Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Oh What it do welcome to word-of-mouth podcast with the Nate and Shelby What are you looking around the thingy the thingy the camera it's up there. Oh Cleared off the table. Oh good. Hey, I'm sorry. I wasn't a word about podcast Nate and Shelby. I was looking for like Again welcome to word-of-mouth Podcast Running it back restart refresh replenish restore Repent She preaches all right, cuz Shelby got it listen. Um today. I'm gonna hand this thing I'm tossing all you up to show and she's And I'm telling you whatever she do with it Listen, I am gonna support. I'm here. You don't jam today. It's it's a he's in dangerous territory What it do you ready how your day going Good good you woke up feeling really good today. Yes Thanking him from the moment. I open my eyes. That's it. That's it. Did you see any of the eclipses today? It got dark outside oh But yeah, it's cloudy and I can't see that you know like it was already gloomy Well, it was but it did get darker. I'm like three I Was waiting for it to get dark like I was standing out there like okay, maybe it was just me Maybe my glad I need to put on something. Okay. I got you. Yeah, I didn't see any darkness Amen What we talking about today We're gonna be all over the board do it. Let's do it. We're gonna talk about a few things because I think Y'all gonna get like a call to action from Shelby today. Oh that is when the title of this is called to action Yep, okay Shelby But anyways, I think I'm supposed to start out today praying so we're gonna do that first heavenly Good Lord. Okay. We're already starting out wrong. My mouth does not want to work Heavenly Father we humble ourselves before you Lord right now and we just thank you for this moment. We thank you for this time we thank you for The ability to do this the opportunity the blessing that it is or to pray that it would bless those who listen Lord, I want to repent right now for ever speaking anything that led someone astray For ever speaking anything that became a stumbling block to someone forever Misrepresenting you or your word in any way in any form or fashion and I pray Lord that you would Never let that happen again. Shut my mouth if I'm to speak anything that is not of you Especially on this podcast father. I pray that I would only be here to edify and to glorify your name and to teach what you want taught Lord that your Holy Spirit would use me as a vessel and Father I know right now there's and I know who this person is too, and they're gonna know when I say this But there's someone out there who needs to use their hands for healing So step up and and that's what God wants for you right now There's a couple of things that have been on my heart I Think you know Father we there was a whole lot of doomsday talk in the last few days with the Eclipse coming and all the stupid stuff that Was on social media and whatever else and I know a lot of people today are probably going Uh-huh. See there was nothing ever planned or whatever. But you know what? There were a lot of fervently praying believers who stood in the gap and prayed that the plans of the enemy would be halted and So father I again I'm going to do that and I'm going to ask that the plans the schemes the Assignments of hell would have no effect on your people they may affect the world, but they will not affect your people in the name of Jesus and Father we know that you are our strength and our shield that we wear the full armor of God Not just to be in a defensive position but to us actually be an offensive person as well and to go out into the world speaking your word knowing that you've got our back and that we are to Teach truth no truth and walk in truth and everything that we do and to battle in truth as well To worship you to praise you and to give you glory in all things And so Lord, I just pray that you would be with us during this podcast that you would bless every person listening That you would bless the airwaves as it goes out that you would cover our airwaves that you would cover our food our water Everything that supplies us Lord everything you've blessed us with may we not take anything for granted father And I just thank you and praise you and for these things in the name of the Most High Almighty God In Jesus name. Amen Amen So anyways I'm learning man. God's teaching me right now, and he's always teaching me, but I guess I'm actually paying attention Maybe that's what the difference But I've always been a big Proponent of the love of Christ and I still am I believe that that is the greatest thing about the whole life of Jesus and what we're supposed to be about but I also am learning that we have to we have to stand in God's Word we have to stand in righteousness. We have to stand in truth. There still is good versus evil there's always going to be there still is right and wrong and instead of being a A body that rolls over a body that is complacent we have become so comfortable as you and I talked earlier in our Little bubbles in our little places in our normal routine lives that we have forgotten that we are called to go forward and to to do the work and to Preach the word and to stand in truth, and it's not always comfortable and it's not always Beautiful and it's not always pleasant Jesus flipped tables Now I'm not asking you to go out and do crazy things But I do believe that we have got to get our hair up and we have got to start becoming The warriors that we are called to be We have allowed Our beliefs To be pushed to the side to be denied By the world and we are not supposed to do that That doesn't mean that we go out and we're unpeaceable and we're ugly and we're this that and the other but it means that you you know what you're fighting for and You fight with him and you fight with the word and you use the tools that he's given you Because he will equip you in all ways So we need to call a spade a spade We need to Answer with the word when people throw things that are against the word in our face Scripture I know The kingdom of God suffered violence but the violent Take it back by force. Mm-hmm. I think