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3 Chica's Pilot Episode

3 Chica's Pilot Episode


3 girls, a baby, and a dog talking about daily struggles.



The podcast hosts are trying to have fun and entertain listeners. They talk about their weekend, including attending a Shrek rave and getting drinks at the bar. They also share embarrassing bathroom stories and discuss their willingness to use public restrooms. One of them even mentions taking items from restaurants. Welcome to our podcast for shifting giggles. Um we don't really know what we're doing but we're just here to have fun talk about our lives all of our issues yes and you know keep y'all entertained and hopefully y'all find this entertaining we tried to record this one time and it was a big fail so we're at it again yeah this time hopefully we remember to click record um yeah it just ended as well yeah it did and we didn't realize yeah so we were going on we gotta go in i think so so how was everyone's weekend it was good we all hung out together on saturday yeah it was a good time it's a fact from tennessee that oh yeah i know it's also about your weekend oh my god so i went to a shrek rave you guys didn't even know that was a thing yeah for real it was so much fun um we did a lot though yeah there was so i was lord farquaad there was three by my well it was just one girl one she made the three blind mice there was jimmy there was a fairly very barely dang the camp the cameo there was shrek and fiona of course there was a donkey yeah and then another shrek um but yeah it was so much fun we got there and we got there like maybe an hour after it started it started at nine and we got there about 10 and the line was just so long everybody was ready to rave yeah like this i mean it was a rave but i it was more like a club i guess yeah and i told my mom it was a party of course can i get mom you want to go in tennessee so we get in the line and then we wave like a good bit and we were putting on these um you know those like glowstick bands yeah we were putting those on we're getting ready we went up to the front and the guy's like no i can't have that on why would you do that i don't know but we lost two dollars so how dare they take him off i'm gonna suck that shit in my crotch and the girl that was a blind mic she had like a metal thing with her so that got confiscated too oh is she gonna it's a weapon no but we were seeing so many other blind mics that were in there with like paint really yeah but i think it's because of person's metal um plastic yeah but we get inside and of course we headed straight for the bar as one does uh-huh and they have like these really cute like shrek drinks yeah one was i think like pink and the other one was green so my friend got a pink drink and it had like a lot of like mixer stuff in it and i didn't want that so i just asked for tequila so i get up to the bartender and i'm like can i just get a shot of tequila so she's like yeah but she takes out this giant like solo cup yeah and just starts pouring oh my god it's pouring she said dang so she poured probably like three shots for her and i was just looking at my friends like i could not i did not so i take it and it was 36 dollars for two drinks starting six dollars yeah holy shit at least i mean it kind of works its way out though i mean that was a lot for that amount of money you probably got half a bottle of tequila worth of um yeah yeah half a bottle worth of tequila for tequila it definitely was a lot um but i had about one sip of that and then the other guy finished it for me okay maybe i wasted money i mean i i had a good bit to start off with and it was enough for me like i didn't want to get drunk at a shrek rave you wake up and what's what's it called never after like what is it called the happy ever after yeah or never where donkey goes me singing in the back yeah oh far far away why am i so stupid we're like dude i didn't know that though i was obsessed with these movies when i was a kid but i always watched them in spanish i'm like for me it's like i watched it in spanish because you talked about it so much and it was so funny more funnier in spanish yeah i feel like that's that's the way to enjoy it my favorite part was like the he's cutting up the cookie and what did he say i don't know what he says in english but in spanish when he's singing freaking run run run away like you when he has like lord farcourt has his legs and he's like yeah he's like or no whatever like this like he says it's like it's so funny and it just fits in his face like a small little cracker reaches all the way to his eyes why is it so funny i don't know i have my child here oh yes we have two special guests the child and the dog so my child might be yelling might be rattling some toys and michelle's dog is going to be scratching at the door wanting to get in i'm for all y'all saying like oh why won't you let him in it's because he's in that society and he'll probably sit on the laptop or on somebody's lap thinking he's a lap dog when he's a 60 pound he does not know his side he does not he thinks he's a baby which is fine he is my baby but i can't i can't there's a literal baby there's a little baby he will trample oh a baby perfect get out of my way look at you