In this captivating audio, "When Jad Pukh Tormented - Punjabi Nazm", there unfolds an enchanting Punjabi narrative poem. The narrative is centred around Jad, a character who is constantly tormented by Pukh. The story is beautifully woven in the melodious rhythm characteristic of Nazm, a popular form of Punjabi poetry. The words and cadences evoke a deep sense of emotion and drama, immersing listeners into the heart of Jad's struggles. The term 'sataya' used in the context, delineates this torment further, reflecting the trials and tribulations Jad endures. The Punjabi dialect adds an extra layer of cultural richness, making the audio a fascinating journey through the highs and lows of Jad's experience with Pukh. The audio is a powerful testament to the beauty of Punjabi Nazm and the emotional depth it can convey.