we're there And I'm not just I'm not the only one that's feeling this. There's a lot of people That are feeling that we've got to start standing up and taking things back. Yes, the enemy has stolen too much And it's not that's not okay anymore, no, it's not it's never been okay And I don't know why we're sitting back tucking our tails letting him continually Because we haven't been taught who we are We haven't been taught the power that we hold because of God not because of us has nothing to do with us We haven't been taught how to Manage it. We haven't been taught how to use it. We haven't been taught about authority. We haven't been taught about a lot of things right So anyways, we were talking about Revelation 3 Mm-hmm So I'm gonna go to Revelation 3 where he's speaking to Laodicea the Church of Laodicea Revelation 3 15 it says I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot I wish you were either one or the other so because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I'm about to spit you out of my mouth. I Think we're there people. I think we've been there and I think that we and I'm just gonna be honest. I think that we are relying on the church building the actual secular part of things To be not secular. Sorry. I said that wrong, but the the actual building and what's in that building? to be the thing that steps up and We are the church and we take it wherever we go and it is our responsibility to step up not to rely on The four walls not to rely on our pastors necessarily or our ministers or whoever but we have to take up arms ourselves And I don't mean like arms like, you know actual arms, although it might come to that. I don't know but We have to be prepared and we have to be strong and we have to fight the good fight and we can't be lukewarm Wow Wow, can I touch just a tad bit on that when you said God will spit you out that means If we can't either be one or the other We've made God's stomach upset. I want to kind of Elementary it but understand that I'm not I don't want to make God sick No, because I can't come up with either this or that or I'm just kind of numb or I don't know what to do Granted and I tell Shelby all the time. I'm very critical when it comes to leaders So I'm hoping that leaders are listening as well. Please step up teach the truth the Bible says when you are a Shepherd there is a responsibility and an accountability that you have To teach and train sheep Jesus told Peter Feed my sheep and then he turned around right after that and then he said tend to my sheep And then he had to repeat feed my sheep That simply says teach right Yeah, and also in Revelation 3 church to Sardis The word says to the angel of the church in Sardis, right? These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God in the seven stars. I Know your deeds. Hmm. You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead Wake up. That is what the word says wake up Strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God Remember therefore what you have received and heard hold it fast and repent But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief and you will not know what time I will come to you The word says wake up Dean Wow, I Don't know how plain it can get right there wake up You sleep. Yeah, Holy Spirit speaks Stir people stir up within them what you have put in them so that they are Ready to Take things back. Yeah equipped. Yes equipped. Absolutely Absolutely, I think we get way too comfortable show and this is not a excuse I Want to speak it from a practical standpoint Sometimes as humans we do get comfortable with thinking that oh somebody else would do it. Exactly Somebody else a prayer somebody else you mentioned to me earlier. No, that was so profound. I can't wait to go study this later It took one person to change the parameter of how we look at prayer in school one Mm-hmm Why? Right has nothing changed since then because the church rolled over We were lukewarm and That happened years ago And you know, I Think that this is the what all started me on this was first Timothy four because my pastor was talking about it This last Sunday So I'm going to read that first Timothy four begins with the spirit makes it clear that as time goes on some are going to give up on the faith and Chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars These liars have lied so well and for so long that they've lost their capacity for truth. And this is from the message version They will tell you to not get married. They'll tell you not eat that this or that food Perfectly good food God created to be eaten heartily and with Thanksgiving by believers who know better Everything God created is good and to be received with. Thanks Nothing is to be sneered at and thrown out God's Word in our prayers make every item in creation. Holy But the the first part of that to me speaks so much of what we're living today but as time goes on some are going to give up on the faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars basically, you're going to be deceived and You have to know the word to know the truth and you have to get in the word to know the word and You know it I Think that we have become so comfortable and I think I've been guilty of it myself I know I have relying on the love of Christ, which is The biggest thing to me still and it always will be but I've I've gotten lazy and I know I'm not the only one and You know where you and I work together This stuff is ramping up It is getting exponentially worse and it will continue to But we get to take it back We get to set people free We get to deliver people not because of us but because of the power he has given us and the authority he has given us but if we don't know the word and we don't stand on what the word says the word says greater things are you to do than what I'm doing and John 14 I'm paraphrasing But that doesn't mean like I think people go. Well, that's not what it really what he meant Yes, it is. Yeah, that's exactly what he meant Another version says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world That's exactly what he meant, right? We can do