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The last present_1

The last present_1




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The speaker, Eleanor, discusses how to deliver a Christmas storybook session with various animal props. She explains that different animals can be substituted if necessary and emphasizes the importance of keeping voices quiet and staying in one spot during the session. She then goes on to describe the story, titled "The Last Present," which involves visiting different animal homes to find the owner of a mysterious gift. After visiting each animal's home and finding no missing presents, Father Christmas finally discovers that the gift is from the rat family. The speaker concludes by reminding the audience to wash their hands and thanking them for listening. Hey guys so it's Eleanor here and we are going to be going over how to deliver the last present which is one of our Christmas storybook sessions. The animals included in this session are the snake, snail, frog, millipede, rat and scorpion. Obviously if you don't have rats and you have gerbils instead you can use your gerbils for some animals example if the scorpion was shedding its skin or you had to use it already too many times this week you can swap out animals instead for example the tarantula. So this session does include props we will be dressed up as an elf and would it be in a Christmas story session obviously the more energy you give this story the more animated you are the better it will be delivered. So this is commonly delivered to out-of-school clubs, libraries, nurseries but any age group really this is appropriate for. So just like any other session we will start with an introduction and the rules so I would start with hi guys so does anybody know what's coming up really soon if it is the Christmas season that's right it's nearly Christmas now I brought with me today an amazing Christmas story for you guys do you all like stories can I get a thumbs up and this story is amazing because it involves some animals now do we all like animals can I get a thumbs up okay that's great because we're going to be reading through a story and meeting the animals that appear in the story. Now some of the animals we can sit on our hands if you put your hands out flat they can sit on your hand if you don't want to hold them that's okay you could stroke them on their back or you can just have a look and give them a big friendly wave as they come past you but just before we do start the story and meet all of these amazing animals we have three really easy but really important things to remember so first thing we need to remember is we need to make sure that our voices stay nice and quiet does anybody know why? Hopefully you'll get an answer like because they get frightened and that's absolutely right we need to stay quiet so we don't scare the animals. Second thing to remember is stay stuck to your spot then everybody can see the story and everybody can see the animals if they're a little bit younger you can get them to wiggle make sure they're stuck to their spots super glue them themselves to their spots and then finally one more thing to remember is at the end what do we need to do with our hands we need to wash them and if you finished holding one of the animals keep your hands away from your faces so we don't get any germs because lots of these animals they like to play in the mud and the soil so make sure you give your hands a really good wash at the end but let's get into our story so this story is called the last present so my story starts early morn on a cold Christmas Day father Christmas scratched his head in a confused kind of way the night before he was on his sleigh with all of his reindeer delivering presents to children and bringing festive cheer today was Christmas Day there was excitement in every town fireplaces in each home are lit as families gather round wait father Christmas has a present left in his Christmas sack there is no name upon the gift just three boxes wrapped up in a stack whose gift is this I do not understand and I've been to every house across the land I must revisit these animals homes to find the owner of this gift for my annual tasks to be complete each animal should get for what they wish father Christmas jumped on his sleigh and zoomed to the snail family house he tiptoed to the window and peered through as quiet as a mouse he could see them all sat in their chairs at the table covered in slime munching bowls of carrots and sprouts having a wonderful time father Christmas searched around the room and spotted gifts under the tree he counted the snail then count the gifts one two three no presents were missing for the snail family today confused father Christmas scratched his head and hopped back on his sleigh I will continue my trail in search of the answer on Dasher on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer now we can see the snail family have all of their presents and actually guys I have with me today an amazing giant African land snail now if you would like to hold him put your hands up nice and flat if you don't you can use your finger to stroke gently down his shell or you can just have a look and at this point I would then start taking the snail around the room doing your general snail facts that you would just do any other session what they eat their protection their shell what do they feel like all those sorts of things obviously keeping it nice and fun with it being a storybook theme so next up the millipede family was the next stop they were out playing in the park crawling through the snow-covered leaves playing hide-and-seek under the bark all of the hundreds of millipede legs made patterns in the snow soon it would be time to leave the park and to their home they would go father Christmas sneaked into their den underground beneath the soil he counted the presents there with bows and shiny foil no presents were missing for the millipede family today confused father Christmas scratched his head and hopped back on his sleigh I will continue my trail in search of the answer on Dasher on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer so next up guys we have an amazing very tickly animal called the giant millipede so I would introduce my millipede and go around doing all of your general animal facts that you would do at any other session the frog family was the next stop as they were waking up in their tree the branches were covered in tinsel it was a wonderful sight to see to welcome in Christmas Day the frogs began their chorus of croaks ready for a full day of laughter and bad Christmas jokes father Christmas searched between crevices and under every leaf he searched for the frogs presents and to his relief no presents were missing for the frog family today confused father Christmas scratched his head and hopped back on his sleigh I will continue my trail in search of the answer on Dancer on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer so next up we have the amazing frog so I would generally go around with your frog obviously however you feel confident to handle your frog in the box and then maybe get him out when you go back to the center of the circle or if your frog is a little bit too lively to keep maybe stay in the box it does depend on how you how your confidence level really is with your frog but to go around and just give again your general animal handling facts father Christmas ventures underground to the home of the slithering snakes they are nestled around a yule log nibbling on tasty mouse cakes they waited all year for this chance to stretch up tall and sing granddad snake enjoys the noise of each beautiful festive hymn as the snakes sing their songs father Christmas takes a good look around the presents are still set under the tree no missing gift can be found father Christmas feels frustrated and just doesn't understand he will keep searching the animal homes in mud snow and sand I will continue my trail in search of the answer on Dasha on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer so next up would be your snake again just introducing your snake going around doing your general facts handling the snake with the head keeping towards you letting children hold or stroke the snake if they would like to sometime later father Christmas appeared at the house of the scorpion family would this be the home of the lost gift could he finally be put out of his agony all of the baby scorpions were ripping paper and untying bows what gifts and goodies were inside nobody quite knows each scorpion sat by the fire listening to cheerful cries of joy as those around them discovered a new book a game a toy no presents were missing from the scorpion family today confused father Christmas scratched his head and hopped back on his sleigh I will continue my trail in search of the answer on Dasha on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer now this is where you would introduce your scorpion however if you have got a full few days of doing this script sort of back-to-back you're doing it maybe four or five days in a row potentially you're going to have to take your tarantula out instead if you were I would just simply say oh so guys unfortunately the scorpion could not be here today but I've brought you another amazing animal it is a tarantula obviously taking them around in their box explaining why they're not able to be handled just the same as if you had your scorpion with you father Christmas lands his sleigh on the roof of the big rat nest this Christmas Day so far has proved to be an almighty test all of the rats seem tired and are getting ready for their beds father Christmas feels sleepy too but there is something he must do instead he looks around the bedroom at the gift scattered on the floor suddenly he feels a tiny tap on his arm and he turns for the door that unknown gift is from us it's for all that you do we wanted to make you smile and say a big thank you father Christmas felt so happy to have found the presents home it brought a tear to his eye the kindness the rats had shown his task for the day was finished and he could finally take a rest back to the North Pole knowing this year he had done his best a gift from the rat family is my answer on Dancer on Vixen on Rudolph on Prancer so this is where you would take your rat slash gerbil out and bring them around the room doing again just your general animal handling facts finishing off just saying to the group that you have so guys did we enjoy the story can I get a thumbs up well you guys that's so brilliantly I hope you have an amazing Christmas but what do we need to do now with our hands that's right we need to give our hands a really good wash and then passing them either back to their teacher or a member of staff to say thank you

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