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cover of Midnight - Howl Breeze Music
Midnight - Howl Breeze Music

Midnight - Howl Breeze Music

yandanyan yanyandanyan yan



šŸ”„Backgroundmusic watchhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdCo8t3bQOs Midnight - Howl Breeze Music Provided By kedany88yan yanLyrics 0:26 in this dle night I here A Midnight Cry 0:32 Whispers and shadows as Darkness take 0:36 light a 0:38 home 0:41 m co through my m is midnight 0:48 Hing with love the moon cast it Glow 0:54 casting 0:56 any spell I'm lost and confused 1:01 trying to find where this will end but 1:07 every 1:08 time you operate feel so wrong 1:13 now oh 1:17 man you're of 1:23 ling

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