to not only be profitable but also to make a positive impact on the world around them. That's a commendable goal, Ovil remarked, impressed by Just's forward thinking mindset. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in today's world, and I believe that businesses that prioritize it will ultimately be more successful in the long run. Ovil also noticed that Just was not pointing to a particular business. Instead, he was suggesting targeting an industry. Either his goals were not clear yet or he did not want to share his business ideas with him at this time. Hence, he also tried to give him generalized advice. All businesses are a mixture of technology and manufacturing. Even if the business is only a retail shop, the products sold in that shop are manufactured somewhere. Incorporating technology increases efficiency, traceability, and predictability of any business. Furthermore, it allows a business to expand and scale its operational capabilities. But there's another crucial aspect I want you to consider, Ovil added. You should aim to create a business that serves the needs of the customers rather than just your own interests. While developing a new market with a new product can indeed lead to higher profits because you will have the advantage of being the first mover, it's equally challenging and requires careful market entry strategy. There is always a possibility that the customers fail to understand and adapt to the new products you want to sell. Their conversation soon turned to the practicalities of starting a business, with Ovil offering valuable advice and guidance every step of the way. Just listened intently, hanging on Ovil's every word as he absorbed as much knowledge as he could. As their meeting time drew to a close, Just had even more questions that he wanted to be answered. Ovil realized that this could soon become an endless discussion. Moreover, most of the questions Just had were rudimentary questions that stemmed from a lack of experience in the real world. Hence, he devised a clever plan, now that your summer break has started, would you like to gain some practical knowledge at the office? You'll be able to see how everything is done with your own eyes. This offer from Ovil was nothing short of a dream come true for Just. He couldn't have wanted anything more than to witness the process firsthand. Yes, Just replied with newfound confidence and determination, his energy palpable across the table. In that moment, there was no doubt or hesitation in his eyes. Great. Then you can start from Monday next week. I'll ask John to show you around the generator production facility, he is on vacations for now, but he will be back next week. I'll see you at the office. For now, let's conclude the meeting. I wouldn't want Bella to worry about why you're out so late. Ovil had a hint of satisfaction on his face as they stepped outside. The golden hour was upon them, the sun almost touching the ground. Ovil dropped Just off and left, leaving him feeling excited and ready for the new opportunities ahead. Arriving home, he found his mother, Bella, bustling about in the kitchen. How was your meeting with Ovil? Bella was excited to see Just. She was eagerly waiting for him as it was getting late. It was great, mom. His eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Ovil is amazing. He's not just a successful businessman, but he's also so knowledgeable and wise. He really took the time to listen to my ideas and offer valuable advice. Just couldn't contain his excitement as he shared all the details of his meeting with Ovil. Just proclaimed, from now on, we will meet every day. We have decided to meet in his office starting Monday next week. I will be able to see all the processes and gain some practical experience as well. He knew that he had found a mentor in Ovil, someone who believed in him and his dreams. The journey ahead would be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Bella smiled warmly at her son, her heart swelling with pride. I'm so glad to hear that. It sounds like you've found a wonderful mentor in Ovil. After the conversation with Bella, Just returned to his room. As he was about to mark Monday on his calendar, he noticed another event that was scheduled for tomorrow. It was his first meeting with Maya after the seminar. He completely forgot about this meeting. He thought it was a good management habit to list all his meetings on the calendar. Otherwise, it would be very hard to track his schedule. It was also a stroke of luck that Ovil did not ask him to start coming to the office from the next day. It would have conflicted with his meeting time with Maya. With so many exciting opportunities on the horizon, he couldn't afford to let anything slip through the cracks. So, he made a mental note to be more diligent in tracking his schedule and avoid double booking. The next morning, Just crossed through the downtown area. On the other side of downtown, there was a new cafe location recently opened called Regal Cafe. It was not very far from Bella's cafe. As he made his way through the bustling streets of the city, he couldn't wait to pick Maya's brain. Arriving at the coffee shop where they had agreed to meet, Just spotted Maya sitting at a table near the window, with a notebook and pen in hand. He noticed her skillfully twirling the pen, a telltale sign that she was either nervous or deeply engrossed in thought. Her gaze was fixed on her notebook, as if she was deciphering a code. Maya. Just called out, a smile spreading across his face as he approached her table. It's great to finally meet you again. Maya looked up, her face breaking into a warm smile as she greeted him. Just. I'm so glad you could make it. Please, have a seat. She gestured to the chair with the pen she held in her hand. As Just settled into his chair across from Maya, he couldn't help but notice that she exuded an air of confidence and intelligence. Her aura screamed boldness, a stark contrast to how she appeared during the seminar. This made him curious, and he couldn't help but ask, is everything okay? You seem a bit tense today. I am not