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The hosts of a podcast discuss the power of prayer and the importance of building a relationship with God through communication. They emphasize that prayer is not just about asking for things, but also about expressing gratitude and having open conversations with God throughout the day. They encourage listeners to let go of legalistic notions about prayer and understand that any form of communication with God is valid. The hosts share personal experiences and reflections on prayer. Yo! I didn't have the microphone in front of me. He's going to start talking and nobody's going to hear him. I was all the way up there. Yo, what it do? Welcome to Word of Mouth podcast. With Nate and Shelby, we are back in the building. We have missed you all. I know, I know, I know. Blame it on Nate. It was Nate's fault. Listen, I'll take the blame on this one. I'll take the blame because we have not spoken to you all in about a week or so or two. How about two? Yeah, whatever she say. So, we are back in the building. We're super excited. We actually had about a three-hour pow-wow before we got on mic because we miss each other. We have ironed out all of the problems in the world. Everything. We're done. We're good. So, we are excited to be on mic now. We're just going to talk about prayer. If you haven't noticed at the end of each podcast, Shelby prays and there's a reason why she prays. For one, she's led by the Holy Spirit. But for two, a lot of people don't understand that prayer is powerful. Now, we're going to explain in this podcast the difference between pray and pray. Yes, there you go. That is called a homophone. A homophone and not a homo something else. But a homophone is the words that sound exactly the same, but they're spelled different and they also have different meanings. So, we're going to talk about prayer today. Shel, how are you doing? Good, sir. How are you? I'm good. Missed you, of course, as always. Yeah, I missed you, too. I'm glad everything is good. Did we pass a holiday already? Memorial Day. Yeah, yeah. You were gone. I was. I was. I was not in the state. I was in another state. You were sweating your guts, buddy. Whatever. The South is hot. I'm telling you, the South is hot. Nathan experienced Louisiana. Oh, my God. For the first time in his life, apparently. Very first time and I did not know it was hot and humid at the same time. Of course. Yes. Okay. It's in the Gulf. I should have knew that because West is this hot and dry. Yeah. Midwest is hot and weird, but the South is hot and humid. Yes. And it makes it sticky and... It's humid here. I mean, it's not that bad, but... I think the mountains kind of help us. Yeah. Because it was rough. God, it was rough. You were only there for a couple of days, right? I know, but Jesus. They said it was 98 and then the weather person said, but it feels like 100 and something. Really? Sounds fun. And he was right. God, it was so hot. You're like, just lie to me. Just lie to me for once. You could not even wear any type of garment. Well, I'm not saying go naked, but any garment that you wore, it was wet. Yeah. Sticking to you. Yes. For real. So it was hot, but I'm back. I'm glad I missed you all so much, Ms. Sheld. And we're going to tackle this thing today, man. I was out on the fishing boat. See, look at you. You get to go. I was watching the man cast. Fishing. And I was doing nothing. I heard that's like therapeutic. I was getting my fun. The S-O-N. Hallelujah. That too, but. Yes. That's awesome. That's awesome. I want to fish. We'll get out on the boat. Like you were on a river. Is it a pond? We were on the lake. Oh, really? Wow. Did you catch a lot? I didn't catch nothing. I put my toes in the water and. So you don't go to fishing? I put my bums in the sun. So you don't go to like catch fish? I said I did nothing. I was being literal. I did nothing. I did. I did have to grab the net to get the fish out of the water at one point. But my big butt was in the way. So it was a struggle. Well, we're glad that you enjoyed it. Did you all eat the fish after or do you all throw it back? No, we threw it back. Okay. Okay. I noticed that here. They don't do that in Florida, but they throw a lot of fish back here. Why? Well, I mean, we've eaten the fish he's caught in the lake before. We just didn't listen. Oh, okay. All right. I don't know if I go. I want to eat it. Okay. Well, it depends on what it is. Yeah. All of a sudden my phone decides to go off. We were ready, y'all. I promise you we were. We were ready. Talked ourselves out. We did. Anyway. So yeah, let's get back to the subject at hand. Yes. And we're talking about prayer today. Prayer. Prayer. How many of you all know that prayer is something that we can do every day? Every minute of every day. I agree. I agree. Now, can you honestly say, and I'm talking to Cheryl, so I know for sure that she do. Can you honestly say that you pray every day to God? You know, if I'm being completely honest, like there's not every day that I do like a formal prayer, but I talk to him throughout the day. I'm glad you mentioned that. What's a formal prayer? Well, like there's times when I'll sit and, you know, go through the whole rigmarole and it'll take 15 minutes, half an hour or whatever until I'm done. But there's other days where I'm just like in and out of conversation with him throughout the day and there's nothing like real formal or anything about it. Is that considered prayer