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white room game

white room game

Zozo Recon



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The speaker explains that life and self-improvement can be boring, and many people prefer playing video games over studying or working on themselves. They discuss how games like The Sims and World of Warcraft can provide discipline and motivation, and question why people can make better decisions for their virtual selves but struggle in real life. The speaker suggests that games fulfill people's needs and provide dopamine hits, which motivates them to achieve goals. They propose creating a system to make life like a game, where goals are set and progress is tracked. The speaker emphasizes the importance of belief and fulfillment in motivating oneself to achieve goals. They provide steps for turning life into a game and setting goals. The truth about life is that it's boring. There are millions of people who would rather level up their clash of clans town hall rather than level up themselves or their business. And honestly speaking, we would all rather play video games all day rather than studying all day. Me included. But the only reasons we choose to study is because 1. It actually means something 2. We fail 3. Our futures are in danger and 4. There's a lot of other shit I don't feel like saying. But the fact is that life slash self-improvement slash actually doing something productive in life is most of the time boring. And the sad thing is that a lot of us would rather watch some random short about some moron answering a trivia question on a Tuesday afternoon who none of us know or give a fuck about. And this is a true story. I actually spent like one minute like today watching some moron answer a trivia question for no reason. And it's mostly because your brain will prefer the short term jerking off it gets from these activities rather than the long term. Well, e.g. as a creator of the first real life Whiteroom you do realize that the students in the Whiteroom study splash played life as a video game in there. Alright, I'm gonna stop saying splash. So, how can we do this in real life? And what was the system the Whiteroom used to make life like a game? So, for example, let's look at some games. The Sims and World of Warcraft. People can go play The Sims for 8 hours straight and they can achieve discipline in The Sims. To develop routines where the character hits the gym works like 10 different jobs and socializes the character for like 10 minutes then like jerks the other character off. There's a lot of things they do in The Sims but won't do in real life. So, how can they make such better decisions for their virtual self but they can't make the same decisions for their personal self? You could say, well, you're not the person in the game and that's not really true because the reason why you're getting those results in the game is because you're having fun getting those results and that allows you to have willpower to will yourself to get those results in the game. So, why don't you have willpower to get results in your life? We need to figure that out. And the way you really figure it out is by looking how World of Warcraft is set to a dix to unlock massive fulfillment. So, here's exactly why. If you look at World of Warcraft and The Sims and Clash of Clans and all these stupid games every person's need is being fulfilled and it's also being broken down in ways that they can release a lot of dopamine then unlock that fulfillment and allow them to get more and more dopamine hits by working towards the goals that they already achieved. So, there's really three parts. There's social recognition, there's feeling of value, there's fulfillment, and there's belief. Okay, so around here like everyone stops watching the video but just listen to me for five minutes like max and I'm going to make a life like a video game and addicting like a video game. So, continue watching please. So, if you have all these three things you unlock massive willpower. Like I said before, if you guys throw out social recognition, feeling of value, fulfillment, and belief. So, let me explain the real question. In World of Warcraft all three of these things are filled to their very maximum. When you log in into the game what first happens is that you see people who've already gotten the results you're looking for and you also see better whenever you do something you see yourself instantly getting the results in a little bar in the bottom of the screen as you start to level up. And the same thing happens in the sim. You see other houses. You see other sims. You start seeing progress toward your goal to go there very quickly. And it's like Call of Duty as well. You see a prestige master and you see a level one and you see, okay, it's possible to be a prestige master. And because you know it's a video game and you believe that video games and the algorithm on which the video game works on for lack of a better word you believe it's going to happen. So, there's nothing stopping you from having the willpower to go out there and try to achieve fulfillment in the game. But if you think about life right now and the business you're working on the way you're pursuing entrepreneurship if you guys are, I hope you guys are do you truly believe that's going to happen? Probably not, right? Like even right now, man I don't know how much views this video is going to get. It could get zero views for all that I know. If you look at the most successful NBA coaches, for example they're usually not the smartest ones but they're usually the most boring ones. They have very boring routines. What they focus on are very small things and tracking them. And so you can learn how to do that too. But the problem is that you don't unlock the belief because you don't believe in it. And when have you ever succeeded in life when you believed you couldn't do it? Like for example, if you believed that you failed the test while you were doing the test you would probably fail the test. But if you could believe you could do it in a game in The Sims, you see the results there. No one doubts that they're not going to become level 2 because that's fucking easy. And it's right there. You see the progress bar, etc. And so there's nothing stopping you from having the motivation there. When motivation really comes down to is belief and that you'll get your thing. That's it. Having powerful enough motivation will basically let you accomplish anything. So for example, my first motivation was to get a thousand subscribers. But now I desire a hundred thousand subscribers and a lot more shit. Those are my goals and that's my reason. And I believe