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To answer how to make AI smart, we need to understand how humans become smart. Humans gain knowledge and skills through learning and experiences in their environment. If machines can also learn and grow in their environment, they can become intelligent too. This is called machine learning. It is both a theoretical concept and a practical approach to improving machine performance through learning. We will delve into machine learning in more detail, but if you're not interested in pure theory, you can skip ahead. I'll try to explain it in a simple way. If you watch till the end and understand, please leave a comment. 为了回答如何让AI拥有聪明脑袋的问题 我们必须搞清楚人类是如何拥有聪明脑袋的问题 人非生而知之者 但这个问题其实很好回答 我们在环境中历练成长 从学校中学习知识 从工作中锻炼技能 从蝉子的视频中学会点赞评论 小铃铛 既然人能够在环境中成长 如果机器也能在环境中成长学习 那么机器也能很聪明 这就是机器学习 Machine Learning 一方面机器学习是一种理论 让机器能够学习 并且通过学习的过程中不断提高自己的性能 另一方面 机器学习也是一个具体落地的方式 接下来我们将深入了解机器学习 内容上可能会比较硬核 如果你对纯理论不太感兴趣 可以敲过去 但我会尽量说的通俗易懂 如果观众老爷耐心看完之后 并且懂了 请把就这打在评论区