though? Yes. Okay. So having a conversation with God, whether you're in your car, in the shower, putting your toes in the lake, that conversation is prayer. Got it. So you don't have to have the formal set time that you have to go to the altar and you press the timer and you have to sit there for 45 minutes. I'm not Muslim, so I don't have my specific time. Gotcha. Which we do know that they pray a certain time and they turn a certain way. Yes, they do. To acknowledge. So with us, I feel like without discipline, when do we pray? Do we pray when things are wrong or all hell is breaking loose? I think a lot of people do. I think, you know, you have to grow in it. You don't just automatically get it and then you're like, woohoo. I'm setting my schedule and I'm doing this and doing that or I'm talking to God all day or any of that. I mean, I've been a believer since I was basically seven years old and I'm just now getting to the point where I talk to him throughout the day and I'm almost 52. So it's been an ongoing process. But I think that, well, this probably should come later in the conversation, but I think we need to take the legalism out of prayer and just realize it's building a relationship. That's what I wanted to really get at. And I'm glad you said it that way, because building a relationship, even if you're doing it with another human, it's communication. And I think that there should be a line open of communication that you have with our Father, um, no matter if it's the formal, which you spoke about, or just saying, I want to tell you how great you are. But God, I also want to tell you how I want to change, like whatever that moment that you have with God, I think, or I believe that it's still prayer. Oh, yeah. I mean, you want to tell me? I can tell you what I was telling him last night. No, don't do that. Well, no, but I think people can't. They need to know that you can do this. Yes. Like I was telling, I was basically saying, God, I'm completely heartbroken right now. You've got me in this place where I'm heartbroken over certain things in my life. You've got me, you've put something on my heart that I have to pray about for certain people that I'm not a part of. My God, wow. That's kind of a source of rejection for me. So, like, what's going on? Wow. You know, I'm a little, I'm a little irritated, a little, little wondering what's going on. But I'm going to do it because that's what I feel I'm led to do. But people need to understand, like you, I think, I think when you're beginning prayer, you do just go to God when you need something. Yes. It's like he's your genie. Oh, he's not. He's not your genie. Right. If that's the only reason you're using him, that's not a good thing. So kind of get right with that. But I do think that's where you start off as a believer and learning how to pray. You know, I think a lot of people just do the blessing of the food when they're eating a meal. Okay. Okay. And that's maybe where they start because they see other people do it or whatever. Or they're taught as kids. Yeah. And that's not a bad place to start. Giving thanks to God at any time is always a good thing. So would you consider that a prayer or just giving thanks? I kind of see them one in the same. Gotcha. Because it's, I think anytime you talk to God, anytime there's a communication of any kind, to me, that's a prayer. That's a prayer. Yes. You're lifting something up. Yes. And you're talking to a spirit. Yes. Got it. But I think that you, if you're pursuing God, you will grow in your prayer life and it will change. And I know there's a lot of people, I mean, I've been flat on my face here in the sanctuary. I've been flat on my face in my room. It doesn't happen very often, but when I'm moved to do it, that's what I do. I was on my knees the other day. It doesn't always have to be like that though. So I don't want people to think that that's, if they're praying and they're not doing that, it's not a real prayer. It is a real prayer. That's the legalism I'm talking about that needs to go out the window. You actually just said so much in this podcast that we can actually sit down and say, hey, thank you for tuning in. Well, you should have stopped me and said, hey, stop. No, that's, I want to unpack it. The first part you said is, I was transparent enough to talk to God in this way. Hey, I don't want to do something, but I'm doing it because you told me to do. Not only in prayer, but that's discipline and also submission. Like you did it because you were told to do it. Complete submission to God. That is phenomenal. Because sometimes we think prayer is just, as you said, a genie. I want to unpack everything that you said. We think that prayer is, okay, I want something from you. So I got to pray to get it. Even though he knows your heart. Absolutely what you want. But we feel like, because I don't know if that's a learned behavior, but we feel like we have to pray to God to get something. It's like our Christmas list every year with our parents when we were growing up. What do you want for Christmas or your birthday? And we have the ability to obtain it or get it. And it's not the prayer of God helped me get it. It's basically, God, I thank you. Because I know that you've already provided this for me. Now give me the wherewithal to go and get it. Like we need to unpack that. Also, you said something good. When we do talk to God, there are times, and I don't know how you were trained to pray, but there are times where