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2020 An Insight into the Higher Octave of Oneness for All

2020 An Insight into the Higher Octave of Oneness for All

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How life has changed for all humanity since the onset of the lost years of the CV19 Spamdemic and what it did to create global separation, detachment and servitude to the system making our lives symptomatic of a world broken and its people lost in its own ignorance. Or is there something else?

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In this transcription, the speaker reflects on the new year and the experiences they've had, including feeling tired and experiencing discomfort in their body. They discuss the concept of chakras and kundalini energy, stating that as we heal and unify our dualities, we may outgrow the need for them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing the inner work and surrendering to love. They acknowledge the challenges of this process and suggest taking time for rest, self-care, and slowing down. Greetings to all. So it's actually now officially 2020, just after 1 a.m. on the 1st of January in the year 2020. And I'm sitting here in my computer after doing all the things that I felt empowered to do, which included playing music, writing some lyrics, recanting the year that's been, reflecting on the year that's been, connecting with people that I hold in the high octave of divine connection. And then there was an almost blacking out, an overwhelming sense of tiredness that overcame my being and my muscles in particular up above my shoulder blades and around my lymphatic nodes started to ache. And I thought about this for a moment and realized that really what was going on was not only the integrating of these higher illuminated solar light codes that I've been invoking and integrating and accelerating that integration into my cellular memory, but I started for the first time to experience that the chakras, which usually can spin both in a directive and in a polar opposite manner, stopped spinning and were almost reversing their own polarity within me. And this led me to understand that for many of us who are doing the work, remember it's all about doing the work, not just talking about it, not just posting about it, not just kind of like, you know, being in the moment when it suits, but rather doing the work and being diligent with your devotional practice to your true and higher octave of self each day, you should be feeling a certain amount of dissolving and or dissipation taking place within the core essence of your being. And what I believe is taking place is a reaffirmation and a configuration and recalibration of the language surrounding what the chakras and kundalini energy are really all about. Now, originally the chakras and kundalini were put into this human genetic template as we were being created to help us with our connection to the spiritual realms. Now we can't blame them for hooking us up. Also, in addition to that, to the Darker Matrix, as they help to clear certain issues in ourself, that of course is the cause of us originally being hooked up, so to speak, to the wider expanse of our beingness. For example, in our heart chakra the negative is jealousy, unworthiness, unrequited love, and so those duality aspects of self definitely hook us up. In short, they draw us into a somewhat distorted and or inflamed emotional plane. But as we love these imbalances, in other words, we become not only mindful of them, but we become more aware of their definition within our central core, that is the central Sun, our soul energy. Our heart opens fully and we feel more unconditional love 3.0, understanding acceptance and have greater compassion and strength for ourself and all of creation. But I feel we probably outgrow the chakras as we heal and unify all the aspects of duality they originally help us with. Now, I don't think it's a good idea to invoke intention around making your chakras dissolve or get rid of them, as some seem to be into, as I've read. For myself, it's been a very organic process about stewing in the void once new knowledge has been received. And I feel it's much safer and cleaner to allow, utilising the allowance of that worthiness to fill our being with this highly illuminated electromagnetic energy than it is to try to control it. So I believe that our chakras keep in a more balanced state as we spin them both ways into one unified chakra, just like we can take all sense of self-expression and unify it into one language of unity and remove ourselves from our emotional dependency, fuelled very much by the language of the mind. Now, I think to approach things and understand that what is actually happening in our physical body, as it transmutes into a higher octave of light at the densest levels, we are going to feel a certain amount of discomfort. We're going to feel a certain amount of imbalance. We're going to feel as if there's no air in the sky, therefore no air in our lungs, because right now it's all earth and water. There's very little fire. In fact, there's no fire and there's very little air in the universe right now. And this is causing us to be somewhat stifled. Now, if you allow and listen to your heart, heal yourself from divine love and acceptance and what presents in pure love to you to awaken and activate yourself in a more pure and divine way. You come from a state of loving service, which does not mean you have to change necessarily what it is you