greater things. Yes, and it's because of him. It has nothing to do with us So number one don't talk yourself out of it because you don't think you can you're not powerful enough. It ain't by you Anyways, come on. It is by the Holy Spirit. It is by what he has given us But number two, you know, don't twist the word don't editorialize To where it doesn't say what it says It says greater works shall you do Can I attach another scripture to it in the book of Acts chapter 1 Verse 7 and I think it's verse 8. He says I've given unto you This Holy Spirit. Mm-hmm. Now you have power, right? So you have me greater is he that is in me and you have the hope And you have the Holy Spirit come on that's power, do you know the Do you know what the disciples did not have That's why it says greater works, right you would be able to do Right We're not given a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and love and of the sound mind Get out there and use the power you've been given When you when you just said that is that a reason why people are lukewarm because of fear? Absolutely Because the enemy and The societal norms Have taken that from us. They have made us fearful We don't want to offend anybody I'm sorry, I'm past that point No, I don't want to but I'm not gonna be afraid of doing it if I'm speaking truth if I'm living in truth You know, we're in a situation right now in my own life. We're Blatant lies are being spoken and it's stirring up a whole community which is Against the things that I mean, it's what God hates right? These people are doing all of the above So that just fortifies my strength and I absolutely I am NOT backing down from this. Are you kidding me? you're in the wrong and We've gotten so complacent about people being in the wrong and just allowing them to be in the wrong It's another scripture in the Book of Romans it says for I am NOT ashamed of the gospel, right? Oh, Jesus Christ. I am NOT gonna back down. No just to Placate you. Yeah, it makes me feel better No, I'm gonna tell the Bible says the truth is gonna set us free anyway, yep So if we rely and stand on the truth, mm-hmm Then who's offended if you're off ended? If you're off ended then that's you that's not me because the truth is gonna stand on it by itself Yeah, and there's conviction in truth, isn't that I know it and sometimes that's where the uncomfortable feeling comes from That really ticks you off and you want to get mad at the person, but the fact is that you're just being convicted Conviction yes But you know You and I talked about this and I'm gonna put it out there get your children praying in school It doesn't mean that it has to be a collective group or even anything. That's acknowledged by Anyone other than the child himself and your family Every child should be allowed to pray in school and they don't have to do it out loud They don't have to make a big anything of it prayer is just simply talking talking to God They can do it within themselves, they don't even have to express it out loud They can whisper, but if they don't know how to pray because you haven't taught them They ain't gonna be able to do it Period so I hope you're praying in your homes I'm hope you're I hope you're praying wherever you are in your cars everywhere You know, I mean we have to show our children how to do these things number one But number two, we have to also encourage them to not be afraid to do these things That's it to not live in fear. Mm-hmm. Because what can a mere man do to you? I'm reminded of I heard this story a long time ago and it made sense to me, especially when my kids were younger So a child don't come out the womb scared. No They're taught here. Mm-hmm We're teaching them with our own actions our own ways How we react to something we're teaching our children fear Because they wouldn't know anything of anything different than to pray wherever they are unless we told them Or showed them That they can't do it Yeah, that's honest absolutely There's no way possible that my kids wouldn't be at school and pray before they get ready to eat They don't know any anything different. I don't care where they are. They're gonna pray before they eat No, I've done a better job than me Actually, my daughter does she does I mean even when they're out in public the group their group will pray before Because they don't know anything different. So why are we? Given We're giving the spirit of fear to our children or even to those of us that are connected To us. I am NOT running away from a demonic spirit. No But if if I'm around someone that's watching my actions of me being scared and I run away from a demonic spirit Then they're gonna do the same exact you're teaching them We're teaching them that demonic spirits have some type of authority over us and that is not true. No In any capacity, so I'm with you I'm with you and you know, we talk a lot about the demonic but the fact of the matter is it hasn't been talked about and People don't know enough about it. They don't know how to deal with it. They don't need they don't know that it is Not the person it's the thing attached to them that you need to be mad at it's the thing attached to them That's creating the bad behaviors the thing attached to them And so if we started calling those things out calling those things off breaking those things off breaking the chains Breaking the strongholds calling those strongholds down all those things The world would be a little different But before we can do that, we have to know who we are in Christ and we have to know who where our authority comes from And where our power comes from and give glory to him not to us Nothing to do with us. We are incapable That I feel like that that may be about 50% of the problem because Society imparts Glory for self. Yeah When you're glorified people acknowledge you especially by way of social media if if you get a bunch of this or you get acknowledged for this or this and that you take on that Applause or that accolade and then you feel some kind of way so nobody's pride Absolutely, and nobody's giving glory to God anymore because we feel like we've done it. It's it's