we do go to God frustrated. Like, are you serious? Yeah. Right now? Really? That's what I got to do. And some listener may be thinking, I thought you had to be really deep and spiritual and know 10,000 scriptures to pray to God. And you have to say it this way. Nah, just said for real. Right now, God, this is what I got to do. And I really don't want to. Oh, but that's powerful. That's discipline. And it says so much about your character, because you would choose to put God first. Yeah, I'm not trying to be braggadocious or anything. I'm just being honest. That's transparency, because we were taught that we have to go to God perfect. Oh, golly. How can we? You can't. You're never going to be perfect. And that's another thing that I have to say, you know, people who keep like putting God off, putting God off, I'll get a relationship with him when I'm perfect. Honey, you ain't never going to get there. He's the only way you get to be perfect. So drop what you're doing and get right with him. And then the perfection will come. It will come the day that you go home with him. But it will come. Don't be waiting. And then you get to the day that you're you get to go meet him possibly. And he says, I never knew you. Don't please don't wait for that. You've got it. You've got it backwards. Go now in your imperfection, in your dirt, in your filth, in your grime, in your ickiness, in your disappointment, in your crushed spirit. Go now. And say, Lord, meet me, please. Here right now. I need you to meet me where I am. And he will. I mean, he's already there because we're the ones that walk away from him. He doesn't walk away from us. Teach out. Look, I'm telling you. This has been word about. She's dropping every act. Can I can we read that scripture, though? Oh, yeah. Matthew. She's already ended the podcast. Tap on what she's saying in the book of Matthew, I believe, is chapter six. Starts at verse nine. What does it say? This then is how you should pray. This is Jesus talking to the disciples. If you have an opportunity to read it, Jesus was teaching the disciples how to pray. He said, this is how you pray. Yes, this is his example. This is his example. What's the first part? Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Now, if he's saying this part first, that means we have to acknowledge God. Yes. First part is always to give acknowledgement. Yes. To our father. So. Lord. Father. Yes. Lord. Yes. God. Daddy. Abba. Yeah. Elohim. Whenever you want to call him. Yes. Acknowledge him first. Right. We, we, we contend to start off prayers and desperation saying, God, I need, I need this stuff right now. I need you to give it. Acknowledge it first. Because this is, Jesus said, this is how you pray. Notice it. Yes. How you pray. So acknowledge him first. And then what? Your kingdom comes. You, your will be done. Your kingdom is more important than me trying to make this situation bigger than your kingdom. There's a scripture also in Matthew where it says, seek ye first the kingdom of God. So I want to make your kingdom first and then everything else that I need will be added. Added unto me. Right. Added unto me. Right. So this is Jesus teaching us how to pray. God, I acknowledge you and I acknowledge your kingdom and I acknowledge your will. Because his will is perfect. Come on, Shelby. And it's not tainted by all of our humanity. If, if it was, can I ask you, Shelby, just, just you personally. Do you think that everything would be perfect if it was just Shelby's will? I can't even say what I left. Whatever Shelby's will is. No, things would be really not good. Cause there's some things that, you know, I'm just ratchet. I got some issues in my head and you don't want it to be my will. Trust me, you don't. Yeah. Those thought bubbles don't need to appear where everybody can see them. Oh my God. So when Jesus was teaching the disciples, he said, man, put his will first. Not your will, but his will. Go ahead. What else? So your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. Now that's the part that, um, I don't know if you've, you've questioned this, but I questioned this years ago about the, our daily bread. Now I'm asking God, this is Jesus teaching the disciples saying, ask God for the day. He's giving you the day. So we got to acknowledge the fact that we woke up on that day and the daily bread. If I'll be honest, I thought it was food. It is. It is food. Yes. I thought it was physical. It is. It's both. Yes, it is. Your physical nourishment and your spiritual nourishment. Come on. Our daily, this is our daily. We ought to be, we ought to receive manna daily. Take consumption of the bread daily. And we missed that concept because we put everything else, or we feed ourselves with everything else daily and not daily manna or bread. I would rather feed myself a negativity daily because you can go on any app, any social media platform and get fed negativity. And we do it daily. Yes, we would accept going to the job, being around drama or gossip or something to that. Daily. This is stuff that we take in daily. And Jesus taught. Hey, get the daily fresh bread, the word daily. Can I just say something about manna? Because when they were getting manna and it was coming to them, it was raining out of the sky, you know, God said. Use it daily. Don't store it. My God. Because what happened if they stored it and they would store it because they were thinking, well, it ain't, it might not really come or we might get really hungry and