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PSY 330 Wk 6 Audio File

PSY 330 Wk 6 Audio File

Whitney Huppert



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The journal article discusses the importance of gift giving and receiving boundaries in education. It highlights the significance of receiving tokens of appreciation from students and the need to evaluate the implications of accepting or declining gifts. The article also emphasizes the potential problems that can arise, such as favoritism and perpetuating socioeconomic disparities. The author reflects on their upbringing and the values of selflessness and giving that have influenced their career in the helping profession. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining fair and inclusive gift-giving practices in education. Hello, I'm Whitney. My week 6 journal article is about gift giving and receiving boundaries. In the realm of education, we have the custom of giving and receiving gifts plays a significant role. As professionals in the field, we are accustomed to receiving tokens of appreciation at the accumulation of the academic year and during teacher appreciation week. Our students also express their gratitude through gifts often in the form of colorful drawings or heartfelt offerings like projects from their art classes. Despite the modest nature of these presents, they carry a very deep meaning and also serve as touching expressions of the relationships we cultivate with our students. As an educator, we also need to look at the place in which the gift is coming from. When considering a gift, it is important to evaluate the potential implications of accepting or declining it. It is also necessary to determine the quote monetary value of the gift, unquote, understand the cultural significance of the gift giving for the client and ourselves, and assess the stage of the helping process to determine if the accepting of the gift is appropriate at that time. Corrie and Corrie 2021, page 283. Considering these when accepting a gift is critical of the gift giving boundary that needs to be upheld. When we do not abide by these boundary questions, we can find ourselves in a gray area of accepting gifts. As an educator who interacts with a wide variety of people, I carefully consider each gift I receive. I also take into account the person giving the gift and the thought and effort put into the gift. This cost includes time and money, the purpose of the gift and the timing of the gift. Each of these factors help me appreciate and understand the significance of the gift and the context in our relationship. The connections and bonds that I cultivate as an educator are critical to the growth and achievement of every student in the classroom. The sincere tokens of appreciation for my students signify the deep sense of trust and highlight the positive outcomes of the learning journey. The problems that can arise with gift giving and receiving. When it comes to gift giving and receiving, there are different things that could negatively encounter as an educator. When it comes to giving gifts as an educational individual, it is important to be mindful of favoritism. Gifting only to specific students or small groups can result in negative perceptions and be seen as unfair. This can have detrimental effects on the relationships between the educator and students, impacting the overall learning environment. Therefore, it is critical for educators to consider the potential consequences of their gift giving practices and strive to maintain a fair and inclusive approach. As an educator, it is important to consider the impact of receiving gifts, especially in the context of the students from the diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Accepting monetary gifts such as donations within the educational setting may unknowingly contribute to the perpetration of socioeconomic disparities among students and families. This may lead to the creation of an environment where students may feel excluded or marginalized based on their economic status, which goes against the goal of fostering an inclusive and equitable education environment. Therefore, it is crucial to approach gift giving in a manner that does not place any pressure or obligations on the individuals or their families to participate in gift giving. How my upbringing influences my choices with gift giving and receiving and the boundaries. As I reflect on my upbringing in a large family, I recognize the valuable lessons we learned from an early age. Our family model revolved around the idea of giving more than we took, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a sense of balance and support among everyone. In our family, we were raised with the belief that performing acts of kindness should stem through an authentic sense of care and understanding, rather than from anticipating of receiving gains in exchange for our actions. This upbringing instilled within us a deep-rooted understanding of the value of selflessness and giving to others as the impact of authentic, heartfelt gestures of care and support can support people in many different ways. The family model that has been ingrained in my upbringing has greatly influenced my career path and that of many of my siblings. The values instilled by this motto have led to us to pursue careers in the helping profession, such as mental health, nursing, and education. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, understanding, which are essential qualities for anyone working in the helping profession. My references come from our Becoming a Helper 2021, Corey and Corey, 8th Edition, Carnage Learning.

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