replaced me anyway jillie sorry we we cut off your story what else did you do this weekend um well after the truck ride we went back no we actually got pizza that night oh yeah then my stomach hurt yeah so bad your stomach got wrecked yeah it was really bad and the next morning we woke up and went to tupelo honey and every single time i go to tupelo honey no matter what i have to go to the bathroom like it does not matter what i eat i think that last time i had avocado toast in the morning uh-huh and it wrecked me i run to the bathroom right i get there and of course it'd be me to pick the only stall with toilet paper okay but in fairness i think life was on your side because if you're wrecking the bathroom like fair point very good luck that you got the bathroom with toilet paper you're just sitting there with no toilet paper like that yeah okay like going to the bathroom in public places no especially going poop i can't do that like that just freaks me out like i'm like someone's gonna walk in they're gonna be like what's that smell like i'm so embarrassing i'm freaking out yeah and that's what happened to me because i didn't know that there was no other toilet paper in the other stall there was one lady comes in and she goes to the bathroom like i hear her peeing and then she like mumbles under her breath there's no paper so all i hear is like getting out of the stall and then as she was leaving there was another lady that had come in and one lady that had like just come out of the stall she was like there's no toilet paper in the other stall and the lady was like okay well there's toilet paper in the stall that someone else is in and so i was just like oh my god this embarrassing what happened to me i feel obligated to be like yeah i got toilet paper in here i would be so scared i wouldn't say a word so i just i left i was like all right we're we're gonna not do this today wrap it up oh god face the room booty hole don't turtle your way out are you fearful of peeing or pooping in public absolutely not i'm not i'm really shy i will literally take a poop wherever not at all let's start not wherever okay but like pooping on the side of the road but like oh my god have y'all seen that video of that lady that goes to the store and she's like shit yeah yeah i saw it she there's this lady i thought they don't take it was this lady she's like come to go to the i'm so sorry can i use your trash can and the lady's like for what and then she starts taking off her pants about the poop in the in the trash can wait is it like a boutique yes it was so ridiculous the lady was like you are not about to take a shit in my stall holy crap and it's like this whole thing's like i like and she's like obviously like this lady not a crackhead but like you can tell it she's about to shit her pants like the stance that she had was like i'm about it it's coming yeah it's coming so like why would you do that like why would you like just open a trash can and just be like i'm gonna take a poop here that's like i mean if anything go in the grass go outside if you really it's like like on the streets of atlanta that's what they do oh my god that's what's like it's like i'm not poop shy but i definitely will not crap outside yeah but not crazy not poop crazy there is literally shit into a river and i i peed outside like i peed behind dumpsters and stuff like that i peed outside when i was younger oh no i peed outside at bars like when i would go out to the bar like freaking jwoww peeing behind the bar i remember i was like with uh one of my friends to go for a birthday party and like we hadn't gone inside yet and i was like i really have to go to the bathroom and we just peed behind the dumpster were you drunk at that point or no i was pretty drunk i was like all reasoning went so like i just was like all right i gotta go and luckily edwin had freaking paper in his car or else i mean wow that's some luck i always have paper in the car regardless like napkins napkins okay i thought you meant like a roll of toilet paper no i just teach it i taught him how to get like napkins always in his car my boyfriend does that too because he'll just be like my child threw it laptop but um camera don't freaking like chipotle i just have a free range oh my god forget the napkins i used to like their boards are bro you be taking your board from restaurant okay but don't let me show don't lie don't like to start the floor from chipotle superior yes they're pretty sturdy and this thing comes from taco mac or everything oh my god arrested for it i have a couple pies for taco mac i have also like this huge pint from this like restaurant y'all are thieves i don't do that i know the furthest i go is the napkins no i'm like i'll take the fork i'll take the i'll take the little cup i'll take my pint glass how do you walk out with that like a big old thing sticking out your back my bag is big enough and um i didn't want the waiter to get like an additional cup for it i just asked him like can i just take this i don't care he said i'm not getting paid some people don't care but some people like you say that i take the most random stuff but people think we're saying she's gonna pull those blinds it's all right it's not all right those lines are probably dusty