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Dr Stone IQ

Dr Stone IQ

Zozo Recon



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Zenku from Dr. Stone is incredibly intelligent with an IQ over 200. He was able to rebuild civilization after it was reset to caveman technology. Can we also gain this knowledge? Yes, human potential is unlimited. Here is a step-by-step guide to increase IQ and knowledge. Take an online IQ test, improve cognitive abilities through a free program, read hundreds of books, and take free courses on advanced subjects. Mental health and productivity are also important. Take a mental health test and follow recommended courses. Don't procrastinate. The resources are provided in the video description. It's up to you to take action. Zenku from Dr. Stone is crazy smart, and has an IQ of over 200, so smart in fact that when his world was reset to caveman technology, he was able to build everything back up from scratch. Then this begs the question, can we also gain the ability to possess such knowledge? The answer is, the human potential is unlimited, so let's try first and find out. Today I'll give you a full practical step by step guide so that you can also increase your IQ, intelligence, and knowledge, so just in case our world turns to stone, you can save us. So let's begin. So step 1, I've literally wrote these steps in like autistic level detail so you guys can just do it step by step, so let's go in. Step 1, complete the online IQ test in the description. So in order to increase our IQ, we first need to find out what it is in the first place. So I'll put a free online IQ test, which obviously isn't the most accurate, but it'll give us something to work with. So pause the video, complete the test, get your score, and then comment it down in the comment section, so that in a couple months, or even weeks, we can improve that score and boom, you increase your IQ. So I've sent like 30 links, and do all 3 tests, and then get the median, so we can get the most accurate score. Step 2, Cognitive Abilities. Memory, the ability to process information, and reaction time, these are all things that correlate to your IQ. A lot of people don't even know what Cognitive Abilities are, let alone know how to increase them. A lot of people just act like these things can't be improved upon or increased, but that's just cat. To increase your Cognitive Abilities, I have an 8-week free program that is designed to increase your Cognitive Abilities, and it has done so for at least 20 to 30 people so far. So for step 2, I would like you to start the program today, so you can get your Cognitive side taken care of. And with that out of the way, we'll move to step 3. So by now, you should have done day 1 of my Cognitive Ability program, which is in the description, and also got your score and commented down in the comment section. So if you're done these 2 steps, then we'll go to step 3. Step 3, Knowledge. Okay, let's talk about Senku now. Senku is a complete bookworm. He has presumably read thousands of books, like that might be a little bit far-fetched, but that's what it says in the series. Start reading hundreds and hundreds of books at a young age. The fact is that there is no easy shortcut, you are going to have to read books. So I challenge you for the year 2024, as like New Year's just passed by like 2 days ago, or I don't know when this video is going to be posted. Set a goal for reading at least 50 books, and in the description of the video, I have a free PDF drive with over 100 free books, which I have hand-picked personally to help you become like Senku. This shit is worth like a lot of money, like I already put this in my private program because I like to put all my like secret hidden gems in that shit, but I'm giving it to you guys as well. And lastly, like you guys are not going to be able to read that much books unless you have a structured routine and have dedicated reading time every day. So aim to at least read 10 pages a day. Have a routine, but even if you don't follow that routine, have a non-negotiable act that is reading 10 pages every day. So like even if you're just about to go to sleep, and you're like oh shit I forgot to read, just read it real quick. The only way you can gain more knowledge is by bringing the knowledge to you. Your knowledge is not going to suddenly just fall out of the eye, I mean out of the sky, and just be given to you, you need to gain it. And with that being taken care of, we'll move to the fourth step. Step 4. So you can only learn like as much like surface level knowledge like through books, like how are you supposed to like get specialized knowledge and like the real shit? Because in my opinion, like school is kind of shit, and the subjects are really limited, like you can't really explore like your true passions. What if there was a way to learn subjects like advanced chemistry, psychology, and that's at a university level for free, which ThankFu has done. There actually is. There are free courses that you can consume on YouTube to help master each subject one by one. Not only that, there's also other websites that you can do like homework and everything, which I'll put in the description below. So high level universities like Harvard and MIT. But don't worry, again, I have handpicked everything and placed it down below. So I'll put a psychology course and a chemistry course that you guys can start watching. Don't do this, don't do everything right away. Like do like my 8-week cognitability program, start reading, and then slowly ease into it. So by now you guys should understand that being a buffoon is really up to you, as I give you guys the blueprint and the free resources, which cost thousands for free in the description. So lastly, I just want to talk about the only thing you need in order to do these steps. So step 6, mental health and productivity. Even though you're given all the tools and a step-by-step guide in order to increase your IQ, since a lot of you guys have bad mental health and zero productivity habits, a lot of you guys are going to fail. So first, complete this mental health test in the description again. See, I put like a thousand things in the description right now, but like just do this last thing. So just to see if this applies to you, do this test and see if you get like a depression score, and if you do, you'll need to work on this and I'll tell you how. So if yes, it should tell you what to work on, and I'll recommend a free course that you could take to help your mental health. So I'm tired of just like saying shit, like I'm just gonna give you guys everything today. So if you have depression, if you got like a really low score, I'll give you another mental health course which is free and you can do pretty easily and it's gonna be like really effective because I've done it myself. So next, you want to make sure you have a routine for every day so you can start procrastination. Like procrastination is just a mental like masturbation. Oh, that rhymed. So if you're unable to read a book but have nine hours screen time daily, which like majority of you have, I know for a fact, you can also hop on my 28-day dopamine detox program which is also in the description. So yeah, thank you guys for watching today's video. And it was kind of weird because I honestly got tired and put every solution in the description. Like I think I mentioned like nine different things in the description. But for 2024, it's up to you guys now. Do you want to take action or not? Peace on the street.

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