the Have you ever given a homeless person some money and you want to film you or put it on your? For it exactly. I can't I just can't handle that. I can't I can't But people want that glory though, they want to be seen in that way and that's why God is not getting the glory There's three things that belong to God. I've said it to you before the Bible says Vengeance is mine. Yes Second one in the book of Malachi says bring all the tithes into the storehouse and the third one Exodus I am the Lord thy God thou shall have no other You want all the glory all the glory, but we're giving glory to our jobs Spouses our booze And I'm guilty of it, I'm guilty of all of that, of course we are we're human Yeah, we fall prey to that PR EY This is the part where we get it, right? Okay God you get the glory for this Thank God for the podcast. Thank God the Shelby and I came together. The Holy Spirit dropped some stuff on us. This is not us God get all the glory for it. And when we give him the glory and he's glorified other people will see. Hey Man I gotta serve the gods you sir. Hey, I did that. Hey But we want it and you know something else that's been pointed out to me lately Then I have to say out loud is we have to stop glorifying the creation and we have to keep start glorifying the Creator so We are paying too much attention to Mother Earth or whatever. You want to you know, whatever you want to pay attention to The creation instead of the Creator we would have nothing if it wasn't for the Creator So stop glorifying the creation Which is your spouse? Which is your job? Which is your whatever? Creation yeah and start glorifying the Creator. I hear people You know, what makes me cringe inside when I hear people say and I hope I don't offend anybody. I Want to thank the universe? Oh my gosh, I know What's the universe do for you? Oh I don't want to stay on it too long, but I don't understand what the universe did Who is the God of the universe? Thank you How about you give him some props? And we might get a comment for that, but I don't care I'm ready for that one. No, I Ain't thinking those universe God created this thing. I Created this so you said something powerful give God the Creator all the glory and stop glorifying the creation These things will pass away. Yes Heaven and hell shall pass away, but my God will not Amen. Yeah, and When you're on the side of right and you know, you're on the side of right don't back down Don't back down Well, is it a fine line when you? I'll use me for an example. This is me putting myself out there. I Try not to get into a debate with people. I got I want to go back and forth with you I don't argue with people. I don't raise my voice No, you know if I said something and then they don't agree with it. I'm just gonna look at you Now it's not the fact that I'm backing down from the truth. It's me saying I don't want to give credit to that because Not gonna waste your breath on it. Yeah, cuz you trying to amp it up and I'm like, it's what I like So am I am I tucking my tail at that time that I don't stand and get louder back with? No, because I think that we have to okay. Why the serpents and harmless as doves? Hey, man, come on. Come on That's what the word says be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, okay God will put it on you when it's time for you to fight You will know when it's time for you to fight You will know when it's time for you to continue talking. You will know he'll give you the words If you're walking with him, he will give you the words otherwise You just yeah Turn around leave it where it is. But as long as you're living in truth, you're calling truth truth and Lies lies and You're standing on it and not I Mean, I just think that we have we have glossed over so much in this life And we allow things to be taken from us just because we don't want to fight The strategic part of knowing how to fight so I'm looking at first Samuel Um This King gave David You know the story this King gave David some armor and he said you might need this armor against this big giant You might need this and David was like nah I'm a little dude, right? I don't need out. That's too much heaviness on me. I Can't move This fight because I know I've seen that a fight now, but I can strategically win this fight. I know I'm a winner But I don't need all that stuff and we are more than conquerors So I get what you're saying now to me that I don't have to put on that other stuff I don't have to put on anger to match your anger. I don't have to put on the angry and not Man and that's facts man. That's bad people. The word says be angry, but sin not don't send behind anger You're allowed to be angry we're allowed to call things as they are Don't sin in that anger And you know, I also want to mention that we are called to forgive Because we have been forgiven But forgiveness does not mean that they get off scot-free. It does not mean they did not do anything wrong It does not mean that My God's vengeance is not going to be upon them and his wrath is not going to come down on them But it means that I am letting him be in charge of that situation And I am freeing myself from that bondage So she'll let me ask you because some people will argue and say hey, you know what? Some people that don't need forgiveness. It's just some people out here like just they don't need for Well, there are people with the reprobate mind facts, so do you forgive those I believe that you're called to forgive I Word says that we are to forgive one another did not say a group Of people right to forgive one another as I have forgiven you Want to put that out there and I'm telling you this is a green with shell right here We think that it's just a certain amount of people that we can forgive and not forgive this other group of people Nah, it don't work like that. But don't think that your forgiveness is allowing them to get away with what they've done Or giving them a free Get out of jail card. That's not I mean, but you are relying on your God my God To handle them and believing that what he's gonna do to them is a hundred times worse than anything I could