we have to have enough. So we have to save it. But God had directly said to them, do not, you just use it for the day. Yeah. But what they did was they started to store and then it molded, right? God was like, hello. I said daily. Use your day. Oh, my God. And we get so out ahead of him. Like, oh, what if what if I can't trust you completely? I'm speaking me, y'all. You're tapping if some theologians are listening to this podcast, you are touching toes right now because they will argue the fact that you can store up. This stuff and God literally said daily, go get fresh. God almighty. Anyways, back to that's powerful. I can dig into that for weeks. Go ahead. I'm sorry. So give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts or our trespasses as we forgive as we forgive our debtors or our trespass or those who trespass against us. So I'm going to talk about this just a little bit because I'm I've already outed me today. Actually, I posted something today. I was leaving the gym and I'm not on there anymore. Oh, you'll see it. But I posted something so profound. I was sitting. No, I got on the treadmill for about 15, 20 minutes, but I was on elliptical for quite a bit of time. And today I just wanted to do cardio because I just want to burn some weight. I didn't want to lift today because constant lifting is constant adding. So I want to burn. And I did quite a bit of cardio today to where I kept saying to myself, I'm burning this way to burn this weight off. And I walked to my car and said in the car and the Holy Spirit said, you're not burning weight because your internal weight is so much greater than what you see on your physical out outward. He said, you're carrying unforgiveness, bitterness. Oh, I outed myself. You'll see it. He said, you're carrying all that weight. You probably look good on the outside. But the weight you're carrying, you're obese. I said, Jesus Christ. Are you serious, God? Wow. So we never work out our inner. No, that's uncomfortable. Well, I mean, working out period is uncomfortable. Working out. That's why I avoid it at all costs. Oh, but internal. And when you read that, it said, forgive our trespasses as he will forgive us. He'll forgive us if we forgive him. What about forgiving yourself? Oh, sorry. Did I say that out loud? That's the hardest thing thing. Listen, this is how he's teaching us that he taught us how to pray. This is prayer, y'all. So if you're in unforgiveness, it's a hard prayer. I want you to finish this. Go to my Facebook if you want to see it. But I outed myself because I am not going to sit on an elliptical for 45 minutes again and not burn nothing. For real, it hurts after five. But it makes sense, though. We forgive our trust, those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from the evil. Come on. You want to talk about that? Into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Lead us not. God, don't lead me over there where I'm going to be tempted. Yeah, where I'm weak. Deliver us from the evil thoughts, from the evil desires, from this evil stuff that's trying to lure me in. And from the wickedness of myself. Oh, so it got quiet. The people that listen just got quiet when you said that. You know that, right? He's like, what? Yeah, the wickedness of yourself. Deliver me from that, God. Deliver me from that, God. I can be critical. Oh, me too. I can be wicked. I can be evil. This flesh, it has to die daily. It messes things up. OK, I'm sorry. What's the last part of that? Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. And it says, well, verse 14, for if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. You don't have to out me on that part. I don't know why you had to say that again. I'm not done, because verse 15 is even worse. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you. Oh my God, this is going to put me out there. So I know there's a level, and we talk about this a lot on many podcasts that we have done about forgiveness. If there's something that you know that you have not dug into when it relates to forgiveness, dig into it. But it doesn't feel good. It does not. I don't want to. It's not only weight. It's waste. But you know, once you do dig into it, don't you feel the weight lift? 100%. Yeah. Absolutely, you do. I can't say that. But it's a weight lifted. It's a weight lifted. I don't think we're ready at times for the weight to lift because we want to hold on to anger, frustration, what someone did. We want to hold on to it. And it's not a benefit for us. It's not even a benefit for the person that you're holding on to it. Because I don't think they're thinking about it every day. It don't even have to be a person. But that entity, they're not thinking about it every day. Yeah. So why be weighed down with it? It's just our humanity thinking that that's what we need to do. This is how Jesus taught us how to pray. Okay, so I want to read the whole thing all at once. Okay, so this then is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. It ends that for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Right, right. This version doesn't say that, but that's how I was always taught. But that's, we want to say that's just an example. So it has bullet points. Come on. It just, I just. Acknowledge. Yes. Thank. Ask. Mm-hmm. Receive. Thank you. Forgive. Forgive. As we forgive. Mm-hmm. Forgive us, I'm sorry, as we forgive those. Yes, well, but when you're, when you're praying, so if you're using this as bullet points, you