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7 products

7 products

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ET is discussing seven products that he recommends for personal growth. The first product is a neck harness for neck training to improve strength and durability in fighting. The second product is a boxing reflex ball to improve reflexes and punching strength. The third product is a back posture bracer to improve posture. The fourth product is Chat GMT4 Premium, an AI assistant that can help with tasks and studying. The fifth product is a two-liter hydroflask for staying hydrated. The sixth product is a hand gripper to improve grip strength and forearm muscles. The seventh product is not mentioned in the transcription. Yo what's up guys it's ET welcome back to another video. Today I want to go over 7 products that Anaconda would use. And look I'm not here to promote any products or say oh you better buy this but if you got the money and you want to invest into yourself or like if you eventually get the money and don't know what to spend it on you want to spend it on video games or like just fast food. Trust me buy these and you're going to experience an exponential growth that's going to set you apart from 99% and bring you closer to your ultimate like version of yourself what we just call Anakoji Kiyotaka. Let's get right into it and number one is going to be a neck harness. So if you guys have seen my videos before you guys always know that I always mention neck training. And why neck training? Well look Anakoji and it's pretty much becoming the best version of yourself a lot of it has to do with fighting. Why? Because you need to be able to hold your ground in the physical world because in real life you always be getting you always have like the potential harm of yourself so knowing how to fight is obviously the most valuable skill that there is out there. The reason why you want to get a neck harness is look I've told you guys normal neck exercises is lying neck curls is going up and down. Yes that helps but if you want to get to the elite level neck strength you want to get to like some next level Canelo neck strength or Mayweather neck strength or even G triple G. All these guys use neck harnesses which they then use weight on it and just train the neck. And look a lot of you guys might be thinking well my neck hurts when I train my neck or I actually don't like training neck. Trust me the reason why you should train neck is look you get punched when you're boxing you're going to get punched when you're fighting either in boxing taekwondo pretty much every fighting martial arts beside like grappling when you get punched the body part that's taking the brunt of the force is your neck and having a weak neck is not make your head wobbly and eventually all that pain going to your head is not be taken by your neck and you're going to be pretty much going to be paralyzing your neck. The reason why you need a strong neck is to just revert that happening and pretty much make you even more durable. Look at Mike Tyson for example dude has the biggest neck and pretty much was the goal of boxing. So my number one recommendation to become more like Anakoji if you can afford this is a neck harness and just do weighted neck training three times a week grow bolder traps and grow a huge neck and your life is not pretty much changed pretty much physically you're going to look stronger and also even if you practice any martial arts it's going to help you even in jiu-jitsu having a bigger neck is not make you harder to choke and rest jiu-jitsu and wrestling so let's get to number two. The second product that I want to recommend is zombie a boxing reflex ball it's pretty much the things where you put a headband on your head and there's going to be a ball flying around and you hit it this is really underrated because one I've never seen anyone buy these products before like for example you can see the odd person wearing a neck harness and like loading up to 45 plates and doing a couple reps like that might be me but look the reflex ball a lot of people don't ever use this and it's actually surprising when you can build your reflexes really fast they're like hella cheap they're like ten dollars and they can also exponentially improve your boxing so pretty much you're getting like a really good deal and it literally can improve everything it can also even improve your punches in general and also here's the problem a lot of you guys who train boxing I know you guys all train like martial arts at home and look training martial arts at home should be a last resort if you can't go to any gym so I recommend this product because like one you're going to be able to build your reflexes two the ball coming at your face every like five seconds also going to build your flinchingness so you're not going to be flinching every time you're going to be able to hit it nicely and you're pretty much also going to be building your punching strength by just knowing when to punch etc it's going to build your instincts your reflexes and stop you from flinching so pretty much it's the best deal fighting wise so now that we have that covered let's go to the third product and the third product that I want to mention is going to be a back posture bracer and look majority of people on earth have shit posture including me I mean not anymore because I do a lot of postural exercises also I wear a back posture bracer but I bet you that look right now let's see the way you're sitting maybe you noticed it right when I said posture but your posture is probably shit right now this back posture bracer is pretty simple they're really cheap and pretty much it's going to set your posture in place automatically so you don't really need to do anything and then you can wear it two hours every day and eventually your muscle memories are going to kick in and for the rest of the day your posture is going to be perfect and we all know that anaconda is perfect in all ways and becoming taller having better like bone growth everything depends on posture so having perfect posture having like a quick eight dollar purchase if that allows you to do that like it's a no-brainer that's why I have all these products and I also recommend you to get it the