though exactly that's why it's not okay she's gonna put it on her mother yeah oh my god how am i gonna flashlight dude karen got annoyed with me the other day or not the other day but like recently because i told him about his flashlight and he's like why do you always tell me that my flashlight's on i'm like what do you mean i'm trying to save you the trouble of having your bone burning a hole in your pocket oh my god so i don't tell him anymore just for like all right someone else is gonna tell him like wow thank you you're so helpful thank you so much this is like when i tell you it's an annoying yeah i just can't oh my god i didn't even tell my poop story oh yeah you're a poop story oh this is so like embarrassing low-key but like i don't care so i was at work and meanwhile i have just heard of my new job this building is still brand freaking new i my stomach hurts so bad because we all went to go eat lunch at buffalo's and my stomach that's like those rednecks yeah peru and i was my stomach hurt so bad so i went to the bathroom and i i mean i think i i honestly did not go as much as i like you know it was normal i feel like because i used too much toilet paper oh no and so i flushed and it started like it got stuck and i had to go like wait is it a multiple stall bathroom or just one bathroom just one bathroom but there's three of them in total so i had to be like sneaky about it and go find a plunger luckily the janitor's closet was like right next to like my desk and i got it but i was mortified that someone was gonna look at me and just be like oh my god what is this watch you take the plunger to the bathroom saying it's no you clogged that shit up i know because there was no patience and i was like i was like i can't blame on anybody else i feel like i'll go deal with it i'll go deal with it no one gambled on guys who unblocked up the bathroom it was not even the poop it was just the toilet paper i just had to like fix it it was very mortifying i was like this i was like one time i think i've ever been embarrassed about like my poop my poop habits other than that i don't care i remember one time when i was at uh in high school i had to poop so bad oh no yeah i think i remember him and i literally was like oh no did you make it oh oh what was that we got a notification a notification a notification a notification notification my child is annoyed no she just wants attention has to be she likes to cause destruction cause mayhem it's always that one friend that has the baby first she's the experiment experiment what do you mean she's better be mad at this at this rate i swore i wasn't having a baby first yeah you jinxed yourself lo and behold you jinxed yourself so hard you're like i did i really did you kept the i said you always brought it up i didn't always bring it up i just always swore it wasn't going to be me yeah you always swore up now yeah like oh my god it's so funny the fact that it was you oh my god um i was like so scared when i realized i was pregnant i was like oh my god what am i gonna do yeah what were your thoughts on it like what's going through um when i first found out i was like this can't be true i cannot be pregnant mind you i'm freaking 22 at the time um and i was like i'm still in with my mom you know i don't know what i'm gonna do i was we're in a mexican household okay so at that point it's like you still have to ask your mom when you're going somewhere you still gotta let her know she's like let me in i hear you guys are in there brave dog information you brave dog information for him um but i was freaking out because i was thinking my mom was going to disown me yeah but she ended up being okay with it obviously they act like they're not okay with it and then they're like oh my god you're bringing me a baby yeah but i told michelle because i didn't know what to do and oh my god i'm not even gonna bother um i know like she was born in december and now we're almost there yeah it's so crazy true oh yeah you did get me flowers honestly i think it's because i was in between jobs yeah i was definitely in between jobs and elsewhere that was coming along i was very sad i was um work i was working in tennis so i was like this was not working for me so like all my money was going to like gas my bills i wasn't getting paid as much and it was just stressful yeah like those past those couple months when i got laid off for my restaurant job but now i feel like i'm doing much better because i'm closer to home working working anywhere for the whole doctor yeah oh not even that it's just like it's a commute that was killing me and if i say gas is like a thousand dollars that's a lot yeah oh not a thousand dollars i pay a thousand dollars but best at least you had a job yeah yeah i'm currently just to say oh my so i got no money to do this thing okay i'm currently unemployed oh yeah low-key want to get another cabin but a more chill cabin with like my actual friends you know they weren't my friends when i went by spring 21st they're like party friends yeah yes no i feel like some of them were your party friends i'm still good friends with it's more like i want to be more intimate more like togetherness not 21st birthday you want your best season yeah i don't like best season i don't want 21st