acknowledge him. You thank him. For anything and everything, whatever. You ask for your needs, your daily bread. Mm-hmm. You, you, what was the fourth, what was the fourth? You receive it. Yes, you receive, you receive it. Mm-hmm. The brain and the mouth today are struggling. And then. Forgive. Yes, thank you. Yes, forgive, including yourself and ask and repent. That includes that too. We didn't throw that one in there. No, but that includes that. It does. So before you say your amens, repent. Yes. For sins you've done knowingly, unknowingly. Seen unseen. Yeah. Come on. Because he sees everything. Yes. We just don't. Um. And then close in his name. You always have to close in Jesus name. Why is that? Because a lot of people don't really talk about it a lot. Why do we close a prayer in Jesus name? I think you should answer that because I probably would not answer. I would. You would do a better job than me, especially today with the way that my mouth and brain are working together. My mouth and brain. There's the reason why Jesus says in John 14 says, I am the way I am the truth and I am life. Or the light. No man comes unto the father. Except through Jesus Christ. So when you're praying, you're praying in his name so it can get to the father. Cannot reach the father without going through the son. Can I say that again? You cannot reach the father without going through the son. He is our savior. His blood. It was the remission for our sins. So I cannot get to the father without going through Jesus Christ. In that prayer through Jesus or in Jesus name. Oh, you said my son. I got to listen. You acknowledge my son. I got to listen. Well, I think the word also says ask in my name. You receive in my name. Right. Absolutely. I mean, it literally the word says, I don't know the address, but I think there's a couple of times it says. In my name. People have. You can say God anywhere and I don't want to deviate from this podcast. You can say God anywhere, but not a lot of people can say Jesus. Because at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess. You can say God because anything can be your God. You can make your house, your God, your money, your God, people, your God. We have Buddha. We have Mohammed. We have so many things that represent a God, but everybody can be Jesus. I didn't see a lot of other people hanging on that crowd. OK, so in that, that's why we want to end the prayer of acknowledging who Jesus is so we can get to the father. Yeah, that's it. And also prayer when you are praying. Can I say this out loud? Don't be ashamed to say the the grimy stuff. No, you need to. Why do we go to the doctor and not tell the doctor what we are actually feeling? Why would you even go? If you're dealing with pain in your knee, you get to the doctor. The doctor come into the office and he say, hey, Mr. Brown, how are you? I'm good. What's the problem today? Oh, nothing. I just thought I'd come see your face. This one's hey. Yeah. Oh, hey, Copay. What's the purpose of going? The same thing when we go to God. We're saying, oh, OK, God, I need you. What you need? I'm good. You're good. Why are you here? Well, I know a lot of people think, well, he already knows what's on my heart. So why do I have to say it? Well, you do, because the word says, ask and you shall be given. I'm trying to look for my face. I'm sorry. If it says ask. Then you shall receive. If it says seek, then go seek. If it says knock, then use. Utilize the aspect of knocking. That's the only way the door will be open. Of course, your heart is red. Yeah, absolutely. God can see your heart. But if you're not knocking because you want something. And how the door going to be open for you to get it? I just, Holy Spirit, thank you. It's pride when you when you do that. Well, he knows my heart. And you don't stand there. Yeah, it's pride. Yeah, it's pride. That's what pride is. Sorry, guys. Oh, you just revealed it. Woo. You just let the whole monkey out the bag right now. Because we're standing there. I didn't. It wasn't me. You know my heart. For real. That's how it go. And then you get mad when it when you know you were supposed to ask God for something. You didn't. Chill, that's pride. Oh, my God. Thank you. Holy Spirit, I thank you. Thank you for revealing that. And then I think people think, well, I asked, but I don't see. I don't receive. I don't get it. And just because you ask doesn't mean it doesn't come in his timing. And there are some things that he will deny you because he has a better plan. That's why you pray for his will to be done. And not your will. Well, you teach him. You know, for real, because you do know and here's a group of people and if it's you, don't say nothing. Don't look at nobody. Just it's me. There's a group of people that will sit there in a prideful way and not say anything because a prayer wasn't answered in your time because you wanted something to take place in the timing for you. And it did. Now you're mad. Where's your faith? That's called faith, Mark, people. And there are people that are angry at God because it did not happen in their time. And that's a problem. That's a problem. That's a major problem. But that that kind of leads back into the legalism. Yeah. If if if God is a father and he knows certain things that need to take place for you at a certain time, if you get something prematurely, it's going to hurt. Mm hmm. But see, we can't see the big picture. We don't see the whole thing. We only see what's in our face. We