do Amen, but I think that's what we struggle with you got to agree with even Peter acts Jesus Bro, how many times? Like that was an example for us and it wasn't the fact that they didn't know multiplication then but it wasn't The fact of them counting how many times Jesus said that for a reason he said it's unlimited Keep forgiving. I keep forgiving you I keep forgiving you It didn't mean Nathan's forgiving me, although I'm sure that there's reasons that he should forgive me He's talking that Jesus says that to us And we forget that part the best example that I Choose to use when I'm talking to people about forgiveness is That's the most plain Peter was like one of us when he said how many times? Especially when you get hurt Over and over again not even by the same person but by the same situation. Have you ever been burned twice? Yeah Yeah, more than twice How many how many times you found you found yourself in that same mindset of I can't believe this happened again and Angered wants you to hold on to unforgiveness But we just said be angry and sin not if you're not forgiving that's sinful And y'all I am NOT good at forgiving. I'm not saying that I am good at it at all I Struggle with so much stuff everything we talked about I struggle with and that's just being real. That's a good part about talking about it because at least you all can receive from Imperfect people to make this thing come alive if you and I are trying to get it, right Then we're hoping that other people are listening to try to get it right and obviously I ain't gotten it right yet Cuz I'm still here God's like, nope, you're gonna try again tomorrow Call you home. We won't we won't I here's here's first Corinthians Paul showed up to God and Paul said to God. Hey, um, can you take this thorn? out of my flesh Maybe maybe you don't understand what's uncomfortable Uncomfortable thorn in the flesh means The anger that you struggle with yes, I'm great. Yeah the trigger the trigger. I'll be Unforgiveness. Yes backbiting. You want to get somebody back? All of that stuff that you personally struggle with was what Paul was saying to God when he said, hey, can you take this thing away? Or the lying all of it, yeah Anything that you're struggling with anything? Yeah, is that thorn? God's response was puzzling to me. So I'm getting sexual addiction. So I don't know who you are Amen, call it out. Call it addiction something anyways, but yeah, that's what that thorn is That's what he's talking about and I didn't mean to interrupt you. So no, that's so good because we We limit the thorn. We think that it's only you know forgiveness. No The thorn is everything that you struggle with in your flesh or people think it's an actual physical pain If there's something poking me Or my hip doesn't work, right or whatever But God's response was amazing to that as we read that scripture, um, God's response was my grace It's sufficient. Thank you I Guess I get emotional when I think about that particular scripture because God tells me at that moment Even when I want to get somebody back even when I want to react in a way that it's not pleasing My grace is going to cover you and then that ties into Psalms 23. It'll follow you all the days man God you love me that much that you'll pour out your grace upon me every day every day And this is not a path to do it But the whole thing is that once you have a relationship with him He creates and you will want to not live that way He creates and you like you understand the grace and you get it and you're like, oh, well It's so good that I don't want to screw it up And I don't want to live the way the world lives But, you know, even though we don't want to live the way the world lives I can tell you that I do it every day Just are saying I'm not gonna I'm just gonna take ownership of my own shit. Thank you very much. I'm not gonna take ownership of your We do it every I don't think none of us get it right every day. Come on. Come on. I Messed up before I got up here. Oh, you aren't a long in that We have to understand God, I thank you for your grace. Can you imagine if thought bubbles appeared above our head? I'm checking out. I'm running What if it was put on the screen yeah, everything Shelby thinks in their mind Yeah, and the screen follows you everywhere. So it's literally We'll just think if we had to tattoo our sin on our bodies And walk around in this life with every sin we've committed tattooed so everyone could see it Yeah, exactly, can you pull me out of here The misery I can't handle I'd be humbling for sure The power in that though. Yeah, the power in that I'd be humbling for sure The power in that though, so please understand that forgiveness part is really really important. I'm so glad she'll brought that out because All of us are struggling in that. I know Shelby said, you know, she'll take ownership. I'm taking ownership How about some of you all take ownership? Of our giveness. Yes, forgive that person forgive that entity forgive the job But I think a lot of people think that when we're talking about right and wrong Like we are like standing up for what's right and calling out what's wrong They think that that disqualifies forgiveness. You know what I mean? Make it plain because well if I forgive them, I'm saying it's not wrong If I forgive them, I'm not standing in truth because they hurt me they did this to me they did that They stole from me they whatever. Okay. Okay. So how am I standing in truth? How am I standing up for what's right if I'm forgiving them? Because they think it's a whole path it's not a whole path You know, I got to keep saying you're allowing to give it to God so that he deals with them directly Shub years ago. I had a group of people that I had to work with for ministry Battered women and They would say to themselves in group or would say to others if I forgive him That's saying that it's okay. It's okay of what he did. Oh my god, what you're saying is powerful right now because how do you forgive and That other person not think that they were right, right exactly Wow And that is our human condition right there That's huge But we