do, like looking after your family, cleaning people's places, if that's what your vocation is, and the list goes on. Whatever it is you do with real compassionate strength in your heart, that assists in whatever way, there really is no better or bigger, lower or less form that you can use to speed up or accelerate the process. Each of us is a team player in the bigger picture. No one is less source and divine than the other. But as we surrender into love, no matter what we do here, then we open the diamond light doorway of our heart to our true multidimensional self. And that's what dissolving the chakras, the kundalini and the meridians, which are the cosmic stargate through which we travel each day from our dreaming state, where we really do experience a genuine perception of reality, into the more controlled state of our waking being. We all have our own timing, we are all time shifted from one another. And we can't interfere in the fact that someone near us or external to us is going to necessarily experience the same thing, but from a completely different plane of emotional output. We're all going to feel and we're all going to experience the same things, but in a different manner to each other. That's what makes us unique. And that's what allows us to reflect within the deeper recesses of our multidimensional being. Now, please don't be under any misconceptions that suddenly your life will get easier, because we're in challenging times and our higher selves are propelling us to step it up. So we have resistance, often not conscious, mega contracts on all sorts of different dimensional planes or planes of density, and realms, soul agreements with those that are continuing to sabotage us from all sorts of other timelines. This is complex. But as you move away from dependency to cosmic channels like chakras, kundalini, and to the meridians, you realise that your cellular memory is going through a very, very obvious and rather apparent purging and or purification stage. So it's not meant to get easier. And a new year, especially an auspicious year like 2020, the prime numbers of two and two nullified in the zero point energy of oneness is going to challenge us at levels we could never possibly imagine. But let's try to stay on point while I'm in the flow here. I think we just need to understand that our physical body lags behind, and will often let us know in the most uncomfortable ways that it is, and it needs more attention. Mine certainly has been ever since my kundalini began to dissolve, as it is about fully integrating into light at the physical level. And this is a process. Now some people will say that you haven't even reached the years of 60 plus when kundalini actually leaves the base of the tailbone and makes its way up the cosmic channel. But now that you've moved away from the flesh and blood spinal tract, which you consider to be the connector, the tuning rod, or the tuning fork that holds all of your cosmic channel together, that's now being solidified into a crystalline spine of highly charged electrical particles. So the kundalini has really got nowhere to go because it's in a solidified state. So it's kind of been somewhat petrified in the lower realms of the harmonic resonance of your being. And in this case, my being, you know, the light body interaction that I've been constantly working solidly with now for at least the last two to three years. Stewing in the void, understanding that as new knowledge downloads, and whether you choose to archive that knowledge, many of us take the data sets that we receive. We experience them in the external for a moment, but we don't necessarily draw them into a deeper implementation within the external nature of our internal being. Now that sounds weird, because how can you be looking at the external nature of your internal being, if everything is already out in the external? Well, this is a better understanding of what it is to be in a state of lucid energy. So one of the things that becomes clearer as you collapse the timelines, and therefore collapse your perception of your planar reality, is that you're asking your higher self, or the universe, or God as a thing, whatever you want, to humbly collapse your wave function into the most lucid state of conscious expansion. This is really what I consider to be the most important core focus of understanding our light body within a greater central sun, that is the heart space. Now I could go on a little bit more about the integration into light at the physical level, but I'm just going to go forward by saying, in an effort to balance this into a peaceful transition into your cellular memory, which then, as I said, there's no fire, there's nothing to burn away, there's no air, there's no air to fuel the fire, it's all earth, grounded earth, and it's water, the purification of life itself. So be kind to yourself, and just give yourself time out. Rest, lots of water, be with nature, prioritise. Time is constricting, and so we just can't do a lot in a day anymore. It's time to slow the fuck down, and I mean really slow down. How many different mental thought processes kind of grace our thought construct in every moment of every waking minute of the day? It's ridiculous, and how are we supposed to accommodate that when we're really, really on a pathway to seek out love's liberating light and intention and the intrinsic goodness in all things if we're constantly in a state of totally radical busyness? Try to go within in 2020, or the beginning of, because