fourth product I'm going to recommend and look you guys might be thinking oh it's probably gonna be another fighting style one okay I just like fighting but this one's not related to fighting it's chat gmt4 premium and look you guys might be thinking wait why chat gmt4 premium if you can harness the abilities of chat gmt4 in your daily life like I do you're gonna make everything so easy and pretty much gonna automate all tasks and abilities even for studying I barely study for tests I pretty much just run down all the course content like around like a couple hours before have chat gmt summarize it and just tell me like the best points to study and I just study it and then I get like 90 to 100 per every test so you can see that it's working also it can also help you on every assignment pretty much do anything for you chat gmt4 is pretty much the magnum opus of my life and it should be the magnum opus of your life if you know how to harness it well it doesn't matter what grade you're in or what situation you are in life chat gmt4 is pretty much the best thing out there I mean you can literally use chat gmt4 as your therapist or literally your business consultant like you can go to chat gmt like how can I make a thousand dollars per month online and then it'll be like okay start doing this start doing that start doing this start doing that and you can literally just tell you oh you do this for me you do that for me and then all you need to do is just implement and take action like obviously there's a limit to what chat gmt4 can do but you can just take all the instructions and actually do something what I mean is that look you are not smart enough to do something but if you can just use chat gmt4 as like your best friend like you're pretty much going to be set so for the fifth product it's going to be a two liter hydroflask like I have or pretty much a one liter and above hydroflask the reason why I recommend this is look getting water is pretty much the most important thing you should do and it's literally the easiest thing you can do because we all have free access to water you should be getting at least two to four liters of water per day and like I'm not saying this because oh it's healthy because every if you study any athlete or any olympian they all say oh drink more water drink more water they literally had it there was they asked the olympian their daily routine she had scheduled reminders of getting more water in and you guys might have even seen this video as well having a two liter water bottle just makes you makes it much more simpler for you to drink water you can just grab your water bottle or sip sip sip you might think you're not even that thirsty but like when you have a two liter water bottle right beside you the entire day you can probably down like six to eight ounces six to eight liters like I do and look guys assume a lot of you guys already have water bottles but like you guys probably don't use it as effectively if you buy a hydroflask two liter one will actually force you to be like oh I bought this let me use them more so pretty much use a water bottle every day get your four twos two to four liters in and if you don't get your hydroflask in start drinking a lot of water and watch how it changes your life watch how your performance your productivity your mind all change so the sixth product I'm going to recommend is a hand gripper and I have like three to four hand grippers that I'm constantly just gripping on every day easily you can bring these to class and just have your grip strength building building building they cost like ten dollars they fit right in your pocket and you can just build up your grip strength really easily and build up your forearm muscles really easily because like honestly I know a lot of people like who just neglect forearms at the gym because like they're kind of boring and they're kind of like really forgettable but you just have this little machine that costs like ten dollars just keep pressing and pressing and pressing it build enormous grip strength and also build enormous forearm muscles like it's pretty much a it's pretty much like a no-brainer and we even see this in like the classroom that Lee Winona Koji does his grip strength test like I'm not saying he used like a hand gripper in the white room but like if you want to emulate that sort of strength you can use a hand gripper and for the last and final product it's probably the best product out of all these it's my one year white room program and honestly like look I didn't want to like plug it or anything but like honestly I feel like it is probably like on par with all of these if you think about it you have a 430 slide slideshow teaching you how to become your like full potential like full task list with pdf drives with audio drives and also it's like special exams so you can train your critical thinking every week plus like a like like a brotherhood inside the discord server it's like it's pretty much a no-brainer man like how else are you gonna build your critical thinking and actually like solve mysteries and what like better way to do it in our special exams and also you also have like a pdf drive of like a hundred plus books like paid courses that we just found like Anju, Tei, Imankazi, etc and then you have the 430 slideshow that just teaches you okay do this per day do this per day do this per day do this per day and eventually if you do it for all 365 days you just become a beast by default so that's all you need to do on but it is hard like there's like some people are on day 150 some people are day 200 so it is hard there is also a lot of people who couldn't make it through although they weren't even at the hard parts yet so thank you for watching if you want to join the program i just mentioned it will be in the description below but also i'll also give you guys the links for all the other products below i'll put my affiliate link you know if you're gonna buy it anyway at least like help brother out and thank you for watching peace on the street also this video was done like all raw so if you see me rumbling or like a little a little bit like stuttering like this it's because like i'm have no script i have no script peace on the street

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