are called to forgive the word says we are called to forgive and And Jesus knew what we were going to deal with. He lived it. He forgave Judas He forgave everyone who put him up on that cross and whipped the snot out of him and Slapped him in the face and spit on him and called him every word in the book He forgave everyone who made fun of him the whole time he was Becoming who he is and was But he forgave everyone he forgives us I Mean, I'm gonna say it again because it's on my heart. I had an abortion. I did one of the worst things I think you can do in this life. He forgave me It took me longer to forgive myself than it ever took for him to forgive me So I'm like the sinniest sinner of them all I mean if you want You want to quantify sin I'm I'm right up there, okay Not to mention all the other stupid things I do on a daily basis But that was a it was a that's a big-time thing And I know a lot of people are going to come at me and that's fine. I'm ready for it I don't care why because the way The wages of sin is still death. So you can't put a wage on it. No, however people look at it Yeah, I know So if you come come hard because we don't give you scripture You better come correct But it's just like I Mean, like I said, it took me much longer to forgive myself and that's another thing. We have to forgive ourselves Yes Forgiveness isn't just for other people. Yes, we have to forgive ourselves for the stupid things. We've done For the things that have gone against God's wishes and his will for us for the things that we've done in our own selfishness in our own Ego in our own wants That have you know Mutilated our lives You know Had to been a couple of months ago I posted on social media I'm careful with people that say they love me, but they don't love themselves I posted that and the Holy Spirit convicted me Well, not in a bad way, but I was convicted in them in the same aspect With forgiveness, I should be careful when people say I forgive you, but they haven't But they haven't forgiven themselves but forgiving yourself is a really really difficult thing to do I get it If you can't experience it for yourself, how can you give it to others? I? Don't know sometimes I think it's easier to give it I mean it is I think you know, I give to others It sound like it world would make it look that way Now maybe deep down you don't really understand the whole concept of it if you can't forgive yourself But we we don't forgive ourselves because we want to stay in that bondage we feel that we have a penance we have to pay And that's why we don't forgive ourselves. We condemn ourselves. Yes self-condemnation guilt shame all the above which our pastor talked about this Sunday, and he did a fabulous job at it is is one of the hugest Obstacles to walking with God and being free and living how he wants us to live I agree. You said something powerful. I thought I want to take away the forgiveness part I don't think that it's forgiveness or forgiving ourselves. I think that we've condemned ourselves ourselves so much with guilt shame Anger rate, whatever it is We've we're in so much condemnation that we can't see out the out the light anything We can't see it. So it's not really unforgiveness. I don't believe that it's not forgiving ourselves I think we're just in a dark place Yeah to paint that picture for me would say Condemnation have weighed me down so much to where I can't see depressed. Yeah Come on I can't see how What's happening? What's going on? And it's causing me to react to everything now because I'm in your words triggered I'm triggered by everything because I'm in condemnation or you've become numb That's that's a which is a lukewarm place. Yes. You're lukewarm. We're back in Revelation 3 We haven't been in condemnation so much. We stopped feeling and That Can limit us from winning this battle? Whether it's stopping you from seeing the goodness it stops you from seeing the grace of God It stops you from seeing the mercy that's been poured out on you Peace and it is a tactic the enemy uses really dang well And he can keep his thumb on you and keep pushing you down pushing you down pushing you down. You're not worthy You're not good enough. He wouldn't use you. What are you talking about? You're like the biggest loser. Are you kidding me? You suck that's what the enemy says to you in your head It's on loop constantly, yes, do you remember what you did? Oh You're trying to forget that. Well, guess what? I'm gonna remind you And there are times where I'll be honest. I have to scream out to myself Nate stop Shut the thought down now right now because if you don't it's gonna keep playing in your head stop I may look crazy on the Outer part and I don't care if I'm in the gym Walmart. I don't care. I will shout out stop Because my mind is on replay and that condemnation even when you read that scripture now, therefore there is no condemnation I think that that was a big reminder Because of your under condemnation you would never forgive yourself. No You can't get out from under that unless it's a stronghold, right? Yes Yes, and unless someone is going to identify that for you and help you see it so that you can break it And pull it down. You're gonna be stuck there So right now if you're in that place because someone's in that place I Come against it and I rebuke it in the name of Jesus I hope that your eyes are open to the stronghold that you are stuck in baby The Lord does not want you there. Your father does not want you there Abba does not want you there So in the name of Jesus, I pull it down. I break it. I crush it It does not exist anymore an enemy You can pack up your and you can take it back to the pit where you belong and have a party with it down there Okay, but we are not having any more strongholds in this person's life and you have no effect Every dart you throw every arrow. It has no effect. It will not pierce it will bounce off and it will hit you back ten times harder We have the armor of God on and you can't do anything You are Nothing And we are victorious more than conquerors Less than highly favored cherished above anything by the Creator