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Volume 1_Jenn Drakes_Living Wealthy_Mediocrity-The Silent Thief of Potential_2025 02

Volume 1_Jenn Drakes_Living Wealthy_Mediocrity-The Silent Thief of Potential_2025 02

Learnings About Living WealthyLearnings About Living Wealthy



Mediocrity, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is “the quality of being average or ordinary.” In reality, it’s far more insidious—an invisible ceiling that stifles potential. It creeps in unnoticed, disguised as comfort, fear of failure, or societal expectations, and before we know it, we’ve settled. I write about this and upcoming topics because I believe in the boundless possibilities within each of us. This article challenges the status quo, speaking to those who sense there’s more

AudiobookmediocrityJenn DrakesGO Divintasticalstuckliving wealthypotentialmindset shiftmental healthgrowthlife

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