birthday wives i want um 24 24th birthday wives with like charcuterie boys in line so i have to i'm gonna look into it because we're also going to the beach in october we were gonna go to chicago but she's yeah we're gonna go to myrtle beach we got our resort and everything okay resort yeah it's like a it's like a it's the one that only includes we're going to october at the end of october for our anniversary oh okay yeah because uh we were gonna go to chicago but we were buying our flights and we bought them off the app hopper and towards the end that when everyone was paying for them the app like glitched and like the tickets got lost and he was still charged what no i think he did but like it took a couple of days obviously they're so quick to take your money but to get your money back it's like for real i think every place is like that and then so that kind of like put us i was already very hesitant on going to chicago because like i get nervous because i'm just like i want to go but like i'm nervous it's like you obviously don't know where you're going like we have to ride a car we have to write oh hell like because you know like or you have to uber everywhere which is just as expensive yeah so we were like i was already kind of like i didn't say i was on the fence to go to chicago but i wanted to go because i wanted to go to the mean i wanted to go to starbucks preserve i wanted to go to like all these places in chicago which i think i still want to go to chicago but the fact that that flight thing happened i was like hmm maybe this is a sign for the universe that we shouldn't go so and then i found that the hotel and it was honestly so cheap it was like fifty dollars a night oh wow for like a little like queen suite so it's got like a room a kitchenette living room oh yeah yeah i think this is the time that we're going yeah definitely in october but i would say i don't care i mean way better it's myrtle beach though i've never been to like an outside florida beach what do you mean myrtle beach myrtle beach is in south carolina oh well you've never been to like tidy islands yes i have been but like the thing is like i've never been to like that's myrtle beach so like i don't know what the weather is gonna be like in october i think it'll be in like the 70s which honestly is fine with me so it definitely won't be nearly as hot as it currently is yeah because we're gonna go to florida but we're wet right now it is i'm going there next month i'm going there next week why are you like wait a second i'm going next thursday timeline is oh my god i'm so out of it what are you in florida for uh my cousin's having a baby shower oh that's right yeah so mom is having like she's going all out for your mom yeah that's crazy what are they having a girl a girl oh my god girls i swear i if i ever had a kid i would be the boy i just wanted to be a boy really yeah i've already had a boy i know i'm so scared of that boys are such a handful like they are they're tornadoes i'm just spitting each other oh my god i swear i think i'm gonna have a boy like i feel like my first child's gonna be a boy for some reason i hope so because like all that's like you could see us i've seen us be a boyfriend yeah i'm already planning on my child my imaginary child no i think it's just because like i feel like everyone has sexuality oh my god whatever my child can be whatever the fuck they want to be um no i just think it's because all my you've had a girl all the people that i've known in my life have had girls um my so you think you're the one to have a boy i just think so i think like or you know what life might surprise me just give me another girl yes do you want a chair no do you want to sit here a t-shirt yeah because that's kind of a comfy that little ledge i know it's just made out of wood i don't i don't want you to get the foot out of your butt you could uh put on the address she's gonna have the time of her life fall off dude do it honestly dude i don't even know if i can have kids well i'd love to do because like my whole life like by like what is it five boys were in the family oh i feel like my mom wasn't even happy yeah well you're a rainbow baby well not a rainbow baby a miracle baby miracle child oh my god calling you an accident i have no idea like i already have issues now what yeah i've always had issues yeah like it's so inconsistent i think it's not the problem because mine's like never on a consistent schedule and we'll say how i turned out mine has never been inconsistent to the recent past couple months i don't know if it's a stress but i'll get my period in one month and i won't do it another month and then i'll freak out and i'll be like oh my god i'm pregnant and then i think it's just like nothing yeah you've never freaked out about like pregnancy i didn't i'm like two months two months yeah two months without i was actually serious yeah yes we went out for me when you're pregnant i did well i did i didn't know that i was pregnant and i went out in the wild she's a hat i'm wild oh my god probably such a fun topic yeah it's gonna be crazy hey girly causing us a whole ruckus zero she hates for me to be sitting down you should try to put her on that unplayable mattress i do not want to why i know she's just