tense, but I was working on that case I mentioned last time, Maya replied, quickly closing her notebook. Just noticed this sudden movement and assumed she was hiding something. Listening to her words, it was probably something professional, something she couldn't share. Pretending not to notice anything, Just attempted to lighten the mood. Did you catch any bad guys since we last met? A playful smile crossed Just's face, clearly indicating he was joking. Maya leaned forward slightly, a smile spreading from one ear to the next, and teasingly replied, oh yes, I found hundreds of them. Maya understood Just's sarcasm and played along with the joke. Remembering his silent promise to himself to help Maya where possible, Just asked Maya with a serious expression this time, so, what are you working on? Is there something that I can help you with? Maya chuckled softly, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to give you the condensed version. I've always had a passion for storytelling and uncovering the truth. Journalism seemed like the perfect way to combine my love for writing and my desire to make a difference in the world. But it's a demanding job. There are no breaks in this line of business. The information business needs to stay up to date to remain relevant for its audience. The case that I am working on right now is similar. It is a story with many unknown facts and the facts keep changing all the time, as I discover more valuable information. Hence, I must research the information to establish facts before I can write a good story. Just nodded, hanging on Maya's every word. He knew Maya couldn't reveal the specifics of the case she was working on. Instead, she would speak in general terms to provide some insight. So, you mean to say that you don't need my help, Just stated, his expression blank as if he were testing her. No, it's not like that. I don't want to burden you with my workload. It's just that I have a lot of paperwork to finish by the end of the week, Maya said. Just sensed it was a lie. If she was truly busy, she wouldn't be here on a coffee break with him. And what about you, Just? Maya asked, redirecting the conversation back to him, perhaps to avoid further questions about her work. Why did you want to see me today? Just, however, found himself momentarily at a loss for words, uncertain of where to begin unraveling the myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind. His hesitation was palpable, a brief pause that spoke volumes. I was very impressed with all the knowledge and passion that you have for protecting the environment, Just began, his voice carrying a tone of admiration. I thought deeply about some of the ideas you proposed. As he spoke, Just's words echoed with sincerity, each syllable carefully chosen to convey his genuine appreciation for Maya's expertise. I thought it would be beneficial for you to meet my mother, Bella, Just continued, his words now flowing with a sense of purpose. She works at a cafe, and she knows a lot of people in the city. I believe she can help us spread the word and make a positive impact in the community. With each sentence, Just's intentions became clearer, his desire to forge connections and affect change evident in his words. Just wanted to ask Maya if she would be interested in meeting his mother before he invites her home. He thought that these two women would make a great team. Bella also didn't have many friends outside of work. She had worked at the cafe for as long as he could remember. Maya smiled knowingly, sensing that Just had some ulterior motives for this proposal. Nevertheless, she acknowledged the potential benefits. Having more connections is always advantageous, especially in her line of work. Maya replied politely, I would love to meet your mom. I'm sure she's a lovely lady. Just was pleased with her answer, a sense of satisfaction evident on his face. He officially extended the invitation for dinner, knowing Bella would be home as she usually was by that time. Further Just extends his intention for meeting at the cafe also, I studied risk management and corporate social responsibility at the local library, Just added, his tone shifting slightly as he delved into another topic. The same topics that we discussed last time at the seminar. I had some questions about them. I thought your expertise and insights would be helpful for me. Maya was deeply moved hearing Just's words and seeing his passion to be an agent for change in this world. From here the conversation flowed effortlessly between them as they discussed their favorite topics, delving into a wide range of subjects that Just wanted clarification for, to current events, and their shared love of literature. Maya found herself impressed by Just's intellect and natural curiosity, drawn to his genuine enthusiasm for learning. As the evening progressed, Just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Maya. She seemed to understand him in a way that few others did, and he found himself opening up to her in a way he never had before. It was as if they were kindred spirits, connected by a shared passion for making a difference in the world. Before they knew it, the hours had slipped away, and the sky outside had darkened to a deep shade of indigo. Just glanced at his watch, startled to see how late it had gotten. I should probably be heading home, Just said reluctantly, a hint of regret tinging his voice. Maya nodded understandingly, though a part of her wished the meeting wouldn't have to end. Of course. Thank you for the lovely conversation, Just. