Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Yohan and Anakoji are both incomplete monsters. Yohan lacks physical abilities and Anakoji lacks social skills. The creator of the White Room wants to help them reach their full potential. He starts by teaching social skills, including persuasion and storytelling. He also emphasizes the importance of active listening and studying great speakers. Next, he discusses charisma and talking skills, highlighting the impact they can have on power and influence. Confidence, clarity, and studying successful speakers are key factors. Emotional intelligence is also important, focusing on understanding oneself and others. Practicing totalism and people watching can help improve emotional intelligence. Understanding psychology, particularly human behavior, is beneficial. Lastly, the creator discusses physical abilities and provides a workout routine for Anakoji, focusing on a mix of weighted training and calisthenics. Yohan and Anakoji, two monsters, yet do you realize that they're both incomplete? Yohan lacks the physical abilities such as combat, speed, or strength, and Anakoji lacks social skills and social indebtedness. And as the creator of the first real life White Room, I can't let my students be incomplete failures. It's my job to make sure you guys reach your 100% potential. So let's begin with social skills. Before I get started, please do not overcomplicate this shit. You need to be yourself. You do not need a poker face or a con face for basic social skills, nor do I promote that. Don't try to be aloof and emotionless to act like Anakoji, just act like yourself. Let's begin now on how to have social skills like Yohan. So to begin, persuasion. To truly command the room, persuasion is key. It's the secret that takes your charisma and talking skills to another level. Persuasion is about understanding your victim, their desires, fears, and motivation. It's about framing your message in a way that resonates with them, saying those emotional chords. I will leave study resources in the description, but here are some methods you should use. One practical tip is to use the power of storytelling in your speech. Leave in stories that are relatable, that stir emotions, and create vivid pictures in the mind of your audience. Stories that make your message stick. Now I understand that you guys are natural storytellers and you can't just do this technique right away. Hence, I've already said I'll leave study resources in the description. It is up to you whether or not you want to actually learn the skill about understanding the skill. Another key aspect is to learn the art of rhetorical devices. Use repetition for emphasis. Analogies to make complex ideas simple, and rhetorical questions to engage your audience. These tools make your speech much more impactful. Working at a theater or a drama center could also be a huge boost by the way. I know a lot of you guys are in India, so this is probably not. Actually no, there's a lot of Bollywood actors yet. So if you can do this, you should because it will be a huge benefit. And lastly, like I don't even want to say this, but practice active listening. So this might sound counterintuitive, but understanding and responding to your audience's verbal and non-verbal cues makes you a much more effective communicator. So I'm not talking about like some stupid shit like listen to your person who's talking, which is so obvious, so I'm not going to say that. But it's about verbal and non-verbal cues. You want to not just actively listen, but you want to actively watch them. It shows that you're in tune with them and that builds trust. Study great speakers, from politicians to motivational speakers. Analyze their techniques, how they structure their speeches, their body language, and how they engage with their audience. Then practice, practice, practice. Public speaking and precision are skills honed over time through experience and feedback. So for example, someone who you may want to study is Grant Cardone. The way he goes up and down in his tonalities is really good. And remember, it's not just about speaking well. It's about connecting, influencing, and leaving a lasting impact. Whether it's Obama's calm assurance, Tate's bold confidence, or Hitler's passionate intensity. Like how he had that next level like passionate intensity. Each has a unique style that captivated their audience. Find your style, hone it, and use it responsibly. Do not try to copy someone else. Number two, charisma and talking skills. Guys know how to talk and be charismatic, can legitimately make you one of the most notorious dictators of all time. So for example, Hitler was a nobody. He failed art school and joined the military since he had no choice. But through everything, what made him shine like a diamond in the rough? It was his next level charisma and talking skills. Whether you hate him, love him, almost anyone who lived in Germany in that time period can attest to this. So now that you know that, by just having charisma and next level talking skills, it can bring you to the height of power, just like Hitler did. But what are you doing? So let me tell you on how to actually improve this ability. First, it's about confidence. Own your space, believe in what you say. Confidence is contagious. It draws people in. That's something that Hitler had abundance of. Next up is clarity. Be clear in your communication. People follow what they can understand and relate to. So for example, Hamza, he is really clear and everyone can understand and relate to what he says. And then there's the art of storytelling, like I already said. And then next is studying. Again, you want to keep studying everyone. Watch people like Barack Obama, Annie Tate, and Hitler speak. They all have the secret talking skills. And then finally, Annie Tate and Hitler speak. They all have the secret talking power. Obama is calm and concise and clear. Tate speaks with unmatched confidence and conviction. And Hitler, the emotion, the passion. These two, persuasion and charisma, tie in together. You see, I'm like kind of saying the same thing, but you need to have these skills and you need to study people. So I'll leave more study resources in the description. So I'm basically stating the skills and then how to learn a skill will be a clear material in the description. But two people I recommend is improve your voice, YouTube channel, and charisma on command. Because as I'm myself, I'm trying to increase the skill. And also