you're grounding a very powerful transition that's happening across the expanse of our species right now. So we need to go within and be still and not be distracted by lots of monkey chatter, and that way you will find that somewhat being in hermit mode as much as you can is more important than running around trying to get so many things done. Try to be more in there and not so much out there. There's nothing wrong when you withdraw from community and or social interaction if it's to strengthen and if it's to revitalise and rekindle your spiritual spark, the very, very driving influence of the way that you progress and move forward through the rigours and the rigidity imposed upon the control in the 3D. So don't spit out and think, how can I do all of this? When you are ready, the help will come to you. You might be one of the smart ones and wait until the pioneers have done their job. All of the light work is done, the consolidation is in place, the matrix has been dissolved, and we all end up being freestanding tuning forks, perfectly aligned to the higher harmonic resonance of planet Earth. Because if that's the way that you perceive this next year in 2020, that I'll just wait for it to come to me, I'll wait for it to unfold, you'll miss the boat. And when you miss the boat, the old systems, remember, your whole being is made up of a river of systems, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, circulatory, etc. Those things will remain rigid, but not only will they remain rigid, they will solidify that rigidity until it cracks. The bones within your being will crack. You're not in a position of internally nurturing yourself, so you're relying on the external and the people doing the work in the external to bring you all the benefits and the rewards. I'm sorry, but shame on you. We're all here to step up. We're all here in the Gaia Classroom to speak our truth and be present. I'm not asking you, I'm not asking you, or I'm not asking you to consider to hide away so that you have no interaction. It's just use your filter of discernment to understand that while you go through this new cellular configuration and this very, very powerful shift in your physiology that will consolidate on January 12th when we have the Pluto-Saturn conjunction, and I will go into great detail about that because everybody's speaking about it, and they're speaking about it in really loud tones. So be mindful of your planetary service, your blissful state when in service to others, because these are essentially the tools that will allow your being to integrate at an accelerated rate, to dissolve the Kundalini, the Chakra and Cosmic Channel, the Meridians, which basically drew our light body into a more third density interactive state, you'll start to become a living wormhole. Now, before I get into what's definitely been the most advanced sense of self-discovery and experience, I want to just state that the best person you possibly can, loving, compassionate, is to own your own shadows and light. Listen to your own heart wisdom. Give to yourself. Be aware. If you get drained, then maybe when you didn't before, remove yourself from blame. Remove yourself from pointing blame or judgement to anyone else because the only thing staring back at the offences you believe you're being subjected to is coming from your own internal landscape. Now, when you do that, when you remove yourself from immediately forcing blame, from immediately allowing the controlling influences to be the guide that you feel safe and secure in following and or listening, you'll find this journey, this challenge that lies ahead, much easier to handle. Now, you'll still assist wherever you can, where it feels comfortable, but you will notice it won't be at the same pace as previously. So, this is a sacred time for each of us and honouring the self is the most important core value we need to respect and implement. So, let's spend a moment and talk about what is known as controlling influences. The third density, which is essentially what our embedded consciousness draws its focus around, remember that within the time-bound reality our consciousness is focused on exploration and experience. Outside the time-bound reality, in our higher spiritual realm, it is more about collapsing what we observe into the most lucid state of probability and possibility. Now, if you can't understand that very simple equation, then everything that's being presented here from my heart space is going to fall pretty much flat on its face on the floor. So, once you understand that up to this point in time, all manner of your physiology, all manner of the cellular memory and the imprint of memory through your experiences, has brought you to this point where you now see the controlling influences as illusory drama that you either choose to attach to or you choose not to attach to. Now, let me just dissect this controlling influences. Your work space, the way that you accumulate, aggregate, improve your station in life, is a controlling influence. Your parental upbringing, your ancestral lineage for that matter, is a controlling influence. Your interaction within the external experience that is fuelled by social media and third party interaction is a controlling influence. Your relationships with people, your spouse, your girlfriend, your long-time partner, is a controlling influence. And these are all parts of the old paradigm. The paradigm that is now grounded and purified with the water and very shortly will be engulfed in the fire