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow for dinner. With a final wave goodbye, Just made his way out into the cool night air, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the fascinating woman he had just met. As he walked home, the memory of their conversation lingered in his mind, filling him with a sense of anticipation for their next meeting. As Just made his way home, his mind was filled with thoughts of Maya. Upon arriving home, he found his mother, Bella, busy preparing dinner in the cozy kitchen. The aroma of spices filled the air, comforting him with its familiar scent. Just couldn't wait to share his evening with Maya with his mom and tell her all about the fascinating conversations they had. Hey, Mom, Just greeted her with a smile, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. Bella turned to him with a smile of her own, her eyes twinkling with affection. Hey, sweetheart. How was your day? Just replied, I had a really interesting conversation with a new friend, unable to contain his excitement. Bella thought that Just was being mysterious about this new friend and thought it must be a girl that he is seeing. New friend. Are you dating someone? Who is she? Is she in your school? Bella bombarded Just with questions, her excitement palpable. Just was startled by the barrage of inquiries. It was evident that Bella was eager to learn more about this new girl, and her enthusiasm was contagious. Just blushed, seeing his mother like this, but he knew she was mistaken. Come on, Mom, stop now. We are not dating. We are just friends. Moreover, she is more like close to your age than mine. Her name is Maya, and she's a journalist, Just explained how he met Maya and the purpose of their meeting, which was purely educational. We had a really interesting conversation today. This explanation put the brakes on all the questions Bella had in mind. Bella's interest was piqued. Maya, ha. She sounds like quite the character. I'll have to meet her sometime. Just nodded eagerly and replied, Great thought, I knew that you would say that. I have invited her for dinner tomorrow. Bella chuckled, turning back to her cooking. Hmm, invited for dinner already. Okay, sounds fun. Just continues his clarification for inviting Maya. I want you two to meet. I think you two would get along well. Walking back from the cafe, Just got hungry as his stomach rumbled. Putting his hands on his stomach and crunching it, he inquired, What's for dinner? As Bella stirred the pot on the stove, she replied, Spaghetti and meatballs. Should be ready in about 20 minutes. Just would have to wait for dinner, so he decided to continue describing his day to Bella in more detail. As he talked about Maya, she became even more excited, and now she couldn't wait to meet her. The next day, Bella and Just chatted and prepared for their guest to arrive. Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, signaling the arrival of their guest. Just glanced at his mother, curious to see her reaction to meeting Maya for the first time. Just smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he rose from his seat. That must be her. I'll go and let her in. Bella nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. Just couldn't wait to introduce Maya and Bella. The door opened, and Maya could see Just standing at the door to welcome her inside. Bella's warm smile brightened the room as Maya entered the warm, cozy house. Seeing Bella across the living room, Maya approached her with a friendly wave. They both shook hands and started conversing. Maya took out a gift from her purse and handed it to Bella. This is for you. It's just a memento of appreciation from my side. Thank you for having me over for dinner. Just has praised your cooking so much that I can't wait to try it for myself. Seeing the gift, Bella got embarrassed and tried to return it. You shouldn't have brought this. It is an informal meeting. Just's friends are always welcome here. You should take this back. But Maya was not ready to listen. She insisted that Bella should keep the gift. Bella accepted the gift and invited Maya to sit at the dining table as the food was almost ready. They could talk at the dinner table. Both ladies started talking, and seeing these women talk, no one could tell that they were meeting for the first time. Bella was also eager and looking forward to making a new friend. I have heard so much about you, Bella said, pouring Maya a steaming cup of coffee. Maya took a sip of her coffee, savoring the rich flavor. It's been busy, but exciting. I'm actually working on a new story about sustainability initiatives in the local community. Bella's interest was immediately piqued by Maya's mention of her work. That sounds fascinating. Are you finding anything interesting? She inquired, her tone reflecting genuine curiosity. Maya's response was filled with enthusiasm as she elaborated on her current projects. Definitely, she began. There are some innovative projects happening right here in our city. These events are focusing on educating people about the importance and value of sustainability. There is one event scheduled for Sunday that is tomorrow. I'm going to cover the event for a story for my paper. Bella smiled approvingly at Maya's words, her own beliefs aligning with Maya's mission. That's wonderful, she remarked. I've always believed in the importance of giving back to the community and taking care of the environment. As Maya continued to share her vision for the future, Bella's interest only grew. After these events are over, I would like to continue the pace and organize some of my own events based on the same agendas, Maya exclaimed and then turned to Bella with a hopeful look. Just told me that you are well connected with this community. It would be great if we could collaborate and gather support and volunteers from the local community. Bella was deeply moved and inspired by Maya's goals, her heart swelling with a sense of purpose. This is a great idea, she responded eagerly. I would love to help out. If you have any plans and ideas, do let me know. I will give my best to find the volunteers, and I can also help spread the word for it. Maya responded, I am planning an event soon. However, I am still working out on some finer details and I plan to work on it tonight. How about we meet tomorrow, and I can share the details with you then. Bella replied, oh yes, that will be great. So, tomorrow is my working day, and I will be at the cafe during the daytime. Maya, sure, I can come to your cafe. However, as you know that I am covering an event tomorrow. I would only be free in the late afternoon about 2 p.m. Bella nodded, her