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Nikki B

Nikki B

Zilla Carina



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Go. It's recording. Oh, sorry. Gila, how are you? It's great to be here with you. Hi, Nicky. Yeah, thank you, thank you. It's good to talk to you. You applied for Exeter Training. I'm running. What made you reach out? I saw the ad and it just sparked my interest because the content is something that I deal with as part of my coaching business. Oh, I see. So how much do you know about what I do to help people with? Only that you're in that area, that space of child protection. Okay, yeah. Okay, well, because you don't know much, and you're absolutely right, connecting it with child protection. So what I do is I offer training and consulting through services, through organizations that provide services to children and families who have experienced trauma. So I've developed a range of training packages to support professionals and therapists and practitioners and support workers in the work that they do with families. Cool. I know. That's all right. If you jump on back at this stage, it's just 10, 15 minutes. Yeah, at this stage, it's just a quick 10 minute chat to see if perhaps there's potential for us to work together. The idea here is for me to find out more about you and what you're actually wanting to achieve right now. Then I'll share more about what we do and work out if we may be a good fit. Cool. How does that sound? Yeah, sounds great. Thanks. Yeah. To be clear, there's no selling in this call. Before we even go there, I want to know if you are the right client for me because I only work with people who are in alignment with me and how I do things. If we clearly aren't a match, there's absolutely no worries at all. And I will let you know and do my best to point you in the right direction because as I mentioned, I'm really quite selective with who I say yes to. Is that good with you? Yeah, that's good for me. Thank you. Yeah, awesome. So cool. So just to see if we can, well, it's cool. So just to see if we can help, tell me if it's, yeah, is it okay if I ask you a few questions about yourself just to see if we are a good fit? Yes. Yes, it is. Awesome. So whereabouts are you based? I'm actually in Tweed Heads, the southern end of the Gold Coast. Oh, nice. Such a nice area. And what do you do for a living? Yes, I'm a coach. I do a lot of coaching all sorts of people from all sorts of walks of life and yeah, it's quite cool. Awesome. And actually, you mentioned that earlier in the call that you're a coach. How long have you been doing that for? Well, I've been coaching in this space for about 12 months now. But before then, I was also a mentor and trainer and manager of a number of staff and all that kind of stuff in a variety of different disciplines. So I've kind of honed everything I've learned previous in my previous corporate life and brought it into my coaching life. Oh, I see. Sorry. And just so you know, on the side, I've got a bit of a scam because I've lost your message to me. Don't worry, I can put it aside. That's all right. So do you have a partner or are you single? No, I'm very much single, thank you. Oh, lovely. Same. Good. What interests you about me as a trainer in the child protection space and as trainer and consultant in the child protection space? Well, it was because you just seemed very onto it and very clued up, and it's clear that you've got a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge in this area. Yeah, it's definitely an area that I'm very passionate about and have worked in for many years across Australia and New Zealand. Yes. For you, why is now the right time for you to look at this type of training? Really because I am getting more and more clients in this space. So it's really, it's quite pertinent for me right now to actually delve a little bit more into it and get some more professional training in this area because it's such a, in a specific area, it's a real niche area. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Now, what is your, if you don't mind me asking, what's your current income at the moment? Oh, it's only at about 40 grand a year. Yeah. And do you have money to invest right now or can you access money to invest at the moment? Yeah, I think I could access some money to invest right now, yeah. Yep, yep, awesome. And how much cash do you have in the bank? I couldn't really tell you exactly, but I've got a little bit to tide me over. Yeah, yeah, talking about that, leads me on to my next question. So you're a step ahead of me. How many weeks of runway do you have? Oh, probably maybe about four weeks, I reckon. Yep, four weeks, yep. Oh, well done, well done with that. Thank you. It's amazing how many people can't put any weeks to their runway, so well done on you. Thanks. So just thinking about our values, how much of my content have you consumed? Have you looked at much of what I do? Yeah, well, I've watched a lot of your, I see a lot of your stories, and I read a lot of your posts that you've put on Instagram in particular, because I like Instagram. And yeah, just basically very much resonates what your values that you portray very much resonate with my own, which is really good, so. Yeah, oh, fantastic. So a couple of my really strong values is abuse of any kind is not okay, and assault abuse is not okay. And it needs to be addressed, and it needs to be clearly talked about rather than hidden and sugar-coated. Yeah, I look at- That's quite a strong value of mine. How does that connect with you? Totally connects, because I myself, I was in an abusive relationship and towards myself and my daughter, so yeah, totally resonates. Yeah, thank you for that. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah, I love that our values are aligned in that area. So do you have any current goals that you want to achieve? Yeah, I think for me, I would like to, I'm writing a book at the moment. I'd like to have that finished and published by the end of the year. That's my biggest goal for this year. So probably that's the first and foremost. And yeah, yeah. Oh, fantastic. And how's it going with your clarity around the book and where it's heading and what you want out of the book? Yeah, I think it's pretty clear for me. It's a bit of a self-help type book. So it's all about collecting scars as we get older and then once we've collected all the scars, then what do we do with them? So it's kind of a way forward book for people who have collected a lot of scars in their life, so to give people hope. So pretty clear about the intention behind it. Yeah, lovely. And I can hear by the tone of your voice that it's something that you are very passionate about and something that you resonate with and have experienced those many scars in your lifetime. So you're writing from a place of experience and knowing. Yeah. It sounds, yeah, it's got to be a really powerful book. But what is present for you right now in your life and relationship, business? I think present for me right now is really just grabbing, I just need a little bit more information about some of the topics like this one that you've got, this training that you've got, and just sort of filling in a few gaps really to make sure that I'm clear on the latest information and knowledge and that kind of thing in this area. Yeah. Yeah, great, thanks, well done for answering that because a lot of people don't think about the gap from their knowledge and child protection certainly as a complex area to understand and to know about it all through. Yeah. So, yeah, well done for acknowledging that you will have gaps in that area Yeah. when it's not your area of expertise. Correct, yeah. So how will you go about doing that? Like, what's your plan in filling those gaps? Well, I think really it's about collecting a bit more information and knowledge and like I said, it's really reaching out to people like yourself who have got that missing information that I need Yeah. to fill in those gaps, which is great, so. So after, yeah, that sounds fantastic, after answering my questions so far, my next question for you is what is currently stopping you from achieving ESRs, from filling those gaps? Just, yeah, it's just getting some good, more technical tools around how to best deal with my clients with these kinds of issues and put people on the right track, make sure that I'm on the right track, so it's really, I guess, collecting new tools and I don't, yeah, and so that's why, you know, I've been watching your Instagram and social media. Yeah, and knowing what tools to use can be so overwhelming, can't it? Absolutely, if you don't know, it can be, you know, a little bit stifling for you and particularly for the client, so, yeah. So what would be your ideal situation instead? Well, the ideal situation would definitely be to get someone like yourself and actually attend the training because I think it would be invaluable for my business and for my clients. Yeah, absolutely, Priscilla. Well done and thank you for sharing that and having so much insight around that. Thank you. Priscilla, just quickly before we hit the home straight and begin to wrap up, I have one more question for you. Is that okay? Yes, sure thing. How would you feel if I was able to actually help you with moving forward, achieve what you want to achieve and fundamentally remove water stopping? Oh, that sounds great, sounds great, sounds really good. I just had to check that out. You'd be surprised how many people deep down actually want to hold on to their, you know, stuff. Yeah. Thankfully that doesn't sound like you, right? Yeah, no, you're right there, 100%. So what we provide is a training program that can fill those gaps, that's interactive, you can ask questions along the way and you'll be well-resourced. So you get to take home resources as well and have those really important interactive conversations. So it's a really good all-round kind of educational program that is aimed at and does, I'm walking now. We're on 14 minutes, just so you know. Presenting our sponsors and helping folks that become confident in child protection issues so they know how to respond to their own clients. Right. Oh, I'm just gonna go right down now. Yeah. Look, I'm thinking from our quick chat today that we are perhaps a great fit and is this something that you'd be interested in exploring further? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, awesome. So what I would love to do is offer you the opportunity to lock in a 60 to 90 minute call where we can dive a bit deeper into what you're needing so that we can both be clear and certain that this training program and working together is the best choice for both of our founders. Sounds great, brilliant. Before we go ahead and book the call, so we ensure that we don't waste each other's time, I just want to be clear and say, if you are accepted into the training program, you understand that you'll be asked to pay a $500 deposit on the call to procure your space. How does that sound? Yep, that sounds okay, sounds good. Yep, awesome. And then if you're accepted into the program following that, oh, I had a deposit on our call. But it's the same thing, anyway, just forget about that, I'll look at that for our second time. Yep. I've got, I'm really selective on who I set up these 60 to 90 minute sessions with. Yeah. I have two availabilities over the next week. So I'm free on Monday at 4 p.m. and also on Wednesday at 3 p.m. Which one would work best for you? I think the Monday at 4 p.m. would be great, thank you. Yep, awesome. So look, let's lock it in. I've got your email address that you sent through earlier. Yes, thanks. And what I can do is I can send you a Zoom link as before, whatever time you said, Queensland time. 4 p.m. And yeah, how does that work? Zoom, good for you? Yep, Zoom's good for me, thank you. Awesome. Well, great chatting, Zilla, have an amazing evening and see you on Tuesday. Brilliant, sounds great. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. You're welcome. And do you know how many minutes that was?

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