to burn all the toxicity away and leave us with the residue of pure air. Hyphened octaves of illuminated light. Now in the physical, as we well know, for those who are experiencing it in different countries, there is a purification of Mother Earth with the ridiculous amount of fires. Fires purify Earth. They burn away the old, antiquated, natural ecosystem in readiness for the birth of a new wave. Just like our life body is going through rebirth, so is Mother Earth, our planet. So controlling influences that once held rather strong foundational weight in our lives are dissipating and dissolving and becoming sedimentary. They are part of the old structure. And this is best reflected for most in looking through, in perceiving one's environment through a filter of discernment. Never before is it more apparent that discernment is the navigational fuel that we need in order to move our ship and our station forward. Not with ego. Not with a need to feel socially integrated and accepted within the existing platform of duality. That's another thing of the past. Those patterns, those habituated practices and patterns once again are all part of the purging and the purification and the dissolving of the old systems that serve no purpose anymore. So think about those controlling influences and then decide at what level within your scope of priorities in moving your spiritual body, your spiritual being forward, are you going to allocate energy because energy follows intention as I've stated many times before. If your attention is wrapped up in the controlling influences forced upon you in the 3D, then that's exactly where your energy will fuel it and you'll attract more of the same. Now there are many, many arguments for the whole, well if I set my intention and if I sit there in a completely detached space of needing anything or wanting or desiring anything, then the laws of attraction will bring those forward. That is not really how one can be expansive in the multiverse in a multi-dimensional aspect of experience on this earth. So bringing it full circle, Kundalini energy, chakra systems and meridians had their place in the genetic template as part of our human evolution, our trans-human journey, but no longer. We've been through that many portals, opened that many new gateways, dissolved that many earth grids, completely reversed the polarity of the matrix so many times before that now we have the inner earth sun, the second sun, we're crossing into the galactic centre, we've experienced dark matter in the dark universe, and we've arrived full circle at what we now refer to as the 13 rays of the rainbow. And what with the advent of the 13 rays of the rainbow brought forward by the turning over into 2020, we arrive at what we call the wormholes. And this is where we dispel the myth around the so-called ascension, and the so-called ascension symptoms that many of us thought we could correlate to our physical discomfiture. Now, if you have your chakras dissolved, but still believe your Kundalini is in place, then you will not have what are known as the wormholes yet. But if your Kundalini has dissolved, then you will have wormholes as otherwise you wouldn't be able to exist here in your physical body. Now, for those who don't know what a wormhole is, I've dragged up a description from Wikipedia that actually explains it fairly clearly. A wormhole is a speculative structure linking disparate points in space-time, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations solved using a Jacobian matrix and determinant. A wormhole in the physical can be visualised as a tunnel with two ends, each at separate points in space-time, but both operating from different locations within the confines and points of space-time. So, a wormhole could connect extremely long distances such as tens of thousands of light-years or more, and short distances such as a few metres, through different universes, different densities and different elemental constructs, and all at different points in time. This is what multidimensionality and what it means to be a multidimensional being. But being locked in the lower vibration of the conditioned matrix of fight or flight and subservient slave-like behaviour to religion and our belief in the almighty and the divine and the god particle and all that, keeps us so distracted from our true return to spirit and source, which is essentially being able to navigate the different multidimensional timelines that we all have the capability to navigate. So, a wormhole is constructed of liquid-like plasma, and such high frequencies of illuminated light codes are known within scientific circles as endoplasmic substructures of multiversal light. So, a basic 3D meaning of endoplasmic is a system of cavities and tiny connecting canals that occupy much of the cytoplasm of the cell, that is the outer structure of the cell, and functions especially in the movement of materials within the cell, because within the cell we have a multiverse within a multiverse within a multiverse within a multiverse. So, really, in a limited 3D way of looking at it, we move into one cell, unified matrix consciousness with the integration of wormholes. Now, we can't operate in the higher dimensional earth and access the higher realms of ourselves when we still have chakras that only enabled us to access so far, or kundalini that worked in the denser age to give us the life force energy we needed. It's too limiting to be of any use to us once we have unified enough within and resonate in