only see what we think is coming around the bend. But he sees all all of it knows all. No, that could be a potential accident, a huge destruction coming around the bend. But we're just like, hey, give it to me. Give it to me now. Wow. I mean, I'll give this example again, because I know I've talked about it in the podcast before, but driving home from a trip with three girls in the car and I, you know, typical use bathroom for you get in the car and we get in the car and an hour later, you know, we've been tracking with the same people on the on the interstate group of cars. We're all the same people. And the girls were like, we're going to go bathroom. And of course, I'm like, irritated because I want to get home. It's going to take forever. Blah, blah, blah. Pull over. They use the restroom, get back on the interstate and literally 300 feet from where we had gotten off three of the cars that we were tracking with had wrecked in the middle of the interstate. And that's when you sit there and go, well, thank you, Lord, that we that the kids had. Wow. But these things we don't see, you know, like we don't see God fighting for us and fighting the battles because he spares us this stuff and we see it as frustration. That's the only way we see it. But that's timing. That's God's timing. I mean, it may have only been half an hour, but that's still God's timing. Yes. Yes. God's divine intervention. At that moment, at that time, what if you just said, no, y'all hold it. Yeah. We could have been under that underpass with the other three cars. My goodness. God, anything that's premature will have complications. I'll say that again. Anything that's premature, you will always have complications. Mothers say amen. Yeah. Just his timing is impeccable. It never fails. It's uncomfortable, though. Nobody likes it. We are impatient and we get worse and worse as life goes on. Impatient is not the word. Yeah, we are. We're definitely a generation of people that want something when we want it and we want it now. We're so used to having it now. So let our prayer be in a place when we are talking to God that I want to not only wait. I heard David say this in Psalms 40. I want to wait patiently. I don't want to wait because my weight can be frustrated. Oh, yeah. My weight can be a little agitated right now. But I want to learn how to wait patiently because if I wait patiently, when it happens, I'll enjoy it more. Whatever it is. If I'm waiting for a relationship, I want to enjoy it. I don't want something rushed. I'm talking to Nathan. But you also don't see the other blessings that are going to come along with it. With it. Because if I rush it, it's all in my time. Thank you, Lord. But anyways, back to prayer, because I think that, you know, we're saying this is this is what Jesus told us is the way to pray. But that doesn't discount the momentary conversations that you have throughout the day. No, it does not. No, it's just an ongoing thing. And like we just said, you know, just thanking him while you're driving down the road for whatever. That's prayer, too. You're acknowledging him. You're thanking him. You're, you know, giving him praise, really. You gave bullet points. Use those bullet points in your prayer. Acknowledge him when you when you're talking to God. Acknowledge it. God says, I am. This is this is the Ten Commandments. Exodus says, I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before none whatsoever, no matter who it is or what it is. No other God. So I'm acknowledge you in my prayer first. I'm a thank you, at least for the day or just being able to breathe, move. Even in your even in your moments of being like in the grimiest grime, you you can find something to thank him for. Yeah. So can you talk about that for just a minute? Because sometimes we forget to thank him because we're so worried about what we can get. Or we're so hurt or we're so angry or we're so whatever. We're all we're caught up in the world. We're in our heads, all that stuff. I don't want to forget to thank him. Yeah, always, always thank him. And even when you're, you know, when you're asking for something, thank him ahead of time that it's coming to fruition. Claim it. I mean, that's basically claiming it and thanking him ahead of time because you're just acknowledging that you trust in him. Wow. But yes, thankfulness, you know, grateful heart does huge things. Enter into his gates. Thanksgiving. Wow. She said, even if the situation is rough or you're you're dealing with something so major and so like it's just at a bad place, you still can take a moment to thank him. You can even like even when you're like, if you're, you know, if you're really burdened and you're just crying out to him, you can just thank him that you get to talk to him. That you can you can go to him with these things. Wow. I mean, if nothing more. I've in transparency, I've had to say, and I'm not saying I'm super deep with spiritual. Y'all trust me. I'm not. I've had to say thank you, Lord, at times where I know my anger is rising because it brings me to a place of, OK, let me acknowledge you first. It's humility. That's another important part of prayer is humility. I didn't mean to you go on with. No, that's really good because if you if you do humble yourself, it takes you out of you. It takes you out of you. Yeah. And the word even says to humble yourself. Whoa, that's so he's not going to hear the the cry of the proud. He's just, you know. So when you get angry, do you