I just want to say that there's also some crybaby in the comments every time I mention Hitler. I'm not saying he was a good person, but I'm just being objectively true about his charisma and his talking skills. So now let's go to the third, emotional intelligence. It's not just about understanding others. It's about understanding yourself, your emotions, your reactions, and your triggers. The better you grasp your emotional landscape, the better you can navigate someone else's. The main way I would say you can practice emotional intelligence is one, practice totalism. And by now you should know what that is. If you don't, just go piss off. Then think of emotional intelligence like a mental workout. Play a game with yourself. For instance, when you're ticked off, challenge yourself to find three different ways to handle it. It's like mental gymnastics for your emotions. Then another way is to go people watching with a twist. So I have people do this in my one-year white run program. So they go to a public place and they just watch people. But here's the catch. Try to guess what they're feeling, what their day might be like. And it's like being a detective for emotions. So we have people in this white room, and then they just post like what I just said. And basically they all have like different things, and it's helped them become way more better on being emotionally intelligent. So overall, you just need to be self-aware. Always stay calm and composed, but also be able to start crying right when you need to. Master your emotions and you'll master life. And lastly, understanding psychology. Second, just like human nature, understanding the human mind and its function, especially those affecting behaviors in a given context, can obviously be highly beneficial and allow you to strike when the time is right. So I'll leave a full list in the description for study resources for psychology as well. But here's some good ones I recommend. So the first one would be the Stanford Psychology course, which you can watch for free on YouTube. And I'll send a link to it. It's not boring. The professor is pretty charismatic. So even you guys should probably be able to wrap your mind around it. And then the second research I would recommend is The Eagle in the Lid by Sigmund Freud. And lastly is The Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung. Those two authors are geniuses and really renowned in the psychology field. So if you're going to read anything in psychology, you should. Those two I recommend, although they may be peripherals or something. So as you guys master that, let's talk about physical abilities and Anarkoji now. Okay, so now we're going to be talking about Anarkoji and how to become like him physically. And this will be the complete package, basically, because you guys can learn how to get smarter through everything I have on my channel. So the first thing you need to do is go to the BMR calculator to figure out how many calories you'll need to be consuming daily to build muscle. So I'll leave a link on the description. But you can't just go to the gym and eat more one day and then eat less the other. It's ecological thinking. And stupid thing is Anarkoji will never do. And I advise you that you do this step by step so you can take action right away. So put your age in, your weight and your height, and figure out the calories and come back. Once you have this number, we'll move on to the next step, which is the actual workout routine. So from what we heard from the Nightwolf novel and the anime, Anarkoji has a developed back, forearm, and most likely has insane hand grip. He now is able to manipulate the hand grip device. Overall, you can tell he works out, but in regular coding, he doesn't look like crazy. Based on this and physical capabilities, he does a mix of weighted training and calisthenics. His split is most likely three days of training, then rest, then three days of training. The following is going to be his workout. So since most of my viewers don't have gyms near them, this will be a home workout. The warmup will be five to 10 minutes of light cardio, so jump jacks, jumping jacks, high knees, etc. Then one to two sets of 10 reps each, pushups, squats, lunges, and crunches. That's just the warmup. Then the main workout. So this will not be separated between like a split, push-pull legs, but this will just be a full body workout you'll do each day for three days. So you do pushups, squats, dips, and lunges for three sets of 10 to 15 each. And then you do pull-ups. If you don't have a pull-up bar, you can use your door frame, or you can use your fence. And then you can just find like a sturdy bar to grip, or you can just do rows, like with your chair or something. So three sets of as many as possible, so till failure. And then planks, do three sets till failure. Try to train your mental discipline. So this is just the base routine. Once you get higher and higher, like level, you will have to increase the difficulty on your own till you turn into your Anukroji level power. Because I don't know if you guys can even do a pushup, because a lot of you guys and my peers this quick could not be able to, but then you were able to with my help. So Anukroji does advanced handstand pushups, but obviously most of you guys can't do that, so I can't just say that right away. So basically you want to work your way up. Once one of these exercises become too easy, then you want to change it to a harder variation. So for example, after you master the pushup, go to archer pushups, and then there's even a harder variation afterwards. And after you master pull-ups, start doing muscle-ups, and then one-arm pull-ups, etc. And since we're working with the body, you cannot just add more weight to the bar. We need to progressively overload our body. But if you're working on the gym, you can just progressively overload. And lastly, if you guys want a very advanced workout, which is like Anukroji level, go on my channel, go on my banner, and there will be a link to my Substack post of the advanced one. And like my previous email thing was like not working, so a lot of you guys didn't get it, but if you just search up EJ Philosophy, Substack, or just click my channel, then the banner, you'll find it. And that's pretty much it for this video. If you want to reach your 100% potential and join the white room, the test is in the description below. You'll even become even stronger than this video will make you. And that's it. Peace on the street.