the higher planes of expansive consciousness. Going back, 2020, humbly asking to collapse your wave function into the most lucid state of expansive consciousness. This integrates and externalizes for many the wormhole experience. Now, we're still in a physical body, and the body still has its limitations and our experiences, our neglect, when we really don't listen to it, but within this new space-time, this new folding over of a new parallel reality and timeline, we experience the beginnings of the pure love of Source flowing through us now. It's like the Holy Grail and the Divine Light of the Ark of the Covenant returned. You know, that leads to so much potential dissension, but let's just use it as the example downloaded into my construct right now as a means to demonstrate how highly sensitive this new illumination for mankind really is. Now, the wormholes are still serpent energy. The kundalini and chakras also being serpent energy, but the wormholes are at a higher frequency where the chakras and kundalini as well as our meridians have been made redundant and the wormholes are doing or taking over the role what the chakras and kundalini used to do but could not reach. They never really got to the highest point of connection to our Divine Being. This allows us to access the highest frequencies of light and pure love 3.0 right through to every cell of our physical body. So now, drawing this back to my own personal experience every day, being a single male, 56 years in age, well-travelled, well-experienced in many, many facets of life on the planet, I utilise mantra and the repetition of humble requests to my higher Divine Self to implement all of these new codes of illumination into every pore and cell of my being. The more that I've stated it, the more I've implemented it, the more it's manifested in the physical and therefore part of my planar reality every day. So you can't just ask the Universe, please integrate me within the highest octave of self-expression by illuminating my connection to the Divine or God or I am a reflection of God once and think that, yeah, done deal, I'm sorted, it's all good. It's the same thing. Most of the esoterics and most of the metaphysical speakers and most of the more aligned and in-tune astrologers all stated pretty much this past week that, look here, it's great that you sit there in a quiet space with your palms up, you know, with your meridians in a state of honour and homage to ask the Universe for abundance and peace and tranquillity and goodwill for all man and compassionate strength for the planet, blah, blah, blah and think that by doing it, it's going to just manifest cleanly and seamlessly without any further attention to detail. This is just delusion. Setting intention is all about setting intention on a regular basis and being very much committed to your conviction to shift and change things in your life. This whole concept, and I know I've gone on about it quite a bit lately but I do feel called to compel people to look through the mirror at whether or not they're just a weekend spiritual warrior and they're not really committed and they're not really operating from an authentic space or whether they truly are, you know. Divine process and devotional practice requires diligent, repetitive work and reflection. So stating that, knowing that, experiencing that, implementing that these are the things that allow you to shift every pore and cell of your being into a truly highly octave, multi-dimensional experience every day. Living light of heart, bubble of joy, granted in gratitude in the greatest service of our 6D experience. So we still remain in a body, a flesh suit, a space suit, a sheath, a shell on earth for after all that is why we came here. But our physical body experiences full integration of spirit and matter that is heaven and earth, unifying within every cell and sub-atomic particle in our oneness with the universe, with nature with the defined order of the multiverse and all cosmology. We are the stargate, we are the union of the manifest and unmanifest merges through each of us if we allow it to be part of our connection to the river of ease and grace. Now personally I feel the word ascension is misleading and another thing to take us very much off track. We are not so much ascending at all but have been descending and now through the stargate that is the reflection of ourselves we are in full integration of heaven and earth, matter and spirit. So we no longer ascend or descend but simply be through all worlds and dimensions and emotional densities the Be-Am, the Beam. And this is the manifestation in the now of the wormhole. Really, really understanding the power of what it means to be living within liquid light plasma as an expression of a higher octave of light and that is the 13 Rays of the Rainbow. The last time that the 13 Rays of the Rainbow were evident were very much available for mankind to contribute to was during the Summer of Love in the 60's At that time there was a thwarting of authority therefore a thwarting of control and manipulation from top down and that's exactly what's kind of happening now. Humanity is at the point of not necessarily falling into the gullibility and the trap of what media brainwashes us each day. So I hope that what we've done tonight is we've gone through a very powerful new brighter mirror of reflective understanding as to what our future holds. And as I've stated on a number of occasions now the greatest core emotional experience that you can be