Yes, thank you Jesus be set free people be set free get those chains off shake them off Yeah Don't you don't belong there Mm-hmm That stronghold has been heavy on a lot of people. Mm-hmm. Thank you There is no condemnation there will not be any more condemnation That is not your address and you are not going to own it That's another thing people you have to speak life over yourself and over people around you. Yes Do not speak death do not speak sickness do not speak loss do not speak failure Do not speak anything negative and yeah, I was there too where you say But I'm not talking truth if I don't say those things guess what you're talking the Lord's truth When you rebuke those things and when you don't let them come out of your mouth That's a life or in the power of the tongue I would rather say his words Yes, and thank him for things that you have asked for even though you don't have them yet Praise him before it comes It just seals the deal Yeah, and everything's on his time not on ours Mm-hmm Because we do want it now you're we want it we are impatient people And then we squander it yes, and then we look back and go oh if I'd only So Nate Powerful oh my god. Thank you. Thank you. Let me check my notes to make sure I Covered everything yes anything else No, but y'all we got to start. We got to start praying things we have to start praying things into being we have to start praying things Out of being like we've got to stand in prayer and cancel assignments and cancel The actions that we're seeing take place in in our governments in our in our cities in our streets and In our friend groups and yeah in in our own families in our own selves take action, yeah Get mad. It's okay to get mad Don't sin, but get mad Holy anger yeah and understand You're fighting the good fight The good fight isn't just about turning the other cheek sometimes we have to be able to stand We have to do it in love until God tells us that we got to get tougher You're still in Scripture. You do know that that's that's Ephesians after you've done all you can stand And he will equip you yes And The other thing you know I'm brought to my nexus 1414 Be still be still come on. I Will fight for you They asked me they said Nate how can I be still when it's so much chaos So you have to shut the noise out Have you ever been in a place where your mind was so bombarded with something All the time and someone was talking to you and you had to say to him, I'm sorry what you say You have to be able to use that same gift and shut out the noise and be still The Lord will fight for you. You need only be still be still so that's when you're in those moments of not knowing what to do Be still yeah when you're in those moments of not understanding forgiveness Because you really want to deck the person in the face or throat punch him in the next week Yeah, and you really want to despise them and hate them into the next century That's when you're you have to be still and let him fight for you But we that doesn't you know I feel like we're kind of giving an oxymoron word today like we're saying be still But we're saying fight but it's about standing up for what's right and Allowing him to take control of it whether he makes you pursue that Further he will equip you and how to do that or whether he wants you to be still All of it goes back. We gave an example earlier already about how David was preparing for the battle with Goliath he knew at that moment. He couldn't listen to what the people were saying, but he still had to fight He had to be still and know okay. This is what God has equipped you with to fight, right? He has to be still enough to know that so it's not an oxymoron Understand if you can't be still enough to listen and pay attention to what God is saying Then of course everything else is going to be out of whack Yeah, so I wouldn't I hope that you all don't receive it as okay, you're telling me to fight, but you're telling me to be still Yep Sorry, but that's how God put it like you have to be still to know when you spoke a very profound scripture I've said this all my life to be as wise as a serpent is to know when to attack. I'll wait And to be as harmless as does is to know when to pull back right And we have to have discernment yes And if you don't that'll get you in trouble and and pray for discernment ask for discernment ask the Holy Spirit to guide you You know you were saying how do we? What do we talk about earlier before we got on here, and you said if we don't teach people how to do it What were we talking about? We were explaining the fact of I'm critical on leaders I keep saying that I'm critical on leaders because I feel like teachers leaders shepherds They need to understand that we have a responsibility to teach If we if you don't have that teacher to teach how will they know? How would they be able to be equipped? They'll Google it? I Don't you think that that's part of what the problem is though like we assume that we have information at our fingertips And so why should we have to teach somebody? They should already know it in my phone right now. I am starting to study And I'll show it to you. I'm starting to study, and it's entitled the difference between artificial and authenticity I Am gonna tear this well if you don't have discernment you ain't gonna know the difference Art of the end the world is making us accept You hear me? Oh, it's gonna get so much heavier with that. I think it's gonna be out of control You know I think like if you sent me yesterday It's gonna get better and better and better and that's gonna be a tactic the devil uses to deceive everyone You just said it if we do not have discernment, how can you tell the difference you're not gonna be able to That's that that's for next week We're gonna go all through the time that we off mic when we come back on we're gonna talk about that I'm ready for that. I think you brought that up about a year ago like this artificial and in Shelby words. It's artificial intelligence crap I'm Ready for that it took me a minute because I want to I want to hear from the way to see it To kind of get a better understanding like