gonna want to get off pop off the edge it'll be so much fun for like two seconds oh baby can be like let's talk about something it's gonna cause a little drama drama we're already on episode one and we're already talking about drama let's bring them in okay let's get our last truck of the day let's see if you'll actually like if you want to listen to us wait okay let's hear drama y'all three because you're the one that's starting the thought oh my god i know i do not wish that upon myself not that drama is that okay you may do that in the group chat today why what is it because you were insisted that i brought athena which i mean i understand you guys want to see her yeah but i'm like i want to record this and not have to babysit my child and like have her being a mess you know you're like telling me that i need to like that i need to give it a try and just see how she's gonna be yeah but i know how she's gonna be like i know her i know that she doesn't do well with other people and like she's never hung out with your mom so she wouldn't be okay with your mom you know and like my mom can barely take care of her for an hour yeah so i'm like i know she's not gonna be okay if she's not with me so i was like i was like if i'm saying no about my kid then i know how she is you know so that's the one thing that bothered me and i was like this didn't go well to con what is it counter-attack okay i don't we can get it as like i like i just i forget but it's more like i don't mind for you i think it's like you think i don't want your child here that's how i view it that you don't want her here but it's me it's like i don't care if she's here to hang out with us i understand the whole aspect of you babysitting her and it's like i if i if you want me to hold her i will or if you want jillian to hold her for a while we will and it's like for me i don't mind like holding her or like being there for her as much as she'll let me be there for her you know i get that you're saying that but the thing is she's not gonna like she's gonna be with you for like maybe five minutes and then she'll just want to be with me you know which is like i understand and i'll 100 let y'all take care of her but right now as for being an infant she just needs me too much yeah and wants just me but it's like even if you want to take care of her she won't let you know i just i didn't think of it like i'm not gonna do those it's more of like i didn't want you to think i didn't want her here that was my mentality that i just i didn't want you to think that i didn't want her here that was my whole thing it's like i always want her around her but i didn't want her i wanted her to not be distracted just tell me like i really want a break from her i really want her to stay at home you know what i mean yeah just tell me because like the communication is back at the key you know you just have to like tell me like look like i just need a break from my child yeah i'm yeah that's definitely what it is i just need a little small break and i'm sorry for not taking that into consideration thank you i know i just don't know i didn't think of it like that i think i thought of it as you you thought i was going to be in the way if i could be broader but that was my that was mine i didn't even think of like oh i don't want to break her it's more of like i think you didn't want to like bother me yeah oh she'll never be a bother yeah right she's my bestie for the rest of the year i mean definitely when she's older and like doesn't need me as much you know it'll be easier yeah right now i'm just like she just wants to be attached to me oh a hundred percent she's just her finger in my mouth i thought she spit in your she's like you haven't done that to me it's gross oh but yeah oh did they all spit in the mouth did you just spit um i can do that no but i'm sorry and next time you really want that just tell me be like look i want her to okay just just tell me like be straight up with me i won't care okay or just no i don't like that okay well i wanted to say it for the podcast i was gonna tell you in text and i was like let's have some drama in there oh my god savage me dramatic what what could never be you jessica and i are so dramatic honestly we bicker like sisters we do i've known this girl for somewhere in middle school it's like i bicker with her all the time yes absolutely but you know i wouldn't have it any other way for real i don't think i could bicker with anybody else like i bicker with i feel like everybody else would take it to heart yeah and it's just like please scream be scared about he's like wow so sorry i know i know everyone's either doing this bladder you know i think that's her favorite part to joke on well i think where are we at we're at what 30 minutes 30 minutes do you think that's a good time i'm hungry let's go eat okay guys i think we're gonna end it here because yeah um we can definitely come another day and talk to you about all of our problems which we'll have more next week i might or might not have um arthritis we'll save that for the next episode all right everybody y'all have been listening to three chicas we will catch y'all later bye how does bye like that you know that one oh

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