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cover of Rachel C teeth grinding
Rachel C teeth grinding

Rachel C teeth grinding

Zoe Johnson



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This is a guided relaxation session that helps Rachel relax and let go of tension. The speaker counts slowly, allowing Rachel to drift deeper into a state of relaxation. The goal is to help Rachel overcome her habit of grinding her teeth and clenching her hands when stressed. The speaker suggests focusing on the jaw area and checking it throughout the day to ensure relaxation. By practicing relaxation techniques and expressing emotions, Rachel becomes more confident and able to cope with stress. The speaker also mentions that teeth grinding often happens during sleep due to subconscious stress or anxiety. However, as Rachel continues on her healing journey, her sleep becomes more restful and tension-free. She learns to release tension in her jaw, mouth, and hands, leading to better sleep and a sense of calm and contentment. Rachel becomes more aware of her body and consciously relaxes when she notices tension. Over time, this becomes an automatic response, and Rachel feels more relaxed So just gently close your eyes now. Find that comfortable position. And take some deep breaths in here. This is your time Rachel. Nobody wanting anything. Nobody needing anything. Nobody expecting anything. So let go. Settle down. Relax. Just allow your body to drift down into the surface beneath you. You're supported. You are safe. So allow yourself to relax now. Deeper and deeper now. Allowing the body to sink down gently, comfortably. Letting go of tension with every breath that you take. As you're resting so quietly there, I want to help you to relax even deeper. I'm going to count very slowly up to seven. And in between each count, I'll use the words drifting deeper and deeper. And what you'll find is as this count progresses, that you can drift deeper into that state of hypnotic relaxation. It doesn't matter if your mind wanders. It doesn't matter even if you lose awareness altogether. All that matters now is your own relaxation. So just be comfortable. Allow yourself the pleasure of sinking deeper into that comfortable surface beneath you. Just let yourself drift into that relaxation. As I count slowly up to seven, using the words, drifting deeper and deeper in between each count. And I'll begin that count for you now. One. Drifting deeper and deeper. Two. Drifting deeper and deeper. And already you can feel yourself settling down. Becoming much more relaxed now. You're feeling very comfortable. Beginning to feel peaceful too. Just be aware of that relaxation. Bringing every part of you to rest. Settling you right down. Three. Drifting deeper and deeper. Four. Drifting deeper and deeper. And now you can be aware of how slow and how easy your breathing has become. A little slower and a little deeper too. Each deep breath that you take is making you more comfortable and much more relaxed. More and more relaxed. Just feel your whole body getting heavier. Comfortably heavier. Almost as if you're sinking down. Down. Just sinking down into sheer comfort as each breath you take relaxes you more and more and more. Five. Drifting deeper and deeper. Six. Drifting deeper and deeper. You're feeling more comfortable. More relaxed. Tired. And so glad to be drifting deeper and deeper. Every part of your body is coming to rest now. Feeling tired. Drifting deeper and deeper. Relax. Comfortably relax. Seven. Drifting deeper and deeper into that warm and comfortable state of just letting go completely. Allowing the subconscious mind to take on more of that responsibility for guiding your awareness down as you drift with your own thoughts. Just listening to the sound of my voice. Each word I speak now allows you to continue to drift now deeper and deeper into that relaxation. Nothing bothers you. Nothing disturbs you at all as you concentrate only on my voice. Even the loudest of noises will not bother you at all as you listen to my voice. Concentrating only on the sound of my voice. Each word. Each sound relaxing you even deeper than before. This is your time. A time when you really can become aware of that inner part of you. A time when no one is demanding anything from you. No one needing anything from you. This is your time. A wonderful relaxation of both your body and your mind. Now Rachel, I'm going to allow you just a short time of silence. A few moments that you can use to settle down deeper into that comfortable state you're enjoying right now. Using the ability that you have to drift even deeper into your own innermost mind. When I speak to you again in a few moments time you'll be much more relaxed. More comfortable. Feeling so safe and so secure. Far more relaxed than you are now. So just rest quietly now and enjoy the peace and the tranquility of the next few moments until you hear my voice again. Bringing your awareness back to my voice. Listening to the numbers I count down from ten all the way down to zero. Just allow each number you hear me count to help you to let go a little more deeply. To drift down deeper into comfort. Beginning now. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. And your awareness can drop away regardless of what's going on in the outside world. At this moment nothing matters. Just your sense of calm and comfort. And you're going to find that from this moment forward. Listening to your recordings every day. You're going to become so much calmer. So much more relaxed. So much more comfortable. And you'll also become more confident in your own ability to relax this way whenever you want to. Whenever you need to. You're very aware that tension caused you to unconsciously grind your teeth in the past. And this sometimes happened without you even realising what you were doing. Mostly during your sleep. But perhaps other times as well. But now you are consciously aware of this growing, comforting feeling arising from deep within yourself. And you're going to discover a way of overcoming that old teeth grinding habit once and for all. The tension and anxiety that you have been carrying around in your body, the stress, is the cause of your teeth grinding. And while we cannot eliminate all of the stress triggers in your life, what we can do with the help of hypnosis and your wonderful subconscious mind is to enable you to change the way that you respond to those triggers. You've also found yourself clenching your hands when you're stressed. And you're completely unaware of it and notice it when you find you're digging your nails into your palms. It's an expression of tension. So, we'll focus on the jaw area. It's one of the areas that you need to address. This is why from now on you find yourself instinctively checking your jaw throughout the day to make sure you're not tensing that area or your teeth in any way. And if you notice you are, then you simply relax and let go. Allow those muscles to feel comfortable. Imagine that weight hanging from the jaw pulling it down. That's right. You simply relax and feel comfortable. Much calmer