I want to I wanted to get a better understanding of why? We are so artificial in our praise. We're artificial in our worship Artificial even reading the Word of God we only read scriptures that our grandmother gave us 20 years ago, and we stuck on that There's an artificial praise that's given yeah, have you ever been to a church, and they say lift your hands you this This is Simon says now put your hands down you put your hands down Simon says pay your tithes you pay your tithes No, no no more cheerful givers. Hey, I'm preaching you are you are on fire over there right now It's next week, so I'm ready to get what you do out this week, so next week. That's that's that As Shelf said take action people Take action start with yourself start in your own life start now Don't wait Don't wait. I didn't I didn't see in that scripture that you read earlier I think it was Revelation 3 it didn't say wait till everything is okay Or everything's kind of smooth it out when when's everything gonna be okay. Thank you. What was that gonna happen? But we gotta do it now we got to take action now Now didn't what did we read a scripture, and it said something about the Lord's gonna rebuke you Was it the same thing as spitting out? Yeah? Yeah, that was that was the other relation. That was the other letter that he wrote Sardis in in Revelation 3 be mindful that you will be rebuked. What are you waiting on anyway? Rebuked what are you waiting on anyway? Huh they got quiet I gotta get stronger People seriously like what are you waiting on the Lord will equip you You have to ask him for it, and you have to be willing to use it just like muscles we don't use them they go away Oh Okay here we go people Lord and we father we just thank you again for your presence with us. We thank you for the Holy Spirit We thank you that we are sealed in the blood father And we pray that everyone who's listening in every ear that hears this is sealed in the blood that they are Separated and set apart from the world because they are not of this world They are your children and father we pray against generational sin that's been something that's been on my heart lately There's generational curses generational curses, and there's generational sin I come against both of them. I rebuke both of them But but that's something that we're speaking of in truth that people need to be aware of in their families If you're going to get after stuff we got to get after that stuff so Lord pluck it And crush it in Jesus name Gosh there was someone you wanted me to pray for Where'd it go bring it back Lord Father encourage your people Encourage your people to be strong and be courageous To understand the battle to understand that you will equip them in Whatever form or fashion they're supposed to fight we all have different ways of fighting We've all been designed to have different ways of fighting the good fight Lord So it doesn't mean that they all need to go out and slay demons That's not what everybody's cut out to do we have the power to do it, but sometimes we have to let others lead Sometimes we have to lead when those people are not present with us But Lord just help us ignite that fire within your people Help us ignite that fire within your people Bring about a new anointing a fresh anointing a fresh wind Breathe breathe your life into our lungs That we may go forth in strength and power Speaking your name Not being embarrassed not thinking of what anyone else thinks of us But only thinking of what you think of us Lord may our hearts be focused and set on you Soften the hard-hearted father pluck the roots of bitterness Free people from the bondage Whether they've created it themselves whether the devil has placed it on them or whether something from this world has created it within them I Pray that those chains would break off right now I pray against addictions Whatever they may be there are so many out there. It's not just about drinking. It's not just about drugs There are so many addictions out there anything that turns us away from you and keeps us muted Keeps us numb Lord I break and bind those things in the mighty name of Jesus I come against them I Pray for freedom of your people in whatever manner they need it I Pray for peace to come upon them a peace that they can't even understand that envelops every single part Every single broken bit and puts it back together Mend the broken-hearted Settle the minds That have been told lies That they have mental illness In the name of Jesus right now. I rebuke Mental illness because I know what it truthfully is and I know where it comes from and I call it off in the name of Jesus that every mind that has been spoken over saying that has mental illness They have some kind of a Psychological problem I say in the name of Jesus you do not have a psychological problem There is no mental illness within you the demons have to go now in the name of Jesus That you be set free That your mind thinks only peaceful thoughts only God thoughts only things of of power and might and love Because that is the spirit he's given you and your mind is not what they're telling you it is Be free my child Lord set them free Give them the strength to embrace their freedom because sometimes it's a scary thing What I just pray for everyone listening that they be blessed that they understand they're highly favored that you keep our mouths from complaining and you set us and our sights upon the blessings that we have every day and I am including myself in the Father help us to speak life over ourselves and over each other To keep our hearts and minds and eyes focused on you To not get distracted by anything the enemy throws our way or anything that this world needs to convince us that we need to pay attention To we only need to pay attention to you May your word ring true in our hearts Father go forth ahead of us clear our paths of danger and Seal us in the blood of the Lamb and everything we do may it give you glory in Jesus mighty name we pray For tuning in to word-of-mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby the reboot Reboot you all enjoy the rest of your day. Love ya