do you thank God at that moment? No, I don't know how you do that. So when I get angry, I'm just all about my angry. When you're on the interstate and, you know, you get real rage, you don't you don't thank God. Oh, no, I just go around them really fast. That's what I do. You don't wave at him and say, thank God for you. And I don't wave with the one finger either. I just don't do that. Amen. I might say some things under my breath or out loud. But you don't wave with the one finger. And I don't roll my window down and yell at them. I keep it all to myself. But yeah, I might say something out loud in my car. That's if you're riding with me, you'll know the difference. But I don't go, oh, God bless you. So we're saying we're saying, man, nobody, nobody get this thing right. Nobody. However, we're understanding the importance of why we can change it up just a little bit. We can. I mean, we're human. We get that we're going to be frustrated. We're going to be angered. We're going to be aggravated. But I would rather start acknowledging God, which is a process, acknowledging him more to humble myself in the midst of the chaotic mess or the storm. I would rather stay humble. It hasn't benefited me to act out with the chaos. And I was the one to act out with the chaos. If it's a storm, I'm going to be the Tasmanian. I'm going to roll with the storm. Let's go. But I didn't get a benefit from it. It hurt me more than it helped me. Yeah, but that takes wisdom to figure that out afterwards. Honey, it does. And like I figured it out 20 years ago. Because the flesh will be like, yeah, yeah. You better know it. Do it, do it. I feel good about it. Right. But why not be honest and say this is not an overnight process? God, I thank you that I'm learning how to pray. I'm learning how to pray. Yeah, and you can ask him to enlighten you, to equip you. Thank you. Thank you. Going back to your bullet points. I'm going to acknowledge you first. I'm going to thank you for being who you are. I'm also going to receive, but also accept. I accept this day because you gave it to me. I receive this day, and I'm ready for my daily bread. And then I got to go into some stuff that's uncomfortable. Forgiveness. Yep. Bullet points. Bullet points. This is our prayer. This is how we got to do it. And these are conversations that we have with God. Like, I know you talk to God in the shower or in the car, and you'd be saying different things like, God, I need you to flip this thing around. Turn this thing around for me. Bless this, blah, blah, blah, this and that. There are times when you can put in there, God, I thank you. God, I love you. God, I repent. Yeah. You know, you can throw that in there while you're asking. Yeah, while you're in the car, just thank him that you have a car. There you go. I mean, if things are that bad, just find something. Yes, ma'am. I hope things aren't that bad. We pray that it's not. Even before, and Shelby is about to pray, y'all. She's about to pray. I'm glad we did this podcast. We might do a part two to this. Yes, we need to because we really didn't cover it. Yeah, and I want to dig into this more because some people may ask, why does Shelby start praying for every podcast? Why didn't it start off that way? I do want her to go into answering that question and how the Holy Spirit deals with her and being sensitive to understand when the timing is right. This is very important. We might do a part two to this, but before you pray, Shelby, why is it important to you to pray now before we end the podcast? Well, there was, I know I was driving here when, I don't even know how far along ago it was, but I just put on my heart that that was what I needed to do from now on. So that's what I do. Period. Answer that. And some days are going to probably be shorter than others and some days might be lengthy. And, you know, it just depends on whatever I puts on my heart. He puts on my heart for... You wouldn't have to apologize because it's led. Right. It's Holy Spirit led. So I've never understood the timing. Like people, do they time your prayer? No. No. I know I used to do the, and this is when I was... Long time ago. Long time ago. So I would be asked to pray for Thanksgiving when the family was together. Yeah, we're not asking him anymore because he goes... He goes on and on and on. It's like 20 minutes. We hungry. I can't miss this call. So I don't know, timing and prayer, you know, I don't know how that goes. I would ask you that on the next one because sometimes we can... I learned, and I'm gonna help myself right here. I learned how to copy people in prayer. I thought it was super... I think we've all done that. Oh, really? Yeah. And I think when you're starting out, yeah, that's what you do. And that's okay at the beginning. I agree. I totally agree. At least you're doing it. I heard the deacons in the church, they said something, and I would try to copycat what they said. Right. Because I wanted to sound like them. I thought it was, you know, more deep. So I know we probably need to cut things off. But do you have to pray to someone for them to pray for you, to Jesus? Do you have to have a... That was the next one. ...to go between? I do want to talk about that. It is... we should... We want to hold on to that one. I want to hold on to that one because that is part two. Back in the day or even nowadays, um, there are religious groups, careful with my words, that still have to pray to someone for that prayer to reach God. And