I can get to those things and I believe I can make my best attempt and have a very good chance of achieving those things. So what these games do is they knock out the belief right off the get-go. And so instead, you're starting to get fulfillment because you set goals that are realistic. For example, in a game, no one doubts that they're not going to reach level 100 because you know all you have to do is just play 10 hours a day. And it's easy. That's the gist, right? And what most people do in internet marketing or building a business is that they set their first goal to get a hundred dollars a day or to get a thousand subscribers in one month. And that goal in World of Warcraft is like getting to level 50. And getting to level 50 takes like about a hundred hours of play. That's a lot of time to focus. Maybe more than that, honestly. But in The Sims, getting the biggest house in the game also takes like a month of playing. And then like Black Ops 2 to get Prestige Master takes like probably around like a year of playing. So when you start playing these games, if you have a goal, you don't set that goal because that's irrational. What I mean is, it's like starting fucking Call of Duty and 15 minutes into the game, you think that you're like, fuck, I'm not level 100. Well, like that's basically the same shit as like starting a YouTube channel and like making 10 videos and be like, oh, I got like a hundred views in total. But you then, but in the game, you see your Sim getting promotions and gradually moving forward. You're like, yeah, I'm fulfilled. This is fun. And as you start getting fulfillment, you understand you're going to get fulfillment in business. Not from the money coming in, but by hitting your goals. And because you can enroll in World of Warcraft, track your goals and constantly see your goals, you start getting results really quickly. Because getting from level one to level two doesn't require anything. It's like killing three rabbits. But when we get into like entrepreneurship, your goals in learning how to build like a Facebook ad, which is equivalent to like killing three rabbits. Your goal is to go full time, to become professional. And so you don't hit that goal. You don't really see progress towards that goal. And so you really get depressed and you don't have fun doing it. Therefore, you don't get fulfilled and therefore you stop. And in World of Warcraft, you hit that first goal really quickly and then you hit the second one really quickly. And when you get to level 30, the goals start coming a little bit slower, but you had the belief into you already because you're level 30. So pretty much, the gist of what I'm trying to say is that what we need to do is create a system that's like a game. And I'll tell you guys how to do it. Okay, so if you made this far in the video, and understand what I said, now it's time to tell you guys how to make a life into the game. So we're going to be using Call of Duty as the layout because it's my favorite game. So this is going to be the first step into making your life a game. So first, we need to find out what's our current level. So in the comments, do this right now. Rate yourself out of 10 in these seven categories. Intelligence, combat ability, money, influence, family slash relationships, physical health slash body, and mental health. And remember, 10 is like combat ability, it's like John Jones. And 10 in intelligence is like Nikola Tesla. So if I see 10, I'm going to find you and I will kill you for being a stupid moron in my comment section. No one should have 10 in anything, unless you're like a billionaire and born into like a family. So once you rate yourself, add those numbers up and then divide them by seven. So for example, if you were three out of 10 in all of them, which is like not bad, that's pretty good. Actually, that might not be that good. So three times seven equals 21 and then 21 divided by seven is three. So your current level is three. So now that you know your current level, you know that the max level is 100. So you just want to aim for the 100 basically. So now you want to find out what gives you XP to move that progress bar up and become a higher level. So under each category, place a game mode under it. So for example, in Call of Duty, if you play team deathmatch, you'll get a higher level. So for each game mode, just for each category, put a game mode under it. So intelligence, you can just put search and destroy. Combat ability, put domination. Money, put team deathmatch. Influence, put infected, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So once you have all these written down, what you want to do is make your game mode, which will give you the most XP for that attribute, make it the actual thing that's like the highest leverage activity that will give you XP in real life. So put at least three activities. So if you guys don't understand what I'm just saying, it's like for example, so mental health equals kill confirmed, which is a Call of Duty game mode. And then that equals meditation, journaling, and gratitude because those three things will actually give me XP into hiring my mental health bar, if you guys understand. So another example would be like money equals team deathmatch. That's like the game mode I would play. And if I click on that game mode, what that would be, so for example, for me, since like it's money and business, it would be create a script, edit a video, make a thumbnail. So another one this can be is like family slash relationships. So that can be the game mode and Call of Duty would be gun game. But that game mode, when you click on it and play, it can be like hug your mom, like hang out with your family, et cetera, et cetera. I don't know, go on a date with your girlfriend, like relationships and stuff. So you want to go to each task and then write the three highest leverage tasks that will give you the most ROI. So once you guys have done that, let's write that all down in the comment section. So once everyone's done this, right? Or I don't know if anyone would watch like to the end of this video because everyone's fucking retarded. So lastly, now the games will begin once everyone writes these down in the comments, then I will pin the highest level currently. So the leaderboard is on B in the comments. Then I will also have a real and better one in my online white room program because obviously I can't fucking do it in the comments like the best, but I'll do a better one in my actual white room. But yeah, that's it for today, guys. Please take action and please take action and write it down in the comments and I'll see you guys next time.

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