again. Calmer, more relaxed and so much more comfortable too. Using the breath to deepen that sense of calm. You tell yourself that nothing is important enough in life to grind you down and so you relax and let go. You become very proud of your newfound ability to relax this way, so much so that you practice it more and more. And this makes you confident and able to cope more effectively with any situation that arises in your life. You find that as your newfound confidence increases, rather than bottling up any anxious or nervous feelings, you begin speaking, letting them out, letting go of them when you need to. And that could be in a number of different ways, vocalising your feelings, your emotions, moving your body in a way, maybe shaking or fast walking or dancing, maybe self-soothing behaviours such as humming and the deep breathing. Maybe even a cold bath or shower, something to physically release those pent up feelings, because you're fully entitled to your feelings, just as you are entitled to express how you feel. And you're not going to let tension and stresses grind you down, Rachel. So you choose to be open to help you when you need it. And this helps you to relax and feel good. You express yourself in a calm and confident and positive manner, no longer vulnerable. And as a result, you feel so much better and happier and more relaxed. You recognise that most teeth grinding happens during the night, because the subconscious mind remembers stressful or anxiety producing situations, which may have happened in the past or threatened to occur in the future and the mind replays those situations during the night. But when you're expressing your feelings, when you're letting go, going on this healing journey as you are, you'll soon discover that your sleep becomes sounder. And there is no need for your mind to go through the tensions of the day. In future, during the night, should your subconscious ever begin to notice the abnormal touch of your teeth, it will immediately awaken you and you'll smile, realising that there is no longer any need to grind because you've dealt with those feelings. It's so nice when you're feeling tired to just rest your head, drift down into a nice, deep, comfortable sleep. And so amazing to be aware of that comfortable feeling that you experience when your teeth and your jaw is rested, the space between your teeth, no contact at all, just pure comfort and relaxation. And you realise that you now have a grip on the situation, because you've overcome the habit of teeth grinding. And the same situation is within your hands, within the tension you've been feeling in your hands. There's no need to grip your hands or to grind your teeth. You let that tension go, relax jaw, mouth and hands, let them droop, let them drop, let them go floppy, relaxing any tension, breathe that tension away. Release the tension and feel that calm and comfort again. You're sleeping so much better these days, because your sleep is restful, you're awake and refreshed in the morning, full of energy and vitality and ready to greet each new day with confidence. A feeling of anxiety you once had cursing through your body has slowly disappeared, and you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalised, calm and centred, so much calmer and more relaxed than you previously were. Now responding to the normal ups and downs of everyday life, because you have that inner sense of calm and contentment arising from deep within you, no more carrying tension around. You've let it go, you've released it. You trust yourself, you really do. And for the following weeks, you consciously check yourself throughout the day to make sure you're not tensing your teeth, your jaw, your hands in any way. And if you notice you are, then you simply relax. That's right, you simply relax and let go, and feel calmer again, calmer, more relaxed, more comfortable too. And after a few weeks of consciously checking yourself, you realise that this new response is now automatic and your subconscious mind has taken over helping you to relax in this way. By nature, habits are repetitive actions, but by changing those habits, you can alter the negative actions. Becoming conscious of tension in the body, if and when it arises, and instinctively letting go of that tension, as you're doing now, creates a new response that very quickly becomes automatic, a new good habit. So, after a short period of time, you no longer need to remind yourself to relax, it can happen all by itself. So let go, enjoy these wonderful feelings, allow those feelings to take you deeper and deeper into conscious rest, a gentle, hypnotic rest. Subconscious and conscious mind working together in harmony to help you achieve what you want to achieve, to let go of that tension you've been carrying around. To let go of that negativity within you, to reassure yourself as you relax more deeply now. Your own self-healing forces have switched on and enhanced. Muscles, nerves, the very fibres of your being rest and relax. Every system slows down, your breathing becomes more regular, your heart beats more slowly, digestion eases down, so your whole being is at rest. And now healing forces flow through you, repairing, replacing, re-energising, soothing your mind and your nerves. And this special relaxation enables you to feel so much fitter and stronger, more alive in every way. Your mind is serene and tranquil and you are filled with a deep sense of well-being and inner peace. And as you drift deeper now Rachel, these feelings increase and will stay with you long after you finish this session. This new found inner strength enables you to concentrate your mind more keenly. Your memory improves and you feel more self-assured whatever you're doing, whatever is going on around you. Your thoughts are directed outwards, you become more present, more grounded. Every day you become more relaxed, more steady, more settled mentally and physically. Your talents, abilities and all of your special qualities begin to grow stronger and more rewarding. You recognise your own true worth and become aware of your true potential. Your relationships improve as you build up your own innate sense of security, no longer vulnerable. Protect yourself as you go forward with the self-confidence, willpower, self-esteem, determination and self-assurance growing with each day. You feel more comfortable within yourself and within your surroundings as day by day these positive feelings develop deep within you. Day by day life becomes more pleasurable, more fulfilling as you feel so much better within yourself and about yourself in every way. Now if you're listening to me and wish to continue drifting and dreaming, you can ignore my voice from this point forward. Return to full conscious awareness. I will count the numbers from 1 to 5. With each number you hear me count you'll feel more alert, more energised, ready to open your eyes and make these suggestions work for you. On the count of 5, beginning now, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You can open your eyes Rachel when you're ready to.

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