exerting, expressing and externalizing is self-love. True self-love is the cosmic gateway to a deeper understanding of who we are. So we've had lots of this practice. We can't stay in this confused state any longer. We can't keep stretching our heads and going I don't get it. Yes we do. But you have to be mature and you have to allow your inherent wisdom to be your voice. And don't think that it's all about I've just got to keep my chakras balanced and I've just got to keep my Kundalini energy in a nice, tranquil and peaceful state and I've got to draw light into my meridians. I believed all that too. And for a long, long time I practiced it. But now it seems abhorrent in the higher scheme of what the future holds. You don't have to go to it. People are saying to me now Mike I feel like I need to go and ground with indigenous people or I need to go to a sacred place or I need to sit in front of a great monolithic structure in order to draw its electromagnetic energy into my heart. No you don't. You're multi-dimensional and therefore you can sit down anywhere and you can stop the monkey chatter and you can draw the highest octave of what you need in order to balance the core elemental, the body elemental into a state of conscious expansion and then those cosmic channels will dissolve. They will dissipate. You will release them. You still need to go through the processes at the beginning of seven day cycles at the beginning of new moons and full moons and what not where you set intentions where you draw conclusions and you allow your worthiness to drive you forward. But as long as the underlying theme is that I'm in the moment I'm experiencing the 13 rays of the rainbow by acknowledging my multi-dimensionality and utilising my filter of discernment to ensure that I'm not being attached and attacked and subjugated to and becoming subservient to my own delusional archetypes and belief structures you will progress through the matrix you will become the embodiment of this plasma-like experience. And this is what activation is all about. We used to, back in a few years ago talk about the activation of our somewhat blocked structural systems represented by our chakras. Well there are no blockages there are no cords of attachment there's no karmic imbalances if the chakras no longer exist. If the body elemental is essentially fused with the highest illumination of light interaction emanating the highest frequency and the greatest transmission of our intention to the universe we become a freestanding tuning fork. A freestanding tuning fork utilising the amplitude of our higher vibration to connect with the harmonic resonance existing outside of our perception of the planar reality that we live in each day. I kind of refer to it in my own meditation each day of, I am the conscious butterfly who with ease and grace can flip in and out of the construct to draw whatever energy is required to facilitate this cycle of existence that is this moment that this energy is required to facilitate, to expand and to experience that moment in the now. Now finishing up by saying that the second sun returned in its 65 million year orbit as of June of 2019 during the solstice that was then mirrored only a week ago in the summer solstice on the 22nd of December. Now this means that we have come to the point the convergence point where certain cycles are finished and I refer to them as reaching their use by date so why repeat them? Why continue to recycle them? Why be a star seed that doesn't evolve? Why be a light worker or a star elder that continues to remain in a somewhat diluted state of planetary service? So be of the higher harmonic resonance and be in the world be a part of the collective but not of it. That is the pure love of Source returning more freely and bringing the higher light into our body and our energy bodies and it's whatever each of us can handle in any given moment in any given space. So sending you auspicious beginnings for 2020 a higher octave of humility when looking through the mirror at your own existence and being that somewhat sentient and proud navigator ready to board this ship that is this incredibly aligned and tuned in year to navigate across these uncharted waters with ease and grace to a new destination that destination for most of us not all is harmony destination harmony and when you reach that destination when you've received the coordinates that bring you to this destination all of those controlling influences I spoke earlier about dissipate, dissolve and lose their form they just float back into the ether and that my friends is where we need to leave all that no longer serves and surrender all that doesn't fuel and drive our deepest and highest level of challenge there is no safety and security in challenge challenge is risk and that is what the planetary transits are bringing and bringing very very quickly and personally if I may I would advise every person listening to this to research what Pluto and Saturn conjunction on the 12th of January means in a general speak and also if you have a natal chart or you understand your astrology and where it stands find out where both Pluto and Saturn and which house they currently sit in so that you will be ready for the shifting energies including the manifestation of the wormholes and the 13 rays of the rainbow will bring to each and every man, woman, child and higher spiritual soul on planet earth thank you so much and many blessings and much much love

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