that's what we're going to cover. But the veil was torn in two. But you know what? People even thought that about our ancestors or like, Mama, can you pray for this for me? Because I don't know if he's hearing me. So I want my mama to do it. So we'll talk about that. I do. I do want to cover that one. Because maybe we think that Shelby prayers can get through quicker than yours. You know, we do lean on people. Stuff like that. Like, it's kind of like the same with the demonic. Like, if we think that someone has... We see that rehearsal every Wednesday. But I ain't going to say nothing, Shel. But we know that Shel can push some stuff. It's going to be like, oh, God. They get up and leave. However, you do know that you have access to our father as well. Yeah. And your prayers matter just as much as anybody else's. There's no difference. The pretty words mean nothing. Come on. Come on. I mean, get down to the grime and the nitty gritty, because he don't care. He's going to hear you, regardless. Just revere him, though. But even you can get angry. You can get angry. You can get angry. You can get angry. But even you can get angry. I mean, like, I was not in the best mood yesterday when I'm like, okay, really? I'm going to do it. But really, do I have to? Thank you for giving reference to God in a time that it was uncomfortable. You didn't even want to. But it was the obedience and the commitment. That means more to God than anything. Because we want to do what we want to do. You know, we are human. We want to do it. 24-7. Yeah, buddy. 365. So, part two. Oh, we're going to touch on that. Okay. I can't wait for that one, because I do want to dispel a myth. There's a few. Yeah. But you just kind of exposed it just a little bit. The veil was torn. Yes, it was. Yeah, we'll say that. Jill. Okay. I guess it's my time to pray now. Yes, ma'am. All right. Heavenly Father, Lord, we are amazed by you once again. We humble ourselves before you, Father. And I just pray that this prayer would touch whoever needs to be touched. Lord, may it be a very personal, tangible way of feeling your presence for them. Father God, I lift up marriages because that's something that you have burdened me with. And I know that the enemy is so after them right now. Lord, whatever you have put together, we know that no man can put us under. Father, just bless marriages right now, especially those that are going through difficult times, which seems to be the thing in these times right now. Lord, I just ask that you would pour your spirit out upon those unions. Pour your spirit out throughout their households, upon their children, Lord. Cover them and anoint them. Cover them in the blood of the lamb. Bring them together, Lord. Encourage them to drop their pride. Encourage them to drop anything that is separating them. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command the enemy to let go. What's the spirit of strangulation? Squeezing. It has to go in the name of Jesus. Spirit of Jezebel. Oh, she's so popular. She's so popular in the name of Jesus, the spirit of Jezebel. If you are within earshot of this recording, I command you to lose things right now, to march your sorry butt out that door back to the pit of hell where you belong. You may think that you're prevalent. You may think that you're a creative and you've won, but you have nothing. And in the name of my Lord, I'm going to command you to go. And so you have to leave in the name of Jesus. And we shall wipe the dust off of our feet from you. Because we are the head and not the tail. And we can stomp on scorpions and serpents. We will not be injured. We can drink poison and not be injured. The word says, and I stand on that. You stand on it, too. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Lord, that your authority would ring true in the believers that are listening to this. That they would stand in courage and faith and boldness and claim what your word says for them. That there are conquerors more than conquerors. That they, they yield the sword of the spirit. And they can command things and change the atmosphere, not because of them, but because of you, Lord, equip them. And may your Holy Spirit bubble up within them and, and, and having create a new fire. Maybe even revival. I don't know, but Lord, do what you want to do. May your will be done in the lives of everyone listening. And Father, may your heart's desires come to fruition in our lives. You know what our heart's desires are. But Lord, I pray that our heart's desires would become yours. Less of us and more of the Holy Spirit. Pour yourself out on us, Lord. We need you. We want you. And we're expecting you. In the mighty name of Jesus, I just. I claim wholeness. I claim peace. I claim healing. I claim deliverance. For your people who are listening. I don't need to know what it's about, because I know you know what it's about. And they know what it's about. And that's all that needs to happen. So claim your freedom, children. In the mighty name of Jesus. We love you, Lord. We praise you. And we ask for these things in your holy and almighty name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Lord. Thank you so much. You awesome, great people for tuning in to Word of Mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby. Again, when we come back, we're going to have a part two to this. And we're just going to call it prayer. Yes, sir. So we'll see you all later. Bye.

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