eagerness evident. Yes, that works perfectly. The late afternoon is typically the least busy time at the cafe. With this, Bella and Maya solidified their plans for the meeting the next day. Seeing all this, just was simply glad that he was the agent for this new camaraderie. Bella served the dinner, and everyone enjoyed dinner with shared laughter and pleasant conversations until it was time for Maya to head back home. The next day, afternoon. Bella entered the cafe and as expected, the cafe was almost empty, with only one or two customers occupying the cafe seats. As soon as Bella noticed Maya, she promptly moved in her direction to greet her. Hi Maya, finally, you made it. I was expecting you. Maya and Bella shared pleasantries and quickly occupied the empty seats. Maya started by describing the sustainability event to Bella, that she covered for her work. With a sense of frustration, she told, everyone left their flyers and posters in the park. They have left a big mess there. As the conversation unfolded, Maya began outlining the entire plan for the next event she was planning. It will be a cleanup event at downtown Logan Park. We will have to do it tomorrow. We'll distribute recycling flyers and offer advice on the best waste management practices. Can you help me gather some volunteers for tomorrow? If you are also free tomorrow, I would love to see you there. I've managed to gather some volunteers on my end. But you know, not everyone shows up for volunteering events. Hence, it would be nice if you could find some volunteers. It would ensure a good strength of volunteers for tomorrow's event. Maya's excitement was palpable as she expressed her eagerness to make the event happen as soon as the next day. Their goal was to clean up the mess left behind by the volunteers at Logan Park. Bella's reaction was one of concern. This is awful. What kind of sustainability event was this? I am available tomorrow. I'll see what I can do. I'll try to reach out to everyone I know. Bella continued inquiring about the event. Have you thought of a name for it? Maya thought about it for a bit and then replied. Yes, let's call it the Neighborhood Cleanup Event. Bella, this is a great name. I am sure this will rally up the volunteers and everyone would be excited to join this event. Maya nodded with satisfaction. Thank you, Bella. I understand it's a rushed event. However, we'll have more time to plan the next one. Continuing, Maya added, I have already placed a print order for the flyers we will need for tomorrow. I'll collect them on my way back home. I will also gather some supplies like cleaning tools, garbage bags, gloves, and other safety equipment from the general store. As they were discussing the event, the cafe door chimed, signaling the arrival of another customer. I'll catch up with you, Maya. I will have to attend to this customer, Bella said, gesturing to the newcomer in the cafe. But instead of walking to the counter, the newcomer walked up to Maya's seat. Bella realized that it was the same girl who met Ovil a few days back. It was Lily, and she was here to see Maya. Lily put both her hands on the table and leaned forward to where Maya was sitting. Maya, this is important, I want you to listen. Bella sensed the tension brewing between Maya and Lily and decided to gracefully bow out of the situation. Please enjoy your coffee, she said to Maya, then turned to Lily. If you need anything, please feel free to call me. My name is Bella. With that, Bella walked away, leaving the two women to their affairs. Thanks, Bella, Maya replied, grateful for Bella's understanding. Simultaneously, Maya requested Lily to sit down. However, Lily couldn't contain her impatience any longer. I have filed an official complaint against these 10 businesses, Lily announced abruptly, her tone urgent. Maya froze in shock, her grip on her coffee cup slipped, and the cup crashed, spluttering coffee on the table. Maya's frustration was palpable as she realized that Lily had revealed sensitive information that was meant to be kept secret until they had gathered all the evidences. Maya was speechless, and only anger could be seen on her face. As everyone in the cafe was looking at them due to spilt coffee, Lily realized that it would be best if they left the cafe and chatted somewhere else in private. Bella observed the two women from behind the counter and noticed tension brewing between the two. She wondered what they might be talking about. She never thought this one action of Lily would connect all their lives with a single threat and get everyone involved in the case she just filed. Seeing the spilt coffee, Bella swiftly walked toward the two ladies and very politely asked Maya, is everything okay? Would you like another cup of coffee? Maya was still in shock, she needed time to process the new information as she did not know what they should do next. Hence, Lily replied in place of Maya. No, thank you. I think we will leave now. Bella finally came to her senses and noticed Bella standing next to her. She apologized for the coffee. It is all right, it happens all the time. Bella replied calmly. Lily put her hand across Bella's arm and pulled her toward her to make her start walking, signaling that they should leave. Lily quickly picked up all the belongings of Maya and rushed her out of the cafe. Maya was not able to focus on anything in front of her as her mind was drifting in all directions. Analyzing the potential consequences and implications of Lily's action. She could only think about Samuel at this moment. He interested her to keep this a secret, but now the situation was different. She desperately needed his advice. Soon, Bella found herself in a park not very far from the cafe. No one visits the park during the daytime. It would allow them to talk freely, Lily thought in her mind. She made Maya take a seat at one of the middle benches in the park. Sitting in the middle meant they could notice if anyone was approaching closer. Maya finally snaked out of her fear and desperation into a state where she could speak again.

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